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Chapter 864 Modifying the Death Cycle

Chapter 864 Modifying the Death Loop

Author: Xiao Xisui

Chapter 864 Modifying the Death Loop

The huge crack is lifeless, as if it leads to the bottom of the Nine Netherworld.

"That is death itself." Wei Yueyue stared at the entrance to the afterlife. She could feel that part of her body was calling and eager to embrace death. Ever since she was bombarded by the Silla people with a plasma cannon twelve years ago, she had almost

He is a dead dragon, relying on practicing the art of immortality to maintain his status quo.

"That's where Bomorti, the underworld, manages the cycle of death." The golden soul Chrysos transformed a golden sword from his hand.

"So I cut the entrance with a knife?" Falosa observed carefully.

"Yes, it's like going through a tunnel, but everyone else enters through the entrance, and you enter through the rock roof from right above the tunnel." Chrysos said with awe.

It revered the immense power of the god-killing weapon, perhaps the most powerful weapon this civilization could ever create.

"Then this is the end of our journey." Falosa thought thoughtfully, "Ellid and Pomordi's lair."

"I'm afraid Ellid will not wait for us in the afterlife, but will block the entrance, because that place is desolate and very strange." Chrysos judged.

"It's really hateful that your two brothers are destroying the world so much." Ishtar criticized righteously.

"I know what they want to do - kill all humans and turn this planet into the new home of the giants. This world is too crowded for us, but it is still empty after killing all the intelligent creatures." Chrysos said.

"It's so cruel. This is our home. I won't just watch everyone get killed by you." Ishtar was sad but determined.

Turn it into a dead planet? Falosa secretly thought. That is indeed more suitable for the giants. It turns out that they just want to turn this place into their new home, so they cause destruction without any care. To them, it is actually just "landform"

"Renovation Project" only.

By the way - we can also modify it. Falosa suddenly thought of this.

"Anyway, we have all thought about it, is there anything that can escape control, is it the soul? The size of the soul cannot be measured by secular legal standards, and no matter how harsh a human judge is, it cannot judge the weight of the soul. But you see, it is

There, that is the world after death, where every soul is managed." Farosha pointed at the entrance to the Underworld Tunnel.

As soon as Farosha said this, everyone present had their own thoughts.

How unfortunate it is to have to be taken care of even after death!

The human body is governed in the mortal world, so it is possible to clarify one's position in the world: the vast majority of people are managed and controlled, and a small group of people seem to be unrestrained, but in fact they are also bound by the laws of matter. Law

Rosa thought silently.

So people put their hope in the vastness of the afterlife. The souls are light and unrestrained, wandering in the vast afterlife, waiting for the opportunity of reincarnation. It is a fair and common ending. Maybe they can meet the people who just died.

Where are the missing Noriko Honma and Fumihiko Yanagawa!

However, the underworld with layers of death in front of us also reveals a pessimistic fact: even if a person dies, his soul will be managed in the afterlife.

The hierarchy is single and all-encompassing, and even death cannot escape a lesson.

"...If we arrive in the world after death, can we change the law of death?" Wei Shiyue asked.

The Golden Soul Chrysos thought for a moment and answered in the affirmative.

"That's right - if we defeat Bomoldi, we can seize the power in the afterlife and re-determine the whereabouts of people after death." Chrysos said.

Falosa laughed.

"How wonderful! Human beings, witches, and us pioneers - we have been to the stars and clouds. We searched around and lifted the veil of the sky, but we did not find angels and heaven. From now on, we understand that there are only scientific things in the outer world.

The world has eradicated the soil of ignorance. Now we still need to understand the mechanism of the afterlife, and even the major matter of 'death' is under our control." Falosa strode forward with her head held high.

She climbed up the mountain and approached the entrance to the afterlife.

The seven birds of death fluttered around the crack. They were strong and powerful, but when they saw the six people approaching, they flapped their wings and fled back to the underworld without any intention of stopping them.

"They escape so fast! They know that even death can't scare us! Oh, by the way, before going in, I want to know... If it were you who decided where your soul will go after death, how would you choose? How would you decide on the reincarnation of your soul?

How to be reborn? How to decide which souls are reborn in rich families and which souls are reborn in poor places?" Falosa turned her head, crossed her fingers, and scanned everyone's faces one by one.

"We should give them a chance to choose!" Ishtar said brightly, "We should reveal the future destination to each soul. That is to say, before each soul is reincarnated, he can see in advance where he will be reincarnated.

In which family, they can be prepared and make choices. We can also arrange a 'reincarnation mentor' to guide the souls on how to reincarnate."

They all laughed after hearing this, because this is the most humorous one. All souls will choose a rich mother for reincarnation without hesitation. Who wants to be reincarnated in a poor and backward place?

Considering the current proportion of the world's population, if souls are reborn normally, the vast majority of people will join areas such as Baixiang Continent, Reshu Continent, Taiya Islands, and Tequila Continent.

If a person dies suddenly and suddenly, it will be very difficult to be reincarnated as a Taixi continent, a New Taixi continent, or to a Xiahe northern archipelago. There are many dead souls and a small number of born people.

If it were all based on what Ishtar said and left to your own choice, I am afraid that mothers in poor places would continue to give birth to empty babies. After all, no soul wants to be born in a poor family... The ghosts would rather wait in line to be cast into rich and middle-class families.


"What about those souls who still have unfinished business in their previous lives? They should be given a chance to briefly return to the world or leave the afterlife, so that they can complete some unfinished business in the form of ghosts." Wei Shiyue said.

"That's good." Ishtar nodded frequently, "Many people died before completing their last wishes, or died suddenly in accidents... If we modify the death mechanism so that those souls can return to the human world,

How wonderful it would be to chat with the family again and explain the last things! How many regrets will there be in the world? How sad the family members of the plane crash, shipwreck, and car accident will be... But through this method, the family members can still have the final say with the soul of the deceased.

How nice it would be to chat for a while!"

"...You can't escape even death, you must return to the human world..." Falosa pondered, her law of recovery often failed, and some people's bodies recovered, but their souls did not return, and they became empty shells. If the soul could return to the sun,

, you can resurrect at will.

A world where everyone lives forever! Thanks to the law of recovery and the soul return mechanism, no one will die anymore.

"By the way," Yaoguang suddenly said, "You can turn into a vicious ghost, return to the human world, and haunt the murderers. This will also make it easier for us to solve the case. Even if the villain kills someone, the soul of the dead person can return to the world to identify the murderer, and never see the murderer again.

No one would dare to kill someone violently, and all murder cases would be solved."

Chrysos suddenly spoke.

"I have seen civilizations in many stars. They have different ways of dealing with souls. Not all worlds are the same as this world. After death, everything is over. In a highly developed civilization I know, the dead souls of those races will be

Judgment, and finally enters different realms and dimensions, Elysium, Ether World, Ring Seal City, Mechanical Realm, Sea of ​​Chaos, Maelstrom, Beast Wasteland... There is also another more developed civilization. For them, the material of living things

Form is only a short-lived existence. After the death of each creature, the soul will join a huge collective consciousness, where the same, undivided learning and evolution will be carried out. One is the many, and the many are one, regardless of each other, sharing all individuals.

wisdom and experience." Chrysos said.

Falosa was thoughtful.

"...What you said reminds me of some medieval myths. It is said that if you do good deeds, you will be cast in a good place in your next life. If you do bad things, you will be a cow or a horse in your next life. Why don't we have such a system? In this way, people will be in a good place in the real world.

They will learn to endure hardships and be patient, because they know that if they have suffered enough in real life, as long as they remain patient and have high moral character, their hidden points will increase and they will be cast in a good place in their next life; if they go against the grain and do many evil things in real life, they will be in trouble in their next life.

He even turned into a beast and met a bunch of bad family members." Falosa said enthusiastically.

They turned their attention to the cyber monster who remained silent during this discussion.

"Why don't you say anything? Metal Master?" Yaoguang looked at the cyber monster, she didn't recognize it yet.

"Because my ideas are very different from yours." The cyber monster said.

What? We have exhausted almost all options for reincarnation, but Xu Yang has other opinions? Falosa found it funny.

"Then tell me your story." Falosa said.

"I think it should be completely random." said the cyber monster.

"What?" Falosa was confused.

"All souls, no matter what you have done in your previous life, no matter who you are, once reincarnated, you will be reincarnated completely randomly! You may become any life form, you may become any race, and be reincarnated into any family! This is

A completely random result. No one knows what will happen." The cyber monster said firmly.

"What does this mean?" Wei October mused.

"Absolutely fair." The cyber monster said.

There are no rules, no subjective assessment, and no utilitarian considerations. Death and reincarnation are carried out randomly without any bias, without any distinction between good and bad.

"No! This is unfair. Those people should be given some compensation!" Ishtar objected, "For example, some people... live a very painful life since they were born. If such people are reincarnated, they should go to a better place in their next life.

, if some people are unfortunately disabled, or stupid, or ugly... they should also have the opportunity to be reincarnated and become better people."

"Once your approach is implemented and becomes known to the world, there will only be one outcome - a large-scale suicide wave. People know that since this life is not going well, the next life will be better, so they will actively reopen it!" said the cyber monster!


"Ah -" Ishtar's eyes dimmed. People who have been single for a long time, poor people, ugly people, idiots, once they know that reincarnation will be better, they will commit suicide. It is true. On the contrary, it is a completely random reincarnation mechanism.

It will make people respect their current life more. After all, no one knows what the next life will be like, so it is better to live this life seriously. They will also consider the needs of this life more when doing things, and will not work hard for the illusory afterlife.

But maybe it can improve morality? If the mechanism of "doing good things in life will be better in the next life" is really introduced, it may create an atmosphere where everyone worships kindness? Ishtar looked at the entrance to the afterlife and felt that there was much to be done. Everyone changed

Become a good person!

They walked to the entrance of the afterlife, and now they only need to jump to enter. No matter how they want to deal with the death cycle, they must first defeat the master of the afterlife.

At this moment, the ground suddenly shook violently, forcing them to retreat.

Ellid crawled out from behind the mountains, its body standing tall against the sky, casting a huge shadow in the dim sunlight.

"The codename 'Winter' appears again!" The Albrak aerospace carrier quickly took off, getting ready for the battle.

Ellid swung his frost ax and hung the ax blade above the entrance to the afterlife, the blade flashing with deadly light.

"My duty... is to guard the entrance to the afterlife for my brother." Ellid opened his cold lips.

(End of chapter)

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