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Chapter 903 Maximian IX

Chapter 903 Maximian IX

Author: Xiao Xisui

The Sky Surveyor restarted, Xu Cheng pulled down the joystick, and the shuttle rose into the sky, leaving Seva Castle and turning around to Neletania in Western Europe.

The past is like wind, and there are more marks in Xu Cheng's memory. Dad said that memory is a newly established connection between nerve synapses. She hates to explain things so clearly. If it can be explained, it can be tampered with, even

Be counterfeited.

On the way, Lianhua kept talking, either lecturing Shahua or talking about money. Xu Cheng was able to filter her voice and only listen to the useful parts.

"...transport 10 tons of steel, concrete, prefabricated workpieces, tents, fabrics, electrical appliances, medical equipment, and key chips to the industrial zone in Neletania for a reward of 180,000 yuan." Lianhua recited the words of the next report.

Content, "180,000, people in Neletania must be very rich."

"Neletania is a crown territory restored by Maximian IX Habsburg." Hades Qiao searched the archives, "Although this man protected the people of Letania by luck, he was eventually defeated.

He supports him as a ruler, but he has no ambition and only mediocre talents."

"Quack." Xu Cheng drove the shuttle hard, looking forward to seeing the scenery of the next area. Dad said that people live just to see more different scenery in different places. Dad, when I find you, I will tell you about the customs and customs of different places.


She drove the shuttle to a high altitude. Evdokiya's mechanics took care of and maintained the surveyor impeccably. New parts doubled its power. After a 7-hour long flight, the scenery of Neletania became clear.

In front of you.

"Look, look, the fog has dissipated!" Paopao looked at the scenery in the distance.

The land is vast, the mountains are towering, a vast and spectacular green valley spreads out below the shuttle, the broad and tranquil Daru River flows quietly, and the forest spreads unbridled along the foothills, stretching as far as the eye can see.

The road was winding and winding, and the picturesque small Thai-Western villages were so beautiful that they were fascinated by them. These buildings have steep, beautiful tile roofs and are distributed in patches under the hillside. Orchards, windmills and sheep pens can be seen everywhere.

"Look, it's the cows!" Bubble stood up.

"Quack! Quack!" Xu Cheng was anxious.

When she thinks of cows, she thinks of fresh milk, but she can't be distracted. She really wants to have her own dairy farm.

The meadows were dotted with vast swaths of wildflowers, blooming in the warm spring wilderness, with irises, marigolds and sunflowers swaying lazily in the evening sunlight.

Some vehicles were traveling briskly on the road, tractors were operating in the fields, and young children were strolling in the countryside. Carefree free-range cows and wandering goats measured the length of the wilderness with their hooves, looking at the monsters outside the safe zone.

Nothing is known.

Life here is as dreamy as a fairyland! Bubble looked around. It was as if the alien invasion had never affected this land.

"It's so beautiful here..." Bubble murmured, "After so long, I thought this beauty had disappeared from the world."

"...Yeah..." Lianhua couldn't help but touch the window, looking forward to the shuttle landing.

There were still signs of damage in some villages. Paopao saw some military vehicles surrounding the villages, as if some disaster had occurred there.

Xu Cheng drove the shuttle towards the target located by the signal sign: the industrial area of ​​​​Xinyingbao. The shuttle was close to the city. A large number of old-fashioned houses surrounded an ancient castle built on the hills. There were many factories along the river in the suburbs, polluting the city.

The water flows downstream and the sky is black and smoky.

She stopped the shuttle to avoid vehicles and pedestrians. After the ground crew docked it, she waved to Xu Cheng to drive the Sky Surveyer to the designated location.

It is adjacent to a large warehouse, and once she arrives, she can unload the goods quickly.

"Come on down!" Xu Cheng opened the door of the shuttle, impatient. After delivering the goods, he wanted to see the live cows walking.

As soon as we walked into the yard, the smell of dry and sour soot spread. A rude foreman named Hans came over and ordered his men to count and move the cargo on the shuttle. Then he checked the code for Xu Cheng and asked her card

180,000 more funds were added.

Hans is a bear-like man with broad shoulders and a bulging chest. His huge hands are covered with calluses, as if he can crush stones. He wears an orange helmet. Not only is his figure intimidating, but his expression is also a habit.

Sexual cruelty.

"It takes many days to fly from Jialongpo to Neletania," Hans said.

He was wearing a slub suit suitable for manual labor and a jumper made of splash-proof fabric. Heavy leather boots were exposed from under his mud-splashed boots.

"Yes!" Xu Cheng nodded. She crossed her legs and couldn't help but want to leave the industrial area.

Paopao was very attentive and noticed something strange about Hans, a tough man, as if he was worried about something. She also thought of the village she had seen being attacked in the suburbs.

"Is everything okay? Did alien creatures break in?" Paopao asked.

"The trouble here is not the 'forbidden zone', because the army will find ways to repel them. The boundaries are clear and easy to intercept. The problem is the all-pervasive vampires... Some of our villages were attacked by vampires, including that fool Maxi who is obsessed with the game.

With Mian IX here, our village is like an undefended blood bank to vampires, especially at night," Hans said.

The sky was getting dark, and Hans glanced at the sky worriedly, hoping that the sunlight would disappear slowly.

"What if there is really a danger? Will the city send reinforcements?" Paopao asked.

"I heard." Hans snorted in disgust, "When everyone told Maximian IX about the vampire invasion, he didn't even come out of his virtual warehouse."

"Vampires! There are them everywhere in Taixi Continent. If there are them here, there must be more in Qiqiu." Paopao turned to Xu Cheng.

"Quack..." Xu Cheng fell into deep thought. Vampires are said to be scary, but her ripples are a weapon used to fight vampires. Whenever she breathes, the burning ripples will flow through her body, bringing symbols.

The warm power of the sun.

If vampires invade, what should everyone do? Xu Cheng shuddered, imagining the situation of vampires invading those rural villages. People in Taixi Province are scattered in huge rural areas, and it is difficult to resist the sporadic invasion of vampires. The beauty and tranquility here

Will be torn to pieces by brutal vampires.

Hans shook his head, as if he had the same idea as them.

"Beware of vampires," he warned.

The sun sank under the mountain, and the afterglow bid farewell to the world. The urban area of ​​New Eagle Castle was lit up, while the countryside in the distance shivered in the darkness.

Many people have moved into the city, preferring to abandon their homes and build temporary settlements around New Eagle Castle, using tents and vehicles as their homes, rather than become vampire food in the suburbs.

"Let's rest here for one night and leave tomorrow." Paopao turned around.

"Yeah!" Xu Cheng nodded vigorously.

"I want to stay in a beautiful hotel!" Lianhua announced.

They left the shuttle here locked and guarded by Hades Qiao, while they left the factory area and went to find a hotel in the city of New Eagle Castle.

When the lanterns came on, the streets here were narrow cobblestone paths, so narrow that only two cars could go parallel. Xu Cheng looked around, never seeing such a Taixizhou-style small town, so he picked up his camera and took pictures.

Lianhua and Shahua went to find a hotel, and they immediately left. Xu Cheng and Paopao were shopping casually.

There are quaint half-timbered houses everywhere with steeply sloping roofs. Most of the houses have their shutters open. The flower boxes under the windowsills are filled with red, pink and purple geraniums and petunias, filling the air with floral fragrance.

Shops line both sides of the street. Xu Cheng feels that these shops have a long history and have a sense of design. The paintings in the shop windows, the carvings on the eaves, and the blooming flowers together create an unforgettable street scene.

The pace of life is slow, and there are many people drinking coffee on the street. There are many coffee shops and bakeries here, one every 50 meters. The bakers take out fresh pastries from the oven of the pastry shop, and the tinkling of wind chimes comes from

Every opening and closing door echoed. Xu Cheng also saw many taverns with warm yellow lights, from which bursts of melodious folk music could be heard, followed by laughter and clinking of glasses.

What a lazy place... Xu Cheng couldn't help but stretch.

"Eat bread?" Bubble pointed to one of the bakeries.

"Quack!" Xu Cheng slid through the glass door and stepped on the chessboard floor.

The walls of the bakery were a golden color like warm butter, and the room was filled with the smell of yeast, sugar and fresh milk. Several customers looked at the strange little messenger curiously.

Xu Cheng ordered a lot of milk, and Paopao bought croissants, macarons, and chocolates. They rewarded themselves with sweets for their efforts and filled their bags with more bread. Neletania was simply a bread and dessert lover.

Dynasty, Pao Pao has eaten a lot of desserts without feeling tired.

Xu Cheng and Pao Pao went to the Golden Eagle Hotel and met Lianhua and Shahua.

"How many rooms should I book? Shahua and I will share a room, and you and Paopao will share a room?" Lianhua checked, "It only costs 2,000 per night."

"Guagua." Xu Cheng had no objection. She took Paopao's hand to the middle-floor room of the Golden Eagle Hotel and pushed open the antique wooden door. The wooden antique furniture inside made her feel like she was back in ancient times. There were only electric lights and communicators.

and hot water jacuzzi maintained in a modern style.

This room has a full view of the street. Xu Cheng is sitting on the down mattress of the four-poster bed, holding the down pillow and playing a pillow fight with Bubbles. They are jumping on the soft bed, slapping the pillows with all their strength and talking until they are talking to each other.

All exhausted.

"I really hope to stay here for a little longer..." Xu Cheng was tired and leaned back, lying on the soft quilt. Neletania's peaceful and leisurely life made her feel really special.

"Me too..." Paopao closed his eyes and lay on the super soft quilt. He felt his body was light and his exhausted body finally had a chance to rest.

It was like being frozen in time here. Xu Cheng thought idly. The smell of toast, ripe fruits and milk was everywhere, and warmth surrounded her.

Across the floor, the sound of an accordion playing came from somewhere in the hotel. The melody was unforgettable for Xu Cheng, reminding her of her childhood. The nostalgia was bittersweet. She was really afraid that this beauty was just a mirage, and that it would disappear at any time.

They may disappear suddenly.

"Huh...huh..." Xu Cheng closed her eyes and breathed casually. She felt that there was nothing to worry about as long as Bubbles were around. She really wanted to live a peaceful life with Bubbles.

Bubble's thoughts were vague.

"Shall we...turn off the lights?" Paopao asked.

This chapter has been completed!
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