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Chapter 875 The Last Law of Death

Chapter 875 The Last Law of Death

Author: Xiao Xisui

Chapter 875 The Last Law of Death

Falosa heard Yanduo's cry and started to return, but she could not find Yanduo.

Is Pomordi dead?

Falosa could feel that the source of power supporting the entire underworld was weakened. It seemed that Pomerdi was completely killed by Falosa's final blow.

And Yando... It should be that he took away Pomordi's body sadly. Poor Yando could not do anything... Now there are only four brothers left, and except for Yando and Chrysos,

The whereabouts of the other two giants are still unknown. Falosa sighed secretly.

She saw that the entire underworld was shattered, the edge of the world was crumbling, the River Styx began to surge, and blood and bones spread everywhere.

The new ghosts who came in were submerged before they could find a place to stay, or they fell from the edge of the broken world.

The cries and screams of ghosts were everywhere. The underworld was completely out of control. After the defeat of Bomordi, only huge chaos remained here.

Falosa must do something to reset order in the underworld.

"——Wei Shiyue and I are going to check the maelstrom, the cyber monsters are going to deal with the scattered skeleton army, and Keylight and Ishtar are going to evacuate and guide the new ghosts." Falosa quickly ordered.

The partners of the crusade group have not yet recovered from the life-and-death battle just now, and have plunged into a new round of work.

Wei Shiyue was already an undead dragon with bones and bones, and she flew near the maelstrom.

"It's here, look, the maelstrom. It has not been affected by the collapse of the underworld, because its power seems to be very ancient. I am afraid that Bomoldi also relies on the great power of the maelstrom to control death." Micro October said from

A hoarse voice came from the bones, and her beautiful singing voice was completely lost.

"The ghosts must be resurrected through the maelstrom, so that order and balance can be restored..." Falosa observed carefully.

The maelstrom is a mixture of endless death energy and matter. Once the soul passes through the maelstrom, it will completely swallow up memories, emotions and personality, and be reincarnated into a new environment.

Its working process is so subtle that Falosha couldn't figure it out for a short time.

She stared at the maelstrom, which seemed to weigh and check every ghost. There must be something that could control it.

The ghosts were running around the maelstrom aimlessly, without any goal or direction, and were soaked in negative emotions. Many ghosts were shouting sadly and angrily. Without Pomerdi's control, the underworld itself would be a very chaotic existence.

Falosa first went to retrieve her God-killing weapon and the Star Controller. Along the way, she saw that the underworld was in complete chaos. Pomordi's crazy behavior before his death was irreversible, and there were so many new ghosts entering. She looked around

Everywhere you look are broken and cracked cracks, and phase demons are watching behind the cracks.

She held the God-killing weapon tightly. It was covered with another, more powerful aura of death, as if it had been strengthened by the fifth level. This completely broke through Falosa's previous assumptions and plans. As if by accident, even Bomo

Erti's power was also taken away by the god-killing weapon.

"What a terrifying guy..." Farosha rotated the god-killing weapon in her hand, feeling that its weight became heavier and its breath became colder.

I'm afraid this thing can kill more than just gods now.

She jumped back into the maelstrom and saw Weiyueyue's body shining with green light, and the shining soul flames surrounding Weiyueyue.

"You want to squeeze the power of the Death Person?" Falosa suddenly understood Wei October's behavior.

Replace Bomoldi and become the new God of Death!

The powerful power of "death" was originally occupied by Bomoldi, but now that Bomoldi has died, this position is completely empty. Micro October, who is closest to the maelstrom, seems to be the only one who can inherit the power of death.


"Someone has to clean up this mess, help me, Farosha." Wei October stared at the maelstrom.

"Bomoldi should have established the underworld by controlling the maelstrom. I think there were not so many humans at that time, and the gods were not immortal. I never thought that the underworld would become such an important joint... And now, you

Trying to re-create Bomoldi's path and achieve godhood by controlling the maelstrom?" Falosa thought.

Because Falosa can also control the underworld by herself, and she can also transform into the goddess of death. Why is it Micro October?

"Yes, I plan to ascend to godhood here." Wei Yueyue hovered over the maelstrom and unfolded his giant skeletal wings, "The new God of Death, the Death Dragon God, am I not qualified? Or do you want to shoulder such a responsibility?

Onerous responsibilities - managing the underworld...managing the cycle of life and death."

Yes, the person of death is very busy and will seriously delay Farosha's other matters.

Once you become a god of death, you cannot wander around or do your own thing. You must manage the cycle of death conscientiously like a public official to avoid causing big troubles such as the empty baby crisis.

Like a tinker, repairing the broken underworld...? Falosa doesn't have the patience. She is very busy, and her business is mainly in the human world, but she really has no interest in wandering in the afterlife.

In an instant, she suddenly thought of the real purpose of Weiyueyue.

"You want to kill - you want to kill Mond! You can only fight against the Moon Demigod if you get the power of the Death Demigod. You are still obsessed with your father-killing cause... I approve of you." Farosha.


"This is only part of it." Wei Shiyue plunged into the maelstrom.

Falosa was a little surprised and thought she was going to die. Unexpectedly, she flew out of the maelstrom soon.

It was as if the maelstrom that separated the two worlds of darkness and brightness was just a swimming pool to her.

"...I can tolerate you controlling death in front of me, but you also owe me a favor, because I could have killed you." Falosa aimed the god-killing weapon at Micro October.

"We just fought side by side, fighting against death under extremely difficult conditions, and now you point your sword at me?" Wei October said sinisterly.

"..." Falosa didn't speak, just holding the god-killing weapon.

The cold breath of death made Wei October unable to move. Yes, Farosha is indeed qualified to dominate and decide everything.

She also had to bow her head and surrender.

"Then please let me temporarily manage and maintain the new underworld, Lord Farosha. When you need to control death, please order me. I will be your eternal ally in the afterlife." Wei Shiten said humbly.


"Yeah." Falosa nodded contentedly.

The person of death is dark and profound, and is now occupied by the tenth month.

She channeled her power above the maelstrom, greatly reducing the area of ​​the underworld.

Most areas of the underworld were severely damaged, so she could only keep the intact parts of the underworld and abandon those areas that were severely damaged.

The entire afterlife world suddenly seemed much narrower. If it was a vast and boundless wilderness before, it was probably just a black island now.

However, the space structure that was originally on the verge of fragmentation has been stabilized, and the remaining areas are solid and complete. Ghosts will not fall into the cracks during movement, and it is difficult for foreign monsters to invade.

"Be reborn, be free, and become a new life at will!" Micro October hovered in the air.



"Are you going to be reborn?"

"Here is..." The ghosts were guided one after another to the vicinity of the maelstrom.

Previously, Bomoldi sealed the whirlpool and prevented pregnant women from giving birth to healthy children, thereby annihilating human civilization.

Now that the maelstrom has been restarted, as long as these ghosts jump in one after another and reincarnate, human civilization will return to normal, and pregnant women will no longer give birth to empty babies!

Wei Yueyue took advantage of the opportunity to refine the death energy of the netherworld into her dragon ball, and only her undead physique could withstand the harsh death.

"I will never forget that you brought me here." Wei Shiyue nodded to the people of the Black Mountain Crusade Group.

"Only you can send us out safely after mastering the underworld..." Ishtar sighed. She felt that her soul was damaged, she was extremely tired, and she wanted to rest.

"I want to go home..." Yaoguang never thought that this trip would be so exhausting.

Falosa looked at them silently.

Originally, she could control the souls of Ishtar and Keylight and turn them into her own puppets, because in such an emergency situation just now, they completely gave up their dominance. But, but...

She looked at the cyber monster. Alas! Under Xu Yang's subtle influence, Falosa actually felt that it would be better to send the free souls of Keylight and Ishtar back!

They should be allowed to regain complete freedom instead of becoming Falosha's slaves.

Hey - hey - Farosha was extremely upset. How could she become like this? Why do she have such thoughts?

Keylight, Ishtar, you'd better show yourself to be promising. Farossa secretly thought, don't waste my accidental kindness today...

"Let me send these ghosts on their way, and then bring you safely back to the human world." Wei Shiyue sacrificed her death dragon ball, and then began to chant and promulgate the new law of death:

"By the power of the Maelstrom! I hereby declare that I am the new ruler of the underworld! I will restore order to this realm, listen to me! Souls of the dead, your suffering and chaos are over, and your salvation is

In front of you, pass through the maelstrom, end the crisis of empty infants, and continue your civilization!" Micro October flew in the air, flapped its wings, and shouted.

"It's time to reincarnate!"

"Ah, I've been waiting for a long time..."

"I just came in, can I be reincarnated without going through the process?"

"Did you just jump in?"

"I don't want to be reincarnated yet. Is there a cooling-off period?" The ghosts looked around.

But there are still some ghosts who jumped into the maelstrom on their own initiative. They have been dead for a while and know very well that they will not be able to return to the human world unless they do this.

Based on the opinions of previous cyber monsters, Micro October has strengthened the randomness of the maelstrom, allowing the ghosts to have a completely random fate.

Unlike what some religions lead, people need to practice hard or accumulate blessings before they can be born into a good child. This is not the case. Everything is completely random. Even if you were a good person in your previous life, you may not be able to get a good birth in the future.

The ghost of Hosoda Yoshiyuki emerges. He survived the previous battle, but was severely damaged.

"...It's time for me to hit the road..." Hosoda Yoshiyuki walked forward.

"...Your life is a life of resistance, even if you die." The cyber monster stood next to him, "However, we can bring you back to your body, Hosoda Yoshiyuki, you can completely Come to life."

Yoshiyuki Hosoda was thoughtful.

"Hey - but I..." Hosoda Yoshiyuki was extremely troubled, "I don't even remember how I lived the first half of my life, and I don't even know you. I, I... I still hope that after After so many things, I can have a chance to start over."

"Then go." The cyber monster shook hands with Hosoda Yoshiyuki, "You are the real hero."

Hosoda Yoshiyuki's soul is in tatters. He has experienced so many battles and conflicts, birth, resistance to Nozomi, disciple team, Gialongpo battle, ghost rebellion in the afterlife... He seems to have never found rest until this moment. Qualifications.

"...Goodbye..." Hosoda Yoshiyuki bowed to them, "I hope to see you again in the next life."

"Goodbye!" Ishtar waved to Hosoda Yoshiyuki, "May you be happy in the next life!"

"...Finally this moment has come...I have no regrets in my life." Hosoda Yoshiyuki walked towards the large whirlpool and jumped in without hesitation. His whole body was swallowed up by the whirlpool.


"Where did he go?" The cyber demon ghost looked up at Weiyue Yu.

Wei Shiyue observed the maelstrom carefully and could probably see the other end of the channel and distinguish what was going on there.

"In - in Hepingzhou, within the territory of Ocean Engineering Company, there is a wealthy family that leads the hunting enterprise. His fate in the next life seems to be related to kangaroo hunting." Wei October observed.

"Fortunately..." the cyber monster sighed.

In the real world, in the delivery room of Hepingzhou, a woman had just given birth to a baby boy.

When the nurses were frustrated and wanted to treat him as an empty baby, he cried loudly!

Kongying Crisis - Over!

From now on, the children born to people will still have souls!

Hosoda Yoshiyuki was poor and lonely in his previous life, but in this life he joined a wealthy kangaroo hunting company! After hearing the news, Farosha secretly said. The life and death of the maelstrom... is really wonderful.


"Come on!"

"I want to know what the next life will be like!" The ghosts probably understood the rules here and rushed to jump into the maelstrom.

"Bomordi has just killed hundreds of millions of people, and many ghosts have entered. The maelstrom can provide 400,000 opportunities for reincarnation every day. It will take about 5 to 6 years before the overcrowding of ghosts in the underworld can be solved..." In October, I observed countless ghosts around me.

Now their various problems will be managed by Micro October.

Fortunately, she did not choose to be the God of Death. Falosa turned around to look at the tens of millions of ghosts who were shouting for reincarnation, trying to pass through the maelstrom to be reincarnated as humans. If she were to deal with so many ghosts here, she would definitely Very unpleasant taste.

Micro October opened a moon portal and teleported Falosa and the others away one after another, leaving the cyber monsters here.

She flew towards the dark clouds of the afterlife, avoiding the noise and crowds of ghosts on the ground.

The cyber monster flew up to find her.

"Are you willing to guard death here for countless centuries?" The cyber demon ghost looked up at Micro October.

"Of course not, you must understand that I have other plans." Wei October said shrewdly, "Why do you think I risk my life to wander around this place, and even take on the responsibility of managing death? It's all for..."

Her tail slapped the air, and another moonlight portal opened, and a small black flying dragon fell out of it.

It looks really cute, sickly, weak and gloomy in the human world, but in this afterlife, this little flying dragon looks very happy, as if it has truly come to a place suitable for its growth.

It hugged its mother's tail, its big eyes twitching.

"It's for my and Xu Yang's child! His offspring will dominate death and take this 'drudgery' from me. Here, it can truly grow into the Shadow Dragon God that shakes the world! When the time is right, I will

Give it your power!" Wei Shiyue was satisfied.

(End of chapter)

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