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Chapter 860 Welcome to Her Majesty the Queen

Chapter 860 Welcome Her Majesty the Queen

Author: Xiao Xisui

Chapter 860 Welcome Her Majesty the Queen

The shadows of the stars are as bright as stardust and as dark as ghosts.

Falosa tried to take some more spices and peek into the mysteries of the starry sky, but Xu Yang stopped her.

"Aren't you scared?" His arm wrapped around her waist and climbed up to her chest. His fingertips were slightly disturbed, which made her laugh, even if she didn't laugh.

"What I'm afraid of is something else." Falosa leaned against Xu Yang. People were much warmer than machines. She didn't understand why people were so obsessed with D2.

Finding true love in life is such a wonderful journey.

The wind blew the curtains, and there was a chill in the air. The noise reduction curtains absorbed the noise outside. She looked outside and saw many drones hurriedly passing by like a swarm of bees.

"Just now, when I was smoking spices with Ayesha, I saw something very strange. It was a very strange existence that used the dark deep space as its home and living matter as its prey. The fragments of the throne in my body shone brightly.

, as if the fluorescence in the deep sea is enough to attract the largest abyss-dwelling monster, which makes me deeply worried. Its shadows alone are monsters that are difficult for us to fight against." Falosa murmured.

"So we are back to the original law: people must fight for survival." Xu Yang held Falosa's hand.

Falosa was in a trance. She had visions of distant fragments. In the future, they will fight just for survival, and the youngest children will also have to go to the battlefield. Children, by the way, will there be children in this world?

"It's snowing outside," Falosa said.

"Do you want to go see the snow?" Xu Yang asked.

"Let's go."

"I have to stay here, a guest will come." Xu Yang said mysteriously.

It's like this again. A trace of doubt flashed through Falosa's mind. The mysterious Xu Yang always refused to explain things clearly. There is a guest coming, who is it? Where are they from? What is their identity? Are they related to Falosa?

Relationship? But she turned around and saw Xu Yang's calm expression, knowing that once this guy made up his mind, he would never change, and she never expected to hear anything from him.

"It's best to be a distinguished guest," Falosa warned.

"Absolutely." Xu Yang nodded.

Farosha left Kalifa Minaret. People in this area are used to wearing traditional clothes, so Farosha wearing an embroidered robe, hood and veil did not look out of place at all.

She walked very fast, and before people noticed her presence, she had already walked several blocks. Only high-speed cameras could capture Farosha's movements. As soon as ordinary people saw her, the next second Farosha was already gone.

Appearing hundreds of meters away, they could only feel the sound of wind and see fast colorful shadows in their field of vision.

Pharosa, the god who walks on earth.

She crossed her fingers and looked up to see snowflakes flying. She was surprised by the snow in June. This was a desert in the Near East, but it was snowing. The advertisement screen was showing warnings about an extreme cold wave. The cold wind would blow from the "central part of the Near East"

"The Mountain of Darkness" erupted and swept in all directions.

The so-called Black Mountain is the area where the Frost Titan and the Hades Titan live and hide, and it is also the entrance to Hades.

Falosa tightened her robe, and others on the street did the same.

There are many transformers, almost half of them are cyborgs. Some use gorilla arms to carry building materials, and some use mechanical legs to deliver goods. They can run very fast and outperform drones. Human beings strive to compete with artificial intelligence and machines.

Strive for your own livelihood job.

Falosa did not notice the existence of the witches. It is said that the witches in the Near East were acquired by another company, "Near East Godsend". Its headquarters is at the other end, separated from the Spice Coast by a dark mountain. Geographically, it is divided between the two major companies.

Separated by the Titan's lair.

She didn't like to deal with mortals, so 101 became her messenger. He was busy bringing boxes of cakes and snacks to Farosha, letting her please her taste buds with sweets. There are many historical places in Safale City.

Dessert shops and food shops, the locals’ love for sweets is outstanding, and it suits Falosa’s taste.

Falosa's sweet taste was also cultivated by Xu Yang. He gave Falosa too much sugar, which made her figure plumper. Seven years ago, she was only 51 kilograms, but now she weighs 70 kilograms, and she is heavy from front to back.

, enough to leave little 101 in awe.


Falosa was eating ice cream when, within a few minutes, a blizzard suddenly started falling, which was the first time for most people.

"...Will it snow in June at this latitude?" Falosa looked up.

"It's so cold." 101 stood next to Farosha.

Citizens were surprised by the sudden heavy snowfall. Most of them picked up their mobile phones to take pictures and point out the snow.

The temperature dropped sharply, which made Falosa feel very interesting. She came to the edge of the city and watched the withered desert covered with large and small white ice piles.

"The heavy snow and the yellow sand complement each other beautifully..." Falosa just started singing, and she felt the howling cold wind blowing from the west. It was so cold! Falosa didn't know how long she could endure it.

"Lord Farosha..." 101 looked at the snowflakes piled above Farosha's head.

"I hate snow." Farosha said word by word.

She missed the sunny weather. Just a few minutes ago, it was extremely hot here. She missed the smell of spices and flowers, not the sudden cold weather.

If this climate continues for a period of time, people will have to find ways to stay warm, plant crops or take care of animals with extra care to prevent them from freezing, all factories will have to reinstall cold-proof measures, and every family will have to start researching heating methods...

...Falosa took a deep breath.

"I have to go back to Xu Yang. Where did Xu Yang go?" Falosa turned her head.

"In Safalay's medical center." 101 checked Xu Yang's schedule.

"Hospital?" Falosa was puzzled, but still let 101 take her there.

The ward was as cold as outside, and the nurses walked quickly to deliver blankets to different rooms to prevent people from catching the cold.

Falosa came all the way to the obstetrics and gynecology department. She did not see Xu Yang, but first saw Ye Zi sitting in the ward, wearing a white hospital gown.

"Are you sick?" Falosa asked knowingly.

"Child..." Ye Zi stroked her belly. This was the second child she gave birth to for Xu Yang, but she had a bad fate and it might be difficult for her to come to the world.

"The Kongying crisis will affect you." Farosha gloated.

She wanted to see Ye Zi's sad expression when she gave birth to a soulless baby.

"Hey..." Ye Zi felt uneasy.

"How do people describe the empty baby crisis? As a mother, you know better than me." Falosa asked.

"It's like a strange curse. Doctors have tried everything, including drugs, surgery, induction of labor, gene therapy, nanorobots, artificial culture... nothing works. Some say it's God's punishment, others say it's the end of mankind.

"Ye Zi lowered his head.

"Actually, it's just that the God of Death blocked the reincarnated souls and prevented them from reincarnating themselves." Falosa said.

"Yes." Ye Zi said helplessly, "It can't be covered anymore. It's okay in very far places, such as the back of the planet. There are probably some delivery rooms. But in Safale City, no babies have been born in two months.


"Do you want to escape to the other side of the planet?" Falosa asked with interest.

Ye Zi read the cold sarcasm in Farosha's words. At least for the sake of her children, she had to be strong.

"I won't leave, because Yang will help me solve the crisis." Ye Zi said calmly.

"Heh." Falosa crossed her arms in front of her chest, disapproving of this.

"You're jealous." Ye Zi smiled.

"I'm not jealous, I just think you are naive." Falosa said.

A woman's cry came from the corridor outside. Farosa felt happy from the bottom of her heart and hurried outside to take a look.

Sure enough, it was a mother who gave birth to an "empty baby" who was wailing miserably.

The doctors and nurses have tried their best, but they can't do anything. They can only act busy and avoid facing such a grieving mother as much as possible.

She wanted to save the child, but she couldn't do anything. It was too late, or it was destined.

Two female nurses helped the poor mother to a safe place to rest. The crying continued until she was far away.

The chief surgeon and other doctors discussed the operation, and Falosa listened intently.

"...Although he was successfully born...this child has completely lost his soul, which means...has no biological significance..." the doctor murmured.

"We have to find a way to convince patients that this is a very 'common' situation recently, but they... no one can accept it, and we don't know what to say," another nurse said frustratedly.

"This situation is too complicated and cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences." The doctor sighed, "We are pretty good here. Some hospitals were directly smashed because of the empty infant incident, and many family members were completely crazy.


"All new children will become empty babies. Then humanity will perish... No, no, I never said this. Please don't record it. I don't want to be on the news."

Falosa walked like a ghost, quietly passing the doctors and entering the operating room, where she saw the so-called "empty baby" born from the mother.

Her eyes quickly fell on the little thing. The so-called "empty baby" already had flesh and blood, but it was just a hollow little body. It lay on a small bed covered with green sheets with its eyes closed. It looked like a humanoid.

, but without any consciousness, let alone emotions and thoughts, completely losing signs of life.

Farosha felt a little afraid of this "empty baby" for no reason. Now she suddenly felt less bitter about Little Ye Zi. If Ye Ye gave birth to such a freak, Farosha would also feel sympathy.

She returned to Ye Zi's ward at the other end of the corridor.

"Did you see it?" Ye Zi asked.

"Yes, that child...a child without a soul. Just think that one day you might give birth to it, one that cannot move..." Falosa shook her head.

"I don't want it." Ye Zi said sadly.

Falosa suddenly didn't know how to speak. She hesitated for a while and then said: "Don't you think it's strange? Soul reincarnation is something. After people die, the soul enters the realm of the God of Death, and then randomly enters the next mother's womb. You

The child could have been something else entirely in a previous life."

"You are a witch who is infertile, how can you understand?" Ye Zi touched his belly, "When I was pregnant with Qianshu, I dreamed that stars fell into my belly, and then I gave birth to the little witch Qianshu. Do you think witch

Did you steal my original daughter’s soul and then take Qianshu’s body?”

"I..." Farosha couldn't explain clearly in a short time.

"Ah - Falosa, you're here!" Xu Yang came from a distance.

"Xu Yang and his 'guests'..." Ye Zi murmured.

Guest? Falosa turned her head to see Xu Yang, and her eyes quickly moved to a figure behind him. She suddenly raised her hand and pinched the Law of Killing.

Isita was seen smiling and waving to Falosa.

(End of chapter)

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