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Chapter 902 From Fort Seva to Neletania

Chapter 902 From Seva Castle to Neletania

Author: Xiao Xisui

Chapter 902 From Seva Castle to Neletania

"Quack." Xu Cheng walked to the side of the muddy lake.

The surroundings were shrouded in fog and the visibility was less than 100 meters, which was extremely eerie, but the footsteps of her comrades made her feel at ease.

"Sure enough, there is trouble here." Gabriella checked the lake and saw a huge pipeline leading from the edge of the lake to the center of the lake. At the end was a half-sunk shuttle, which was painted in military green and decorated like a northern military industrial enterprise.

important legacy left behind.

"Quack." Xu Cheng's eyes lit up when he saw the shuttle.

It looks as precious as the Sky Surveyor itself, and it should be possible to find suitable materials and parts to repair her shuttle.

"Is that it?" Gabriella looked around.

"Quack, quack." Xu Cheng nodded. Gabriella looked very young, as if time could not damage her beautiful appearance, which surprised Xu Cheng.

Major Gabriella checked the giant pipe and nodded to the people around her: "I'll climb up."

She personally took out a cable rope from her backpack and fixed it to the pipe. Then she climbed onto the pipe and wrapped it around her waist as a safety rope.

In this way, even if she falls into the lake, she can use this rope to get back to the top of the metal pipe.

"Be careful! Major!"

"Major, let me go!"

"Slow down!" the soldiers shouted nervously.

"Tsk...there's something in the lake..." Lianhua observed carefully.

Gabriella took a deep breath, turned to Xu Cheng and Bubble and nodded, then boldly walked onto the pipe, just like walking on a slippery metal single-plank bridge.

She walked step by step towards the shuttle at the end. One end of the rope around her waist was tied to the pipe. The rope was long enough for her to walk to the shuttle.

"Quick!" Xu Cheng encouraged her.

"I'll stay away from everyone..." Shahua cried and found a place to squat down to prevent his bad luck from infecting others.

Gabriella walked forward, the pipes trembling under her feet and screaming with metal vibrations.

The large rusty water pipe could vibrate at any time and throw her into the lake. She tried not to think about what might be in a large lake in the restricted area.

Suddenly there were strange ripples in the lake. She turned her head and saw that she was only a few steps away from a nightmare monster.

——It is snake-shaped, with shiny black scales and hollow white eyes. Rows of jagged teeth are arranged in its bloody mouth, ready to tear Gabriella into pieces.

"Major! Be careful!"


"Shoot!" The soldiers on the shore immediately shot at the monster.


It hit the pipe quickly and violently, causing Gabriella's body to shake, and then she fell into the water.

Falling into the water!


"Major Gabriella!" they shouted.

Foam quickly appeared in the water, and violent noises could be heard.

Gabriella fell into the water. She opened her eyes and saw two aquatic monsters in the water. One of them was the culprit who knocked her down, and the other was even bigger and had a sickly twisted body.

"Roar——" The aquatic monster swam towards Gabriella.

She raised her hand, and a wind-like force parted the water waves, completely revealing its swollen body in front of her.

Immediately afterwards, Gabriella swam forward, took out the knife from her waist, and ruthlessly chopped open the aquatic monster, cut its abdomen, drained its blood, and paralyzed it quickly! The dirty blood spread rapidly in the water, and it

Writhing in pain, enduring the torment of bleeding, he sank to the bottom of the lake and died.

Another larger aquatic monster rushed towards Gabriella. She released her magic power again, this time letting the air flow lift it into the air!

The monster's body hung three meters above the lake. The soldiers all shot at it, pouring ammunition mercilessly. A large number of bullets penetrated its swollen, strong white flesh, almost beating most of its body into flesh foam and blood mist!

Then, Gabriella lifted herself up lightly and jumped back onto the pipe. Although she was soaked, she still looked calm, elegant and confident.

Kill the two beasts immediately!

"What - what is that -" Lianhua was stunned.

"It's a 'witch'." Hades Qiao said, "This Major Gabriella turns out to be a witch!"

Xu Cheng looked a little lost in thought.

In an atmosphere like Seva Castle, everyone seemed to be equal and of the same type, so she never thought that Gabriella would be a witch. Logically speaking, witches should be treated specially or something like that.

But she is just like an ordinary person in society.

No wonder she is so young and beautiful, just like all witches who are eternally young. And what is her magic power? Manipulating the air? She saw that Gabriella could not only push away water ripples, but also lift monsters


Gabriella calmly walked to the end of the pipe, took out the spare rope, fixed it on the shuttle, and then slowly dragged it to the shore.

She used her magic power to drive the airflow, and the heavy shuttle slowly moved, finally reaching the shore.

"Look - it's coming!"

"Let's cut it open!" The soldiers worked hard to open the shuttle's entrance.

Xu Cheng carefully observed the shuttle. Although the outer shell had been corroded, the internal structure was still intact. The soldiers got in and searched carefully, removing all the parts needed to repair the Sky Patroller. They also found some food and medicine.

, it seems that someone tried to escape through this shuttle before the war, but failed, leaving it at this airport and eventually being submerged over time.

"Pay attention to the surroundings and count the number of people. We cannot let our comrades be dragged away silently by monsters, and we cannot allow our comrades to be replaced by dummies." Gabriella made arrangements smoothly to keep her troops intact.

and discipline.

"Wow..." Xu Cheng respected the extraordinary and amazing witch.

Before she could be happy about Gabriella's victory, she heard a strange roar from the mist, and the sound of the giant beast trampling the ground was extremely loud. The soldiers on the edge quickly retreated and built defensive positions along the lake shore to signal the approaching danger.


In an instant, more monsters rushed from the fog, and various figures emerged. Xu Cheng could clearly hear various screams coming from the fog, like a living nightmare.

"How many have come?" Lianhua frowned. The waves of monsters were the last thing she wanted to see.

"Too many!" Xu Cheng tried to count, but he couldn't count. He could only see countless scarlet and bloodthirsty eyes approaching quickly through the fog.

"——Star Monster! Beat them hard, they are monsters stitched together from corpses and beasts. Don't be stingy with bullets!" Gabriella ordered loudly.

The soldiers in the shuttle desperately used gas welding to disassemble the panels, and under the guidance of the army engineers, they correctly took out the required parts. They acted fiercely, even cutting themselves, to find the supplies needed by the little messengers. They were in

The comrades outside had already started shooting, trying their best to fend off the star monster.

The gunfire pierced the mist and illuminated the nightmare-like shapes of the monsters. Xu Cheng also shot desperately. She could see the twisted flesh and milky white eyes. The monsters opened their bloody mouths and let out unnatural howls.

Seva Fort's tank became the most critical bunker and firepower point. It fired at a large monster. The 125 mm caliber artillery roared and penetrated its abdomen before it got close, blasting out a bright and shining field.

Colored flesh.

At this time, everyone was working hard. Looking around, there was no monster anywhere. Xu Cheng fired while releasing the power of repulsion, trying hard to keep the biggest monsters out. They slammed Xu Cheng with their claws.

The wall she created was not allowed to pass through under any circumstances. The sound of gunshots in her ears almost made Xu Cheng deaf.

An agile and lanky monster rushed over like a mantis. With a strong swing of its sickle-like white limbs, the two soldiers were penetrated through the chest, and its sharp claws bloodyly burst out from their backs. The mantis monster

With another wave of the claw knife, their lifeless corpses rolled to the ground.

"Go to hell!" Lianhua was the closest. She smeared the poison of lotus on her knife and threw it at the mantis monster with all her strength.

Its body was stabbed with a knife. At first, it let out a piercing scream and turned to attack Lianhua. She fired desperately and backed away, her heart pounding in fear. The mantis monster pounced at great speed.

"Uuwu... don't kill my sister!" Shahua cried and released his magic power towards the mantis monster.

Immediately afterwards, the mantis monster fell down because its feet stepped on extremely slippery ground, and the toxins on its body began to explode. The poison administered by the lotus flower was particularly violent, causing its muscles to stiffen quickly, and it actually died!

"Use your magic power quickly! You useless trash!" Lianhua escaped and shouted at Shahua.

The enemies seemed endless. Shahua mobilized all his magic power and rushed to the edge of the battlefield.

"Tragic -" Shahua whined, releasing magic power at the endless star monsters in all directions.

Immediately afterwards, extremely terrible misfortune spread to the monsters.

The soldiers were surprised to find that their marksmanship was suddenly accurate, or that the monsters were unfortunately hitting bullets!

Their utilization rate of ammunition suddenly reached the highest level, and the monsters would hit every brass bullet and every energy beam, which happened to be their vital points, causing them to fall to death in an instant, which was both tragic and unfortunate.

Gabriella was surprised and worried at the same time. She was pleasantly surprised by the power of magic power and worried about the consumption of ammunition.

"Have you found everything?" She turned around to look.

"We've got everything!" The soldiers got out of the shuttle with a large number of parts in their hands. They quickly lined up and returned to Seva Fort.

The way back was arduous and hard, surrounded by fog and killing. The soldiers kept firing at every figure that appeared in the fog and huddled together. They could hear their lone comrades suddenly disappear and let out shrill wails, but

They are at their wits' end, the fog is vast, and their courage and ammunition have limits.

Shahua walked forward quickly and returned to Seva Fort first. The soldiers who stayed behind cheered her and the surviving soldiers on the wall of the old bunker. Then came the tanks, armored vehicles, motorcycles, and other vehicles that cleared the way behind her.

The ammunition soldiers, Xu Cheng, Paopao and the others, and then Major Gabriella and her elite guards at the rear.

"We have 30 comrades who will never come back." Major Gabriella looked around and counted the numbers accurately. "We won't go back yet. We have to check each other. If there is a 'dummy'

If you get into Seva Fort, the city will be destroyed tomorrow."

"Puppet?" Xu Cheng asked.

"Those who look like our friends but are actually not our friends are monsters pretending to be our friends. It's hard to tell them apart. You have to look at their faces and eyes... If you see another person who looks very similar to your friend in the future

People, be careful, only one of the two is real. We originally had a sentry who was killed and replaced, lurking back to Seva Fort, and then... many people were killed and replaced, even today I can't

I dare not say whether everyone in Seva Castle is a real person." Gabriella said.

"Quick..." Xu Cheng was extremely frightened.

"Bring this to Yevdokiya Mechanic! Then you can leave!" A soldier handed the high-grade parts and important spare parts he found to Xu Cheng and the others.

These parts include quantum power crystals, warp drives, filter capacitors, micro-fusion motors and a large number of electronic coils, all of which are packed into large metal boxes, enough to repair the Sky Surveyor.

Hades Qiao personally packed and carried them and returned to the machinery factory of Seva Castle.

After the materials arrived, the repair work was restarted.

In the maintenance workshop of Seva Fort, Yevdokiya and her team worked overnight, loading the materials that other comrades exchanged with their lives onto the Sky Patroller, repairing its engine, and making its horsepower and stability even better than before.

, and filled with fuel, enough to sail all the way to Taixi Island.

Xu Cheng and the others had a good rest. They came back the next morning and entered the maintenance workshop. Xu Cheng felt as if a miracle had happened. The appearance of the Sky Patroller was intact. The broken parts were repaired and spray-painted, making it look like brand new from the factory.

"You can go, little messenger." Mechanic Yevdokia wiped his sweat and gave Xu Cheng a thumbs up, "-Fly high."

"Quack!" Xu Cheng saluted her sincerely.

(End of chapter)

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