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Chapter 933 Divine Intervention

Chapter 933 Divine Intervention

Author: Xiao Xisui

Chapter 933 Divine Intervention

Noriko Honma tightened her hands.

The silk gloves almost made a slight tearing sound as her grip increased. She really wanted to scold them! But she couldn't lose her composure in front of the pigs.

This group of pigs... can still rely on luck and ancestral wealth to show off their power in peaceful times, but they are at a loss when critical moments arise. With so much experience and so many lessons, what they are best at is eating and sleeping, just like a group of pigs.

The only intelligent creature in this room is Noriko Honma herself, or so she thinks.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Seeing that Noriko Honma was not having an attack, the room began to be noisy again.

People were whispering to each other, and the corridor outside was even more noisy. They were frantically exchanging opinions and thinking about what to do next.

"We have to get on that Ark and leave. Isn't the purpose of the Ark Foundation to build an Ark to leave this world?"

"Are you proposing a peace agreement to the Eastern Hemisphere Allied Forces? They have conquered a vast enough land, so they should be satisfied. I'm afraid they have never thought of annexing the entire New Taipei continent in a single war."

"Damn it, our main force is still there, why don't we fight? First, push the unsteady enemy into the sea. The residents of New York City are still waiting for us to rescue them!"

"Reflect on what barbaric acts we have done to deserve such cruel revenge."

"Lord Dirnai bless us..."

"I have been working for the Lighthouse Core from the beginning to the end, and you! You are a traitor! A coward!"

The chatter sounded.

Noriko Honma looked around, but no one dared to look at her, and some even turned their backs to Noriko Honma.

An army composed of Orientals, ratmen, blacks, and robots... Such "rabble" are inferior to pigs in the eyes of Noriko Homma, but now they have reached the core hinterland of the lighthouse, threatening the lives of the old dignitaries and calling humanity

The elites were at a loss.

They can't figure it out.

Noriko Honma looked at the chaos indifferently. The Eastern Hemisphere Allied Forces advanced very quickly. Another armored corps advanced to the defensive position in the mountains and fought to the death with the defenders there. Relying on the advantage of the terrain, they probably

It can still last for 17 hours.

The soldiers stationed on each front are well-equipped and loaded with live ammunition. Isn't it possible that the exoskeleton armor, kinetic energy weapons and hive rockets he has issued to them are not enough? Noriko Honma thought thoughtfully.

The core of the Lighthouse, the world's leading military, has lost consecutive battles within two months, which shows that their armaments are lax and they are strong on the outside and incompetent on the inside.

The people of Xintai and Xizhou have been paralyzed by the superior life, and they don't even know how to fight the enemy with their lives.

They need morale, a kind of morale that regards death as home. Where can I give them morale at this time? They are too accustomed to relying on technological weapons to fight, and they like the fun of blowing up a target hundreds of kilometers away with one click on the screen.

, and once the enemy rushes within thirty steps, they will want to surrender.

Noriko Honma closed her eyes and resisted the urge to give orders, "giving orders to these pigs". This was a habit she had long abandoned when she was young.

Today, what she needs is more useful weapons.

The precious images sent back from the front line are full of destroyed forts, burning vehicles and fortresses that were razed to the ground. The enemy's firepower is powerful, destroying armor and protective shields at will, and the technology is comparable to that of the lighthouse core. Is it a cyber monster?

?They opened Hyperion once, and at that time accumulated enough advanced technology to fill the 15-year gap.

Noriko Honma took out her katana and made a gesture in front of her lower abdomen, imagining the pain of seppuku after defeat.

She used this method to encourage herself and focus herself in particularly extreme situations. She couldn't lose, she warned herself, she couldn't lose and kept thinking of ways.

If he loses, a big gash will open in his abdomen, and all the intestinal blood will splatter.

She has never doubted the safety of the Ark Foundation, which was established by the most powerful group of people before the catastrophe.

So, did I miss something? Noriko Honma needs time to clean up and think.

She waved her hand: "You all can go out."

People were relieved, just like the condemned prisoners were happy to hear that their punishment was cancelled, and turned around and left one after another.

The angel Michael said to Noriko Honma: "Don't forget to pray, madam."

"I have never prayed." Noriko Honma said. She has no faith.

"You can learn." Michael made a prayer gesture, then turned and left.

After the golden light on the angel's body faded, Noriko Honma suddenly felt that her field of vision became broader. She raised her head and realized what she was missing.


If the Eastern Hemisphere coalition forces come in, all the technicians and dignitaries will flee. They will cherish their lives. The password of each controller will be betrayed to the cyber monsters. The commanders of each defense zone will rush to surrender to Lila Nisto.

, thereby striving for better treatment.

And when the time comes, I will betray my relatives, kneel on the ground, and taste the shame of failure.

But now, now she is only threatened, not completely destroyed.

She turned to the wall behind her, where the Seal Cross of Dirnai hung high.

Noriko Honma knelt down facing the Diener Cross.

She had never paid homage to anyone in her life. Today was the first time, and she worshiped from the bottom of her heart, letting go of her guard. She leaned forward, fell on the ground, and prayed to the goddess Dernai.

She is a believer now.

Unparalleled holy light shines on Noriko Honma.

She felt divine power and protection coming to her.

Apocalypse? Miracle?

Noriko Honma had no intention of distinguishing, she only knew that it was useful.

She closed her eyes and listened to the divine revelation.

"Yes, yes, Sir Diener." Noriko Honma's tone was both ethereal and pious, "I will obey your orders."

Sebastian, the core commander of the lighthouse, left Noriko Honma's strategic conference room and quickly walked to the other end of the Ark Bunker, where he had his own staff room.

Standing at the table, Sebastian rubbed his nervous eyes with his fingers, endlessly spinning various options in his mind.

A graduate of the New York City Military Academy, his implants have recorded examples of more than 60,000 battles, but none of them were fought this way.

Due to the disastrous defeat at the Battle of Anchorage, the enemy's cunning attacks from multiple directions, and the "rebellion" of the company alliance, the defense line laid out by Sebastian was helplessly torn apart.

It collapsed before the enemy and was reduced to ruins.

From all rational perspectives, surrender was the only recourse they had left.

He is the commander-in-chief of the core force of the Lighthouse. At least the lives of more than 300,000 army officers and soldiers under his command must be preserved.

Since the sons and daughters have no chance to escape to other worlds on the ark, they must at least take their lives back to their hometown...

Others briefly talked with Sebastian and drew up the terms of the peace agreement:

Xintaixizhou ceded all areas west of the Great Mountains;

New York City is opened as an intercontinental public administration zone and serves as a free trade model port with an open door to New Taipei and Western Continent;

50 years of war reparations;

Handing over everyone from the Ark Foundation - this was the only one they unanimously approved without any dispute during the discussion. The Ark Foundation, the original Seven Seals, has done too much harm to New Taixi Continent.

A regular knock on the door sounded, which seemed particularly abrupt at this moment.

Sebastian straightened up and glanced at the clock. There were still 30 minutes before they could reach a consensus and honorably withdraw New Taipei from the war and save the lives of most soldiers and civilians.

"Come in." Sebastian called, hoping that the robot would bring coffee to them, old officers.

The door opened gently, and Noriko Honma strode in.

A pale light radiated around her, and Sebastian's eyes widened in shock. Logically speaking, Noriko Honma should not have appeared here. Wasn't she going to drink a bullet and commit suicide in her room?

I know that once the Eastern Hemisphere coalition forces capture Noriko Honma alive, the only best outcome is a merciful death.

Noriko Honma stopped between the staff officers. Her eyes were shining with the holy flame of Dirnai. People looked at Noriko Honma, as if they saw the Supreme God behind her eyes.

Lord Dernai...

Sebastian opened his mouth, and countless protests, questions and shouts filled his thoughts - and then they all disappeared.

All concessions, begging for mercy and surrender were put on the shelf. Sebastian's hands were clasped on the table. He and other staff members became extremely docile and listened to Noriko Honma's orders.

"We have lost a lot of land, but we will let the enemy continue to bleed until they discover that this is not a paradise, but another manifestation of hell." Noriko Honma said gracefully, "Commander, gather your troops.


Sebastian took a deep breath, and new lofty thoughts filled his chest, as if an ember had been rekindled.

Fight for Lord Dirnai, God's will!

"Yes...!" He nodded and turned to send orders to his subordinates' strategic headquarters. His troops were exhausted and beaten black and blue by enemies from all directions, but he could not disobey the will of the higher-ups.

His heart was hardened by some force, and he had to do things against his will.

"Continue, continue." Noriko Honma stood next to Sebastian and watched him issue orders one after another.

Sebastian continued to play his role as the supreme commander of the headquarters, issuing dispatch orders to different troops, asking them to fight for honor, for the survival of New Taixi, and more importantly, for Lord Dirnai.

Facing so many enemies and endless hostile armies, all arrangements seemed to be in vain, but standing next to Sebastian was Noriko Honma. At this moment, she seemed to be the incarnation of Diehlnai himself.

"Very good." Noriko Honma's voice penetrated into the depths of Sebastian's soul, like a command spell, "Let's fight now."

Sebastian turned his head, and the other staff members looked at Commander Sebastian, as if they read the incarnation of Diehlnai in his eyes, so their own eyes became erratic and their souls were ignited.

"For Lord Dirnai."

"March against the enemy...!"

"Fight to the end, Lord Dirnai will protect us." They completed their respective tasks, and surrender was crossed out from their thoughts.

The war machine at the heart of the lighthouse continues to operate and will never surrender.

Noriko Honma stood among them, her whole body still shining with an unfathomable golden light, her smile cold and angular.

Pigs are hopeless, so any method used to treat pigs should be used.

"Turn on the video signal to all frontline military officers and personnel." Noriko Honma said quietly, "I want to give a video speech to everyone."

(End of chapter)

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