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Chapter 853: Almost Killed

Chapter 853 Almost killed

Author: Xiao Xisui

Chapter 853 Almost killed

Safaree City.

"Noriko Honma has been caught? Send her back quickly. There are still many secrets on her." Upon hearing the news, Hassan first felt the joy of electronic programming, and then began to formulate follow-up plans for the new situation.

The battle between Yanduo and Yidis will not be decided in the short term. Hassan asked the convoy to set up a cordon to block the road in that direction. Yanduo will continue to fight until Yidis is driven away.

As for the city of Safale, after the war, Hassan had to maintain order. Sporadic fighting was still taking place in some neighborhoods, and gang members and bandits who took advantage of the chaos needed to be arrested and executed.

The peace announcement was issued, and Queen Aisha was ready to speak to the citizens in person to calm people's emotions and restore everyone's love and hope for the city of Safale.

While Hassan was very busy, he also had to escort the queen to the main square of Safale. It deployed a shield generator so that Queen Aisha would not be injured no matter what.

Aisha was wearing the crown given by Hassan, her long brown hair was hanging down, and she looked at Hassan carefully with her beautiful eyes, and she couldn't help but feel happy on her face.

"We won." She reached out and touched Hassan's mechanical shoulder.

"What a hard-won victory..." Hassan couldn't help but sigh. He had nothing but hard work, wisdom and an iron heart.

People have gathered in the square and it is very lively. There is an atmosphere of expectation that is particularly lively.

People from all walks of life gathered together, preparing to listen to the Queen's declaration. The square was like a brightly colored picture, and people were talking a lot. Many people looked at the scene of destruction in Safale City in panic and uneasiness, but there were also confident young people and children.

, their expressions were relaxed and calm, ready to face tomorrow, while Aisha's army was even more immersed in the hard-won victory.

Ayesha's long dress fluttered in the wind, and the birds soared in the blue sky again. This scene will become an unforgettable memory for many people present.

"Citizens of the Spice Coast! Today is a day worth remembering!" Queen Aisha's clear and penetrating voice sounded in the square. She knew that she rose from abjection, so she was humble in attitude and sincere in her words.

Recorded by camera drones, her appearance and speeches will be broadcast around the world.

"Power, the unbridled power that we have long been outraged about, is finally being abolished through our collective efforts! We once lived in the shadow of Noriko Honma, who built a huge army for the purpose of

Let us surrender to her and the unjust system she has created. She and her lackeys have been oppressing us, forcing the residents of the Spice Coast to surrender their freedom, law, dignity, life and security. She can take away our rights and wealth at will.

and the products of labor, so that we can only follow the road with the eyes, and convey the concept of resistance in a subtle way... No more now! The pyramid of this system has been destroyed by us, and we have stepped on a thousand feet!" Ayesha said loudly.


"I will bring the 'Spice Law'! This law will turn the spice resources we are proud of into an important industry that makes each of us rich, and will no longer be a tool for the few to harvest the majority!

I will distribute the benefits of spices to my subjects, so that people can fill their bellies and no longer have to worry about health care, education and elderly care. We will ensure that everyone in this new kingdom, as long as they are willing to be responsible for themselves and society, can

Can become a decent and wealthy person, and enjoy life freely with the support of 'spice gold'!"

"For a long time, the Near East has been distorted in external propaganda, as if we only export explosives, here there is only sand, spices and war, the men are all ignorant, sinister, conservative, and the women are all coquettish, shameless, greedy, wearing veils, headscarves and robes

...People who think like this have never been here in person! We must also break free from the shackles from today on and build a new culture on our Spice Coast, an independent and shining culture! Redefine prosperity and development!"


"Very good!"

"Long live Queen Aisha!" People were excited.

The fear and suffering caused by the war were quickly washed away with the promise of the new society.

Queen Aisha's words were loud and convincing, and the citizens couldn't help but become excited and proud, as if a heavy burden had been lifted from their shoulders.

Finally free to live in peace and prosperity, greatly increased salaries and social benefits are beckoning to them. Under Aisha's leadership, the proud Near Eastern traditions will also be reaffirmed, strengthening their construction of self-awareness.

“The time of the Spice Law has come!”

"It's so exciting... It's the first time in many years that such a hero has appeared!"

“We are so proud!”

"Fortunately, I survived, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to enjoy the new life after the war."

"Is this dark life finally going to get better?"

"Xisheng has fallen, and the Spice Coast is in the hands of the spice nobles! Everything is like going back to five years ago!"

"Queen Aisha is the best leader!" More people were talking in various places in the city, thinking about their future, and a wave of happiness and hope swept through the city of Safale.

Hassan nodded. He saw determination and perseverance in Ayesha's face, just like a lioness. Although he was just a humble servant, he was very happy to join the ranks of changing the course of history.

No matter what the future holds, it will cherish this memory and the day when Queen Aisha announced their final victory.

There are still many things to be done. The city of Safale must be restored to operation as soon as possible. As an important port and financial center in the Near East, it is not acceptable to be in such a dilapidated state. Once the city is repaired, the economy will flow again, and a large amount of foreign trade will

The spices will become a steady stream of funds, allowing Ayesha's promises to be fulfilled one by one.

There are many things, including many damaged buildings, a large number of injured soldiers, and families who have lost their loved ones. These things must be properly resolved, otherwise they will cause unnecessary trouble. Hassan analyzes various problems and generates a large number of responses in a timely manner.


Half an hour later, the speech in the square ended. Hassan watched the crowd slowly disperse, believing that Aisha must also be relieved.

Aisha went to Hassan and ordered him to set up an advisory group as soon as possible to plan the next move.

"I'm a queen. This is terrible," Ayesha murmured. "There are so many things."

"The people from Nisto Company have arrived at the shore, and they will provide help. Let's go and have a look." Hassan suggested.

"Maybe others don't know, but I know clearly that they are the ones who helped me win this war." Ayesha said calmly.

"That's right."

"Then will they take the opportunity to blackmail and control me? For example, ask me to sign some agreements that are beneficial to them?" Ayesha asked.

"As long as I'm here, I will never let this happen!" Hassan said firmly.

Ayesha looked at Hassan. Nisto Company specially designed his appearance to look like a handsome man, with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, darker skin color, neat hairstyle, and straight facial features. He was completely a handsome man from the Near East, which made her particularly fond of him.

"Then...go." Aisha said in a long voice. She looked at Hassan, her eyes showing undisguised love and attachment.

They came to the port. On the dilapidated street, there was still a marble flowerbed that had not been hit by cannonballs, trampled or burned. The fragrance of roses was exuding from it, conveying the tranquility and vitality after the war.

The waves were rolling in the port, and Hassan asked Ayesha to stand on the steps and wait.

"What is that?" Ayesha pointed to a black teardrop-shaped shuttle. It originally had a streamlined appearance and flawless style, but now it has a lot of external storage compartments and new equipment, and it seems to have received a new modular treatment.

"Shenhui, the representative of Nisto Company is there, waiting for me to talk to him." Hassan asked Aisha to stay here for a while, and she went to check it in person.

After the cabin is opened, it goes in immediately.

Xu Yang controlled Hassan to sit down. He turned off Hassan and ordered Weaver Star Niang to take out new parts and continue upgrading the machine.

"It's time to replace it with better parts. I've been really wasting a lot of work these days." Xu Yang checked Hassan's control chip, power system and intelligent module.

"I am the pilot of the Shenhui, not a mechanic!" Zhi Xingniang said proudly.

Xu Yang knocked on Weaver Star Niang's illusion, and she pouted and handed Xu Yang different upgrade spare parts so that he could modify Hassan, and then restart the machine after the repairs were almost complete.

Hassan stood up and checked himself.

"Test yourself and talk to yourself." Xu Yang said.

"What kind of multitasking?" Hassan said to himself, "This is too outrageous. Isn't it just like chatting with a tape recorder?"

"Isn't it hard for you to do this?" Weaver Star Niang was curious.

"Enjoy it, just enjoy it," Hassan said.

It stepped off the shuttle and returned to Ayesha.

"What did the Nisto representative say?" Ayesha asked curiously.

"It's very peaceful. It has proposed a series of mutually beneficial plans to us. Let's go, Her Royal Highness, I know you must be working very hard, so let me work hard and let you relax a little bit!" Hassan said.

"Hey - I'll give you half an hour." Queen Aisha hugged Hassan and got on a shuttle to leave.

Xu Yang went to check on Noriko Honma's situation. Before he arrived at Noriko Honma's prisoner room, he saw Kojima Yezi arriving at some unknown time.

"Why are you here?" Xu Yang was surprised.

"My mother has been arrested, I will definitely come to see her." Kojima Yezi said tiredly, "She still has many secrets."

"Yes, this is the most important thing. Noriko Honma knows a lot of ultimate secrets about Qiyin and Xisheng." Xu Yang nodded.

"Let me go see her." Ye Zi pleaded.

"Then...go." Xu Yang said.

Ye Zi enters Noriko Honma's cell, and Noriko Honma is like the ultimate reflection of the flashy phantom of the past, reflecting the afterimage of Nozomi that is now broken all over the ground.

They looked at each other, mother and daughter looking at each other as they had not seen each other for a long time.

Ye Zi said a few words to his ninjas, and they quickly moved away.

"Mom." Kojima Yezi walked over to Honma Noriko and sat down.

Noriko Honma stroked Ye Zi's hair.

"You've grown up." She looked at Ye Zi's belly, "And you're pregnant again."

"I am pregnant with the child of a powerful person." Kojima Yezi said softly, "Mom, your biggest dream has been fulfilled in me."

Noriko Honma nodded, she was always calm and confident. Ye Zi felt that she was so beautiful, and mother and daughter looked exactly alike. However, Ye Zi grew up with the years, and Noriko Honma regained her youth. Now it seems that Ye Zi

More like a mother's role.

"Nisto Company will be swallowed up by Xi Sheng's children." Noriko Honma said, with a hint of relief in her tone. She was already exhausted, but fortunately she knew that Ye Zi could go on in her place. This is more important than anything else.

life is more important.

"Yes! You know, the real owner of Nisto Company is Xu Yang. I am already pregnant with his child, and he has promised to hand over Nisto Company to my children, Xisheng's children." Ye Zifu.

Whispered next to mother.

"Isn't this the best ending?" Noriko Honma sighed, "Everything is in its place."

"Yes, Xu Yang, he loves me and will not reject my plan. I am also the only woman who will give him children. The other witches do not have his bloodline at all. All his businesses and heirs are Xisheng's children.

This cannot change." Ye Zi said calmly and shrewdly.

"You do better than me." Noriko Honma hugged her daughter.


"I want to know the secrets of this world. They won't let you live, mother, tell me the truth before you leave." Ye Zi approached Noriko Honma.

"..." Noriko Honma whispered to Zi Zi, and handed her last password to Zi Zi, to her closest relatives of flesh and blood, "Yi Zi, you are my substitute. With this password, you are alive and have nothing to do with me.

the difference."

"Thank you, mother." Ye Zi calmly stepped back. She nodded and verified the accuracy of the password. She knew that she had become Xisheng's unique successor and had swallowed up all the inheritance of Noriko Honma. They all now belong to Kojima Ye Zi.

Then the ninjas came back again, holding a wonderful container containing molten gold.

"Mom, I'll use this to send you on your way. You love money the most. They will replace your internal organs." Ye Zi said softly.

Noriko Honma looked at her own flesh and blood with pleasure, even the cruelty was the same as her own, so what was there to be afraid of in death? She had left the best replica in the world.

She raised her head and drank the molten high-temperature metal. They burned Noriko Honma's internal organs, from her tongue, esophagus to intestines, scalding her alive. The ninjas could smell the burning smell of the corpse, and even they looked embarrassed.

Looking at Noriko Honma's gleaming body, Ye Zi walked out and said goodbye to her mother.

"Actually, Yang won't give me anything. I lied to you."

(End of chapter)

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