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Chapter 911: The 12 Billion Year Secret History of the Starry Sky

Chapter 911 The 12 billion-year secret history of the starry sky

Author: Xiao Xisui

Chapter 911 The 12 billion-year secret history of the starry sky

Since the beginning of the invasion, Xu Yang's consciousness has been severely damaged.

His thoughts once spread across half of the world, but when the machines and equipment were destroyed in the catastrophe, Xu Yang's will was also torn apart, and he was even deliberately harmed and exiled.

The power of the Star Messenger sent Xu Yang into the real void, making him unable to protect the world. Its power was limited by the giant tower, and it could not kill Xu Yang, so it exiled Xu Yang in this way.

After Xu Yang's will was exiled, he spent most of his time floating in a transcendent, unnatural world. He felt that there was a hazy wall between himself and the real world, preventing him from returning to his body.

He probably knows what his situation is like.

Superconscious Xu Yang: Consciousness has been thrown away from the world, a place he tentatively calls "forgetfulness", a place that transcends the concept of time and space.

Subconscious Xu Yang: Lying on the small island of Tasunti in his dream, this is the place where his subconscious wants to stay most.

The real Xu Yang: In the life-support cabin, it is like a golden stasis, maintaining the vitality of Xu Yang's body. If Xu Yang's physical body dies, the relationship between Xu Yang and the physical universe will be severed, and the relationship between Xu Yang and the physical universe will be severed.

I will drift in the realm of oblivion forever.

In the realm of oblivion, Xu Yang wandered aimlessly and found that there were other hazy shining will bodies here. They claimed that Xu Yang was exiled by the messengers of the stars like them.

"A new soul has come."

"How many years has it been?"

"Could it be that besides us, other civilizations have been destroyed..."

"Look, the messengers of the stars have captured your soul. Even if you are hiding in the machine, they have thrown you into nothingness." One of the shining wills said.

"What about you? Who are you?" Xu Yang asked.

"We are interstellar beings who were defeated by the messengers of the stars and had no chance to resist. Our civilization once flourished in many river systems." said the shining will body.

"I know Yan Duo and the others," Xu Yang said, and then told the Shining Will Body about the situation of Yan Duo and other star gods, as well as Xingyun Township.

"I don't remember the name Yanduo, but I know Xingyun Township, which is one of our colonies. I am undoubtedly older than the Yanduo you mentioned. Maybe it is the same race as us, or a branch of our race.

Maybe they escaped, got lost, and finally landed on your planet." Shining Will Body said.

"Since the Star Messenger has exiled our will here, we have to find a way to defeat the Star Messenger." Xu Yang said quickly.

"How to do it? You can't even go back." The shining will body laughed.

"My body is still there, and my soul is still lying on a beach. I just need to find a way to go back slowly." Xu Yang said simply.

"Your words contain some kind of powerful willpower..." said the Shining Will Body.

"My daughter is more determined than me, and I also learn from her." Xu Yang said firmly, "... Anyway, since I am not dead yet, I will be able to go back sooner or later. If you think about it during this long time

If you have found a way to defeat the Messenger of the Stars, please teach it to me, please!"

"Since you know one of our kin, we are not unrelated. We have taught you the equation for calculating the position of the Star Messenger. Although it is difficult to calculate its position even if you exhaust your thinking, we are already in the void.

Most of the work has been completed in the edge realm. If you return to the physical world, you may be able to finally figure out the world of the Star Messenger." Shining Will Body said.

"The world of the Star Messengers?" Xu Yang pondered.

"In the oldest era, the civilization of our Star Gods, the civilization of the Yos people and the civilization of the Witches spread randomly in the universe, constantly colonized and expanded, and fought with each other in different river systems. We Star Gods have naturally powerful,

With bodies like stars, the Yousi people have the most advanced science and technology, and the witch civilization possesses mysterious magic power. But the most powerful witch was born in the witch civilization - it is hard to imagine her existence, and her magic power spreads

She has traveled to many different worlds, and the known universe cannot escape her control, so let’s call her the Galaxy Witch." Shining Will Body said.

"That's it..." Xu Yang listened.

"She is so powerful that the Yous people and the Star Gods all succumbed to her and worshiped her as the Supreme of the Star Sea, but it was only a temporary expediency. The technology of the Yous people was so powerful that it could revise the laws of physics. They built a curved space-time machine, which is

Project future things to the beginning. For example, if you use a curved space-time computer for calculations, you can get the results at the beginning. Or if you use a curved space-time machine for production, you will get the product the moment your machine starts working, so you can

The Si people gathered infinite production efficiency and resources, and then launched a rebellion, fighting until the avenue was wiped out." The Shining Will Body talked to Xu Yang about the secrets of the universe long ago.

"If so, where did those star messengers come from?" Xu Yang asked.

"The Yus people continue to carry out technological explosions to fight against the witch civilization, and the witch civilization also relies on the strongest witch in the galaxy to resist. We star gods have to retreat in all directions. In my opinion, the 'Nebula Township' in your river system is what we are doing in the great river system.

Established during the retreat years. In short, the technological civilization established by the Yus people was so powerful that they decided to go back to the early days of the Big Bang to search for the earliest dark matter and powerful energy there. However, they found nothing except the messenger of the stars - Creation.

The space life form in the early days of the world followed the trajectory of time and was inadvertently dragged back by the Yus people. It basically destroyed the Yus people, destroyed their technology, and used the remaining Yus people as slaves. The Witch Civilization

It was also defeated by it. The universe of your time has already passed 12 billion years. Every word I say to you almost has the weight of tens of millions of years." Shining Will Body said.

"...On our planet, witches seem to have fallen from meteors and fallen into women's delivery rooms." Xu Yang said.

"Yes, before the defeat, in order to save the witch civilization, the Galaxy Witch used her magic power to establish a unique law, allowing the witch's soul after death to wander throughout the universe, looking for intelligent races to 'parasitize' and inherit the witch's civilization.

.The Yusi people discovered this feature, so they also encapsulated their wisdom into machines and sent these machines to planets where witches were parasitic. Obviously, witches can only parasitize intelligent creatures, so the knowledge of the Yusi people

, as long as you follow the world where the witch lives, you will have a chance to be inherited." said the shining will body.

"And you, the 'Star God' clan, continue to wander..." Xu Yang pondered.

"Our bodies were discovered and destroyed by the messengers of the stars. Our souls were strong and could not be easily destroyed, so we were simply stripped out and thrown into the world of nothingness like you. Maybe you are also the best on your planet,

That's why you are targeted. But it can't kill you, it can only throw you here. It hopes you will never go back, but just like you insist... maybe you have a chance to return." Shining Will Body said.

"Thank you for your advice." Xu Yang pieced together the current secret history of the stars.

The Star Messenger was born at the beginning of the Big Bang. It seems to be some kind of extraordinarily powerful life, but it probably lives elsewhere, and at least it would not interfere with various civilizations.

The Yus people, witches and star gods multiplied in the universe. The final battle between the Yus civilization and the witch civilization caused the technology explosion of the Yus people under pressure. They accidentally attracted the messengers of the stars, causing all three major civilizations to be destroyed by the stars.

The messenger was defeated.

Xu Yang suddenly thought of it. The so-called God Ascension Machine... is the knowledge that the Yus people sent to various civilizations in envelopes? And people in our world don't know the secret history of the stars, and they still call the God Ascension Machine "the throne of God" because

Those who control it can gain the wisdom and power of the Yousians. But the original holder of the throne, Orsian, must have lacked original intelligence and was unable to make good use of it. He was completely reckless, causing the gods to hate him, and was eventually assassinated.

The fragments of the throne fell into Farosha's body, and most of them were with her. Only one piece was lost and missing, and two more pieces were in Mond's hands.

In that case, once the fragments of the God Throne are reunited, wouldn't it be possible to reshape the God Ascension Machine and recover the legacy of the so-called Yusi technological civilization? If it is inherited by human civilization, it may be able to counterattack the messengers of the stars.

"What did you mean by the 'world of the messengers of stars' at the beginning?" Xu Yang asked.

"It has almost destroyed all civilizations. Maybe your civilization is the only one left in the vast sea of ​​stars. You should be the first one thrown into the void in 2 billion years. So, in the process of its battle, whether it is the Galaxy Witch or

The technological weapons of the ancient Youthians have severely damaged it...but it is still difficult to defeat, because its essence is a high-dimensional creature, and its attack is actually carried out across dimensions on you from 'where it is',

Projection-style attacks are unstoppable. It is a very secretive place. But we can calculate its coordinates."

"What happens after you figure it out?"

"Find a way to get in, no matter what method you use, find a way to enter that space, or simply destroy that space. The Yus and the Witch Civilization's methods of confronting it have all failed, and we are the only ones left, the exiled ones.

The Star Gods still have a chance to figure out the true location of the Star Messenger and launch an attack on its core." Shining Will Body said.

"I understand... Then, please tell me the equation, and I will complete the final calculation." Xu Yang said firmly. The Star God Wills have endured loneliness for too long, and now they have decided to pass on this knowledge.


For the next six years, Xu Yang's will has been in the realm of nothingness, studying how to calculate the true coordinates of the star messengers with the wills of these star gods who were also exiled.

The witch civilization was defeated, and all the witches were exiled in the sea of ​​​​stars. They had to "steal" the delivery rooms of various intelligent beings to complete their continuation. Although this led to the complete demise of many intelligent civilizations like the old race, the magic of the witches was still passed down.

, retaining the final chance of winning.

The Yousi people were defeated, and all the knowledge they had was encapsulated into a creation like a "god ascending machine" and sent to the planet where intelligent life lived. Even though they themselves had been destroyed and the survivors were enslaved, the god ascending machine did contain enough

The supreme wisdom of man becoming a "god" retains the final chance of victory.

The Star God was defeated, and the huge beings were wandering in the star sea, occasionally falling on a certain planet like Yan Duo, and most of their kindred were killed and exiled. But these exiled will bodies are still there

Thinking, speculating and judging the true position of the Star Messenger in the void, retaining the final chance of victory.

In the past six years, Xu Yang has been here to pursue the possibility of final integration, so that the power of the witches, the wisdom of the divine machine, and the calculation of the Star God can all be brought together...

During this period, he also saw that Falosa and the others were trying their best to read through ancient books and use extremely clumsy but extremely patient methods to wake him up. This indeed contributed to the convergence of his subconscious and also caused Xu Yang's consciousness to emerge from the realm of nothingness.

Gradually floating outward, getting closer and closer to my subconscious lying on the beach.

"I seem to be able to return to the material world, but I am getting further and further away from you." Xu Yang could not judge his nature in the void.

"Then we will use 'shout' to let the information come to you alternately in the form of waves and chords. You must remember it well." The Shining Willpowers watched Xu Yang slowly go back.

"Don't worry, our souls were born to record memories." Even though Xu Yang was far away and drifting one after another, he was cautious and focused on learning from the will of these exiled Star Gods.

Until today, six years later.

Xu Yang has learned enough from the Shining Will Body. With his back against a thin wall, he was almost able to return to his subconscious dreamland. He only missed a few things and someone came to the door.

Awaken his sleeping subconscious.

"You are too lazy." Xu Yang criticized his subconscious, "This is a life-or-death moment."

"Why should I be a hero?" Xu Yang's subconscious is lazy and free. "I don't want to be responsible. We are so light as a feather. Why should we fight for this 12 billion-year history of blood and tears in the universe? As long as someone pulls out the tube

, we will disappear together.”

"Wrong, you will disappear, and I will live forever in the void with the shining will bodies, until one day in the future, another intelligent and civilized creature will be exiled like this." Xu Yang's will clung to the void.


"What do you mean? Isn't your biggest pursuit not to have to go to work? Think about it carefully." Xu Yang said subconsciously.

"You are too lazy." Xu Yang said.

"You are so crazy. You work non-stop, day and night, and use your body to carry the computing power of a supercomputer. People can only see six directions and hear all directions, but your field of vision can see ten million at the same time.

Square meters of land, your brain is calculating trillions of information, and you don’t have a real second to rest. Let’s make peace and enjoy this long vacation.”

"But it's just a little bit close. Farosha used all the ancient secrets and finally slowly called back my soul like a 'soul call'. Now we only need a final touch and we can go back. Every time they

When he enters the dream and calls us, we all take one step closer to returning." Xu Yang said.

"I'm going to sleep." Xu Yang's subconscious was relaxing on the beach. Although he didn't want to admit it, this was indeed Xu Yang's subconscious, escaping from pressure and struggle.

Xu Yang's superconsciousness was also tired. He clung to the thin boundary of nothingness and could not distinguish anything.

Who else can come to help?

——Xu Cheng came over.

Her figure crosses the white sand beach.

"Dad." Xu Cheng squatted down and approached Xu Yang's forehead, "Don't worry about me anymore."

Like sparks exploding in the long darkness, Xu Yang stared blankly at Xu Cheng through the mist-like wall. At that moment, his consciousness was strong enough and clear enough to pass through the last gap. Xu Cheng's shining, bright

And the beautiful spirit, almost like a magnet, pulled her father back from the void and completed the final summons.

His superconscious mind returned to his subconscious mind, he woke up from the beach and opened his eyes.

"I'm back." Xu Yang said.

(End of chapter)

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