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Chapter 851 Kill Edith

Chapter 851 Killing Edith

Author: Xiao Xisui

Chapter 851 Killing Edith

Hassan took Aisha to the tea room, and Pan Rui also rushed there.

"I want to hunt down Noriko Honma!" Pan Ruiyi told them.

"Noriko Honma is currently in the suburbs. It's strange, right at the place where you defeated the white salamander." Hassan said, "It's too weird. I don't recommend you go there."

"But I have to go there." Pan Ruiyi spread his wings and flew outside without hesitation.

"Ouch!" Wei Yueyue had been flying in the clouds. When she saw Pan Ruiyi moving, she also fluttered her wings to follow. She simply let Pan Ruiyi sit on her back and went to hunt down Noriko Honma together.

"Sister, let's go there too!" 102 looked towards the direction they left and hurriedly urged 101.

"Then let's go." 101 started.

"Where are they going...oh? To hunt down Noriko Honma? Count me in!" Liwu Hat had just used her magic power to sink the navy of Safale City and stuffed more than 20 large and small warships into the bottom of Spice Bay.


"Let's go! Let's take the shuttle there!" Huang Quan Lei Shen quickly looked for a suitable shuttle.

"It's time to end it!" Itsu Shinten brandished his spear and sword, and followed with the Chainsaw Angel.

Hunting Noriko Honma!

They arrived at the place where the white salamander was killed.

Noriko Honma's small shuttle parked on the sand dunes. It was already dusk. She stood next to the white salamander's unhealed body and fed it food like a pet.

"Noriko Honma!" Pan Ruiyi was suspended in the air, aiming at Pan Ruiyi with his fist, "Today is the day you die!"

Noriko Honma turned around and saw the witches and stray angels from Nisto Company.

There was almost no change in her eyes, and her expression was still indifferent.

"This is a desert! There is no danger to hide, no way to go! Our power has been aimed at you, what hope do you have?" Pan Ruiyi yelled angrily. She couldn't see Noriko Honma holding such a pearl of wisdom.

It looks like there are plenty of roads.

"...What hope do I have?" Noriko Honma looked at her watch.

Immediately afterwards, a dark gold portal opened in the air, as if a transparent monster suddenly opened its eyes.

A strangely strong man walked out of it. He was at least 2.8 meters tall, tall and completely bald. He wore a crown made of olive branches and gold. His facial features were eye-catching and straight. He was wearing a simple and gorgeous classical consul's robe.

The clothes are decorated with purple and white, just like the monarchs of ancient times.

Edith the Reborn!

He turned around and spoke in secret to the white salamander beside him.

"Jem uif epooe, miaefo." His tone was gentle yet stern.

"Nn nautuf, Finpsfs." The white salamander responded weakly, like a humble courtier.

"...You have wounded my unfortunate subordinates and friends. You must know that after 10,000 years, my friends have become fewer and fewer. It once became stronger, but it will degrade and forget over time, and then

It becomes stronger again, degrades again, and forgets again. It will never grow up. I warned it not to hunt everywhere, but it always hopes to do something to stop you greedy witches." Edith reached out and patted the white salamander's forehead.


The white salamander closed its eyes under Edith's care and looked particularly calm, completely different from its usual violent state.

"Edis...!" Pan Ruiyi was alert and nervous.

"It's useless to talk more! Someone has to die anyway!" The Underworld Thunder God aimed at Noriko Honma, clenched the thunder gun in his hand, and instantly struck her with lightning.

Edith just glanced at the lightning, and it disappeared without a trace, as if the entire lightning had never been emitted.

Noriko Honma glanced at the empty air.

"...I hope you can help us ease the pressure of the situation a little." Noriko Honma looked at Edith, "Recapture the city of Safale."

Edith responded with action, pointing one hand to the sky.

"Cracking Wave!" He released his power.

The immeasurable power destroyed the sky, and the flying witches were instantly shot down.



"It hurts!" Pan Ruiyi was knocked to the ground first, and the huge explosion wave completely shot her down. 102 was also blown away, and Izu Zhenten had half of his body broken into pieces, and his whole body fell to the ground instantly.


"Ouch -" Wei Shiyue flew out, speechless. Edith's power far exceeded their expectations. If such a terrifying guy returns to Safale City, the victory they finally won will be taken away again!

"You hate witches and you work with Ishtar." Liwu Hat stood firm and frowned. Countless blood foam was blown out of her body.

"Kill you first, then Falosa, and finally Ishtar." Edith stretched out his hand to restore the white salamander.

He looks like a Buddhist monk, an ancient human god or an emperor. From his dress, manner and tone of voice, he looks like he comes from another lost civilization.

Pan Ruiyi stood up unsteadily, but kept vomiting blood.

Edith's attack not only destroyed the power system of her armor, but also shook her soul, leaving her extremely dazed.

The white salamander recovered quickly under Edith's healing. It was not as scary as its shining state, but it was still much stronger. It was covered with solid scales. It stood up next to Edith and stared at the witches with sinister eyes.

, as if he was about to be released by Edith for hunting at any time.

Pan Ruiyi was exhausted and looked around, trying to find hope.

They fought bravely, but just now Edith defeated them all with just one move.

All she could see was the terrifying face of the white salamander and the terrifying figure of Edith.

She clenched her fists and tried to steady her breathing, but it was no use.

The white salamander that had been defeated with all its strength was now standing intact, staring at Pan Rui provocatively, and the deadly feud between the two parties was finally concluded.

Is this it... the end?

The odds of winning are so low, it feels like being trapped in a nightmare.

She could sense that when Edith released his power, a wave of spiritual energy hit them. This was some kind of mental damage, but because it was too powerful, it was enough to tear reality apart.

The place that Edith had attacked with the fission wave was shining with a strange light, which was a reflection of the damage to the space structure, representing his full power as a near-god.

He may not hold any specific power, he is just... incomprehensibly powerful, the most powerful member of the old civilization, the emperor of the old, and the god on earth.

Presumably Edith was also an amazingly talented person in his own time, but ten thousand years later, with only his white salamander by his side, he tried to hunt down and eradicate all witches.

Pan Ruiyi raised his hand and wanted to smash his fist into Edith's head, but he couldn't.

"Your god will not show up to save you, because Falosa - she is as timid as a mouse, she can only project some abilities. She has many enemies, and no one will even come to help her." Edith said to the witch.

Let's go.

"Yes. Lady Falosa will not come to help because she has to use all her strength to guard the northern archipelago." Pan Ruiyi gritted his teeth.

"You are really her loyal dog. Even if you are about to die, you will still protect her." Edith said with a smile.

Pan Ruiyi took a deep breath.

"But that doesn't mean she won't teach you a lesson." Pan Ruiyi said.

"..." Edith was alert.

Pan Ruiyi raised his hand.

It's now.

"Please, Lord Falosha, show up!"

Immediately afterwards, a burst of starlight rippled across the venue!

"Farosa's power?" Huang Quan Lei Shen was surprised.

"Finally!" Wei Shiyue spat out human words.

"Tsk." Edith concentrated on it.

"Farosa..." Noriko Honma murmured.

"...Ah..." Pan Ruiyi watched the light light up with relief.

The stars flash.

But then, it flickered strangely, and then fled thousands of miles away to an unknown place.


"What is this?" Edith almost laughed out loud when he saw Farossa's power appear briefly and then disappear.

"Ahhh——" Pan Ruiyi's heart was also full of disappointment.

Although she defended Falosa just now, she extremely hoped that Lady Falosa would actually show up to save them and save these witches.

but no.

Falosa did not appear directly here, disrupting the battle situation.

——Covering the battlefield with her boundless starlight and destroying enemies with terrifying god-killing weapons, how wonderful it would be if that were the case!

Pan Ruiyi couldn't help but wet his eyes.

"Come on, monster." Pan Ruiyi staggered, ready to fight to the bitter end.

Even though she knew it was in vain. The power of the Bingliang Pills and the magic potion were already weakening, and she would die suddenly in a short time before she could fight for long.

"As you wish." Edith waved his arms back, as if preparing for the most violent attack.

He saw Noriko Honma suddenly raise her hand.

The other witches also closed their eyes suddenly, and even the white salamander shrank back.

A bright light flashed in the sky.

It was as if Falosa's radiance evoked a stronger resonance...


The shining—pure sunlight suddenly shot toward White Salamander and Edith!

"Gah!" The white salamander let out a shrill scream.

Its body was completely ignited by the solar flare and it was unable to move, as if it was nailed to the ground. The air was filled with the smell of burnt flesh.

The white salamander crouched down, in agony, screaming repeatedly, its body was constantly burned and reborn, and the multiple times of severe pain tortured its nerves!

"This is-" Pan Ruiyi was surprised.

It was originally sunset time, but the sunlight suddenly became ten times stronger, as if we were back at midsummer noon!

"Damn--" Edith's robe was set on fire, and his figure was also scorched by the scorching sun.

The witches raised their heads and looked at the creature that released sunlight.

It... is coming!

Their hearts were beating violently and they were in a huge shock unconsciously.

Brilliant light filled the air.

This creature, with its hair entwined with blazing flames and a strong and huge body, floated above their heads, four hundred meters high, like a moving mountain. It wore a simple armor, but no metal could conceal the energy coming from its body.

The golden light exudes.

When the witches were illuminated by this light, they did not feel hot or painful, they only felt comfortable and safe, just like the gentle touch of the spring sunshine, which even gently wiped away all their pain and fatigue, as if they were being clothed

A soft feather blanket.

Even though many of them have never seen it, they feel a strange sense of familiarity the moment they see it, as if they are old friends for many years, walking in its light every day, so that they often forget its identity.


Its words are as loud as thunder, each character carries countless meanings, and each syllable represents the weight of years!


Yanduo suddenly fell from the sky.



It punched Edith and White Salamander into the depths of the desert!

Huge shock waves blasted out in all directions, knocking the witches away.

"Yanda?" It turned around and saw the witches who were knocked away by the aftermath of its attack, and made a nervous and uneasy voice. It was afraid that its attack and destruction would accidentally injure them.

Its fist tightly crushed Edith at the bottom of the pit, and the temperature of thousands of degrees began to turn the entire desert into a hell of fire.

"It's too hot! Their fight is too scary - let's take Noriko Honma away first!" 101 teleported over and caught Noriko Honma, who was also knocked to the sand.

She grabbed Noriko Honma's arm fiercely and teleported her back to her friends.

Noriko Honma was suddenly surrounded by witches!

"Humph..." Pan Ruiyi tried his best to catch it.

"Homma Noriko..." Liwu Hat looked down at this woman in formal clothes and with her hair in a bun. She felt that she was much smaller than in the news.

"Noriko Honma!"

"It's in our hands!"

"We meet again!" 102 shouted.

Noriko Honma raised her head.

Looking at these witches who were far stronger and taller than her, all she could see were angry and stern faces.

"..." She opened her mouth but said nothing.

They were like walls, completely surrounding poor Noriko Honma.

These first-class war witches have powerful arms, strong thighs, and terrifying bodies.

Just standing around her and staring down at her would almost crush Noriko Honma!

Each of them stretched out a hand and quickly took Noriko Honma back to Safaree City.

The war is over!

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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