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Chapter 968 Xu Cheng's Flying Club

Chapter 968 Xu Cheng’s Flying Club

Author: Xiao Xisui

Chapter 968 Xu Cheng’s Flying Club

Lu Jing was lying on a big towel on the beach. Lu Sizhou was squatting next to him and applying sunscreen to Lu Jing. It was like applying seasoning to animals on a barbecue grill. He had to cover every corner of the sunscreen.

At this time, Xu Yang heard the sound of a small plane starting up. He turned his head, and the sensor captured a familiar signal. A small trainer plane rose into the blue sky, leaving behind it the black residue of the aviation fuel that had been fully burned.

The small plane circled overhead and patrolled the sea again before returning to the airport. Xu Yang saw the figure in the cabin—Xu Cheng. He was very tall, but he was wearing a pilot's helmet, so he couldn't see anything.

With rich experience and absolute confidence, she was able to control this small aircraft with ease.

Xu Cheng is really amazing. Xu Yang is very proud. This little pilot was originally under his guardianship, but now he has fully grown up and achieved success in his favorite career.

Xu Yang followed and saw the "Hongyu Island Flying Club" run by Xu Cheng at the other end of the resort. It had two fully functional runways and lifting platforms, and a hangar at the end. Xu Yang scanned more than 20 aircraft of different sizes.

and models of aircraft.

It’s hard for Xu Cheng to bother collecting them. The most backward of these aircraft are single-engine propeller aircraft, followed by small jets, various old-fashioned shuttles, and the latest ground-effect aircraft and high-speed shuttles. It’s like a small aviation museum.

All have been meticulously maintained.

Xu Cheng's flight just now seemed to be a demonstration. She would be back soon, and the engine roared from far to near.

Xu Yang didn't want to disturb her, so he stood by the walkway of the hut in the resort and watched the now grown-up little fool working.

"Hey, hey, hey, here we come." Xu Cheng drove the small plane back and made three fast rollers that made people marvel.

A group of students wearing club shirts approached and congratulated her on her wonderful performance.


"This is what we want to learn!"

"Please guide us!" They all want to learn how to control the blue sky and experience the extreme senses of flying at high speeds.

Xu Cheng nodded slightly at their praise, took off his helmet with a smile, and his hair was disheveled, like an unkempt elf.

Her eyes scanned the airport keenly, and for a moment, Xu Yang thought she saw herself. But she was soon distracted by the students' questions. She wanted to reason with these ignorant tourists, and was explaining the flight.

When asked about details, she would gesture enthusiastically but made no croaking sounds.

Under the expert supervision of Xu Cheng, the students began to take classes. The experienced students entered the actual aircraft and prepared for takeoff and landing procedures. The rookies also wrestled on the training skateboard provided by Xu Cheng.

The club was buzzing with activity. Xu Cheng's voice kept ringing, giving advice to the students in a firm and encouraging tone.

It was enough for Xu Yang to stay where he was, just to observe her. In this flying club, Xu Cheng's skills and passion for flying could be satisfied.

It's great. Xu Cheng is energetic and confident, showing that her life is good since she left his custody. Xu Yang nodded.

Xu Yang felt satisfied to see his child grow up and leave the nest for a long time, and find his own way in the world. His duty was completed, and this little life could now fly to the sky, more like a bird than her father.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the tourists dispersed to have free afternoon tea, and then Xu Yang approached.

Xu Cheng and the last picky female student struggled to explain why they couldn't bring melon seed snacks onto the shuttle. When they saw Xu Yang coming, Xu Cheng was startled.

"You can eat if you want." Xu Cheng dismissed the female student and turned to look at Xu Yang with wide eyes.

"I'm here to see you." Xu Yang said.

Xu Cheng walked forward as if in a dream.

Xu Yang felt that human growth was simply a miracle. Xu Cheng's face used to be round in childhood, but now it is a beautiful oval face, with big and bright eyes, a slightly tilted nose, fair skin, and short black hair.

She has learned how to take care of her hair on her own and does not need any lessons from her father.

She has a slim figure, wrapped in a dark gray plastic bomber tights that outlines her athletic figure, and wears a pair of soft-soled deerskin boots.

After a moment of silence, the little fool and his father met again.

"Why did you come here all the time?" Xu Cheng was a little embarrassed. Although she had become Hongyu Island's flying master and lifelong VIP, with a dairy farm and a flying club under her name, when she saw her father, she felt like she was


"I want to see what your life is like now." Xu Yang said.

"I'm so great, dad will fall behind soon." Xu Cheng said easily, "Let's go eat, there are a lot of delicious and fun things to do on Hongyu Island."

At this moment, Lu Sizhou and Lu Jing had enjoyed enough sunshine on the beach and walked over following the road signs. At this time, the aircraft had been put into storage, but the flying skateboard simulators used to test balance were still there.


"What is this?" Lu Sizhou was very interested.

"For training pilots." Xu Cheng stepped on it with both feet and started.

These skateboards have built-in electromagnetic gyroscopes that can tilt greatly or rotate at high speeds to simulate turbulence and mid-air maneuvers.

On the flying skateboard, Xu Cheng faced the device under her feet that kept changing directions, and she didn't even need to open her hands to maintain balance. Xu Cheng's brain had adapted to the ultra-high speed, and her light body swayed rapidly, as if by instinct, on the flying skateboard.

Switch steps and change the center of gravity. It drifts extremely fast, but Xu Cheng never falls. Its working mechanism is very clever, and people standing on it will feel like they are fighting the airflow at high altitude.

"What, it turns out to be like surfing." Lu Sizhou said disdainfully.

Xu Cheng grinned. "Lu Sizhou, do you want to try the simulator?"

"How do you know me?" Lu Sizhou was surprised.

"I saw it in the news. If nothing else, you can try this. Just think of it as surfing." Xu Cheng said.

Lu Sizhou stepped forward, fastened his seat belt, fixed his feet to the skateboard, and grabbed the handle.

The metal plate made a low humming sound and was suspended three meters above the ground.

"Come here." Lu Sizhou's posture was very balanced, calm, ready, and not afraid at all.

Xu Cheng entered commands on the simulator interface.

The flying skateboard suddenly tilted 45 degrees to the left, but Lu Sizhou barely moved, using tiny muscle movements to correct the balance.

"Wow, is this just flying a plane?" Lu Sizhou held the analog joystick with both hands, expressionless.

Xu Cheng clicked a series of sequences quickly, and then the flying skateboard began to rotate, vibrate at extremely high speeds, and turn upside down.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah..." Lu Sizhou was shocked. Her knuckles clenched the handle so tightly that it almost turned white, but she held it tightly. Compared with the troubles suffered by pilots, roller coasters are nothing, but Lu Sizhou is nothing.

Saw it.

The edge of her swimsuit was billowing. Xu Cheng was very interested and increased his efforts.

"That's it? That's it?" Lu Sizhou shouted when he saw that he still had some energy left.

Xu Cheng controlled on the console, making the flight simulator rotate more and more intensely. Lu Sizhou was too focused on maintaining balance. But at the maximum speed and tilt angle, Lu Sizhou ignored his physical fitness.

Unable to grasp the handle, Lu Sizhou's soft body suddenly flung out and the harness tightened.

The flying skateboard completely flipped over, and the gyroscope continued to spin wildly, but Lu Sizhou couldn't hold on to the handle at all, and his whole body was thrown around like a rag, and he let out screams of terror.

Lu Sizhou stood upside down like a disoriented bat for a while. The safety belt was loosened and tightened. Then the safety cut-off device was activated, the power was turned off, and the flight simulator was lowered to the ground.

She collapsed into a pile, groaned, and fell dramatically. Xu Cheng was so happy.

Xu Yang and a worried Lu Jing came over in a hurry, but Lu Sizhou waved them away and unbuckled himself with as much dignity as possible under the circumstances.

"I - you - she -" Lu Sizhou stood up unsteadily, his swimsuit and hair in a mess. He cleared his throat, but couldn't speak clearly.

"I want to try it too." Lu Jing looked at it and became worried, "But Xiao Lu has already suffered a lot."

"Dad, just carry her up." Xu Cheng turned around and said.

(End of chapter)

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