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Chapter 964 Gap Making Machine

Chapter 964 Gap Making Machine

Author: Xiao Xisui

Chapter 964 Gap Making Machine

"No." Xu Yang admitted.

"It's all like this." The Yousi elder said mysteriously.

"Our technology is not as good as yours, so how can we complete our unfinished mission?" Xu Yang observed the Yousi people.

This is a living Yousi person, a rare conversation partner.

"We can quickly travel across vast interstellar spaces and different dimensional spaces, and quickly become an advanced civilization. However, with the consolidation of our hegemony and the physical alienation of the border star areas, our civilization has almost stagnated. Until we encountered

We have reached the witch civilization and the star god civilization." The elder said.

"The Witch of the Galaxy is too powerful." Xu Yang recalled the secret history of the Star Sea that he had learned before.

"Yes, the battle against the Galaxy Witch is close to saving the nation. The power of the Galaxy Witch far exceeds our knowledge. We are forced to disperse. Different clans carry technology and move far away to escape the pursuit of the Galaxy Witch. Waiting

The opportunity of the technological explosion. In the end, it was me and my clan who developed the gap-making device..." The Yousi elder sounded regretful.

"A gap creation device?" Xu Yang couldn't help but feel deeply impressed when he heard this.

"Yes, it can open a door to space. We regard it as the answer to space and time, and open a wormhole to the ancient timeline. The timeline is one-way, there is no parallel time and space, you can imagine it is a

Big river, if we sprinkle red paint on the upper reaches, then the entire lower reaches will be dyed light pink." Elder Yousi said.

"I was once exiled to the Void Realm by the Messengers of the Stars, where there were countless phantoms of the slain Star Gods. They have told me the history. It was you Yusi people who summoned the Messengers of the Stars." Xu Yang asked.

"Yes, this is our fault." The Yousi elder waved his tentacles.

The surrounding light and shadow changes, revealing some scenes from the past.

In these scenes, the super-dimensional entity "Star Messenger" was once a monster released by the Yus people, and was directly released into many star systems of the Witch Civilization, directly turning the star sea upside down.

But soon, the Yous people themselves suffered a backlash. The messengers of the stars released high-dimensional projections on the Yous civilization. Most of the planets were crushed into nothingness in an instant, and trillions of people disappeared without a trace.

"...Is there any way you can make up for it?" Xu Yang asked.

"We, the last remnants, have indeed stolen the original energy of your planet in order to activate a gap-making device and send us in groups to different points in time in the past. We are like droppers. Once we move a certain timeline

If the 'red pigment' is sucked away, the downstream river will be as clear as before. But the timeline has not changed, which means we have failed." Elder Yousi said.

Around the central projection machine, different archives are revealed.

Xu Yang observed carefully and realized that the twenty-two "dead" Yousi people around him actually projected their souls to the past time, trying to make up for the huge mistake of summoning the messengers of the stars.

The first group of members successfully returned to fifty years before the launch of the gap-making machine, destroyed the early prototype of the gap-making plan, and announced the dangers of the Star Messengers to the Yous civilization.

Result: Yus scientists thought it would be a pity to abandon this project, so they restored the gap-making machine from the wreckage of the original plan and summoned the Star Messengers.

The second group of members went back 200 years before the launch of the gap-making machine and persuaded the Yous clan at that time to enact a law to prohibit research on time machine weapons.

Result: Due to the invasion of the witch civilization, they were forced to break the ban and continue to develop time weapons in an attempt to turn defeat into victory.

The third group of members carries a large number of weapons and jumps across different timelines. Once there are signs of scientific researchers developing a gap-making machine, they will be completely eliminated.

Result: The Yousi civilization was deeply concerned and established its own Space-Time Management Bureau to supervise jump signals, arrest and execute these killers who frequently jumped in different timelines.

The fourth batch of members created a computer virus and put it into most of the Yous programs. In this way, once the development of the space-time machine is detected, these viruses will erase or scramble key data, making the research impossible.

Result: These viruses were eliminated in a galaxy-wide incremental firewall version update.

The fifth batch of members returned to the era when the Yus civilization was barbaric and created a powerful Yus belief and social myth, creating a strict opposition to gap-making machines and the ultimate taboo of time and space machines, ensuring that everyone understands from the bottom of their hearts that development

Such machines will be met with divine punishment and wrath.

Result: After the Yusi people completed the Industrial Revolution and Enlightenment Movement, they quickly destroyed this ancient belief and headed towards the forbidden area of ​​​​scientific research. Instead, they believed that the development of space-time machines was a great innovation.

"That's it." The Yousi elder told Xu Yang, "We, the 22 last Yousi survivors, worked hard to build a gap-making machine, stole your planet's energy, launched an expedition on the timeline, and tried to avoid

The fate of the Star Messenger's appearance, but we all failed, the timeline has not changed, the Star Messenger's appearance seems inevitable, and all our efforts have only made its appearance earlier or delayed by one or two thousand years."

Before we were aware of it, the Yousi people had already launched an attempt to defeat the Star Messengers. However, failure was inevitable. The Star Messengers had supreme power and had already fixed everything in the timeline, just like

The law of cause and effect is the same, it cannot be erased or banished. Xu Yang thought to himself.

So what should we do? Since manipulating the timeline can no longer defeat the Star Messenger, how can humans defeat this ultimate monster?

"Then what should we do? We have ways to block the gaze of the stars, but we cannot be trapped in this narrow corner of the sea of ​​stars forever. We have to get out of the cradle." Xu Yang said.

"Power is mutual. Our gap-making machine is both a tool for opening doors and a tool for closing doors." said the Yousi elder.

"Do you mean……"

"The Star God Civilization is trying to calculate the coordinates of the Star Envoys. The Galaxy Witch is trying to use her power to ban the Star Envoys from entering and exiting. We have a gap-making machine. No matter how technologically advanced your civilization is, you must complete this final journey and replace them.

Revenge of all the destroyed civilizations in the entire galaxy - find the coordinates of the Star Messenger, send the gap-making machine to the plane where it is, but instead of opening the space, close the space, close all the portals that the Star Messenger faces, so that it

He will be trapped in his own hole forever and be crushed by his own quality." The Yousi elder said.

"...The Star God has given me a method to calculate the coordinates. It can take as short as five years or as long as a hundred years. Sooner or later we will calculate the location of the Star Envoys. The Witch is also on our side. And you only need to make the gap-making machine

Leave the method to us, and we will help the entire galaxy solve this final disaster." Xu Yang said.

"You don't need to make it." The Yousi elder stood up, and it raised a tentacle. The whole base rumbled, and countless pipelines extending deep into the earth began to operate. "This base you are in is a gap-making machine.


The ultimate door!

Xu Yang felt the power of this Yousi heritage. Its existence itself was a technological miracle.

As if he had exhausted his last strength, the remaining energy of the Yousi elder dissipated and gradually turned into nothingness.

"Now, our last Youthians are about to return to true tranquility. Tell me, if you calculate the coordinates of the Star Messenger, do you have a way to get there?" it asked.

"There is a way." Xu Yang hesitated for a while and then said.

The figure of the Yousi elder turned into countless drifting and dissipating streams of data light.

The entire base gradually returned to calm, and the gap-making machine was not actually started.

When reading the data fragments left by the elders just now, Xu Yang already understood how to channel this gap-creating power. It could be bound to the God-killing weapon and eventually trap the Star Messengers to death in one side of the world.

"Master, are you okay?" Lila called.

"...No problem." Xu Yang nodded, and then sighed, "I'll go back right away. The secret of the Yousi base has been revealed. The next step is to figure out the plane where the messengers of the stars are hiding, and then replace it.

The stars performed the final act of justice, shutting the monster behind its own door, never to set foot in the outside world."

"But it asked one last question before it dissipated - 'How to get there'. Do you have any idea?" Lila asked.

"I..." Xu Yang hesitated, "Do you think... we can not fight the messengers of the stars?"

"This is impossible. As long as the Messenger of the Stars does not die, we will always live under its shadow. We will have nightmares every day, as if the giant tower plan will fail in the next second and the Messenger of the Stars will come again. This is possible."

Lila warned.

"Is the giant tower plan unsafe?" Xu Yang asked.

"Yes, its energy frequency is not stable. It seems that the catastrophe has also permanently changed the planet itself... Within a hundred years, not one of the giant towers may collapse, but all of them." Lila said in a serious tone.

Xu Yang didn't speak for a short time. He was filled with heavy emotions and wanted to return to the northern archipelago first.

Returning to the headquarters of Nisto Company, this place is both the place where everyone works and the home of everyone.

There was an atmosphere of elation everywhere, with ribbons, balloons and moving robots everywhere. After all, they were the victorious party. After a long hard work, they finally completed all their journeys on the entire planet, and undoubtedly became the winner of the entire world war.


That’s why we have to defeat the Star Messengers so that everyone can truly feel at ease. Xu Yang secretly thought. Whether the entire civilization can break the curse and break out of the cycle and the great terror of the Star Messengers all depends on future plans and actions.

Xu Yang checked the signal mark and came to the Blanket Castle.

At this time, everyone is engaged in a fierce offensive and defensive battle. 102 is sitting in the suspended balloon tower, fighting against the bubble gun army of the little witches.



"It fell down...!" The little witches were running up and down the blanket castle, and the exchanges of offense and defense were changing rapidly. It was a truly dangerous battlefield.

He saw that Xu Cheng, Pao Pao and Laila had all returned. They were all the backbone of the battle.

"Follow me!" Laila led the charge of the young witch commando, which was unstoppable.

"Be careful!" Bubble rescued the injured little witch from the front line.

"The little flying stick is here!" Xu Cheng piloted a paper plane and prepared to bomb 102's castle with a water bag.

At this time, they all saw Xu Yang at a glance, and quickly put down the bubble guns in their hands, left their positions, and let their friends die on the way to the 102 Tower. They ran to Xu Yang and jumped around.

"Dad! Dad!" Xu Cheng jumped up excitedly.

"Dad!" Bubble also shouted.

"Dad!" Laila was very happy.

"Is it fun?" Xu Yang touched their heads.

"It's fun!" Xu Cheng was very happy. He hadn't been so happy and relaxed for a long time.

Xu Yang nodded.

He looked at Xu Cheng and Bubble.

"Give me your locators. I might be able to use them in the future."

(End of chapter)

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