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Chapter 941 The Final Negotiation

Chapter 941 The Final Negotiation

Author: Xiao Xisui

Chapter 941 The Final Negotiation

"Say it." Xu Yang said.

"What a fate. This is not the first time we have fought against each other. It has been almost fifteen years. Too many things have happened to each of us. If it weren't for the Seven Witches ritual you provided, I would have died long ago. I wouldn't be like now.

Such youth is endless. And you have become the 'leader' of this world, which is very interesting. Who would have thought that a down-and-out engineer and a witch would reach such heights today and walk in front of me." Nori Honma

Zi said.

"What do you want to do?" Xu Yang asked Noriko Honma.

"I just feel very pity that people like you, after working hard for half a century, finally have the opportunity to talk to me alone." Noriko Honma said.

"Then why bother calling? After all, we will arrest you soon." Xu Yang said.

He responded to Noriko Honma in his own train. At this time, the train was moving forward at a constant speed, heading towards the Ark Bunker in the hinterland of the Xintai Xizhou Great Plains.

This is the last battle, he said to himself.

"I admit that your resistance is interesting, but the game time is over. You can only go here and not beyond." Noriko Honma said quietly.

"You have destroyed the lives of 4.3 billion people in this world. Do you think this is a game?" Xu Yang said.

"Like many people, you are too cynical. People are born with a distinction between high and low, and the lives of most people in the world have no meaning. It's just you and people like you who are always

Unrealistic expectations are placed on them. After all, this world is not led by the majority, it belongs to the minority."

"You are so ignorant." Xu Yang said.

"You know, even if you win, it will only be a victory for a few privileged people represented by you and Farosha, leading the masses of ignorant people. Having said that, on this level, I still admire you,

I don't feel ashamed that a mortal elite like you is playing against me." Noriko Honma said.

"No one cares what you think." Xu Yang said.

"Others will understand. Look at the current situation. If you attack the mainland, there will be unspeakable hatred and conflict between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. Your brazen invasion of New Taixi Continent will lead to hostility in New Taixi Continent. This world

The most powerful group of people and a piece of land in the world will be your enemy, and every blood debt will cause indelible conflicts in the future." Noriko Honma said.

"That's not necessarily the case. After this battle, Xintai Xizhou will be returned to the indigenous people."

"As I expected, no matter how much truth I tell, you turn a deaf ear. I think negotiating with you is meaningless. So be it, do it your way. But please remember, from now on, every day

The loss of a life is in your hands. Their death will make your conscience feel heavy." Noriko Honma said.

Xu Yang suddenly thought of a very classic saying that Falosa said back then.

He has also learned now and gave back to Noriko Honma.

"I have no conscience." Xu Yang said.

Noriko Honma's communication has been disconnected.

Falosa’s words will still work. Xu Yang secretly thought.

However, Noriko Honma also explained some facts - bleeding is very serious.

People are dying every day, an average of 43,000 people are killed every day, not on the front line, but in the rear, in the wilderness, all because of vendettas, mutual killings, and large-scale robbery, massacre, and plunder.

Troops with lower quality are rampant in Xintai Xizhou, not only openly and secretly stealing, but also venting their anger on Yangma. Most of the food has been confiscated by the military, and many cities have insufficient supplies. Some smaller towns have even been completely demolished, and all of them have been destroyed.

Military items were relocated and looted.

Although it is cruel, this may be the last civil war that mankind will fight. Xu Yang thought silently.

How many wars have been fought in human history!

Hostility, contradictions, and internal strife have triggered countless conflicts. This long history of killings and wars will eventually come to an end.

This is the last battle. Xu Yang seriously believes that this is the last battle.

He will fight the last bloody war that will leave traces in human history.

In any case, after overcoming the threats of the Seven Seals and Dirnai, the last obstacle to unifying the world has been eliminated.

After Xu Yang unifies the entire planet, he will eliminate the war between people, reduce armaments, unite the world, and enter a beautiful new world.

Ethnic groups, businesses, and territorial boundaries will all become historical concepts.

Humanity unifies its own planet and sets its sights beyond the cradle.

In order to be able to gallop across the sea of ​​​​stars without any distractions, let’s give it a try. This is the last battle.

Xu Yang examined the final offensive.

To the west is Xia's main force, commanded by General Yan Qingyun and other commanders. After three reinforcements in two months, more than 1.6 million troops have been assembled. Xia's million-strong army has provided the coalition with very reliable confidence and combat power.

An unknown number of tanks and aircraft were waiting.

To the northwest are more than 100,000 commune troops. They were born in the Great Northern and adapted to the cold environment. They were led by General Diritlov. In the past, the Great Northern Enterprises liked to fight for gods, but this time they seemed to be able to perform better.

To the southwest, three armies were assembled in the south, with more than 700,000 people, led by colonels, most of whom were from Tequilan Island, including the 150,000 new troops belatedly provided by the Scarlet Transformation Company. The Scarlet Transformation was destroyed during the catastrophe.

We moved to a very remote area, and now we find out that a war has begun.

To the northeast is the elite army of Nisto Company that won the "Great Roundabout" battle, more than 200,000 men, led by Lila Nisto. Although contact with them was temporarily interrupted due to the blockade of the lighthouse core, Xu Yang

I believe that Lila can achieve results. But Xu Cheng is also there currently, and Xu Yang hopes that she is safe and sound.

On the east coast are Sally's Skaven and Cyber ​​Legions. There are about 200,000 to 300,000 Skaven and machine troops, ready to attack westward at any time.

There are also armies of the Corporate Alliance. The tactics and intentions of the Corporate Alliance are currently unknown, and it is also unknown whether they will participate in the war.

Overall, the Eastern Hemisphere Allied Forces has nearly 3 million troops, ready to break through the last fortress of the Lighthouse Core and complete the last battle in human history. They have an absolute advantage in terms of numbers. Until now, the Lighthouse Core has been fought, and some are dead or injured.

Either fleeing or surrendering, only about 300,000 troops are left. Their population and industrial areas have been occupied by attacks from all directions, like a person who has been dismembered until only his belly is left.

"They still want to fight stubbornly." Linyin came from the other end of the carriage, holding a candy in his mouth.

"The number of our troops far exceeds theirs, and our armament potential has completely exceeded that of the Lighthouse Core. The main reason is that Xia's productivity is too high. 1,700 tanks arrive every day, and there are 10 high-speed trains from Ancra

The control of the isthmus extends to the front line, plus countless airports and highways. Those who don’t know think we are helping Xintai Xizhou build infrastructure.” Xu Yang said.

Linyin stood in front of Xu Yang's terminal, her fingers flying rapidly on the floating holographic keyboard in the air, countless lines of code scrolling on the display screen, and the light reflected in her charming eyes.

"The nuclear bomb is ready to cover the enemy, but that's not the key. I detected the channel from the bunker, which is the channel you received a few minutes ago. What did they say?" Lin Yin asked.

Xu Yang quoted what Noriko Honma had said.

"We can all assess the strategic situation, and the situation is very advantageous to us. But Noriko Honma has no intention of surrendering or negotiating, which means they are very confident." Xu Yang said.

"That is to say, we have to fight." Linyin strengthened the defense systems of various information units of the coalition forces and once again consolidated the data barriers that protected the host's information security.

"Scientists from Taoyuan Island Computing Center sent us a new electronic virus." Xu Yang handed the program package to Linyin.

"At that time, I can hack into their system and disable the command protocol. No matter how tough their fighting spirit is, the robots are still dull. Their remaining network security personnel are very powerful, but I can tunnel into the remaining available data.

Node, upload the virus, I should be able to find a vulnerability before tomorrow." Linyin quickly laid out her attack plan.

Xu Yang felt particularly pleased.

Linyin has completely become a top technician. Who would have thought that she was wandering the streets and licking blood from the knife edge with the mercenaries?

"Yes, the advantage in the security system is their blind spot. They put too much emphasis on the worship of Dirnai. Those people - those soldiers all shouted the sacred name and rushed forward. But if all the forts turned their guns, all

The robots are all shooting at their own people, and all the missiles are exploding in the silos...What's the use of their faith no matter how strong it is?" Xu Yang nodded. This world is still an information world after all.

Linyin showed a faint smile.

"Before the general offensive begins, I will try my best to disable their command system. It may not be as exaggerated as you said, but I should be able to disrupt their coordination work." Linyin said.

"With you here, I don't have to dive in person. I can be distracted by other things." Xu Yang and Lin Yin kissed.

Their lips met, enjoying the ambiguous and lingering atmosphere.

"I heard that everyone in the army planned to drive piles on the eve of the war." Rinyin threw away her coat.

"So are we." Xu Yang caressed the back of Linyin's neck and lingered with his fingers in her snow-white hair.

(End of chapter)

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