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Chapter 925: Laser Parting Conflict

Chapter 925 Laser Separation Conflict

Author: Xiao Xisui

Chapter 925 Laser Separation Conflict

After leaving the Anchorage prison camp, Xu Cheng continued to drive the shuttle.

"Your driving skills are the best I have ever seen. You can drive better than those professional pilots who have been driving for more than ten years." Laila continued to praise Xu Cheng without sparing any effort.

"Hehe." Xu Cheng likes others to praise her. She wants to show herself in front of Laila and drive the shuttle steadily and well.

Laila leaned back in the seat comfortably.

"Awesome! It feels so good to ride in your shuttle. It's not bumpy and noisy like a military carrier plane. It feels as comfortable as a dream." Laila added.

The first compliment may have been polite, and the second compliment may have been a malicious attempt to get close, but the successive compliments almost lifted Xu Cheng to the sky. She nodded, feeling pleased with herself. Regardless of her driving skills,

Having a co-pilot who speaks well is the most important thing.

The next stop was the Yukon Mountain Blockade, where a unit designated as the 19th Freedom Brigade was stationed.

The 19th Freedom Brigade is a second-line force, composed of small company troops, mercenaries, and volunteers from the Eastern Hemisphere Allied Forces. It has mediocre equipment and does not have the same professionalism as the legions dispatched by large companies.

Laila checked the Shenhui's onboard scanner. It accurately photographed the surrounding environment and modeled the terrain below. Only prefabricated components, kinetic energy bulletproof obstacles and outposts spread. The men of the 19th Freedom Brigade moved quickly.

, has established a sizable defensive stronghold here, and also set up artillery, and is very ambitious.

"There should be a polar military base at the core of the lighthouse on Yukon Mountain, so this is the front line." Laila looked up again and looked at the undulating snow-capped mountains in the dark night in the distance.

"It will be troublesome for the troops to enter the mountains," Xu Cheng said subconsciously.

"Yes, so if I were to lead the army, I would also place the second-line troops like the 19th Freedom Brigade in the mountainous areas that are easy to defend and difficult to attack, relying on the terrain to intercept the enemy, while the main force would move south along the open plains.

Directly penetrate the fertile land of New Taipei and attack their industrial and production potential." Laila spoke with high spirits.

Sure enough, he has the temperament of a crown prince, as if Laila can still govern alone even if Farosa is not around. Xu Cheng admires her very much.

"I thought we had already won." Xu Cheng felt that the enemy had surrendered after defeating Anchorage.

"It was still very early. New Taipei Continent covers 25 million square kilometers. We are just like the ancient conquerors who have just set foot on a corner of this continent. We still have to consider how to relax and not act too hastily."

"Can't rush?" Xu Cheng thought.

"Yes, just like hunting, if a hunter forces the herd into a deadlock, they will unite and attack the outside world. In other words, if we attack blindly and continue to arouse the hostility of the New Taixi people, then we will

They are trapped in the quagmire of war. And if we slowly divide them, they will gradually have internal chaos, and then it will be much easier to conquer New Taipei." Laila said wisely.

"I have never thought about these problems." Xu Cheng touched his head.

"If the conquered mourn and shed tears, the conquest will not be complete." Laila said calmly, "But don't worry, this should be a matter for me to consider."

Xu Cheng feels that Laila is amazing and courageous. She seems to be like a commander who coordinates the overall situation, easily evaluating and making decisions about the entire war and discussing the future of mankind. Laila always overlooks the world from a high place, while Xu Cheng

It's the little Douding looking up from the ground.

The shuttle landed on the tarmac of the Yukon Front. Xu Cheng pulled down the joystick, opened the hatch and jumped out. It was so cold here. When he turned around, he found that Laila had thoughtfully brought her a military coat.

"Here, don't catch a cold." Laila put the coat on Xu Cheng herself, and Xu Cheng put it on. The cold wind was driven away by the refined cashmere, and she felt more and more that Laila was getting better. Laila, hehe

, Laila.

Surrounded by hastily built platforms, machine gun towers and military camps, Xu Cheng felt a little uneasy because people from the Freedom Brigade ran over quickly, at least thirty soldiers, wearing mountain special warfare uniforms and fur hats, with a rude attitude.

"The goods finally arrived!"

"come quickly!"

"Take all these goods!"

"Open the cargo hold!" They pointed at the cargo hold of the Shenhui and were about to attack.

"What are you doing!" Xu Cheng was angry, "Don't move! If you touch me, I will drive you away!"

An officer wearing a heavy machinery helmet walked quickly. He showed his ID and indicated that he was the brigade commander of the 19th Freedom Brigade.

"In the name of Yukon Mountain Station, I need your cooperation. Please unload the weapons and ammunition on the shuttle and hand over the cargo manifest to me." The officer said seriously.

"The manifest states that there are only 300 rifles and 40,000 rounds of ammunition, nothing else!" Xu Cheng handed the manifest to the officer to sign.

"The information we received is that there are another 300 rifles in your cargo hold." The officer did not sign the cargo manifest, but made a strict request, "We need these weapons and ammunition because we are about to attack the lighthouse on Yukon Mountain.

The core defense station must catch them off guard before the next day, but we have too few bullets now. Please cooperate with us!"

"Only half of the gun is for you, and the other half is to be sent to the next station! I'm going to Waranger Outpost! I still have goods to deliver! If you want to grab it, I won't give it to you.

Yes!" Xu Cheng shouted.

"According to the database, there is only one person at Waranger Outpost. Why does he need so many guns? He can wait, but we can't afford to wait. You must unload all the goods here, no negotiation." The officer said rudely.


Immediately afterwards, he ordered his soldiers to prepare to pry open the Shenhui.

Two technicians hurried over, holding quite violent electromagnetic unlocking devices in their hands. Xu Cheng felt very dangerous.

"I'm going to beat you!" Xu Cheng stretched out her hand, determined to stop them, and she herself was breathing rapidly.

"This is war, not a child's play!" the officer raised his voice.

The messenger will not abandon his goods! Xu Cheng screamed in her heart, but she did not speak, but her face darkened and she dispatched her magic power.

Before she could do anything, Laila had already driven the light wings behind her and flew into the sky.

"Stop!" A dazzling red flame burst out from her eyes, and violent magic burst out instantly, cutting straight through the ground with a sizzling sound!


With the eye-catching sparks and the sound of melting, the soldiers of the 19th Freedom Brigade were frightened and turned around to retreat, while others stared at the cut ground with their mouths open.

It's like being slashed by a huge scythe that penetrates the world! It can harvest lives and destroy alloys without any suspense! People who are closer are trembling all over, and they don't start to be afraid until now.

If it is affected by Laila's destructive light, it will probably vaporize on the spot and turn back into smoke and dust in an instant!

Swift, deadly, terrifying!

The soldiers immediately refreshed their views on the two messengers. Some of them who were well-informed immediately thought of the rumored existence of Laila Madusa and broke out in cold sweats.

The destructive power of this laser exceeds that of plasma weapons. The damage efficiency is extremely frightening, and it is not attenuated by the air. It can destroy everything just by looking at it. This kind of magic makes people nervous.

"This guy……"

"so amazing……"

"Is this the Conquest Witch? She's more powerful than anyone else I've ever seen..."

Laila hung in the air, and the light in her eyes disappeared instantly.

She glared at the officer: "I am Leila Madusa of the Witch Legion. These supplies are allocated according to the budget of the High Command's 'Multi-Eyed Demon' and are carried by couriers. Where should they be sent and how much should they be sent?

, are all included in the agreement and will be distributed according to the military situation in each place!"

"But -" the officer heard Lila's name and knew something was wrong, but he still wanted to argue, "We must attack Yukon Mountain before dawn."

"If the calculation conclusion is that your site needs 300 weapons and 40,000 rounds of ammunition, then that's all you need. If you plan to carry out a mission that exceeds your arms budget, please... carefully consider whether your combat plan is too large.

What a fantasy!" Laila scolded.

The soldiers' anger and panic gradually turned into vigilance and suspicion. The officer glanced at the soldiers around him and knew that they might not be able to win this wonderful feat. He shook his head helplessly, made a gesture, signed the cargo list, and asked the soldiers to

They load and unload their fair share, no more and no less.

"That's it - Messenger." The officer nodded helplessly to Xu Cheng, "You are right, you are very brave, and so are your friends. I originally wanted to get more guns for my brothers, but I was indeed negligent.

You violated the original military order, and I apologize to you."

Xu Cheng didn't realize that he had been nervously holding his breath from before until now, and he just took a breath now.

"Quack." Xu Cheng put his hands on his hips, "The messenger has the highest responsibility!"

Laila turned around, landed next to Xu Cheng, and nodded to Xu Cheng: "I'm telling you, once you get to the front line, anything can happen."

The officer glanced at the shuttle and saw that there were five large cargo boxes left inside, containing 300 kinetic rifles and energy weapons, as well as a large number of batteries, bullets, and mechanical equipment.

"But there is really only one person at Waranger Outpost." The officer looked at the weapons sadly, "I hope that person can make good use of so many weapons."

"The cargo list is unmistakable!" Xu Cheng lowered his head and glanced at the cargo list. Yes, there is a large amount of arms at Warranger Outpost.

"Be prepared to sacrifice your life for the protracted war, Lieutenant." Laila nodded to the officer, and then returned to the shuttle with Xu Cheng.

Xu Cheng closed the door of the shuttle, and before starting it, she comforted Weaver Star Niang.

"It was really scary just now." Star Weaver sat on the console, showing her holographic phantom, "You must protect me."

"I won't let anyone hurt you." Laila nodded to Star Weaver.

"Quack." Xu Cheng felt that Laila had stolen her line, but it didn't matter. She pulled down the joystick and the shuttle flew into the sky.

There is only one person in the Warranger outpost, but so many weapons are needed. Xu Cheng actually found it strange.

"Who is it?" Xu Cheng couldn't help asking on the way, "Who wants so many weapons and bullets?"

"We'll find out when we get there." Laila looked calm on the surface, but she was also curious in her heart about what kind of person would want a large amount of arms to arm herself.

The shuttle moved forward another 5 kilometers, passing through the Anchorage area and arriving in the Westville region of New Taipei.

The Warrangell outpost is located near a hidden old dam. The dam itself has been out of service. The water level in the reservoir is so high that it almost submerges both sides, forming a striking giant lake. Some wild ducks sleep on the lake, surrounded by green

The movement of the Shenhui was so silent that it did not even disturb them.

When the shuttle arrived, Xu Cheng asked the people at the Warranger outpost to help him, and soon a tall, beautiful blond woman walked out of the outpost.

She is so beautiful, tall and tall, with a surging bosom. The witch armor is compact, showing smooth shoulders and beautiful ankles. Xu Cheng has never seen such a tall and beautiful beauty. She seems to be from Xintai Xizhou.


"Hey, the goods have arrived." She waved her hand, "Just put it down, there shouldn't be much."

"Quack." Xu Cheng ran over and gave her the bill of goods to sign. She is the new beautiful big sister.

(End of chapter)

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