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Chapter 94 Error Crisis

After clarifying the development goals, Xu Yang was ready to leave and go back to talk to others about their plans. He had a lot of funds on hand and could coordinate a large amount of resources, as long as he found the right investment direction.

Jumon Trading Co., Ltd. is one investment point, and Katsuragi Asa's rebuilt gang is another. In addition, it is necessary to have a company founded by oneself, which makes it easier to do things.

After recalling Bacchus to the shuttle, they immediately returned to Aizu Castle.

On the way, Lila reported a large number of reconnaissance drone activities, forcing the shuttle to pause.

These drones are narrow in size and look like spots, no more than the length of a finger. They are information collection devices code-named "Flies". Kyoto Infinite purchases such drones in large quantities to block areas they deem valuable.

As the excavating site where the ancient witch was unearthed, the underground cavity leading to and from Aizu City has obviously become a key area, with dense drones forming a rhombus array to monitor all interactions.

Falosa was very upset when she learned that the company had this method to deny entry and exit.

“So, everything is visible?” she complained. “Where is the information security?”

"We are transparent people." Xu Yang closed his eyes and accessed the joint terminals of those devices, only to find that each of them was embedded with flexible security identification codes. As long as one was hacked, other machines would find the difference in the comparison.

, and give an alert.

Xu Yang had heard about this technology, but did not expect that they could already be put into practice. If he wanted to complete the hacking, he would need to crack more than 700 micro drones at the same time.

"What? Can't you get through?" Falosa saw that Xu Yang had not moved, "It's finally time for you to suffer!"

"Wait a minute." Xu Yang closed his eyes and concentrated on adjusting his digital mind, planning to hack into all these sophisticated machines at the same time. He had never attempted such a high-load operation before.

Lock all targets and access——

For a moment, Xu Yang's mind was shaken. His will seemed to flow out of his entire body in an instant, no longer staying in his own body, but completely sinking into the piece of data, information and electrical signals.

Among the network light spots composed of.

This is different from the usual control on the digital mind panel. At that time, he had dual vision, part of which was observing reality, and part of which was paying attention to the online world. Now he has completely cut off the conventional five senses. In other words, in an instant, he has become

Digital creatures.

He quickly pulled out his willpower from diving deep into hundreds of drones, but luckily he didn't sink too deep.

After coming back to his senses, his heartbeat was extremely fast. If he could not break away from the feeling just now, he would lose this body forever and become a consciousness living in the signal.

Digital mind is a derivative technology developed in the study of consciousness uploading technology, which enables human neural signals and photoelectric signals to be converted into each other.

Such a technology located on a branch of the technology tree has gradually been phased out and become less and less popular, but Xu Yang realized in this thrilling experience that it has another application, that is, to a certain extent, it can actively connect network life and reality.

The transformation of existence.

"Master?" Lila noticed the change in Xu Yang's expression.

"It's a bit... magical..." Xu Yang stretched out his hand, "Hold me tight."

"Yes." Lila didn't know why, but subconsciously held Xu Yang's hand.

Xu Yang closed his eyes again and gave up control of his body. The stream of consciousness turned into a signal and transferred to the common network connecting countless "fly" drones. He was immersed in those 700 drones, and his mind seemed to be

With countless lines stretched out and hundreds of hands, each drone became a small part of his will, and then hacked in simultaneously.

He faked a signal interruption accident and asked "700 of his own shadows" to transmit a series of empty signals to JD Unlimited's servers, indicating poor signal transmission. Then he took advantage of this gap to try to make these drones fly in the hole in an orderly manner.


Unprecedented harmonious movement...like conducting an entire professional orchestra.

He felt that each drone became an extension of his mind. This feeling became deeper and deeper. The amount of information he could feel expanded unprecedentedly. Everything felt by these 700 micro-drone also constituted all his thoughts.

Thinking about it, it's just that there are no human emotions, only the precise judgment of machines and numbers is left.

"Master..." Lila grabbed Xu Yang.

His consciousness was like the sea pouring into a river, retreating from the extremely expanded and endless realm, returning to the brain that weighed less than two kilograms, and all the scattered and expanded thoughts all returned to a single line.

Among the mainstream, they were extremely reluctant at first, jumping up and down, trying to return to their previous state of being scattered across hundreds of terminals, causing bursts of pain.

"You'll get used to it." Xu Yang pressed his head and took advantage of the time when the drones were still transmitting air signals to ask Lila to drive the anonymous number back to Aizu City.

"Still pretty awesome?" Falosa tilted her head. She was originally going to reward Xu Yang with a kiss, but considering that Bacchus was still here, she stopped all plans of intimacy.

"Adapting to an unprecedented new feeling." Xu Yang pondered. The changes just now seemed to be a combination of two factors. One was the frequent and extraordinary use of digital mind in the past few days, which further exercised his brain power. On the other hand,

Thanks to the new processor, "Flying God 4" is more efficient than the old processor. By a combination of circumstances, the ultimate potential of the digital mind is squeezed out, allowing it to not only feel and control devices, but also to

Put your own will into it.

The shuttle is sailing in Aizu City, and everything has returned to normal.

The lights on large buildings are bright, and underground shopping malls, apartments, clinics and schools are all being renovated. Maintenance robots of different models are shuttled among them, constantly repairing floors destroyed by rats, and the sounds of electric drills and power hammers are endless.

Members of the security company lined up on the ground, armed with live ammunition, each guarding the boundaries of the company's jurisdiction to prevent suspicious persons from passing through. Large shuttles were constantly arriving on the air channel, filled with building materials needed for repairs, creating a busy scene.

The survivors are in very poor mental condition. Many of their familiar companions were eaten by the disaster, and now they are left alone to survive.

People were strolling on the streets. There were more pedestrians on the streets than before. They had no destination and did nothing. They were just suffering, waiting for time to erase the confusion in their hearts.

Gazing at these scenes through the window of the shuttle, Xu Yang's objects of attention unknowingly changed from individuals to facilities. They were surrounded by vending machines, game consoles, smart terminals, neon lights, street missiles, private

The phone seemed to Xu Yang to have become some kind of part of himself. He could invade it if he wanted to, changing from "infiltration" to "control" and from "interference" to "dominance".


Unexpected progress. Xu Yang thought to himself. Now he is really an internet ghost.

"Do you want to enter my mind?" Lila looked at Xu Yang, "Feel Lila further, from the inside out."

"It's not the right time." Xu Yang walked behind Lila and felt the temperature of the metal, "I'm afraid I won't be able to pull it out by then."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Falosa couldn't help but angrily went over and pinched Xu Yang lightly, "be careful with your words."

Bacchus looked at all this and was shocked to realize that the relationship between the three of them was too chaotic. He originally thought that Farosha was the leader, Xu Yang was a part-time worker, and the robot was a robot. Now it seems that there are endless mysteries in this.

"A lifeless city." Lila lifted the Anonymous upwards to avoid a vehicle transporting corpses below.

"Death can be reversed," Xu Yang said, "...after seeing Falosa's magic power, death no longer seems to be scary."

"I want to kill a little more and resurrect a little more for fun," Farosha said, "but the movement would be a bit scary."

"The company is trying its best to search for you." Xu Yang said.

"Don't mention it, the company seems to have gone crazy," Falosa looked down at her phone. "The news said that the global stock market has fallen sharply, which is related to the default of many large transactions. This news is posted on every page, stock market? What is the stock market? Dictionary

The explanation above is a bit abstract.”

"The market for trading stocks," Xu Yang tried to explain, "stocks are part of the company's ownership. Buying stocks now is mainly for investment. If the company operates well, the stocks you buy will appreciate in value. If the news says that the global stock market

The decline indicates that most companies are in some kind of trouble."

"Company's Unknown Production Line Changes," Falosa read the headline, "Forget it, see for yourself."

Xu Yang checked the financial news on his mobile phone. The most important news was an incident named "Error Crisis", which refers to the extremely abnormal increase in military production and orders that suddenly occurred in various places a few hours ago, as well as the inexplicable global military crisis.


But soon, these orders were canceled one after another, and military plans were stopped. This brought great trouble to the normal trading order, intensified the conflicts between giant enterprises and major capital groups, and also affected the credibility of giant enterprises.

Due to the problem of losses, no one dares to trust the economic indicators in the next few months.

Giant companies always have the ability to adjust, but there are still many second-tier large companies in the world. Their existence is very embarrassing. Although they have economic strength, they are not large enough to be considered giant companies. It is difficult to compete with them. They are in business.

They were already facing crises, and now they were hit even more by this abnormal event. A series of ambitious military industrial plans were canceled just as they were proposed, which troubled them greatly.

Many analysts claim that a financial crisis sweeping the world is brewing, and that major companies are likely to break out in a new round of global corporate wars to digest the various conflicts caused by the "wrong crisis."

In response to the error crisis, giant companies claimed that it was a widespread artificial intelligence disorder and cited chaotic guidance from corporate alliances.

"It was as if all the companies suddenly went crazy for a moment, which may be related to Falosa's previous behavior," Xu Yang said, "but things will return to normal within a month."

"I don't believe they will go on 'normally'." Falosa was very enthusiastic. "I believe they will fight."

"There are always wise people who will choose restraint. Once a war starts, it will be difficult to end." Xu Yang said.

"However, war can also solve problems that cannot be solved by a hundred negotiations, crying and pleading." Falosa sneered.

Xu Yang was just about to continue when he saw a pop-up window of breaking news pop up on his phone.

——"The representative of Tianshu Manufacturing provided evidence and determined that Black Fire Innovation was mainly responsible for the destruction of Shenkong Building."

This chapter has been completed!
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