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Chapter 955 The Climber in the Flame

Chapter 955 The Climber in the Flame

Author: Xiao Xisui

Chapter 955 The Climber in the Flame

The ax fell.

Without the protection of the immortal dragon scales, Mondstadt died in the battle and was beheaded by Wei Yueyu.

The wounds looked particularly ugly under the burning flames. Mond's death shocked the world, and a demigod ceased to exist.

Wei Shiyue's body trembled, her long snow-white hair fluttering in the strong wind, as if she couldn't accept this fact.

"Mond!" Falosa took a step forward.

She saw Mond's tainted soul flying toward the sky, and his soul seemed to be split into two halves, one part representing Mond's will, and the other part a crazy astral plague.

And old Mond's will shines brightly.

The pale white dragon's will, although it has been tortured, is now flying into the sky with its head raised, pushing the polluted part into the starry sky and disappearing in the sky.

Those contaminated soul fragments were like countless insects, tearing and biting Mondstadt along the way, causing black soul flames to spread everywhere.

But they can no longer wrap around here.

Mond's entire soul flew to the realm beyond the sky and turned into a spark that gradually disappeared.

Without leaving any last words, "Moonfire" Mond left this world.

Weiyue Yue let out a cry of pain from deep in his chest.

She staggered a few steps, fell to the ground, and fell to the ground.

Farosha thought she would burst into tears in October, but she didn't shed a single tear.

A dragon only cries once in his life. Who did Wei Shiyue cry for? Farosha didn't know.

Mondstadt has bid farewell to people forever, and Falosa is deeply regretful. It was once a wise elder, who built the career of the Lunar Dragon Clan after a long period of hard work, and had its own opinions and influence on many matters.

…It’s gone now, it’s all gone.

Falosa glanced at Micro October with obvious pity, hoping that her gaze could bring some comfort to Micro October.

Boom - Earthquakes occurred one after another. Farosha immediately turned her head and realized that there was a terrifying giant creature next to her that she had not yet solved.

The Climber let out a terrifying sonic scream, seemingly unaware that Mond, who had been entangled with him for many years, was dead, and was still resisting the three large star gods on his body.

This guy will not be soft-hearted. It is like a space monster. Once it falls to the ground, it will be destroyed. Falosa thought silently.

Even Dirnai, the incarnation of the stars, has died in the battle, so let’s take advantage of the situation and take advantage of this monster!

"Farosa, I'm scanning it." Xu Yang's voice came from the chip.

When Xu Yang went to heaven before, Falosa and Xu Yang exchanged chips and were able to exchange messages. Unexpectedly, they would come in handy now.

"Have you found anything?" Falosa climbed onto the flesh and blood remains of the climber and felt everything under her feet squirming and changing.

"My scan penetrated its body and alloy bones. There must be an important organ somewhere in its body, similar to the energy core of a robot, which provides it with a steady stream of energy, or like a heart."

Xu Yang said.

"Just knock it off. Got it." Falosa flew up and used the god-killing weapon to clear the way. She felt like she was chopping a dark mountain of flesh.

After a while, Xu Yang calculated the coordinates.

"Okay! I have marked the core of the climber's power for you! It's deep in its torso!" Xu Yang transmitted the information in the form of a data stream.

Soon, Falosa had a vision of a giant organ deep in the body of the climber. With Xu Yang's help, her vision was superimposed with a digital heads-up display, allowing her to clearly see the climber's internal organs and energy.


It turns out that it is these huge and complex astral organs that nourish it. Falosa thought silently. She will use her weapon to attack these bulky internal organs and disembowel them!

"I saw it!" Falosa responded.

"They are well protected, but the God-killing weapon should allow you to penetrate all of this." Xu Yang said firmly.

"No problem." Falosa took a deep breath.

Magic power condensed, expanded, and burst out all over her body, and the god-killing weapon was fully unleashed in her hands.

Target marked, attack!

At this time, the climber was crawling around while letting out a devastating scream.

Its roar alone could shatter many cities, and countless little parasite-like monsters crawled out of its skin, making Falosa even more disgusted.

"The Law of Killing!" Falosa released her magic power.

The gray magic power swept through the second half of the climber's body in an instant, cutting its flesh into pieces. The insects and monsters above also exploded the moment they were contaminated with magic power, turning into pieces of flesh and blood all over the ground, almost extinct!

However, the Climber seems not to feel the destructive power of Farosha at all, and the edges of the wound are regenerating at a high speed. Every time it blinks, you can see that it has regained a large piece of its body.

This guy couldn't reason with common sense, and he couldn't stop on his own. Farosha charged forward without fear.

While the other Star Gods were attracting attention, Falosa rushed straight into the "inside" of the climber, drilling through the flesh and blood passage opened by the Law of Killing, like a nail hammering into a rotten wood!


"Die!" She broke into the body of the climber, wielded the god-killing weapon, and harvested the fragile flesh and blood around her at will.

She was extremely fast, as if lightning tore through the clouds and passed through the climber's torso.

Its skin, flesh and internal organs had been cut open and minced repeatedly, leaving some indescribable black blood stains!

Immediately afterwards, Xu Yang helped Falosa mark the core of the source beast.

Falosa rushed here and felt that the shape of the core was bizarre and huge. Just one organ was more than 20,000 meters wide, and it itself was as terrifying as an island or a continent.

Falosa raised the god-killing weapon and aimed at the core of the source beast of the climber.

She could feel the deformed flesh and blood of this abomination flowing behind her, as if it could precisely control every cell in her body.

But they cannot be reborn.

The "evil energy" of the god-killing weapon is the most terrifying and destructive in the world, enough to make it dead!

You can't beat me, you can't beat me no matter what! Falosa's heart is filled with extremely strong momentum.

You filthy, depraved behemoth, I'm going to end you today. I'm going to see every piece of your heart explode like a supernova and be torn into a million shreds of paper -!

Rosa was infected by the evil spirit on the God-killing weapon, and became extremely angry and high-spirited.

As the magic power burst out from her body, she jumped over and pierced the "heart" of the climber with the evil god-killing weapon in her hand!

The sword penetrates!

The screams mixed with extreme anger and pain shook the entire wreckage of Britannia, almost throwing Farosha off the entire giant organ.

Falosa continued to attack, piercing the god-killing weapon fiercely, deeper and deeper, as if it was a gift she gave to the climber.

The clinger struggled fiercely, trying hard to throw Farosha, the killer who had penetrated into the belly of its body, out, to prevent her from continuing to roughly tear apart and destroy the source of its power.

Waves of foul-smelling wind stirred up in the cavity of the climber's body, as if it wanted to blow Farosha away, but its resistance was completely eclipsed by Farosha's great power.

Falosa's hands were still firmly grasping the hilt of the God-killing weapon, and every vibration from the clinger only made Falosa press the weapon deeper.


Outside, Yanduo and the others were still punching and kicking the Climber's continent-like shell. At this time, they saw that Farosha's attack from the inside was more effective than anything they had beaten the Climber thousands of times. It was quite shocking.

"Yanduo!" Yanduo kept stepping on the ugly head of the climber, and the flames burned on the top of its head, burning to its twisted skull.

Chrysos swung the golden sword and transformed a large amount of the "meat" of the climber into pure gold. People on this planet may have been interested in rare gold in the past. He said to himself: From now on, there will be no such thing.

Something happened.

Today, a terrifying amount of gold was struck on the Climber, about 10 million tons...

It smashed the heavy sword into the climber's torso again, and a large piece of deformed and twisted flesh was blown by the golden wind, and in an instant it turned into shining metal like turning stone into gold!

"It's going to fall!" Mente, the star god of the mountains, drove his heavy body to fly high, away from the climber.

With an extremely painful and sharp wailing, the climber's body slowly fell down and was torn apart. It has such a huge size, and the energy consumed by its movement is also amazing. Only by devouring planets can it satisfy its needs.


And Falosa's heavy blow tore apart its energy supply system from the inside.

The climber, who was so huge that it was equivalent to half of the island of Britannia, was actually crushed by its own gravity, and its body cracked like clay!

Its energy is released and ignited at this time, forming a blue flame. The flames rise to the sky, releasing endless energy, as if they want to feed the sky with these flames.

Farosha was inside and felt that the temperature inside was already hundreds or thousands of degrees Celsius, even rising, so she hurriedly escaped from inside.

She flew out and looked down from a high place. The climber was like a blazing fire cabinet, heating everything around it.

The astral monster climber is defeated!

"...It's so spectacular. It's like a work of art. It's so beautiful...Look, come and see it. It was made by me. It's my masterpiece." Falosa looked down, looking like half a cloth.

Tania felt like she was on fire.

"Pay attention to putting out fires. Such a big 'fire' will release too much carbon dioxide." Xu Yang reminded.

"Slowly clean up the mess." Farosha has no choice but to summon sea water to flood the place.

She looked down at the overall situation and heard more violent shaking sounds. Britannia was shattered in the aftermath of destruction, and the entire island sank downwards.

The climber's body slowly sank toward the sea, and the flames collided with the seawater, producing large amounts of smoke and steam.

Only Lundenium, the original regional capital of Britannia, still exists, as it is part of the Tower.

As for other landscapes, they are gradually sinking. The majestic cliffs and granite peaks that Monte summoned are also crumbling. In the future, they will become the only remaining islands in this sea.

The thick smoke formed by the burning climbers blocks the sun, making it look like dusk no matter what time it is.

Falosa turned around and saw that Weiyue Yue had transformed into a dragon and flew up.

When she transforms into a dragon, it's hard to tell what expression is on her scaly face, and perhaps that's her purpose.

"We must repair the Lundenim clock." Falosa changed the subject.

"But the 'old man' under the big clock was also killed by Dirnai. The lack of jinchuriki caused the giant tower plan to lose a corner. This is the key to the invasion. We need to fill in another old man, maybe Mondstadt's Garden

There is also a 'collection' in it." Xu Yang said.

"No need." Falosa said, "Let's fill in Edith."

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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