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Chapter 871 The End of the Underworld

Chapter 871 The End of the Underworld

Author: Xiao Xisui

Chapter 871 The End of the Underworld

Through the fog of death, Ishtar followed Farosha, following her like a shadow.

"You don't seem to hate Ishtar that much." The cyber monster turned around.

Ishta had seen such terrible things, how could she hate her? In order to protect herself, she cut off half of her brain and became a harmless lamb. I don’t know how Qiyin cultivated her and made her

Being able to become the new queen, Falosa sighed silently.

"After all...Ishtar has never done anything bad." Farosha didn't know how she could say such words from her own mouth. "Ishtar is just the victim of all this. She never had a chance to choose."

Ishtar didn't seem to understand what Farosha was saying at all. She seemed to be more attached to Farosha, almost clinging to her.

"Sister, what we are doing is like a miracle." Ishtar looked up, as if there were stars in her eyes.

"Sister?" Falosa felt confused.

"I want you to be my sister." Ishtar smiled foolishly, "Didn't you promise?"

Ishtar, Ishtar from the Levant. Her long black hair is as smooth as satin, her eyes are as red as blood, and her skin is as pale as salt. Falosa has long chestnut hair, brown eyes, and extremely pale skin.


She did not believe that Ishtar was her biological sister, but at this moment, Farosha felt a great sorrow sweeping through her heart.

Why not recognize it?

She has a vague sister in her memory. In "memory", she only lives in the memory and is definitely not a real person. At least Farosha can distinguish between memory and reality. Ishta is a modern person. The vague sister at least

It existed a thousand years ago. Falosa has not seen her sister since she escaped from the God Killer, but now, maybe Ishtar can become the perfect replacement?

"We are doing something great." Falosa put one hand around Ishtar's shoulder, "My..."

The word "sister" danced on the tip of her tongue, but she couldn't say it no matter what.

It is really difficult for the arrogant Falosa to admit that Ishtar is her sister.

A confused smile appeared on Ishtar's face.

"Sister, let's keep walking," she said, as if unaware of Falosa's refusal to acknowledge her sister's identity.

Falosa took a deep breath and moved on.

Following the cyber monsters, they were finally able to return to the tide of ghosts. They saw the mighty group of ghosts passing through the wilderness, leaving the decadent and absurd city of the dead, and passing through the end of the Styx.

The maelstrom is right in front of you!

"That's the magnificent whirlpool recorded in ancient books." Falosa looked at the giant whirlpool shining in the distance.

Its size is at least several kilometers wide, and any ghost is insignificant to it. The green soul flame forms the body of the vortex. All souls must pass through the maelstrom to be reborn, and lose all memories in the process.

, join the world with an empty, innocent identity, be born by a mother, or accidentally enter the body of an artificial life.

Under the illumination of the slowly rotating maelstrom, all the ghosts were very excited. They came to the end of their journey, the end of the afterlife! The Styx gradually disappeared here, as if it were the original energy that drove the rotation of the maelstrom.

"Look...the whirlpool is here! It seems to have been reopened!" The ghosts pointed.

The giant god of the underworld, Bomorti, seemed to dare not show up to stop these millions of ghosts. Not only that, but he also opened a maelstrom so that the ghosts could return to the human world normally.

Falosa felt at ease with this result. The Black Mountain Crusade Team was very strong. They had just killed the Frost Giant Ellid, and there were millions of ghosts following them. Even Bomoldi would be worried about showing up in person.

physical consequences.

She could feel the energy emanating from the vortex getting stronger and stronger, as if it was enough to burn Farosha too, joining reincarnation and rebirth.

No, that's not right. Falosa said secretly.

They came in from the Underworld Tunnel. As the Golden Soul Chrysos said, this is a one-way ticket. If you want to go back, you must defeat Bomoldi, reshape the law of death, and give yourself a wide berth.

If I just jumped over the maelstrom and returned to the human world...

They will all be reincarnated and become little babies without memories, starting from scratch!

Moreover, witches all return to the stars. If I and Ishtar were directly thrown into the maelstrom, I really don’t know what would happen.

"...We have to reshape the law of death. I can't accept starting from scratch." Wei October also understood the current situation, fluttering his wings and hovering in the air.

The attitude of the ghosts is completely different. They have finally reached the end of death, and can finally leave the oppression of the Super Soul Company, reincarnate to their heart's content, find their own new families, and live new lives, for which they can nag endlessly.

"Can you imagine what it would be like to be reincarnated?"

"Is it okay to just jump into the big whirlpool? I heard those old ghosts say, just jump in. The whirlpool passage is connected to mothers who have been pregnant for a long time!"

"Will we still be who we are? Or will we become someone else entirely?"

"Of course we are still us, just reborn in a completely different way."

"So, which iteration of me is this 'me'? Am I number 500 or am I reincarnated for the first time?"

"There is no continuity between us in different generations. We can be regarded as completely different existences. We don't remember anything and start from scratch!"

"I want to know what it would be like to be reincarnated as an animal. I think the life of an animal is so simple, with no worries and no pressure."

"But you wouldn't be able to experience all the magic of being human."

"I really want to be a bird! Fly around all day."

Ghosts have no burdens. They are here to be reincarnated. They can accept any outcome. The maelstrom is like a furnace in the world of death, giving them the opportunity to be reborn from the ashes.

Micro October flew around the maelstrom to ensure that there was no presence of Pomordi, and then she flew back to Falosa and the others.

"The law of death is deeply ingrained. It cannot be modified without defeating Bomoldi. In other words, if you want to return to the human world, you can only jump into the maelstrom and be reborn." Wei Shiyue saw that some ghosts were already running towards the maelstrom.


The process seems to be very simple. The ghosts jumped, and were then sucked away by the infinite gravity of the maelstrom, entering an unknown abnormal stage. If you don't experience it yourself, you have no idea what the landscape is inside the maelstrom.

"..." Falosa pondered. She took out the god-killing weapon and found that it was particularly active, as if it was because the place was filled with death.

"We have turned the afterlife upside down, all the ghosts have wandered out, and even Bomolti has opened the road to access, which means that the Kongying crisis has been solved." Yaoguang is quite optimistic.

At this moment, the ground suddenly shook violently.

"Pomorti!" Falosa jumped back.

A gap suddenly opens in the void high above the afterlife!

A big black hand opened the gap with one hand, and a huge skeletal face quickly emerged from it. Then, the crack expanded again, and a giant skeletal god in black emerged from it, with netherworld flames burning inside the skeleton.

The giant god of death appears!

It was over 450 meters tall and extremely huge. It stretched out its left hand and pulled out a huge black scythe from its back. As it moved, an extremely powerful aura of death spread.

"Roar——" Weiyue Yue let out an overwhelmed cry, trembling under the strong pressure of death, and the originally silver-white scales began to wither, and began to truly reveal the true appearance of the undead flying dragon.

"Uh-huh——" Yaoguang threw him down directly. Once the power of death spreads, Yaoguang, who is closest to the concept of "living people", will be difficult to resist.

"Sister!" Ishtar pressed close to Farosha, feeling that she was being covered by death.

"..." Falosa's attitude was calm and she felt that the colorful cloak was fading.

It's too scary. Before Pomerdi takes action, just showing up is enough to weaken Falosa's protective power.

The ghosts trembled like candles in the wind, as if they would dissipate at any time. Even the largest one, Yoshiyuki Hosoda, was completely covered by Bomordi's death halo, and could not resist, and could only barely resist.

The cyber monster was the only entity that was completely unaffected. It rose into the air, its power engine roaring, and it was ready for battle.

"Farosa...you are really quick and cruel." Pomerdi's voice boomed, shaking the entire afterlife.

"It's finally time to reckon with death itself." Falosa sneered. After so many years of planning, preparation and accumulation, even the law of death itself has become their target. This result is no different from an epic.

"You don't understand how great the power of death is. I can take away whose soul I want." Pomerdi said contemptuously.

"If you didn't show up, we would still have some troubles. But now that you are seeking death, we can only kill you like we killed Ellid." Falosa said quietly.

"——Is that so?" Pomordi screamed continuously from the hollow skull face.

Immediately afterwards, Bomordi roared, swooped down, and swallowed thousands of ghosts along the way, including the dark soul of Hosoda Yoshiyuki, who was also swallowed without any resistance, and even made no sound.

Can't send it out!

Thousands of ghosts instantly collapsed under the pressure of the giant god of the underworld!

After devouring a large number of souls, it held the sickle in its left hand and swiped it in the air. A huge wave of death passed over the formation of the ghosts, crushing and absorbing them all. All the ghosts were destroyed like broken bones and debris.


Immediately afterwards, the large whirlpool was completely closed, and the entire whirlpool stopped rotating. The mournful sounds of ghosts could be heard from it. The ghosts who had jumped into the large whirlpool before seemed to be suffering thousands of times more suffering! It was as if what they jumped into was not

The real maelstrom is a millstone of flesh and blood!

Falosa felt the pressure doubled and raised her head to stare at Bomoldi. It had just swallowed an unknown number of ghosts and its body had swelled quite a bit.

Pomordi's skeleton shape is shrouded in black robes, the aura of death is floating around like smoke, and its eyes are flashing with a completely weird evil light. It holds a black scythe in its left hand, and its right hand is completely empty, leaving only an empty sleeve.


"Then let you feel what it feels like to be killed by 'myself'." Farosha gripped the god-killing weapon tightly.

"Farosa, ah, Farosa." Pomerdi mocked, "How dare you use my weapons against me?"

"This is not your weapon, it is just made with your claws." Falosa said contemptuously.

"Really?" Pomordi raised his empty right sleeve, and black tendons and nerves protruded from it, like countless chains, calling for the return of his "right hand".

The god-killing weapon was instantly taken away from Farosha's hand and received into its hand.

(End of chapter)

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