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Chapter 867 Rectifying the Order of the Dead Realm

Chapter 867: Rectifying the Order of the Death World

Author: Xiao Xisui

Chapter 867 Rectifying the Order of the Death World

Walking towards the bank of the River Styx in October.

The ghosts turned to look at her. They were surprised to see Wei October in such a place, and alive.

“Micro October!”

"Miss Micro-October!"

"Are you dead? You don't want that kind of thing!"

"You don't want to die! If you want to die, let me die!"

“Miss Micro-October is the best!”

"Are you going to have a concert in the afterlife? You're so doting on your fans!"

"I can still see Micro October even if I'm dead!"

"Family, come and see, it's Wei October!" When the ghosts saw that Wei October was actually here, many of them became excited.

They were originally going to walk along the bank of the Styx, probably going somewhere to go through the process and sorting. However, when Micro October reached the shore, the ghosts stopped one after another, and even whispered to each other, discussing about Micro October.


"Were you a fan of Micro October during your lifetime?"

"A few hours before I died, I was still listening to old songs from Little October~"

"If I had known that I could see Miss Weiyueyue after I died, I would have died earlier."

"What? You don't know Wei October? He's a big star!"

"Come and see! Come and see! Micro October is here!" The ghosts felt that compared to the painful march, it was more interesting to come around Micro October.

Wei Shiyue was very satisfied with the reaction of these ghosts. Many of the newly bereaved ghosts were looking sad because of their sudden death, but now they are happy.

The ghosts who were rushing in front felt that there were no new ghosts following behind, so they turned around to look around, whispered to each other, and then turned around and stopped moving forward.

The birds of death in the sky noticed all this and suddenly felt anxious and angry. It was their task to escort the new ghost.

They screamed strangely and waved the large scythes in their hands, shooting out streaks of blue flames at the ghosts below.


"it hurts!"

"I'm already dead, and I have to die again..."

The flames burn the ghosts into soul fragments, which are then absorbed by the birds of death and become food for their growth.

"Don't hurt them!" Wei Yueyue transformed into a white dragon, fluttering its wings and rushing towards the dead birds.


"Miss Micro-October!"

"We must defeat them!"

"The invincible micro-October of the universe, the sweet and nutty micro-October!" The ghost fans waved their nihilistic arms as if they were the most powerful light sticks and cheering cards.

"I'm here to help you!" Yaoguang was extremely fast and hit a dead bird in the blink of an eye. "Have you ever been kicked by light?"

"Gah!" The dead bird was kicked by the key light, and its whole body was quickly kicked out of the hole. The body fell down and landed on the rocky ground.

The ghosts were extremely excited when they saw the previously vicious dead bird falling to the ground.

"Kill it!"

"It ate a lot of people!"

"Beat it!" The ghosts felt that they were already dead and had no weaknesses, so they felt more comfortable in doing things and rushed directly to beat the dead bird.

"Gah, gah——!" The dead bird was still arrogant at first, but now half of its body was blown away by the key light. It no longer had the strength to resist. The ghosts each had their claws, biting, or tearing, but they were hard.

Life and death caught the bird of death into hundreds and thousands of pieces!

Seven or eight other birds of death are flying in for reinforcements one after another to maintain the order of death and maintain the basic stability of the afterlife. They are all large crows, but their heads are not bird heads, but terrifying giant skull heads. They look terrible.


"Death!" Wei Shiyue opened his dragon's mouth and spewed out pale dragon fire, burning towards these dead birds crazily.

The birds were burned by the dragon fire and immediately fled in all directions. Once their feathers were contaminated with the moon fire, the flames would entangle endlessly and would inevitably burn all these dead birds to death!

When the birds of death saw how cruel the month of October was, they did not dare to face the scorching moonfire, and fled in panic.

"Well done!"

"The strange birds are defeated!"

"No need to rush! Everyone, stop!" The ghosts stopped one after another and stood happily on the bank of the Styx River, waving to the micro-October in the sky.

After defeating the hateful escorting birds, these tired ghosts can finally have a good rest!

Micro-October was hovering in the air, feeling satisfied and feeling the strong death energy coming from all directions. This was a suitable place for her, a half-dead dragon, to survive.

Immediately afterwards, the embarrassed Death Birds came back surrounded by an extremely powerful Death Bird, as if it was the true leader of these Death Birds.

Wei Yueyue retreated slightly and opened the distance, and could detect powerful power fluctuations from the opponent.

"That's Malak, the overlord of the death birds. These death birds are all members of Pomordi's family, spreading death and fear in the world..." Falosa is familiar with ancient books and probably knows what it is.

Malak, King of the Deathbirds, is a completely deformed creature with pointed feathers like needles, a huge beak like steel, and blue flames burning at the end of its wings.

It roared loudly, and many ghosts screamed and disappeared, and were sucked into Malak's mouth, becoming its food and satisfying its hunger.

Some souls tried to resist, but their power was completely unable to compete with ordinary death birds, let alone the king of death birds like Malak!

Malak slays all the ghosts, holding a giant scythe in his hand and flapping his wings to float in the air.

Wei Shiyue felt that he was no match on his own, so he fell to the ground and stood with several other teammates.

"Gah——" Malak let out a hoarse and deep roar, "Ignorant and weak, you think you can be tyrannical in the afterlife. Little do you know that in my eyes you are just a group of painful and fearful souls!"

"You are Pomordi's lackey." Falosa said with a smile.

"When talking about Lord Pomordi, the King of the Underworld, you must show respect!" Malak roared, his voice shaking the ground and completely shattering some weaker souls. Other death birds greedily rushed to collect the souls.


Malak and the strongest birds of death around it are not inferior to Wei October in size. After devouring souls day and night, they are extremely terrifying in appearance.

Large and small sarcomas are distributed on the surface of their bodies, and the end of each tumor is a human face, representing the ghosts harvested by the dead birds over the years.

"We break into the afterlife, come prepared, and come with a scientific spirit and empirical perspective to understand the process after death. All your reactions will be written into the company alliance's textbook for breaking superstition in the future!" Yao Guang said loudly.


"It's so annoying that you prevent mothers from giving birth to normal children!" Ishtar said anxiously.

"A bunch of lunatics," Malak roared.

"What I want to conquer is death itself. You and the pets around you are like a pastime before dinner." Falosa smiled.

"Don't you understand yet?" Malak stood up, his body expanded further, and his body was burning with deadly green soul fire. "This is the afterlife, witch, you have joined the ranks of the dead, there is no turning back!"


Wei Shiyue turned around and looked, and sure enough, there was no trace of the tunnel anymore. It was a one-way passage.

Once you enter the afterlife, there is no way back unless you defeat Bomoldi in one go and control the rules of death itself.

"I know there is no return from here, so I need entertainment." Falosa said, patting the scales on Weiyueyue's neck, "Let me ride it."

Wei Shiyue lowered her head, and Falosa climbed up to her neck.

Immediately afterwards, Wei October fluttered its wings and flew towards Malak.

"I told you, it's useless!" Malak roared and waved the giant scythe.

The soul fire knife struck Farosha and Weiyueyue. Weiyueyue quickly avoided them in the air, and the blade passed by the far end of the dragon's wing.

A strange smile appeared on Falosa's face.

She brandished the god-killing weapon and released a giant sword energy from Wei Yueyue's back.


The terrifying god-killing evil energy exploded on Malak and the death birds around him. The scattered sword light instantly penetrated their bodies, blowing Malak and the birds around him to pieces!



"Guwa——" Most of the death birds disintegrated in one blow!

Their bodies were shattered into pieces!


"Look quickly -"

"In one moment!" The ghosts were extremely excited.

The surviving Death Bird saw the menacing leader Malak one second, and the next second saw it being hit by the God-killing Sword Qi and turning into bird scum on the ground. It was so horrifying!

What power is this?

The Death Bird looked up and saw Falosa, and then, the second god-killing sword energy rushed towards it, instantly smashing it into powder.

Total destruction!

"Roar!" Wei Shiyue proudly spit out a mouthful of flames, hovering over the suddenly dead birds of death.

Falosa unleashed the Law of Restoration and put the broken Malak back together.

"Roar——" Malak looked at his restored body in shock.

It clearly remembers everything happening around it.

"Am I dead?" Malak felt the phantom pain of the sword tearing him apart. It was originally killed by Farossa, but now it was restored.

"Ha——" Farosha smashed Malak into pieces with another sword energy.

Then use the law of recovery to restore it!

"No - no -" Malak regained his shape, and the painful tearing feeling doubled over his body! It was killed in an instant, shattered into millions of pieces, and then a brutal force forcibly pieced it back together.

, every piece of minced meat, bone and feather is all collaged and restored to its original shape.

Falosa savagely swung the God-killing weapon and another sword energy, smashing Malak into pieces after finally recovering, and then released the Law of Recovery towards it with her other hand.

"No... don't..." Malak returned to his original form in extreme pain, his body could no longer stand still, and multiple times of extreme pain was superimposed on his body.

Being killed once by a god-killing weapon is painful enough, let alone being killed three times?

"Death!" Falosa slashed the god-killing weapon at Malak. As soon as the sword energy touched Malak's body, it was smashed into pieces, completely unable to withstand its terrifying power.

Immediately afterwards, Malak was restored by the Law of Restoration!

This time it collapsed, lying on the ground howling and whining at Falosa, kowtowing repeatedly.

"No, don't, don't, don't kill me again -" Malak was in pain and despair.

In order to escape this eternal torture, it is willing to pay any price!

Being tortured by a god-killing weapon, then recovering! And then being killed again! This pain completely destroyed Malak's will.


"That guy has a mental breakdown..."

"It's amazing!" The ghosts gathered around and saw Malak kneeling on the ground and surrendering like a prisoner. The original appearance was ferocious and terrifying, but with such a ridiculous posture, the ghosts found it amusing.

"You can't resist." Falosa said evilly, then she pointed her finger at Malak and turned her head to the stunned ghosts nearby, "Go ahead and eat it."


"Come on!"

"These monsters are too harmful!" The ghosts marching in the Styx next to them were deeply suffering from the dead birds they were escorting. Now that the leader could eat the dead birds alive himself, he was extremely excited.

I saw countless translucent ghosts rushing towards him, scrambling to grab Malak with their hands, teeth, legs and feet.

The powerful Malak could have destroyed these ghosts with a slight shock, but now he is completely convinced by the evil spirit of the god-killing weapon and does not dare to resist!

"Gah-ahhhhh-" Malak was in great pain.

The flames on its body have been completely extinguished, and its feathers are constantly being divided and devoured by the ghosts. It falls to the ground with difficulty, and the ghosts are smashed away by it. However, because the laws of physics do not take effect, the ghosts only penetrate its body and then start again.

Tear apart Malak.

Countless hands pulled Malak down, bit by bit, first the feathers were stripped off, then the flesh, bones, soul...

The birds of death that once roamed the afterlife were completely defeated!

Ishta's eyes were covered by the cyber monsters, preventing her from seeing this horrifying scene. Countless ghost hands were tearing flesh and blood. This was definitely a scene of extreme mental pollution.


"Power is coming!"

"Feeling very strong!" After eating Malak alive, some ghosts became more solid in color and slightly larger in size.

It actually changed from an ordinary ordinary ghost to a large ghost ghost, and its wisdom and strength have increased a lot.

These hundreds of large ghosts deeply felt the contribution of Farosha and others, and they all looked at them with gratitude.

They came from all over the world, with different identities, different occupations, and very different races. Now they are all unified ghosts here. It is difficult to distinguish the differences between them and eliminate the differences between them.

"Let's go!" Farossa moved forward and said in a deep voice, "We are here to reorganize the order in the underworld. Let's move along the River Styx and see where these birds of death are going to take you."

The ghosts surged forward. They originally followed the lead of the Death Bird and moved forward in despair, but now they happily followed the people of the Black Mountain Crusade Group.

They passed through a relatively open wilderness, and a city of the dead appeared in front of them. Many ghosts were wandering outside, and many of them came to watch because of the death of the dead birds.

They seem to have been living in the afterlife for some time.

"——You are——" The ghost of Yanagawa Fumihiko came over in surprise.

"Finally I see a familiar face." Falosa raised her eyebrows.

"You're dead? It's really fair." Yanagawa Fumihiko sighed.

"We came in alive. This is not fair at all. Look at our luxurious lineup." Farosha laughed.

"..." Yanagawa Fumihiko looked at the Black Mountain Crusade Group and saw that they were indeed alive, not dead.

"Where is this?" Wei Shiyue asked.

"I am new to the City of the Unknown Dead, and I was killed by you not long ago." Yanagawa Fumihiko said, and traces of being stabbed in the back by an A40 could still be seen on his ghost body.

"Where is Noriko Honma?" The cyber monster wants to see the ghost of Noriko Honma.

Yanagawa Fumihiko shook his head.

"My lady's soul is not here," he said.

(End of chapter)

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