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Chapter 879 Ultimate Calculation Function

Chapter 879 Ultimate Computing Function

Author: Xiao Xisui

A few weeks later, in the Nisto Advanced Laboratory in Beijing, the structure of the No. 3 Hyperion was completed.

All the researchers and witches involved in this project are eagerly looking forward to the moment when it uses its full computing power for the first time.

"It's really... extraordinary." Falosa stood on the side of the glass corridor and stared at the situation in the center of the test site.

The startup of Hyperion requires 30% of the power of the entire northern archipelago. For this reason, all energy supply units have made the highest level of preparations to avoid any accidents. Moreover, it cannot be turned on for a long time, and the first operation can last up to 6 hours.


Codenamed "Hyperion", it is the highest expression of Nisto's technological achievements.

With the successful completion of the operation in the Great Northern Region, the final technical difficulties were solved. By studying the blueprints left by the northern military industry, this super quantum computer was completed, 5 years ahead of schedule. Falosa crossed her arms on her chest

Waiting for Xu Yang's arrival.

Xu Yang walked through the field and arrived at the laboratory.

Other researchers were whispering, talking about the legendary Mr. Internet Supervisor. He was an out-and-out big shot, and he also played a vital role in the development of Hyperion.

Listening to the conversations of people around him, Xu Yang's thoughts were extremely clear.

He felt a subtle emotion, as if a part of his life was extraordinarily vigorous and strong, turning into an extraordinarily intense impulse.

The time has come.

He looked up at the sky above the glass corridor. Falosa, Lila, Kojima Yezi, Pan Ruiyi, and Linyin were all present, looking at him with different eyes.

Falosa was inexplicably playful, as if she had seen something interesting; Lila's eyes were calm and gentle; Ye Zi was a little excited; Pan Ruiyi had no idea what was going on; Linyin was particularly focused, raising the corners of her mouth slightly, wanting to know

What exactly will happen?

There are also many employees from all over Nisto who are observing the first online operation of the Hyperion quantum computer within a safe range, wondering about the scientific innovation and technological development it can bring to Nisto.

They have all heard that quantum computers are much more powerful than conventional computers, but by how much?

Xu Yang knew the answer. Hyperion's computing power was 1,000 times that of all conventional computing units on the planet combined.

He came to the computer room, entered the Hyperion system through the key verification he set himself, and placed one hand on the symbolic start button.

"'Hyperion' has been successfully developed." Miyazaki Kazama announced in an enthusiastic voice, "Now you are seeing our Internet Supervisor! He will be responsible for launching Hyperion for the first time and making it practical.

And harness its power to change our lives!”


"Finally the moment has come!"

"The company has invested so much money in the quantum computer laboratory, and it has finally reached the practical stage."

"I'm really looking forward to it. Doesn't that mean we can be on an equal footing with Westerners in such cutting-edge technology?"

"Come on! Mr. Internet Supervisor! Come on! Hyperion!" The people at Nisto Company were very excited and excited that they could witness history.

Xu Yang felt countless expectations gathering on him and couldn't help but nodded secretly.

In the future, countless great progress and changes will follow this moment!

He symbolically pressed the button, but in fact he had already begun to access the Hyperion system.

The first feeling is...


Countless contents poured into Xu Yang's thoughts instantly, and thousands of data emerged in his mind. He dealt with this boundless data with the highest wisdom a person could achieve.

In the first few seconds before the Hyperion system was fully launched, Xu Yang had already understood most of the academic common sense and important books of human civilization, making him knowledgeable in classics and infinitely intelligent. With the help of the computing power provided by Hyperion, Xu Yang was able to

Imbue yourself with knowledge without fear.

Nesto spent trillions and gathered countless talents to develop this "Hyperion", which has now pushed Xu Yang to the top of the world.

The optimized super quantum computer "Hyperion" breaks through the working field of conventional computers and provides Xu Yang with a unique quantum algorithm that is twice as good, making up for the last shortcoming in his data capabilities!

Xu Yang fell into a deep state of meditation. He was close to a digital life, and most of his consciousness had entered the cyberspace.

"What did you see?" Linyin answered, floating like a diver in the virtual space.

At this time, Xu Yang has...

Covering half of the planet's surface.

It is not an entity, but from a data perspective. He exists in computing terminals in half the world at the same time, and can be seen everywhere. As long as he is willing, he can move himself on the surface of the earth at the speed of light and control all data units.

In other words, it is no different from God.

Linyin could observe that Xu Yang mobilized Hyperion's computing power. He randomly built a complex space-time model, using a small dot to represent particles and a line to represent the flow of force. He magnified a pair of entangled particles.

One is inside the wormhole, and the other is outside the impulse. He can carefully observe and calculate how they interact with each other, even if they are thousands of miles apart.

"Quantum communication in hyperspace?" Linyin asked.

"Even communication across time." Xu Yang rotated the entire model, "We can even send messages to the past, and we can also incorporate time and space into our theoretical framework."

"This, this is incredible." Linyin was surprised to check the large model created by Xu Yang. If she relied on her single computing power, it would probably take 12,000 years to complete, but Xu Yang only took one second. He was faster than

Everyone else is too powerful.

Followed by a large number of product models, including Nisto's current main product D2, they are fully displayed from structure to data.

In Xu Yang's calculations, they changed rapidly and were iterated and calculated in a perfect virtual space. A better companion synthetic human "D3" was being generated, equipped with artificial intelligence that was even more considerate than D2.

D3s can not only make all men fall in love, but also make all girls fall in love. They have truly become a brand-new product that accompanies everyone. It can even be said that it has subverted the entire synthetic human business.

"This is incredible..." Linyin observed all this in surprise. D3 has reached the upper limit of human technology in every aspect.

What restricts the further development of D3 is not Xu Yang's computing power, but humankind's own materials, artificial intelligence, and manufacturing technology. Over time, Xu Yang can also upgrade other technologies one by one, gradually upgrading the entire human civilization to

The next stage.

That's not all. During this test period, Xu Yang also quickly analyzed a large number of details that were helpful for the governance of various regions in the Eastern Hemisphere, and planned the development plans of different companies' cities, villages, and manufacturing production areas. All data was displayed graphically in Lin

The information displayed in front of her eyes represented various aspects of population, economy, security, planning and other information in various places. She could very clearly see how they interacted with each other and how they changed over time. Once such detailed information was available,

With extra large data, Xu Yang is able to ensure that every location gets accurate and appropriate progress plans.

The huge production capacity of Nisto Company was also planned from this, and even the people's hearts and the diplomatic tendencies of other neutral forces can be measured, so that they can send envoys to contact them; they can distribute food and medical supplies to those who are most in need of help and relief.

Places can be handed over to hungry and sick people; can deploy security personnel and company troops to areas that need the most vigilance and protection, and optimize deployment plans; can implement a series of long-term innovative measures; can use half the world as a chessboard,

Carefully plan the development of infrastructure.

This... this is already... Linyin was dazzled by what she saw.

This is clearly the realm of God. Xu Yang, he has entered a brand new stage!

Xu Yang's main will is floating in the vast data space. The Internet is the greatest invention of the human world, which has completely brought about this magnificent information age, and he has gained the greatest extent in the information network of half the world.

freedom of.

If relying on brain processors and ordinary supercomputers was like driving in a vast wilderness, now with the blessing of Hyperion, Xu Yang felt that he was no different from a Kunpeng that truly soared in the sky, with a vast body

It is boundless and can span thousands of miles with just a little movement.

It’s incredible. Xu Yang checked what he calculated. These contents can allow everyone to examine the world in a new way. They can create technological miracles, change the course of history, and change the shape of society. They can help many people realize their dreams and improve hundreds of millions of people.

man's future destiny.

Xu Yang closed his eyes.

This world makes me different - and I make this world different.

thank you all……

The first test lasted for 6 hours, and then ended steadily due to energy security concerns.

During this period, Xu Yang obtained astronomical calculation results and submitted them to Nisto Company to facilitate their planning for the next 20 years.

Hyperion accumulated a "full warehouse" of data information during this operation, and the database originally prepared by Nisto reached its upper limit.

It would take a person at least 100 million years to read everything Xu Yang calculated in these six hours.

They contain all important knowledge of the past, present and future.

"..." Xu Yang took a deep breath, silently feeling the numbness and pain coming from his brain. Such powerful power was really intoxicating, but it also consumed a lot of him.

Because he has "memory", a large number of memories during data processing returned to the original place, just like having to move hundreds of tons of goods from a huge warehouse. They were all pressed into Xu Yang's brain, weighing ten thousand pounds!

But he didn't feel tired, he was just happy. He had tested the upper limit of his strength as a human being, and he was complete.

He endured the severe pain and greeted the people around him calmly.

People applauded Xu Yang heartily and nodded.




"What a joy." they said.

"Thank you." Xu Yang bowed to them.

This chapter has been completed!
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