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Chapter 966 The Golden Age of Humanity

Chapter 966 The Golden Age of Humanity

Author: Xiao Xisui

Chapter 966 The Golden Age of Humanity

Xu Yang was in awe.

"In short, I left the development of Tequila Island in the hands of trustworthy people, and then rode back from the city of Brasilia and returned to this place, where my wife Beatrice and I once lived."

The colonel continued.

"We have won. The world will only get better and better in the future. You can spend your remaining years here." Xu Yang said.

"I believe you will redistribute the world's structure. In your heart, you are on our side." The colonel encouraged.

"Thank you." Xu Yang said with emotion.

"I'm also worried about one thing. The generals who followed me in the war also received a hundredfold praise. I heard that they claimed to have my authorization. So, even if I left, they would still gain a lot of influence through their influence.

Official position." said the colonel.

"Yes, General Fernandez and General Alidios have both established new general jurisdictions in Tequila Continent." Xu Yang said.

"They still carry the shadow of the old era. I'm not saying that they are not qualified to receive awards, but if the city and people are handed over to them, they will lead people to plant stamps, formulate private laws, gather their own force, and will continue to

Extend your term. I implore you, please use the name of the council to preside over the reorganization of the army in Tequila Island." said the colonel.

"The council cannot directly participate in this level of interference, which is contrary to the original intention of the council." Xu Yang said.

"Don't bother me. I'll write a letter and ask you to take it with you when you leave here. This way, I won't let you be misunderstood. With my letter, everyone will know that it was all my idea and let them scold me.

"Hate me, this is the last thing I leave to people. It's a pity that I can't leave more. I am counting the days every day, and the days are coming." The colonel began to draft a letter.

"...Understood." Xu Yang nodded.

The colonel noticed another worry in Xu Yang's heart.

"What about you? What are you worried about?" the colonel asked.

"I'm thinking whether I should sacrifice one person in exchange for the safety of the entire world. She is innocent. But if we don't take action, the consequences will endanger countless lives," Xu Yang said.

"We have finally broken free from the chains of oppression, so we should no longer put the chains around other people's necks," the colonel said.

He wrote the letter and gave it to Xu Yang.

Xu Yang and the colonel shook hands again and said goodbye.

"Thank you, history will remember you, Colonel. Tequila Island and Cadiz Islands are safe and will no longer be threatened by New Taixi Island. In the future, the people here will also get the prosperity they deserve." Xu Yang said.


"They will never kneel down again. Their goals will be achieved and their ideals will be realized. After I leave, I hope they will no longer need me," the colonel said.

Xu Yang said goodbye to the colonel and left the hut.

The colonel continued to eat his red bean soup.

It was very hot in the house. The colonel continued planting bananas and farming outside.

At night, the colonel had a very long dream. He dreamed of everything, including rain, dew, wind and frost, and fighting and fighting.

Finally, he dreamed that he was back at the market where he went when he was young. He saw a witch wearing red gauze with loose black hair. He called her, but she did not look back.

After waking up, the colonel didn't know if he was really awake.

He heard the sound of red beans being cooked and saw a familiar figure standing in front of the stove, wearing red silk gauze.

"Beatrice?" The colonel sat up. His wife, who was betrayed by a traitor, executed and died for many years, seemed to be within reach. He knew now that the mission was accomplished.

She turned around, her eyebrows were soft and graceful, her youth was still there, and there was a glimmer of light around her.

The wife left an oath to the colonel, so that he would not die until he completed his mission and could continue to fight in Tequila Island.

"It's time to go." She smiled and extended her hand to the colonel.

"Let's go." The colonel stretched out his hand, and he left the world and never came back.

The wind picked up, and soon there was a strong wind all around, and the banana forest was rustling. The wind was so strong that people in the distance were still talking about it decades later. The hurricane kept blowing, blowing the colonel's hut and the entire area.

The banana forest disappeared without a trace, nothing was left, nothing, as if nothing in its place had ever existed.

After another five years, the world was gradually corrected.

The appearance of the planet is gradually restored, and as the fog dissipates, the divisions between restricted areas and safe areas are abolished.

The natural disaster has impacted everyone's life. This powerful external pressure has strengthened the mutual recognition between humans as never before. With deep space threats and fog monsters outside, the interests of mankind have reached an unprecedented consensus. And when the natural disaster ends,

, this internal recognition of interests ultimately contributed to the dilution of differences.


Under the guidance of the council chaired by Xu Yang, mankind declared unity, there were no longer borders and barriers, and the mobility of people was completely released. Although this generation still has the impression of history, future generations will be more enlightened.

Various places were generally destroyed to varying degrees. After the world was unified, people simply left their hometowns and took advantage of the labor force needed for reconstruction to go to places recognized as livable in the world.

The Mediterranean coast of Taixi Island, the west and east coasts of New Taixi Island, the areas where summer is like spring all year round, and the kangaroo-free coast of Hepingzhou were the most popular places, and they soon attracted a large influx of people.

The mid-latitude zone is known as the "Promised Land Zone" and has become an advanced city where humans can enjoy life freely. It has good urban infrastructure, an open cultural environment, complete medical benefits, and more than sufficient educational resources, which are enough to meet everyone's needs.

Due to insufficient population, other places were gradually abandoned, and many cities were covered by overgrown forests and grasses. Only a small number of resettled residents remained in the local areas. They maintained their lives while admiring the gradually restored ecological environment.

The biological habitats that were originally destroyed by human activities are now lush and full of animals. Many extinct animals have been sighted again, and animals such as hares, wild ducks, wild boars, deer, and wolves have also returned to human sight.


The grasslands of Reshu Island, the seawater and beaches of the Taia Islands, the Gallic countryside, the vast Siberian wasteland... have all become good places for people to re-explore the wild. The explorers of the past have penetrated into every corner of the world, and

After the catastrophe, people can clear away the fog and once again observe and understand every corner of this planet.

After the Divine War, New Taixi Continent was basically razed to the ground. According to the council's plan, most of its vacant land will be rebuilt and used to deploy unprecedented giant industrial and agricultural bases.

The giant intelligent farms of the new era have been built again on the ruins of New Taipei. The massive amounts of food, feed and livestock are enough to feed the world. The industrial equipment in the Great Lakes area and the east coast is roaring again, with countless robots shuttled among them, heading towards the world.

Residents around the world are supplied with a steady supply of industrial products.

There is only one army left in the world, that is, the army of the Council. It is common to the world and is controlled by the representative committees of various regions and communities in the world. Since the entire world only needs to support this single army, the original huge military expenditure

Expenses have also been significantly reduced, and the resource-wasting corporate arms race has ended forever.

The ground and air track standards for trains and shuttles have been unified. In addition, humans are now mainly distributed in specific areas, and transportation efficiency has been greatly improved.

There has also been a qualitative improvement in production efficiency around the world. In the past, there were always conflicts due to disagreements between companies, but now humankind has been unified, and Nisto has become the "Nisto Production Complex", a

Global deployment is an advanced organization that calculates and allocates resources globally and is responsible for concentrating the production factors of the entire world to complete production.

This reduces transaction fees and transaction costs to a minimum, human beings no longer consume internal resources, resource allocation is also planned uniformly, and total social productivity quickly recovers and exceeds the level before the catastrophe.

All the artificial satellites that were originally lost and paralyzed due to the catastrophe were recovered, tuned to the unified specifications of the Council, and then launched again to maintain seamless communication between global signals.

Synths, robots and drones all over the mountains and plains work in the largest industrial areas of mankind, processing and sending resources to different human communities. Each individual in society can be allocated a supply that far exceeds original demand, per capita.

The living area is 145 m2.

Fully automatic luxury society.

As many as 76% of the members agreed with the plan to colonize deep space. Therefore, the ambitious plan was formulated by the council, aiming to go beyond the planet and launch probes and colonization rockets towards the galaxy. It has now established a foothold on the moon.

Some dragons returned to the moon, but more found new homes on the surface of the planet and became legal citizens of the community.

In 160, the Nesto Interstellar Development Group was established, giving another shot in the arm to the booming golden age.

In March of this year, media practitioners conducted a survey of 250,000 new generation citizens who grew up in Paradise City. 91% of them believed that industrial products were delivered to their doorsteps by drones, so drones gave birth to children.

Children; science and technology are printed out in batches in newspapers and magazines or drawn out with krypton gold like card games. They have no understanding of the operating principles of these top-level technologies. After all, life is too comfortable to have to learn to be rich in order to maintain a good life.


Different mainstream topics that are popular among teenagers today include playing with AI boys and girls, personalized body modification, drinking genetically modified oral liquids, practicing invisible arts, trying to explore their own potential, etc. There are also people who pursue becoming a "perfect person", that is, having strong limbs,

A tall, energetic golden human.

In addition to managing witches, the New Witch Council also collects and sells star crystals around the world, recruits knowledgeable people, and transforms them into witches. Many places have become happy valleys for all witches.

The original society was like a spring that was pressed to the extreme, but now it is like an erupting volcano, with countless new trends of thought, artistic creativity, individuality and free colors blooming. Rapid changes are taking place in the huge and magnificent civilization.

This year, Xu Yang was 45 years old and Xu Cheng was 19 years old.

(End of chapter)

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