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Chapter 950 Start of the Giant Tower Project

Chapter 950 The Start of the Giant Tower Project

Author: Xiao Xisui

Chapter 950 The Start of the Giant Tower Project

"The Witch of Light..."

"The key to the corporate alliance?"

"What's she doing here?" Ishtar looked up in confusion.

Keylight saw the twisted and writhing remains of stars in the distance, Dirnai, and nodded.

"Listen! I am the first glorious guardian of the company alliance, one of the guardians of the giant tower plan, and the captain of the Sky Drive Agreement. I am the key! Today, it is up to me to complete the destruction of this ultimate evil spirit.

Contain it!" Yaoguang yelled.

Her sister Yao An also flew over, and the two sisters stood side by side in the air.

"Whatever you want to do, hurry up!" Ishtar raised her head and shouted.

"Don't worry, we came here prepared." Yaoguang snapped his fingers, "Not long after the War of Gods began, the entire New Taipei Continent was plunged into earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions. We had to evacuate the refugees first. Urgent.

Then, I used the form of light to observe the situation. When I saw you all falling into the abyss, I directly informed everyone to prepare to escape. Unexpectedly, you all came back, so I came back too. In the end, I decided to

Let’s start the giant tower plan and give them a last helping hand!”

"It's about to tear the whole world apart, do what you want to do quickly!" the golden soul Chrysos urged.

"I'm sorry, we have just completed the preparations." Yaoguang said calmly, "And the most important thing is that you must throw an anchor into it, so that you can guide the ultimate power of the giant tower! I am not strong enough to get close.

, it will even be destroyed the moment it gets close, so please help!"

The keylight casts a shining cone.

Yan Duo jumped over, grabbed it with one hand, and then flew towards Dirnai, the wreckage of stars, preparing to throw it into Dirnai's belly.

"Yanduo!" Yanduo rushed forward!

Sensing the threat, the star wreckage Dirnai immediately released a large amount of deadly dimensional pollution, enough to drag everything involved into another dimension.

If they try to drive it away, it will tear Yando into pieces first!


"Yanbi Dreamland!" The forest lord raised his head and roared.

A vast emerald world that was constantly spinning suddenly appeared in mid-air. It decided to sacrifice its own small world to resist the counterattack released by the star wreckage Dirnai!

The green world it summoned collided with the dimensionally polluted black mud thrown by Dernai, and was dispersed into nothingness in just a few seconds!

The moment Yanbi's dream collapsed, Yanduo also rushed to it.

Like a javelin, it threw the pointed anchor into the black hole-like belly of Dirnai, the debris of stars!

Upon seeing this, Yaoguang took off instantly.

She cruises the world at the speed of light and unlocks the power of 13 giant towers around the world!

All giant towers, open them!

Guide the power and disperse the stars!

She flew to the original location of Greenland City, which was already a foggy restricted area, but the tower's own protective power was strong enough to resist monster invasion. She released a signal to the original location.

Company Alliance Tower, open!

She flew to the Nisto headquarters, where they were working closely to support frontline disaster relief. The key light ignited the power in the tower. The staff were instantly alarmed and saw a bright light penetrating from the bottom to the top, lighting up the sky.

Nisto Headquarters Tower, open!

She flew to the Iron Tower on the banks of the Seine in Taipei. This place had fallen. The tall metal iron tower was sunk in the fog. The key light lit up the power in the tower. In an instant, huge electric currents were released from the top of the tower, shocking the fog monsters and fog monsters in all directions.

The evil spirits in the fog area will smash them until they are completely destroyed! All the enemies in the city were destroyed in the lightning storm of the iron tower on the banks of the Seine!

Eiffel Tower on the banks of the Seine, open!

She flew to the city of Safale on the Spice Coast, which was still protected by Queen Aisha's spice laws. She lived peacefully on the edge of the world, lighting up the giant tower with its light towering into the sky.

Kalifa Spire, open!

She arrived at the giant statue of the savior in Tequila Continent. The faceless giant sculpture was carved on the edge of the city. It spread its arms as if to protect the lives of the people below. She lit up the statue itself, and countless brilliance emitted from the inside of the statue.

Colossus Tower of the Savior, open!

She came to the World Trade Building on the east coast, was hit by a shuttle, and was destroyed in the God War. However, as long as the tower base and jinchūriki were still there, it would be able to function.

World Trade Mall is open!

The Lundenim Bell is still falling and cannot be recovered. Therefore, the Keylight must ignite other ruins towers built by the ancient people as a supplement to the giant tower plan.

One by one, head to the scenic spots!

The Mausoleum of Edith in Baixiang Island, the Lost Hanging Garden of the Dragon Clan in the Near East Oasis, the Lighthouse in Alexandria, the Hercules Lighthouse in Espania that guards the entrance and exit of the world, the octagonal glazed porcelain tower in Xia, and the Monk Temple on the top of the Boudan Snow Mountain

, the Italia Pantheon in Tequila Continent... the key lights are also opened one by one!

It’s time to start!

All this only took 0.7 seconds. The key light had traveled through the entire world for a week and returned to the scene of the battle between gods.

At this time, there were thirteen giant towers emitting light in the entire world.

Keyan flew to the sky above Dirnai, the wreckage of stars, and it was being pinned to the ground and beaten by Endo.

Yao Guang flew back to Yao An.

The two sisters' hands touched each other hard, and the sky trembled with the power released by the giant tower plan.

Thirteen rays of light shined from all over the world, shooting into the sky one after another, and then converged into a strong light, a light tower, which descended violently from the sky and suppressed the debris of the stars, Dirnai.

Yan Duo quickly retreated. The power of the giant tower plan had been activated and sealed the entire area, capable of stopping and destroying any existence.

Dirnai, the wreckage of stars, rushed left and right, but could not escape the control power of the giant tower no matter what!

The tower of radiance shines, its energy continues to increase, extracting the spiritual power contained in this planet from different regions, and using it to destroy and expel any existence that does not belong to this planet.

"The old people once used giant towers to shield outside forces and preserve their race. We learned this method. At the beginning, we also accidentally came into contact with the messengers of the stars, so we built a modern giant tower plan to make up for it. We are very good at it.

Confidence: As long as the giant tower is there, the starry sky threat will never be able to touch us. Unexpectedly, the crazy Seven Seals actually destroyed one of the giant towers, colluded with foreign enemies, and caused huge damage. Now, we finally have the opportunity to restart the giant tower and unite to defeat you.

And ultimately destroy you!" Yaoguang said loudly.

From its most powerful invincible form being weakened and severely damaged, until now, this moment has finally arrived, its power has finally been weakened to the point where it can be constrained and exiled by the giant tower plan, and it can no longer drive great power to save itself.

The starry wreckage of Dirnai was like this, cracked and shattered inch by inch under the light of the glorious tower.

Its body disintegrated into countless light and shadows like the sand of the Ganges River, and then even the last physical properties were erased, disappearing from all past, properties and future structures!


Finally won!

The giant tower plan has always been to protect human beings and resist the shadows from the sky, and now, it has truly done what it should do!

At this moment, Falosa and the others were staring at this magnificent everything.

After countless fights, battles, and desperate situations, they finally defeated the afterimage of the Star Messenger!

Originally, because the giant tower "Lundenium Bell" was destroyed, the messengers from the stars had the opportunity to take a glimpse of this planet.

This glance brought about a catastrophe, giving birth to the afterimage of the Messenger of the Stars, which took the body of the goddess Dirnai, and caused another six years of disaster and the destruction of half the world.

But now, at least the battle to annihilate Dirnai is completely over, completely over.

The surrounding environment was still in a mess. Falosa looked around and found that hundreds of thousands of square meters of land in New Taipei near the North Pole were all rotten.

Even the seawater has not poured in, leaving an endless hole. Once seawater pours into such a large area, it will cause the negative consequences of global sea level decline.

Reply, reply. Falosa wanted to release the Law of Reply, but she felt exhausted and just wanted to have a good rest.

For this world that was once devastated by failures and disasters, today's victory is enough, completely enough.

Everyone did their best, and Farosha sat on the ground tiredly.

She herself is the best, and the attack power of the god-killing weapon is adequate, but she only needs external assistance due to her combat experience.

The great power of Pan Yuan provided very effective support. The two star gods Yan Duo and Chrysos risked their lives. The Lord of the Forest gave some support, and the power of the great seaborn Clarus II and Wei Yue Yue

There's not much room for performance.

Ah, ah... But it doesn't matter. Farosha closed her eyes. It doesn't matter... A war like this will never happen again. It is over.

Falosa closed her eyes.

They shared a long silence and mutual consolation, each sitting on the ground recovering his spent strength.

Yanduo and Chrysos discussed seriously about finding the mountain god Monte, and then finding the last missing brother, and then return to Nebula Township together, no matter how scary it was outside.

Keylight and Keydark floated down, stood in front of Falosa, and bowed to Falosa.

"I'm sorry, we heard that you are asking for power from witches all over the world, but the witches in our company alliance cannot respond, because we want to use the giant tower plan as our final trump card. For example, if you lose, we will also destroy all the giant towers.

It is turned on, but it is self-destructive. It can expel threats from the sky in a short period of time, but only for 24 hours. These 24 hours are used to evacuate survivors. After 24 hours, all giant towers will self-destruct, which means that the stars

The messenger will destroy all remaining living things and materials on this planet in an instant. Fortunately, we don't have to implement such a plan." Yaoguang said.

"It's enough that we are strong enough." Falosa sighed, "It's the most important thing that you are here. If you hadn't brought the final giant tower plan for execution, it would have been difficult to deal with the final remains of Dirnai."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, Lord Farosha, for your help in this most severe moment." Yaoguang saluted Farosha.

"The Giant Tower Project is amazing," Falosa said.

"It's the old people who are amazing. They have the ability to guide the spiritual power in the earth. Our planet has strong inner potential. Each old person has its own spiritual power, like a son of the earth. Once this power is formed, it can cut off the stars.

The messenger's spying. When the civilization of the old people was powerful, the ancient mystics today were all servants." Yao Guang said.

"What happens in the future?" Falosa asked, "What will the company alliance do in the future?"

"We... have also discussed a lot. We feel that our purpose has been distorted. Since a long time ago, we have set up many thinking traps and meme guidance, trying to divert people's attention from the giant tower project, so that

People should not know the secrets of the giant tower plan, lest it affect the stability of the giant tower. After all, we thought that as long as the seven 'new giant towers' we built are still there, the world will not be able to encounter a catastrophe on the scale of a catastrophe. Unexpectedly, in the end, it was still

Qi Yin betrayed him with violence." Yao Guang said.

"Because Seven Seals funded you and participated in the construction of the giant tower." Falosa said tiredly.

"Yes, we feel very ashamed. After the war, many people became too rich and then infiltrated the corporate alliance. Naturally, they learned the truth about the giant tower plan one after another, such as Noriko Honma, but we are

I really didn't expect it, or in other words, even if I thought about it, I couldn't stop it. The power game in this world is too complicated, and there are too many layers of history." Yaoguang said sincerely.

"The coalition councilors have no vision. We still have to clean up the broken mountains and rivers and rebuild the only order." Falosa said.

"Yes, especially our last tower. We only have thirteen towers now, and they are in pretty good condition, but there is still one tower, the Lundenium Bell, the one that Dirnai destroyed. We must

Repair it so that you can release a stable protective field that covers the entire planet and drive out all threats in the starry sky!" Yaoguang said firmly.

"You must accept our arrangement. There will be no corporate alliance in the future, only us." Falosa stood up.

"The Company Alliance has also considered this outcome. Of course, you win and you have the final say, but we still need to slightly demarcate the boundaries of authority and responsibility. After all, we may want to build an ultimate cross-world community in the future." Key.

Light shrugged.

"I'm not good at the latter part." Falosa raised her hand and waved in the distance.

Nestor's shuttles streaked across the sky, like a flock of white homing pigeons, and they landed on the ground one after another, building temporary parking platforms.

Xu Yang stepped off one of the shuttles. When he saw Xu Yang, the fatigue, fear and confusion accumulated since the Falosa War all disappeared.

They walked toward each other, and this scene will be imprinted in many people's minds that this pair is the best, possibly the best in the world.

"When the battle was at its most severe, the world almost disappeared." Farosha murmured.

"This world will never disappear." Xu Yang stroked her cheek, wiped away her tears, and said in a low voice, "You still have me, and I still have you."

Falosa thought that there was still a lot of unfinished work in the future, and that the repair work of this world was just the beginning. She felt completely slack, and she threw herself forward into Xu Yang's arms.

"Then, I'll leave the rest to you."

(End of chapter)

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