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Chapter 898 Giant Slug and White Dragon

Chapter 898 Giant Slug and White Dragon

Author: Xiao Xisui

Chapter 898 Giant Slug and White Dragon

Below, huge, boundless creatures crawled on the ground, consuming the planet's mass. High in the sky, more monsters roared closer.

"Should we call that - the giant beast of the sky? Don't be kidding!" Lianhua anxiously switched between different modes of the panel, and Shahua put fluorescent marks on all the enemies marked in the sensors. They were densely packed.

Xu Cheng looked at the route drawn by Bubble. This is a vast and ferocious barren land from the Snowy Mountains to the Crimean Peninsula. The grasslands and deserts are superimposed, forming a void wasteland for giant beasts to devour.

People's scalp is numb.

"Chiropterans and burning eyes!" Shahua shouted with a trembling voice.

She didn't want to put more pressure on other teammates, but she felt that she was so unlucky.

The chiropterodactyls swooped down from the mist. They had blade-shaped wings and snake-like bodies. Their triangular jaws looked particularly ferocious, and their bare flesh was deformed and swollen.

It drags dozens or hundreds of wriggling tentacles on its abdomen. When it flies, these tentacles shake rapidly. Once caught by it, the end will be absolutely miserable.

Another kind of monster called "Burning Eyes" floats slowly in the air, like giant eyeballs. They can often be seen standing silently in the air in restricted areas. Their gazes are enough to drive people crazy and collapse their souls.

"If you look at it for too long, it will melt and make you go crazy - hurry up!" Paopao was extremely worried and frightened.

The three burning eyes followed the sound and flew towards them, beating the air behind them with their huge fan-shaped tentacles. They slowly approached the sky surveyor and stared at the people on the shuttle. Their eyes fell on the pilot Xu Cheng.

Their sight seems to be able to penetrate the body and tear it into pieces. They urgently need to tear the prey into pieces, anesthetize it, and then use their tentacles to drag it into the bloody maw hidden under their eyes, and devour it bit by bit.

Ming Gongqiao shot at the monsters flying from all directions, trying to drive back more and more Chiropterans, but its shooting was ineffective and it had to rely on Xu Cheng's superb driving skills to stand out from the surrounding flying monsters.

When it looked at Xu Cheng, it was surprised to see that she was absent-minded.

"Wake up quickly!" Ming Gongqiao urged.

"Quack..." Xu Cheng replied blankly.

Being watched by the three burning eyes, her mind was interfered with by a higher level, and her soul was almost dragged out of her body.

She could see the boundless giant monster clinging to the ground at the bottom, as well as the three extremely cold burning eyes around it. Their spiritual connection with each other formed a large network that almost swallowed up Xu Cheng's will.

Xu Cheng's soul left his body and was transferred to another container, where he had visions of other souls being enslaved and executed.

The Burning Eyes use their gazes to absorb Xu Cheng's soul, and then hand it over to some higher-level, smarter monsters. These advanced creatures look like mosquitoes with extended bodies, with tens of thousands of evil tendrils extending from their heads.


They are - they are in a large network center.

Xu Cheng's captured soul floated in the cylindrical container and saw the most horrifying scene in history: a dozen slender monsters like insects and ants were working in the network facilities built by humans!

They use their carapace-like pliers and limbs to tap the keyboard, and use their slender columnar eyes to stare at the screen. Due to the mismatch in body size, they need to bend down hard to work, learning, understanding, digesting and deciphering human information at a terrifying speed.

All technologies use cunning means to steal human technology and network control, and use their languages ​​and habits to rewrite and colonize the planet.

The entire room was filled with the morbid murmurs of alien creatures.

Today, they have the ability to access data and systems in the post-disaster world, peek into cameras and monitors everywhere, quietly watch human life, and even pretend to be humans to participate in social interactions.

There are poor souls trapped everywhere, with almost no way to escape, inspected and scanned by these monsters. Human knowledge and secrets are hidden for these alien beings to inspect and learn. They are extremely skilled at their work, as if this is not their attempt.

The first planet of slavery. This scene had a profound impact on Xu Cheng's heart and would torture her nerves for countless nights in the future.

Xu Cheng looked up, trying to return to his body, but a researcher had already seen Xu Cheng being caught, and quickly crawled over, tapping the ground quickly with his paws as he moved.

Guaaah - I have to go back quickly, go back! Xu Cheng almost fainted with fright.

"Xiao Gua! Xiao Gua!" Paopao rushed over and shook Xu Cheng, who was lost in his seat.

Xu Cheng's soul heard the call, and for some reason, it burst out at extremely fast speeds, whizzing back and forth, and got into his own body.

When she saw the condition of the Sky Patroller, her heart almost flew out of her throat. It fell so fast that it almost hit the boundless beast on the ground! The thought of coming into contact with that monster was uncontrollable.

A sense of fear and nausea came to my mind.


Xu Cheng gritted his teeth, quickly pulled the operating lever, balanced the rudder, adjusted the engine power, and violently turned the shuttle around and pulled it up.

She broke into a cold sweat.

"What happened just now?" Ming Gongqiao asked. It must beware of such a situation where the captain suddenly loses control.

"Quack--" Xu Cheng panicked. She thought of what she had seen before, these monsters, the alien lifeforms that roamed freely in the restricted area. They were dissecting human civilization like corpses, "Smart aliens...


"In my archives, there are indeed records of even more terrifying situations: these forbidden creatures have also surrendered to some more advanced and smarter things. We must avoid their mental influence." Hades Qiao warned.

Xu Cheng almost vomited, but fortunately she learned the breathing method. The brilliance of the sun's ripples surged through her meridians, awakening Xu Cheng's own life energy.

With each complete circle of breath, her mood calmed down a bit. Yanduo not only represents the sun, but also symbolizes the countless stars in the universe, providing power and heat to every galaxy, and representing the greatest degree of light and hope.

She looked at the chiropterans flying violently in the sky and the burning eyes watching silently. The mental gaze of the giant eyeball monster before, coupled with the mental interference field of the giant beasts on the ground, directly "stole" Xu Cheng's soul.

Now, she can't let this happen again.

"Quack!" Xu Cheng let Paopao grab her shoulders.

Bubbles was shocked, but still did as he was told.

Feeling the weight of Bubble's small hands on her shoulders, Xu Cheng suddenly burst into confidence. She pulled the joystick fiercely and drove the Sky Patroller with a speed and precision she had never imagined.

A strange light bloomed from Xu Cheng's soul, enough to surprise and shock the Burning Eyes who released their evil gaze from a distance!

Their tentacles swung rapidly, conveying unpredictable messages to each other, and they all pulled away from each other, not daring to gaze into Xu Cheng's soul for the time being.

At this moment, the giant slug on the ground suddenly started to move.

There were bursts of extremely loud and weird noises coming from the ground, enough to make people on the shuttle tremble. Its astonishing body began to move, as if the entire black land was suddenly lifted up and crashed towards the sky patroller.

"Let's go!" Lianhua shouted heartbreakingly.

"What bad luck!" Shahua whined. It must be because of her bad luck magic. Why would such a giant beast be interested in their little shuttle?

When the giant slug moved, strong energy and strong wind swept through the sky surveyor, causing the entire body to buzz for a while. Xu Cheng suddenly felt that the speed of the shuttle was decreasing.

Xu Cheng's heart sank to her stomach, her nerves almost burned, and she desperately operated the Sky Patroller.

Take everyone out of the restricted area and leave alive!

At this moment, a white flame streaked through the air below, and a huge white dragon suddenly descended from the clouds, as if it appeared out of the blue. Shahua did not receive any warning in advance.

This dragon has old and pale scales, and its wings are stretched wide enough to almost cover the monster on the ground. Its eyes are huge and completely bright red, soaked with unspeakable hatred and madness. Its roar is tearing apart.

The reality of time and space is torn apart, the mythical claws tear apart the giant beast below, and every movement makes the earth rumble.

Taking advantage of this moment, Xu Cheng speeded up and tried his best to lead them out of their lives.

"We are almost out of the range of that monster!" Lianhua shouted, almost crying with joy. As long as he flew another 2,000 meters, the giant slug crawling on the ground would be left behind, and the white dragon would be invisible.

Who was that ancient and crazy white dragon? Why did it fight the giant worm? These thoughts swirled in her mind, and were replaced by the more severe reality in front of her in an instant.

"Roar!" The chiropterans soared from the mist on the ground, like a large flock of frightened birds, heading straight for the sky patrollers.

"Quack!" Xu Cheng asked everyone to hold on tight to deal with the waves of monsters. The restricted area is full of dangers, and only the bravest people are willing to leave the safe zone.

She accelerated first, then suddenly turned. The inertia caused the crew members to stagger around, and their hearts beat nervously. Xu Cheng plunged the shuttle downward into the fog, gray-white weapons roared between the wings, and hundreds of people stood up in the dead wilderness around them.

Thousands of pale-skinned dead people stared at the sky patrol who suddenly descended into the restricted area.

"Why do you have to come down?" Lianhua shouted.

Xu Cheng operated silently, and the chiropterans dropped straight down from above, chasing the sky patroller crazily. However, Xu Cheng continued to dive, and the distance between the front windshield and the ground was getting closer and closer, as if they were about to hit hard in the next second.


Immediately afterwards, Xu Cheng braked hard just 10 meters above the ground, then raised the bow of the ship in a very weird posture, and then shot himself high into the sky like a cannonball.



"Roar!" The chiropterans were pulled by the "V"-shaped sudden descent and ejection of the Sky Patroller. Some of them wanted to fall down, and some wanted to fly up to continue chasing. They suddenly fell into chaos and collided with each other.


Hades cleverly swung the cannon back and fired at the chaotic Chiroptera monsters. A series of bullets hit them, leaving eye-catching wounds on their festering skin, completely making them lose the ability to pursue. One of them was injured.

He fell to the ground and was quickly submerged and torn into pieces by the white corpses crawling around him!

Xu Cheng lifted the shuttle upwards, and the crew members turned to look. The fog, giant beasts and monsters were all far away. They were all in disbelief. The high-explosive adrenaline made them tremble all over and their faces turned red.

"We did it!" Lianhua was excited, "We flew over that giant beast!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Shahua leaned back on the seat and wiped the sweat with his hands.

"Fly out!" Bubble said in high spirits.

"Excellent skills..." Ming Gongqiao judged.

Xu Cheng took a deep breath. After learning the breathing method, every breath was of great significance to her. It always made her feel calm and strengthened. She accurately controlled the power/thrust ratio of the shuttle to ensure that it remained in the air.


While they were still excited, Ming Gongqiao heard a strange sound coming from the engine and immediately asked Lianhua to check it.

After the examination, Xu Cheng found that the body was severely damaged.

When the giant slug moved, the abnormal energy field emitted from its body damaged the sky patroller. Not only that, although Xu Cheng's amazing tactical action just now got rid of all the monsters, it also overloaded the engine, resulting in abnormally high temperatures.

The fire prevention facilities in the entire power room of the aircraft have been automatically turned on in an effort to cool down the overheated engine.

"Quack--" Xu Cheng realized that the sky surveyors needed to stand by and repair, but they were flying over the restricted area. Where was there a place for them to rest? If it were in peacetime, she could land at the nearest airport and let the coolant cool down the engine.

Cool down to the appropriate operating temperature.

But now, she must bite the bullet and drive the Sky Surveyer to Seva Castle without any stops along the way.

Hopefully the people there are still alive and there are enough mechanics there to fix the Sky Surveyor...

On the other side, Seva Fort.

Major Gabriella was writing a document in the command bunker of the old fortress. She carefully considered every word, hoping to adjust the grammar to the best the first time she wrote so as not to waste precious ink.

An officer named Petrov knocked on the door and came in after receiving the major's promise. He took off his hat with a red star and held it in his hand.

"Major," he said cautiously, "——Since the last invasion, the morale of the comrades has been even lower. There has been no news from Petersburg, and even the slightest telegram has not been sent from other bunkers for six months.

, many people are starting to feel...have we been forgotten?"

"We are not forgotten, we are just isolated, the route is unsafe, but the messengers will come." Gabriella said calmly.

(End of chapter)

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