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Chapter 909 From Jialongpo to Shangjing

Chapter 909 From Jialongpo to Shangjing

Author: Xiao Xisui

Chapter 909 From Jialongpo to Shangjing

Xu Cheng returned to Jialongpo alone.

This trip was a disaster. She basically disabled the Sky Surveyor. Without crew members, there was no one to help check the radar and observe the condition of the aircraft. Xu Cheng was in a hurry and felt frustrated.

The shuttle made a huge buzzing sound when it landed, and there was a harsh explosion from the engine. The surveyor shuttle that helped Xu Cheng complete his journey had reached the end of its life. The efforts of Yevdokia's mechanics were in vain.

Dongliu made Xu Cheng feel disappointed with himself.

But she had to find Falosa, even if she died.

Xu Cheng closed the shuttle door, and the port administrator came to check. Xu Cheng wanted to go over and register, but her hands trembled and she did not dare to look at the shuttle's identification code. She filled in "Popo".

Can she be worthy of Paopao? Xu Cheng couldn't tell, so she hurriedly fled the airport. Anyway, the sky surveyor couldn't repair it, so she just stayed there.

Xu Cheng moved forward on the dilapidated roads in the port area. Her old boots stepped on the dust and metal fragments on the ground. She hugged her small satchel tightly to her chest. If there was any strange movement, she would hide temporarily and not think about it.

Cause trouble.

The afternoon sun fell mercilessly, casting a dazzling light on the metal shell of the abandoned vehicle, and waves of heat spread on the sidewalk. Xu Cheng wiped the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand, ignoring the numbness of her nerves and the pain in her hands and feet. She had become accustomed to it.

.After muscles are destroyed, the rebuilt muscles will be stronger.

She had to send back the things she took along the way. In the middle of the noisy black market, Xu Cheng saw Jimson guards still guarding the automatic trading robots in the Blackstone Market, and strode over.

"Hey!" Jimson saw Xu Cheng first, "Little Messenger! He's back again!"

"Quack!" Xu Cheng was proud of what was about to be handed over to him. She put her hand into her pocket and returned the camera to Jimson.

"Have you photographed the scenery of the outside world?" Jimson's eyes lit up. He opened the camera and checked the photos and photography content inside, including the wind and snow in the Boudin Snow Mountains, the canals of Seva Castle, and the countryside of Neletania.

The desert of Italia... As he watched, his expression became more and more amazed.

Xu Cheng put his hands on his hips and nodded to him.

"It's amazing," Xu Cheng said.

Jimson was moved to close the camera and spoke with an added heaviness.

"Thank you." He nodded frequently to Xu Cheng, "It's perfect - it's incredible! Now I can finally tell my son that there are other places besides Jialongpo. There is nothing better than this damn place in the world.

There are more things in the safe zone! The things you photograph are ironclad evidence! It is much more real than the landscape generated by AI. This is the real world, this is the planet we are standing on!"

"Maybe it will be safer to stay in Jialongpo." Xu Cheng sat on an old metal stool, pressing his knees with his hands.

"Good guy, I'll give you some extra gifts. Tell me, no matter what you want, I'll get it for you." Jimson said repeatedly.

"Milk." Xu Cheng raised her head. It seemed that all her hard work and long journey were worth it.

Ten minutes later, Xu Cheng was walking along the road in Jialongpo Port Area, holding her big milk box.

Although he didn't doubt Jimson's integrity, Xu Cheng couldn't help but use his tactical glasses to scan it.



Introduction: 1.5 liters of milk, just opened, I advise you to drink it within 3 hours.

Hazard level: None


Xu Cheng breathed a sigh of relief.

The access to the core city is still blocked by high-voltage telescreens. The guards are armed with live ammunition and cover their faces with fully enclosed masks. It is said that people wearing masks are 10 times more cruel than those without.

She knew that she didn't have enough credit to get in. Jialongpo only wanted those new modern citizens who were good at tolerating and bowing their heads, and Xu Cheng would never be able to adapt.

Xu Cheng took a sip of milk and walked through the ruins of a building. From among the twisted steel bars and charred prefabricated panels, new green shoots were growing. She climbed up the hill made of building debris and squatted down, like a

The scavenger then took out his mobile phone and called Qianshu.

She was holding a milk carton in her left hand and a mobile phone in her right hand. When the beep of communication sounded, Xu Cheng immediately thought of Qianshu's family's super luxurious residence in Jialongpo. The Bishui Manor was vast and represented private power.

and the pinnacle of wealth.

"Hello?" Qianshu's voice sounded from the other end of the phone.

Wow, it’s the cute little Qianshu. Xu Cheng’s heart brightened.

"I'm going back to Beijing." Xu Cheng said, "Please help me arrange a flight."

She needs the Jialongpo official heavy-duty flight, which is escorted by the military and shuttles dutifully between the safety zones. It specializes in transporting personnel and supplies and docks with the Jialongpo mothership in the sky. If Xu Cheng can take a special train back to Beijing, then

It would be a very lucky thing.

She was really exhausted and didn't want to fly the shuttle anymore.

"Jialongpo special train? Hmm...I'm afraid not." Qianshu said.

"What are you doing?" Xu Cheng was confused.

"Mom won't let me do this, hey." Qian Shu said.

"But given your status, isn't it just a matter of words?" Xu Cheng was anxious.

"My mother will criticize me severely if she finds out. I don't want to be scolded by my mother. If my mother doesn't like you, I can't help you." Qianshu's tone was particularly disappointing when he said the last sentence.

"Oh..." Xu Cheng murmured. Qianshu, Qianshu, have you become an adult?

"Where are the others?" Qianshu asked, "Did Ming Gong Qiao perform well?"

"I left everyone else in the safe zone. They have more money than they can spend in a lifetime. They will be fine." Xu Cheng left almost all the remaining money to Pao Pao.

"Underworld Qiao should have followed you." Qianshu said.

"It's none of its business. I shut it down and it should have just restarted. But Qianshu, it's useless to say anything." Xu Cheng said.

"You stay in Jialongpo for a while, and I will find a way to see you." Qianshu said.

"No need." Xu Cheng was upset and ended the communication.

She kicked a can away from the ruins, and it flew to the far wall and bounced off the cold brick wall. The weak can't touch the wall, right?

As the sky grew dark, Xu Cheng walked through the abandoned streets of the port area and walked alone. She was exhausted. Every step she took was torturing her muscles. The familiar pain spread throughout her body and continued to spread, but Xu Cheng could not stand still.

Come to think of it, if she were asked to stop and find a place to rest quietly now, she would not be able to accept it at all.

She wandered around the once bustling port of Jialongpo. Nowadays, only a few unemployed people and gangsters hang out here. She lit a fire on the ruins of the dock to keep warm, and grilled rats and fish she found from nowhere.

She put the pistol in her arms, and if a bad guy came, she would shoot him, and then walked on the seaside. It was the same when she left Jialongpo, with the black sea as her company. After a journey of more than 20,000 miles,

How much has Xu Cheng grown up? She wanted to make a list, but her mind was too foggy to make one.

Xu Cheng habitually turned her head to let Bubble get closer, but there was only an empty causeway behind her. She rubbed her nose and couldn't walk anymore.

The water stretches endlessly, blending into the night, and the waves gently lap at the pier.

Xu Cheng misses Paopao and the peaceful life in the past.

She had complained about why Nestor Company had so many wars to fight, but compared to today, those were simply the most peaceful times in history.

Compared with the prosperous world that Xu Cheng is familiar with, this world eroded by the starry sky is silent, broken, and extremely unfamiliar. Without bubbles, Xu Cheng can only work hard to piece together the past pictures and recall the past that filled Jialongpo.

Sound: the sound of advertising, the horn of approaching ships, the noise of tourists from all over the world... Everything is gone now, leaving only the sob of the lonely wind, whispering about the humanity and humanity that once surged in Jialongpo.


Xu Cheng opened her arms towards the sea, and the sea breeze blew through her hair, bringing a light salty smell. She closed her eyes and imagined that she was not by the dark ocean, but standing on a beach as white as ivory under a bright summer day.

, the shallow sea full of life has shells and jellyfish instead of Willow Seers and Buzz Monsters.

She could almost hear the laughter and screams of people playing on the sand, feel the tingling sensation of the fine gravel as her toes stepped on the soft sand, and feel the taste of milk surging in her mouth, the endless energy and possibilities.

On the pier, wandering gangsters and gangsters followed Xu Cheng secretly for a long time.

There were 12 of them. Watching this strange little girl wandering alone on the shore at night, they decided to rob her, play with her, and then throw her broken body into the sea.

A man was holding a cigarette, the implant in his right eye locked onto Xu Cheng's back, and several other people also raised their guns.

She faced the sea and opened her arms, like a little fool waiting to die.

They no longer hesitated and pulled the trigger.


Five minutes later, Xu Cheng squatted on the embankment.

The ghostly memories and sounds disappeared, leaving her with only darkness, decay, and the bodies of 12 people. She had no motivation to search for the bodies, and just felt empty.

The bright light of the core urban area of ​​Jialongpo shone brightly behind her, and her shadow fell on the sea. She could also drift with the sea water and be pushed back to the coast of Shangjing. Xu Cheng thought hazily. Or be preyed on.

They will definitely be preyed on. Creatures in restricted areas are not easy to deal with.

Xu Cheng felt that many things had been stripped away from her body. She could still go back, she could go back to Beijing. She could definitely go back if she thought of a way, but what could she do if she went back? Can Xu Cheng defeat Falosa?

Falosa, the God of Witches, what is little Xu Cheng compared to her?

The familiar whistling sound caught Xu Cheng's attention and pulled her out of her thoughts.

From the darkness, a small shuttle flew over the dark sea, with the red navigation lights on its four corners flashing brightly and dimly for identification.

Xu Cheng was stunned.

The shuttle landed next to Xu Cheng, the hatch opened, and the pedals stretched out from the bottom of the door with the sizzling sound of the hydraulic system and connected to the dock, as if inviting Xu Cheng to enter.

Zhixingniang stood in the cabin of the Shenhui and reached out to Xu Cheng happily:

"We go home!"

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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