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Chapter 893 From Jialongpo to Snow Mountain

Chapter 893 From Jialongpo to Snow Mountain

Author: Xiao Xisui

Chapter 893 From Jialongpo to Snow Mountain

"Little sister, this shuttle is the hardest one to master. Many people wanted to buy it, but they were persuaded not to buy it after a test drive." Huo Jun couldn't help but warn her.

For a little messenger, the Sky Surveyor is too cruel. Once it starts to speed up, the crew members will find it difficult to withstand supersonic speeds.

Xu Cheng was already arrogant about everything and only had eyes for this Sky Patroller.

She wants to go fast, no matter how fast, to take her life to a new level, and only the Sky Patroller can meet her needs.

"Let me try." Xu Cheng left the cash card with Paopao and opened the Sky Patroller's hatch.

She inspected it carefully and saw that the materials were compact, strong, flawless, and the structure was reasonable. Nisto's technology represented the highest level of the post-catastrophe era.

Xu Cheng came to the cargo hold again. It was also very spacious and very solid. The shock absorption measures were well-established, so there would be no trouble due to unbalanced load during high-speed maneuvers.

She pursed her lips and brushed her fingers over the cold metal of the Sky Surveyor. She could imagine the excitement of piloting this explosive shuttle flying across the sky.

She needed to use speed to resolve all the uneasiness in her heart, Xu Cheng nodded gently.

She returned to the cabin door and found that Paopao was bargaining with Huo Jun. It was incredible! Although she was stammering, she tried her best to bargain.

"Well, no one wants to buy this shuttle! It's very rare for us to buy it!" Paopao seemed to have made up his mind and quarreled with the salesman in order to save Xu Cheng money.

Xu Cheng felt a warm current flowing through his heart, some things would never change.

"Then what do we earn?" Huo Jun shouted.

"Quack." Xu Cheng stared at Huo Jun fiercely.

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you." Huo Jun racked his brains and came up with a suitable price, "5 million."

This is a 50,000 reduction from the listing price.

"There is a 2% discount for full payment. What you said is..." Pao Pao went to elementary school and worked harder than Xu Cheng. She counted on her fingers, "4.9 million."

"It comes with shuttle insurance and an AI operating system." Huo Jun helped them go through the registration procedures, "Then, just fill in the unique code and you'll be successful."

Xu Cheng typed in the unique identification code of the Sky Surveyor shuttle: Popo.

Bubbles forever.

After paying the money, Xu Cheng only had to think about the goods she was carrying along the way before setting off. She still had 157,000 yuan left on hand.

"Shall we set off?" Hades Qiao checked the Sky Surveyor shuttle.

"Don't worry! The next step is the job of the 'messenger', which is to accept the delivery entrustment! We all have unique identification codes, and we can only receive the payment after completing the delivery. Then, Xu Cheng will be responsible for turning on the machine, and we will take the order!

"Bubble said excitedly.

Under the leadership of Pao Bao, the Yishen sisters and Ming Gongqiao went to check the delivery needs of the port area.

I heard that a team of independent messengers would set sail for Taixi Continent. Many people came to contact them and load the goods into the Sky Surveyer. I hope Xu Cheng and the others will do their best to transport precious materials from Jialongpo to other places in the world, for

Various safety zones that are in urgent need of supplies are alleviating their urgent needs. Ye Xisheng only thinks about himself. If he wants to deliver express delivery across zones, he still needs to rely on independent couriers.

Paopao checks the orders she has collected and the goods she has loaded.

"Send the package to Qianmeng of Qiqiu University, and the reward is 100 million yuan. Send 10 boxes of medical supplies from Jialongpo, 200 kilograms, to the hospital in Qiqiu, and the reward is 6,000 yuan; send 2 tons of food: rice, dry goods, canned food

, external hydrogenation batteries, artillery shells, radios and signal transmitters, a total of 300 kilograms, were transported to the Sevaburg United Society in the Crimean Peninsula for a reward of 38,000 yuan; 10 tons of steel, concrete, prefabricated workpieces, tents, fabrics

, electrical appliances, medical equipment, and key chips were transported to the industrial zone in Neletania, and the reward was 180,000 yuan; the 20 bags of seeds, 20 bags of tools, and 400 kilograms of dried fruits, vegetables, and meat were transported to the temple of Boudin, and the reward was 20,000 yuan.

Funds..." Paopao took stock and found that the total cargo capacity was 12.8 tons. If all were delivered, the total reward would be 100 million and 244,000 funds.

It can also carry 7.2 tons of cargo, and Xu Cheng still has 157,000 funds.

Lianhua's mind suddenly became active.

"We have to fill the remaining space with valuable things, and then transport them to those safe areas to sell them. Then we will make a fortune! Is it our share?" Lianhua said quickly.

"Gua." Xu Cheng first gave Lianhua and Shahua 20,000 yuan each as their official reward for following them all the way.

"Rich!" Shahua's eyes lit up.

"From now on, I will go up to the mountain of knives and go down to the sea of ​​fire without hesitation!" Lianhua quickly took the funds from Shahua and stuffed all the money into his pocket.

"No more money..." Shahua licked his fingers in frustration.

Xu Cheng followed Lian Hua's instructions and purchased 2 tons of other supplies on the black market to load into the Sky Patroller shuttle, including wine, tobacco, guns and ammunition, silk, wool, coffee powder, tea and gold, spending a total of 100,000.

In this way, Xu Cheng only has 14,000 funds left. I hope these things can be sold at a good price. Most safe zones need these things.

They also loaded the supplies left at Reservoir Dogs into the shuttle, so that everything was ready to leave Jialongpo.

Xu Cheng breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally we can go...

She drove the Sky Surveyer to the runway of the airport and prepared to leave.

"The inspection is completed and everything is normal. The goods sent to each safety zone have been counted and loaded. Other materials used for transactions are also very safe. The shuttle is in good condition, has sufficient fuel, and is ready to take off at any time." Hades Qiao inspected the entire machine.


Xu Cheng let the others go in first and asked them to sit down in the Sky Patroller's seats. Then she took a deep breath at the entrance and pressed one hand on the cold metal outside the cabin.

The world after the catastrophe is strange and scary. Some things are moving forward, and more things are going backwards.

Xu Cheng looked back at the past, the misery in the nursery, the happiness after being adopted by his father, and the silence since the disaster. He only felt that the memories were like dreams, and the weight of reality was particularly heavy.

Think about what dad would do? Xu Cheng closed his eyes and thought.

Maybe Qianshu inherited his father's bloodline and genes, but only he inherited his father's spirit. Xu Cheng thought silently.

It was as if the power of Xu Zhi's will had left an impact on her, more profoundly than others.

Xu Cheng looked at Jialongpo. The prosperous and noisy giant city in her eyes now seemed extremely small and empty.

Her destiny needs to extend beyond Jialongpo.

After completing this mission, find Qianmeng.

Xu Cheng took a deep breath.

She turned back to the cabin, pulled the door hard, and locked it.

The entire Sky Surveyor seemed to be waiting for its first launch.

Sha Hua looked at the instrument panel, but her crude knowledge could not distinguish any valid information. Ming Gong Qiao guided them on how to become qualified crew members, relieved Captain Xu Cheng, and reported all aspects of information to her.

Bubble is Xu Cheng's most reliable navigator, formulating the sky surveyor's forward plan.

Xu Cheng sat down in his seat and turned to look at the other four people on the Sky Surveyor shuttle, feeling that he was responsible for their safety.

She will use all her strength to drive this unruly high-speed shuttle, passing through the restricted area at the fastest speed and heading to the next safe place.

"Everything is fine! You can take off!" Bubbles reported cheerfully.

As long as he hears the sound of bubbles, Xu Cheng's heart can return to the happy days of childhood at any time.

"Quick!" Xu Cheng skillfully grasped the control lever and pulled it down hard.

The Sky Surveyor roared and took off into the sky, its engines pushing the body up and away from the ground.

Messenger, take off!

"Flying! So high!" Shahua shouted without any knowledge, and then accurately reported the situation according to Ming Gongqiao's training, "So, all systems have been activated! The thrusters are burning at full speed!"

It was too high, and Jialongpo soon turned into a patchwork of dots.

Only from this height can you see how the fog surrounds the entire world, leaving only isolated safe zones.

The world overlaps and the terrain is intertwined. Only brave messengers like Xu Cheng can deliver goods between different safe zones and reestablish precious connections!

Fog swirled around the Sky Surveyor, but could not stop its rapid advance.

Xu Cheng focused on control, his hands were as steady as a rock, and the shadows around him flickered.

Lianhua monitors the scanner and needs to inform the captain if there is any movement.

So far, good luck, no beasts have been awakened.

However, Shahua's magic power leaks out from time to time. Although Shahua's bad luck magic power is very fatal to the enemy, it occasionally brings trouble to his own people.

"Just don't crash." Lianhua couldn't help but say. She saw the pointer on the instrument panel trembling.

Xu Cheng believed that her skills could trump luck. Her brain tracked the calculations of countless aviation parameters, and equations intertwined with instincts, allowing her to glide through the sky in the Sky Surveyor.

In the post-war era when half of human civilization had fallen, Xu Cheng used his talent to soar in the sky where his feet could not step.

The ruins of cities in the Death Hollow sleep in the mist, and monsters roam the mist below, hungry for the human flesh of the survivors.

"Two flying monsters, 10 kilometers northwest!" Lianhua shouted.

"Yes, did I cause it?" Shahua said sadly. I'm afraid it was. She knew.

Xu Cheng glanced at the signal on the scanner and tilted to the right to avoid it.

She could clearly hear the deep vibrating sound of the engine behind her as it sprayed, which was calm and reassuring.

"Unknown air obstacle!" Lianhua continued to call the police.

There is a huge stiff corpse floating in the air. It is a floating monster after an aerial beast was killed. It is lifeless and seems to be a twisted monster. It does not fall to the ground after death and suddenly appears. Xu Cheng is too fast and needs to

For emergency avoidance, the power is transferred to the ventral propeller, allowing the shuttle to perform a controlled roll, quickly cut through the air, and pass through obstacles.

"Wow!" Sha Hua and Lian Hua both experienced the astonishing experience of a shuttle barrel roll for the first time and struggled to hold onto their seat belts.

With a cold face, Xu Cheng operated on the console and re-transmitted power to the main engine. The Sky Surveyor resumed level flight, and the propellers worked hard to drive them through the restricted area as quickly as possible. Only the ultra-high-speed Sky Surveyor could satisfy the current situation, Xu Cheng

She is very happy that she bought the Sky Patroller instead of choosing it. It is more refreshing than other machines she has flown, only the Shenhui back then...

She silently imagined that the open sky appeared, the fog gradually became lighter, and the sun penetrated the clouds. This was a signal of another safe zone. The sky surveyor was indeed fast enough and was almost at its destination!

Shahua's legs were trembling and he looked at Xu Cheng intently: "You, you did it! With you at the helm, even bad luck can't catch up with us?"

"You are too strong..." Lianhua also marveled, "My sister's physique is such that no matter what vehicle she rides on, she will have an accident."

Xu Cheng ignored their kind words and silently stared at the calm sky ahead. The monsters did not dare to follow them to the safe area without the cover of fog. The sun shone on the earth like the promise of the world, and the gray fog gradually became thinner and thicker.

It fell, revealing the snow-capped peaks ahead. They were extremely high in altitude, piercing the sky. Xu Cheng felt deep respect for this almost forgotten beauty, and his heart soared with the light.

Beautiful...safe zone, Snowy Mountains!

"Mountains! There are also temples! Palaces! Ancient cities! We are in the land of snow mountains? What is Kalan Snow Mountain?" Lianhua was very surprised.

The shuttle glides at high altitudes in the snowy fields and mountainous areas that are free from ravage, where life can continue. Xu Cheng looked at the first stop, and Boudin's temple was right in front of him.

(End of chapter)

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