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Chapter 91: Resurrection from the Fragments

There was a rumbling sound from the dark rock crevice, and a giant rat opened the rock crevice with its head. A large group of rat men lay on the giant rat, followed the giant rat through the tunnel, and appeared inside the cave.

This place is quite narrow and shaped like a crescent moon. As soon as the giant rat came out, it got very close to the shuttle. The other wererats jumped off the giant rat and surrounded the shuttle, making little noises.

"What do you want to do?" Xu Yang called out.

"Save the Saint." An aging voice sounded in the darkness, "I heard that you have the ability to bring her back."

He must be the new leader or temporary leader of the rat people. Xu Yang thought to himself. He didn't know what the new rat king's position was.

"Let the rat people retreat and put down their weapons." Xu Yang ordered.

"Unlike our counterparts who are on all fours, we are not used to the feeling of empty hands."

"You know those primitive things won't hurt this shuttle, they will only increase the mutual distrust between us."

"Rat people have never dared to trust humans. Weapons can help us be brave."

"If we waste any more time, Sally will only get worse, and nearby companies will also come over. Neither of us wants to see this result," Xu Yang said.

"We have a sense of proportion. All we want is an attitude. To us, you are just another arrogant human being who shouts and drinks, monopolizing resources that we cannot get, and using this ability to try to hold us hostage and manipulate us.


"Then bring all the weapons." Xu Yang turned on the armor's armed mode and walked down the hatch with the gun.

He saw a particularly old and calm old white-haired rat among the rats. He estimated that he was the new leader of the rat people and would take over Sally's vacancy. He might live longer than most humans.

The old white-haired rat stretched out his hand to signal to the rats. After seeing the gesture, the rat people got busy and untied a large package tied to the giant rat's back. They carefully lifted it to Xu Yang and laid the package flat on the ground.

By the light of the shuttle, Xu Yang saw that it was actually a body bag woven with radiation-proof material. It had been washed clean by the rat people, but it was just full of dragging wrinkles. The label on the zipper had a human name written on it.

, I don’t know who I pretended to be before.

"Be careful."

"Chirp chirp chirp..."

"Open it slowly." The rat people stretched out their paws cautiously.

"No need." Xu Yang knew that it must be very ugly inside. The remains of Sally he saw on the ground floor of the Shenkong Building were already very scary.

"Most of the saint's body has been... broken into pieces." The old white-haired mouse said, "In order to recover these parts, we have tried our best. We returned to the scene several times, risking being discovered by humans. Many of our compatriots came back covered with blood.

Fester. I hope this all counts, you said you had the power to resurrect the Saint, and now we have brought the Saint."

"Are you the leader of everyone now?" Xu Yang needed confirmation.

"I've just seen too much, and my compatriots trust my judgment." The old white-haired mouse used conservative words.

"She must be extremely important to you." Xu Yang sighed, "She doesn't look like a Rat Man at all."

"You don't understand, Sally is the only, last hope." The old white-haired mouse's eyes fell on the body bag.

Farossa also opened the hatch and stepped down, her memory of the rat people still fresh.

"Do you still trust her? Do you want to save her?" Falosa was very curious. "Didn't this guy throw all of you on the battlefield? How many of you died, half? Two-thirds? She is the worst one.

It’s like being a ruler, hurting the people but getting nothing.”

"..." The old white-haired mouse's eyes darkened, "...Who is qualified to evaluate? Are you qualified?"

"No one is qualified." Falosa choked, a little dissatisfied, but had to admit, "Only gods are qualified."

"Yes," the old white-haired mouse took a deep breath, "Only gods are qualified to evaluate, and what humans can only do is called moral judgment."

"You have killed too many people, the company will not let you go," Xu Yang said.

"It couldn't be more realistic," the old white-haired rat shook his head. "Someone said, who will host the Rat Path? In the past 50 years, tens of millions of rat people have died from chemical poisons and genetic viruses. I have never heard anyone say: Company

If you are so cruel, the Ratmen will never let you go."

"It is indeed a matter of balance of power," Xu Yang said. "The essence of this conflict is the use of you by the Black Fire Innovation."

"What the woman said is true. A whole generation of young rat people died in the city, and we got nothing. But this is not the first time. We once captured Anjiu City during the rat tide, but in the end it was short-lived.

, we already knew that most of our efforts would end in failure, but this is not a reason to give up.”

"You know Mateo is taking advantage of Sally."

"But the will of the Holy One is higher than my opinion."

"It seems to me that you are more intelligent than Sally."

"Sally is our pride. I dare not compare with her. I am just a mouse. You also said that Sally has very few mouse characteristics, which makes us know that she is different. She is a mutant.

The Chosen One is destined to guide us.”

"Farosa." Xu Yang looked back.

"You'd better make sure there's nothing in this pile of rags besides Sally," Falosa stepped out of the shuttle and stood next to the body bag, "otherwise I don't know what I'll be able to recover." She liked it.

Little Sally, so she was willing to help.

"If it is incomplete, can Sally be resurrected?" The old white-haired mouse asked, "We can't find half of the legs. There are too many humans coming in, so we can only bring these back."

"It's most likely possible." Falosa thought for a moment, "I haven't tested it yet. I once resurrected an entire person with just one head."

There is actually a lot of ambiguity in the power of witches. You must find time to test their magic power. Thinking of this, Xu Yang felt distressed again. Unfortunately, there is no reliable base or hiding place so far, and he is at a loss no matter what he wants to do.

, beware of surveillance from all directions.

Falosa was about to cast a spell, and the rat people stared at her intently, and then looked at Sally's body.

"The Law of Reply," Farossa murmured.

Red light filled Xu Yang's sight. When he came to his senses, there was a squirming movement in the body bag. The Rats hurriedly opened the zipper. Sally's eyes widened and she was intact. She breathed heavily and stretched out her hands to crawl out.

, stumbled to his feet.

Resurrect the dead and replace all things.

"Ah——" Sally yelled hoarsely, staggered, and almost fell down.

Xu Yang observed that her body was intact, and it was not impossible to recover due to the mutilation of the body. The fragments of clothes on her body were also restored to complete clothes.


"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

"Ah yeah!"

After Sally returned, the old white-haired rat bent down, crawled away quickly, and disappeared from the rat man's sight.

"I still remember..." Sally looked around, and finally her eyes fell on Xu Yang and Falosa, "I still remember you, I died in the parking lot of the building before."

"The magic resurrected you," Xu Yang explained, "Now, you owe us a huge favor."

"Yes." Sally nodded indifferently, "However, I have lost too many compatriots. You cannot resurrect those compatriots. They can only be washed into the sewers of Aizu City and be fished out and eaten by us."

Bacchus put his head out to look around, and Sally noticed her.

"Oh, I know you too," Sally looked at Bacchus, "you and Mateo came to the Mouse Village together."

"Yes." Bacchus nodded, "However, we are just pawns under Mateo. He is a combatant of the Blackfire Revolution. We are just the kind of mercenaries who come and go when called upon."

"What are your plans for the future?" Xu Yang said, "The Rat Clan gained nothing after this chaos."

"The network said they wanted to give me a job," Sally recalled.

"Don't be stupid, the ground company will only exploit you mercilessly," Xu Yang said, "When the time comes, your situation will be a thousand times more miserable than if you stayed with your own people. If you really sign their contract, you will only

I was exploited for my whole life at my work station and regretted my decision every cold night."

"Although I know you are being alarmist," Sally sighed, "but I really must return to Mouse Village and be with my people. Only the old, weak, women and children are left among them."

"Are the rat people...really the degeneration of humans?" Xu Yang couldn't help but ask.

"Wancang knows." Sally looked back, "Wancang? You were here just now."

"Yes." The old white-haired rat crawled out after being called. It stooped at first, but under the gaze of everyone and the rat people, it slowly straightened its back, stood upright, and looked at Xu Yang's level.

Only now did Xu Yang realize that it was extremely tall, not any shorter than humans.

"The terrain of the archipelago is fragmented," Xu Yang said. "With cities scattered on different islands, the origin of the rat people must be more complicated."

"It's all the same," said the old white-haired mouse, "my name is Wancang, Guan Wancang... I used to be a laborer."

"Labourers..." Xu Yang's heart flashed, "There is a sense of history."

"Of course I am history to you. I still remember my memories of being in the factory 60 years ago, but they are all blurred. I remember that I and many others worked very hard, day and night, even now living in a rat village.

Every night I have nightmares, dreaming about going back to the factory and hearing the banging of the huge industrial equipment, and then I wake up in a cold sweat." Guan Wanchang recalled.

"Now many sweatshops have been replaced by machines." Xu Yang said. Due to uneven development, there are still labor-intensive industries and traditional assembly lines in the jurisdictions of a few giant companies, but the proportion is constantly decreasing.

"The essence has not changed. I think people have just changed the place of suffering and the form," Guan Wanchang said. "I want to use honest labor to survive, but I only get a meager salary. Faced with the rising rent, I can't find a way to survive."

Without a place to stay, I had to work hard to keep my job, living a life with an end in sight. I became weaker and poorer. My other friends and I contracted serious strange diseases, and we often dreamed that we became

The factory laid off many people, and I was fired. I and others in the same situation lived in the sewers of Anjiu City. Then one day, that kind of dream became more and more frequent. After I opened my eyes... the dream came true.

Really, we really turned into mice."

This chapter has been completed!
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