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Chapter 958: The First Light of the New Conference

Chapter 958 The first light of the new meeting

Author: Xiao Xisui

Chapter 958 The first light of the new meeting

Yanduo sat far away in the throne room, recalling what happened in the past with his three brothers.

"Yanduo Yanduo." It talks about interesting things, and when it talks about good memories, Yanduo will smile very happily.

After all, it doesn't fit here. There are too many things happening here and they are too dense.

Yando once spent 1,000 years preparing for travel, and then spent another 1,000 years wandering in deep space. But in this world, many things are quickly resolved within weeks or even days, and their impact

Far-reaching, for Yan Duo, it seems that in the blink of an eye, so many things happen and so many things disappear. It is too late to see, it is really too late.

"Yanduo, Yanduo..." Yanduo talked about the past. When it first came to this galaxy, it arrived later than its other brothers because Yanduo discovered the outermost star of this planetary system, Urano.

Si Xing actually rotates sideways!

The other stars are facing the sun, with their poles pointing up and down; only Ouranos has its north and south poles facing the sun, and its body is completely tilted sideways.

Yan Duo stayed on that planet for 100 years, investigating the lifeline and history of the entire star, and finally discovered the truth. It turned out that the star was hit during the formation process, so it turned crookedly.

After Yan Duo's unremitting efforts, the star Uranus was finally "broken" straight. Now when people launch detectors to the star Uranus, they will find that it rotates smoothly like other stars. This is Yan Duo

of credit.

"There are many flames." It talks about such distant stories, and the words contain passion. It likes adventure.

It wants to gain insight into the origin of all things, understand how great forces hammered the planet into shape, and track the destruction and miracles in the world's primitive ages.

Celestial bodies are like nurseries with unlimited potential and can be shaped into various wonderful shapes.

The universe gives form to chaos, and life continues to emerge in this strange and beautiful world. Yan Duo is willing to go on and travel forever.

"Yan Duo!" Yan Duo said happily. Nebula Township, it must go home, back to that beautiful galaxy, oh! What kind of wonders will it see along the way? Thinking of this, Yan Duo danced with joy

stand up.

The other three brothers all treated Yan Duo with a tolerant attitude.

Within 30 minutes, the extraordinary gods who received the summons arrived one after another, including the Lord of the Forest, Micro October of the Underworld, Winter Clarus II, the River Goddess, Pan Yuan, Princess Yaotang, and the God of War Asmolis.

, and Suzukawa Yui, who was released by Falosa, performed well and had a chance to move around.

The gods sat in their respective places and confronted Pharosa with different attitudes, while she waited with bated breath beside the throne.

"...So, we are all here." Farosha observed the gods, "The four-star map has been returned to its place and has been unveiled. The stars, gods, witches, and mortals have long been fighting with each other, but now the divisions have been healed.

It's time. In the future, we will sit on equal footing and welcome the new era equally. I just hope that we can work together instead of continuing to hate each other in vain, and at least on the surface, offer our own dedication and respect to the new era."

Asmoris, the god of war, glared at Pharosa impatiently, almost unable to restrain himself.

He has long wanted to challenge Farosha's power, but now he feels the powerful power in Farosha's words. The god-killing weapon is still behind Farosha, emitting a strange evil aura, ready to kill the rebels at any time.

Falosa's authority is unquestionable. They are here to make plans and build a new world, not to fight.

The other gods nodded slowly, somewhat understanding the purpose of this meeting.

"Now, your will has united us here, Farosha, what do you need us to do?" Wei October said lightly.

There was a strange sense of ridicule in Wei October's tone, as if she had truly become a dragon queen and was bound to defend her own interests, instead of being a simple servant and obeying Falosa's orders.

"I hope to rewrite the laws of the entire world and establish the future status of the gods in this world. You will have your own mystical group reasonably and legally, and they will be qualified to practice the invisible techniques you distribute and promote your

authority. And you must do your best to maintain the prosperity of the entire world and repair this fragile world." Falosa said.

The gods were talking secretly, with Farosha at the top and them at the bottom.

They have their own interests and demands. Falosa looks at them. At this time, she will definitely try her best to get rid of her responsibilities, safeguard her rights, and expand her position in the post-war territory.

Asmorius, the god of war, stared at Farosha with a burning gaze. Farosha knew that this man was still pursuing glory and fighting, and would never succumb to the witch easily.

"Now there are no enemies, and you seem to be abandoning all wars. Without the nourishment of war, I will be idle in endless peace. This is unacceptable to me." Asmolis raised his long hair.

Spear, aiming at Falosa's heart, "I have sent the messenger's order, you must duel with me."

Falosa recalled the news brought back by Xu Cheng that Asmolis was eager to fight.

"It seems that peaceful times are not to your taste." Falosa said.

"I am destruction, I am war, I am the embodiment of blood feud from generation to generation," Asmolis said in a ferocious tone, "Only swords and mountains of corpses and seas of blood can give my power strength."

"You will still see me for a long time, and this will not change." Falosa said.

"If there is no longer a call for bloody battle, what is the use of my arms that have been soaked with the blood of gods and men? The new order you brought is a gift to other weak gods, but to me it is no different from slavery.

I do not accept slavery, and would rather fight you personally!" Asmoris said in a deep voice.

"The world has changed, and your power is more suitable for standing guard rather than quarreling with me." Falosa mocked.

Asmoris was furious.

"Are you going to use that snow-white neck to test whether my spear is sharp?" Asmolis said angrily.

"We still want to fight, but it will be an external war. We may launch an expedition against alien enemies." Xu Yang said.

"Expedition?" Asmolis asked.

"The great star gods who travel among the stars probably understand this feeling. In other words, the battles of the 'natives' in the mortal world are far less intense than the wars in the star sea." Xu Yang looked far away from the divine throne.

The four major star gods here, Yan Duo, all nodded.

"Yes, the jump initiated through the star gate, the dimensionality reduction strike after the technological explosion, the broadcast to all star fields in the universe, the star-class battleships, the legion of one billion people, and the magnificent forging world, nest

In the capital world, everything on the entire planet is used to forge weapons or cultivate reserve troops. The scale of such an interstellar war can be more intense than that of the natives of a single planet. Every minute and every second, hundreds of thousands of people on this planet are filled into the mouths of aliens.

Although, after the invasion of the Star Messengers, such civilized wars gave way to death, but if you leave this galaxy for a few steps, you will soon see many abandoned colonial worlds, which are the same as those left by the Yos masters of the previous era.

Let’s fight to the death with the Necrons below.” said the Golden Soul Chrysos.

Such a description made the God of War Asmoris a little shaken.

"Will the interstellar war be more intense in the future?" He turned to Xu Yang and Falosa.

"Yes, our future fleet needs extraordinary people like you to provide courage and blessings to fight against the terror and despair in the dark deep space. You have left traces on ancient pottery bottles and shields, but in the future,

Your image may be engraved on the hull of the interstellar flagship. When it slowly passes by a habitable planet, hundreds of millions of residents will have to look up at your figure." Xu Yang said.

"Yes," Falosa said leisurely, "cultivation is not easy. From a spearman on the ancient battlefield to the current master of war, although no one worships you anymore, you still have the ability to decide wars.

Your skills should be used to protect those lives and save them from destruction, rather than pouring out your anger and causing murder. If we reach a consensus, your reputation will be passed down for generations, rather than being suddenly interrupted here."

The words convinced Asmoris. He originally wanted to jump on the stage and fight to the death with Farosha, but he slowly sat down and recalled what Xu Yang, Farosha and Chrysos had said.

"...I accept your new order." Asmolis finally said, "I will protect this order from being destroyed by external forces."

"Welcome to the new order, then how will you revise the laws on 'war'?" Falosa asked.

"What kind of law do you want?" Asmolis asked.

"Of course it is to maintain internal peace and not let these mortals continue to kill each other." Falosa said.

Asmoris originally came to fight to the death with Pharosa, but now he became the first god to contribute to the new order. He stood up and nodded to the others. His resolute face and strong armor made the gods heart-warming.

He had hallucinations and thought he was back in the Middle Ages 1,000 years ago.

"I am the incarnation of the person of 'war', Asmoris the Sharp Spear, the spear bearer, the victor in every battle, the wall breaker, the incarnation of the natural disaster of the doomsday war, the conqueror of the world, the overlord of thousands of battlefields.

, the Lord of Conflict, the Unyielding, synonymous with destruction. Now, I establish new laws for the entire world's 'war'." Asmolis said loudly.

"First, on your own planet, people are prohibited from declaring war on each other, and they are not allowed to violently invade other people."

"Second, if invaded by force, people can exercise their unlimited right to self-defense."

"Third, never use cruel weapons of mass murder on your own planet."

"Those who violate the rules will not be protected by me. Instead, I will punish them and cause them to fail."

After Asmoris established the laws, they became the foundation of the new world like the laws of nature and finalized the basic principles of world peace.

Xu Yang could sense that these powers truly emanated from the person of "war".

Different from the feeble legislation within human beings, these are the real "divine powers" and "divine powers" that can truly prevent people from going to war with each other internally.

In this way, at least the entire world will never experience large-scale civil wars and bloody conflicts again, and peace is the prerequisite for prosperity!

Falosa looked at the river goddess again.

She was beautiful and tall, but unfortunately her entire right arm was eaten by Farossa, leaving only her left arm.

The river goddess, the goddess of memory, Falosa saw her standing next to the deer-headed forest lord, probably still thinking about her old lover.

She is a revered goddess in the South, weaving threads of life and legend into something immortal - memory.

But with the pursuit and destruction of the corporate alliance, and the Nestor Company blocking her rebirth, the River Goddess was basically forgotten.

Sensing Falosa's gaze, the River Goddess threw back her golden veil, revealing a melancholy face. The expression was both sad and mysteriously elegant... a shadow-like elegance.

"Have you seen my mutilations, Falosa? Did you come here specifically to stare at my mutilations? How do the limbs you eat taste like?" the River Goddess asked.

Falosa shook her head.

"That was true in the past... but if we are willing to forgive the mistakes of the past and re-establish the bonds of trust, we may shape the future, and we can all turn enemies into friends. After all, I have killed the irreconcilable enemy." Farrow

Sarah shrugged.

"Really? But how are you going to make it up to me? Vomit my arms out of your stomach?" the river goddess said helplessly.

Falosa used the Law of Restoration to heal the arm of the River Goddess.

The red light was transmitted from Farosha to the River Goddess, as if the eaten arm of the River Goddess was really peeled off from Farosha's body and returned to the River Goddess at the cellular level!

The River Goddess was also quite surprised. Looking at her right arm that suddenly grew out, she moved her arm in disbelief.

"Your disability doesn't have to last too long. I'm here to provide treatment and return your body." Falosa said, "But you also have to modify the laws of memory and add something new to the memories of people and gods in this world.


"For example," Xu Yang added, "lost characters can be retrieved from memory."

"Is there anyone you want to bring out? This requires some unique divine authority." The river goddess raised her hand.

"Yes, there is." Xu Yang said firmly.

Since Falosa happily returned her arm, the river goddess also nodded.

"Then, I will help and keep the promise you made." said the River Goddess.

"But you don't have to hide yourself from now on, so you have to give August 31 back to everyone." Falosa said.

"...Okay." The River Goddess nodded. She once stole July 31st and August 31st from the world, causing people to lose their memory of these two days to hide herself. Now she can give them back to people.


"We've got another day of summer vacation for people," Falosa said contemptuously.

The River Goddess releases her power and adjusts the laws of "memory" throughout the world.

"All happy memories can be preserved for a long time."

"People can delete all painful and sad memories on their own and burn them to death."

"People can dance with all the happy memories and turn those happy memories into reality. They will be called the box garden of memory and become a beautiful palace woven by happy memories." The goddess of the river sang.

The power of memory becomes a natural law and joins a new order!

(End of chapter)

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