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Chapter 935: Lu Jing's Support

Chapter 935 Lu Jing’s support

Author: Xiao Xisui


Compared with the previous war, there was not much progress in the war. News about natural disasters continued, preventing the coalition forces from further expanding their results.

It's difficult... If this continues, everyone will be tortured to death. Xu Yang is worried.

As Dirnai unleashed her power, the coalition's water supplies were polluted, livestock died or rotted, and thousands of soldiers were infested with pervasive vermin and parasites, as well as spontaneous fires and disrupted storms, creating a series of dangerous events.

Targeted catastrophe.

The reconnaissance reports coming back from the front line are becoming more and more extreme. Archangel Michael leads the Legion of Heaven to be active in New Taipei and Western Continent, defeating successive offensives by the coalition forces in the Eastern Hemisphere.

The supply lines maintained through the Anchorage Isthmus were also invaded from the northern mountains, and the coalition forces were temporarily unable to spare the strength to go deep into the polar tundra and eradicate the Xintai Xizhou guerrilla army operating there. Due to the folding of the world, the area to the north of Xintai Xizhou was even more

It's cold, desolate, and almost no one would want to march there.

At this stage of the war, higher requirements have been placed on willpower, courage, and tactical strategies.

Xu Yang's new mobile command post is an armored train parked on the railway line and moving as the frontline troops advance.

Each carriage has different functions, and most of them are data computer rooms, supporting his vast data processing work.

Even though he suffered losses and delays, Xu Yang did his best to consolidate the results achieved so far.

He asked the Lord of the Forest to intervene in the pollution and corruption on the surface, assist Micro-October in finding and returning the souls of soldiers who died in battle, and also asked Yando to adjust the sunlight to continue to trap the Ark Foundation's troops in the lightless night.

He warmed his own army. There was also Falosa's subordinate, the giant Seaborn Clarus II, who inherited the power of winter, and was also summoned to the shore. It was supposed to establish meritorious service in Anchorage, but it can also help now.

With Yanduo, the battle lines became clearly defined. The coalition side stood in the light and warmth, while the Ark Foundation troops endured darkness and low temperature.

Looking around, no matter day or night, they are lit with frosty white lights 24 hours a day, looking deserted, strange and sinister.

Xu Yang found that the remaining Ark Foundation troops were basically under control.

The culture brought by Dirnai values ​​asceticism and suffering. They believe that suffering and suffering are another way to salvation and victory, as if the more they suffer, the more abundant grace they will receive in the future.

I'm afraid now they also regard this lightless night as a test. As long as they endure the test, they will be generously rewarded. Therefore, they are less and less afraid of the darkness. Even if they are frozen to death in the cold wind, they are still happy...

Xu Yang thought silently.

Lu Jing still comes often and almost lives on Xu Yang’s data train.

Today was as always, Lu Jing boarded the train on time, passed through several carriages, and arrived at Xu Yang's location.

"It's so nice here, I mean - so neat." Lu Jing looked around.

It is cold and severe here. Screens, drones and data panels can be seen everywhere. The entire train interior is extremely practical. A huge holographic tactical display is located in the middle of the carriage, showing the strategic situation of the entire New Taixi Continent. It is densely packed with information.

Strategic markers and data readouts designed to sense and control the overall situation.

Each symbol is updating in real time and beating constantly, reminding Lu Jing of the thousands of rapidly jumping numbers in the Guangnan Financial Exchange. The last time she visited the exchange was seven years ago. The catastrophe caused many things to be lost.

inherent nature.

Xu Yang helped Lu Jing make tea.

He now remembered many of Lu Jing's preferences. She liked soft conversations, fresh Mingqian green tea, and polite social interactions.

Lu Jing calmly sat in a booth, which was converted from a train. At least it still had seats.

She turned around and saw the Sentinel drones suspended outside the carriage. They seemed calm, but once they entered armed mode, their firepower was enough to cover all targets within a 20-kilometer radius.

"We are still preparing for the 'big plan'." Xu Yang brought the tea.

"Did you know that soldiers called the 'Grand Plan' the 'Endgame'?" Lu Jing said.

"Maybe." Xu Yang brought the tea to Lu Jing, "We can't afford it anymore."

The so-called grand plan refers to an attack operation.

Both the enemy and ourselves are very clear that what is needed now is a large-scale battle to determine the outcome of both sides, so Xu Yang has been preparing this "big plan" and he wants to take the initiative.

The final moment? Xu Yang sighed secretly. Indeed, this is the big plan.

If they win, then the Ark Foundation will be completely disintegrated and the expedition will be completely successful; if they lose, the chain reaction will be enough to collapse the Nestor Company.

With so many sacrifices, so much effort, and so much dedication, we must not be defeated at this time.

Since the beginning of the war, the coalition forces in the Eastern Hemisphere have been in full swing, but their organization and morale are also rapidly declining.

After several weeks of rest and recuperation, today, Xu Yang believed that they were ready to launch another attack and achieve another victory like the victory in the Battle of Anchorage.

After making sure that the frontline troops had been fully rotated and rested, he determined to break the situation and let the coalition launch an offensive to break through the so-called natural disaster.

The highest quality supplies, the most advanced military weapons, as well as battle-hardened troops and witches are all concentrated in secret locations on the front line.

Thanks to the superb concealment technology and military confidentiality strategies, the Ark Foundation has not yet gained insight into the location of this coalition attack force.

"Since you plan to use attack to decide the outcome, you must have gathered all your assets for this expedition," Lu Jing said.

"Yes, all armored forces, air force, giant ships and long-range fire support have been concentrated." Xu Yang nodded.

"Attacking the Ark Bunker? Once the big plan is launched, the first wave of attacks will be led by tactical nuclear weapons, blasting through all the Ark Foundation's defense lines, followed by a long drive into the Foundation bunker and the Heavenly Kingdom airship." Lu Jing speculated.

Xu Yang’s strategy.

"This is a secret." Xu Yang said mysteriously.

"Is it a secret, or did you not think it through?"

"I must have thought about it, but the enemy is not stupid either." Xu Yang said.

"...No matter what, it's just an offensive operation, with one go, then weakened again, and all three are exhausted?" Lu Jing pondered, "We have been fighting for nearly 100 days. This attack is guaranteed to win but cannot be defeated. Once defeated, we will

The offensive will collapse, and the remaining supplies will not allow us to survive until winter."

"If we lose, we must retreat, return to the mountains, and then sit back and watch our allies in the east and south be pushed back and slaughtered... This is impossible." Xu Yang shook his head, "So we must win."

It was on such a train that Xu Yang worked tirelessly and personally worked out all the details of the big plan. Lu Jing secretly said.

She rested her elbows on the chopping board, supported her chin with one hand, and looked at Xu Yang, unaware of how much she looked like a woman in love.

This is also the right thing to do, because Dirnai can summon endless storms and disasters, and its damage radius exceeds that of the Supreme Witch such as Storm Queen and the Underworld Thunder God. The large and small disasters happening everywhere on the front line are already unspeakable.

If we don't achieve results, the outcome will be disastrous. Lu Jing thought silently.

"We can catch them off guard. They think we are exhausted, but they don't know that you have hidden your real elite, waiting to launch the most ambitious offensive in history." Lu Jing murmured, "And you want to

Go straight to the Ark bunker."

Xu Yang was thoughtful.

"Yes... form an array in the plain area, directly attack the bunker headquarters, and storm the base camp." Xu Yang nodded, "Everyone agrees on this. Only in this way can we achieve the greatest victory."

"This is a desperate gamble, but waiting will only bring further trouble." Lu Jing pondered. She didn't know how risky it was. She only knew that if the coalition didn't win a few battles, they would be doomed.

The key is that Xia's internal people don't like this kind of laborious expedition. Lu Jing doesn't like to deceive the residents of Xia. She tells the truth at every press conference and explains the situation to them. Xintai Xizhou cannot be destroyed by a quick attack.

People still have to suffer casualties for several months.

Her honesty and frankness sometimes make Xu Yang feel uncomfortable, but Lu Jing feels that in this position, she should be responsible for the people of Xia.

"How long will it take to implement the big plan?" Lu Jing asked.

"Now, or within a hundred hours." Xu Yang said mysteriously.

"Maybe this is the last battle we launch on this continent. If we win, we can go home. If we lose, we will also go home." Lu Jing said slightly hesitantly. She did not participate.

The big plan was formulated, and I don’t know what kind of tactics Xu Yang had arranged to penetrate directly into the Ark Bunker.

"I hope Xia's troops can provide feint attacks and cover." Xu Yang put forward his idea.

"No problem, we still have four field groups on the western front that are capable of launching an offensive. I have also arranged for more reinforcements to equip the frontline troops with twice the number of anti-aircraft weapons to counter the enemy's Angels, and

Energy shield - used to intercept the positron cannons fired by those big robots." Lu Jing said slowly, she absent-mindedly pushed a strand of hair behind her ears, and her eyes met Xu Yang's inadvertently. He was better than she remembered.

Even more handsome, and more mature after six years. Or more sophisticated, Lu Jing couldn't say.

Xu Yang wanted to sit across from her, but Lu Jing made way for Xu Yang to sit next to her.

"The plan has been made. I have entrusted the plan to a trustworthy person. She will definitely be able to launch a beautiful attack and catch the enemy by surprise." Xu Yang promised.

"I know, I know you should be able to do it, although I don't know what you will use to break the defense line of the Tianguo airship." Lu Jing's head was pressed against the window of the train. The surroundings were quiet, with only the buzzing of the current running from the equipment.


"Believe me." Xu Yang's hand slid forward and found the buttons on Lu Jing's gray formal suit. He opened them one after another. He was very interested in this action. He felt that he was approaching every mystery of Lu Jing's body.


"Father said I should look like a lady." Lu Jing snorted.

"So what do you like? Is the matchmaker marrying you? I can propose marriage to Mr. Lu, really." Xu Yang said.

His voice was very close and his hands were so kind. Lu Jing imagined.

Her memory was fragmented and the past was blurry. But when she was with Xu Yang, a long-lost sense of familiarity awakened, as if the fragments on the floor clicked together and were reassembled into a whole.

"Slow down." Lu Jing closed his eyes and made a soft voice, "I like to sit here, whether it is now or in the future."

It wasn't until dusk fell and Yan Duo walked away from the sky that Lu Jing returned to the safety of her own airship.

She nodded towards the straight figure waiting at the hatch: "Xiao Lu?"

This chapter has been completed!
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