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Chapter 973: A Thousand and One Children

Chapter 973 One Thousand and One Children

Author: Xiao Xisui

Chapter 973 One Thousand and One Children

"Your life is still very colorful." Huang Xing waved his hand, "Actually, I was shocked when you first came in."

"Shocked? Why?" Xu Yang didn't understand.

"I thought you were here to let us go on a mission. If something goes wrong, deal with the Dominator Movement, the wandering AI corps or something, or strap us onto the rocket of the Nisto Interstellar Development Group and send us to deep space. Go

Looking for some kind of Earth-like planet. We’ve had enough, really enough.” Wasp sighed.

"I won't pull people in casually. Believe me, Hornet, even if I want to find you, I will make an appointment three months in advance." Xu Yang sat on a stool nearby, watching A40 trimming plants with flower shears.

This reminded him of his daughter Qian Shu, who used the magic power of plants. What is Qian Shu doing now? Have you listened to her mother?

"Listen, the Wasp is dead." The Wasp said, "Call me by my original name - Adriana Genegut. We don't want to have any connection with the past. The A40 has also changed its name. It will be a piece of iron from now on.

, a piece of scrap metal.”

"Yes, Ana!" A40 nodded to the hornet, "I am scrap metal!"

They would never get involved in the quagmire of disputes again. Xu Yang felt half relieved and half regretful.

He removed the names of the Hornets and A40 from the reserve list. After all, even if there was a war, they would not respond to the call.

"How is Jialongpo now?" Xu Yangneng scanned the vast city outside. The splendid hotels and commercial buildings formed a unique skyline.

"Ye Zi still manages this place. Once any technology at home and abroad is invented, it will be sent here in accordance with the Science and Technology Alliance Agreement, so...it's okay? It's very efficient, order is stable, there are more laws than other places, and life is very comfortable. Anyway,

I'm a little used to staying in places with similar tropical climates like this." Wasp shrugged.

"Although you were born in Taixizhou, you can't stand the winter?" Xu Yang asked.

"In the summer, I voluntarily stayed indoors. In the winter, I was forced to stay indoors and get moldy. There is a difference. Don't talk about me, talk about you. You left more seeds in Jialongpo than other places."

That leaf is like a flower pot," said the wasp.

"Yes, I'm going to find Ye Zi." Xu Yang stood up, "By the way, don't you want to arrange to upgrade the A40's body? You can migrate the data to a higher version of the body."

"I'm used to it looking like this, don't even think about changing it for me secretly." Wasp yelled.

"I don't care." A40 has always been indifferent.

"What if the A40 encounters irreversible aging and scrapping?" Xu Yang asked.

A strange expression appeared on the wasp's face.

"What's your problem?" Wasp asked.

"This is an objective issue. The A40 may age or even be retired in another 10 years," Xu Yang said.

"Then," she said, "I will command reality to give my iron sheet back. No one can take it away from me, not time, not fate, not even you."

She will stay with A40 until death.

Xu Yang quickly arrived at the Yezi Xisheng Group Building. His body passed through the translucent one-way shield. As soon as he landed, the shield was restored, forming a transparent curtain wall, enough to enjoy the city scenery.

Since his visit four years ago, a lot of changes have taken place here. A beautiful-looking D10 synthesizer was received respectfully on the high platform. It was wearing concierge clothes, with perfect hair and a flattering figure:

"Dear Mr. Xu, welcome to the headquarters of Yexi Sheng Group. Miss Xiaodao is waiting for you - please go upstairs." D10 synthetic human said.

Starting from the world-renowned D2 synthetic human, Nisto has now put into production the D10 synthetic human, the best O companion for everyone, providing all spiritual and real-life services, with built-in universal artificial intelligence, able to answer all questions


Kojima Yezi wore a milky white formal jacket, short ear-length hair, pendants hanging from her ears, and a diamond ring given to her by Xu Yang, which she always regarded as a wedding ring.

Her eyes were originally looking at Jialongpo, but when Xu Yang approached, she turned around again and walked forward. Her high heels made clear footsteps, their eyes met, and she immediately fell into his arms.

"Yang... I miss you so much..." Ye Zi hugged Xu Yang tightly and buried her head on his chest. Xu Yang's hands touched her shoulders and back, smelling the familiar scent of perfume.

"I miss you so much. Look how well your career is doing now. It's booming. Time has not treated you badly. Your reputation and legendary experience have surpassed that of your mother." Xu Yang said.

The Yexi Sheng Group, responsible for sustaining credit and financial activities in the Golden Age, manages global credit centers and, like other companies, is preparing to race to launch its own space development rocket.

Dominating such a company, Ye Zi was only allowed to show weakness at this time. She leaned on Xu Yang and kissed him over and over again.

"You know, I struggle every day, trying my best to shape the future, our future. I don't want to let you down, I want to win in every investment." Ye Zi looked at Xu Yang with longing eyes.

"Take me to see the children." Xu Yang said. Then he kissed her on the forehead.

Ye Zi is obsessed with fertility, and Noriko Honma's blood is boiling in her body. Starting from Qianshu, Xu Yang and Ye Zi have created three more cubs in the past six years, and Xi Sheng's children have been reborn in another form. One of them

A witch, a boy, and a girl.

The recently born child is a little girl, who is still less than a month old. Xu Yang sometimes forgets how many children he has, and now he realizes that he still needs some snacks.

Ye Zi is intoxicated with raising children. Xu Yang has no doubt that she aspires to build a huge family similar to "Xisheng's children". He also does not doubt his own abilities. In the next 100 years, Ye Zi will undoubtedly surpass her mother.

The children born will form a flourishing family in the future.

However, witches, too many children have turned into witches. The witches have taken away the delivery room destined for human souls. No matter how large a family is, once too many witches are born, it will soon be eliminated.

Xu Yang has no hope for this, unless Falosa can promulgate the "Witch Law", announcing that witches and witches can lay eggs and hatch eggs to create little witches. In this way, witches can create witches, and humans can create humans. It seems that

Also pure.

At this time, Ye Zi led Xu Yang to the breeding room of the headquarters and walked through the white sterile corridor. Her high heels made a sharp clicking sound with every step she took. Xu Yang remembered that she didn't like wearing high heels a few years ago. Ye Zi

Also grown up.

Ye Zi stopped in front of a large window and pointed with her finger: "Look at our child." Her tone was filled with pride and possessiveness. Only she could help Xu Yang give birth. This was her privilege.

Through the glass, Xu Yang saw his newborn daughter, and he pressed his forehead against the glass.

The lights of the equipment and pipelines cast a soft atmosphere in the room. The baby was lying in the incubator, nutrients flowing into her thin blood vessels through the pipelines, and the surrounding monitors tracked her development and vital signs.

"This will be a good child." Xu Yang felt that she had been smart since she was a child, "name her Zhixing, Xu Zhixing, or Kojima Zhixing."

"Good name, Chiyuki. Our child will never experience suffering and deprivation, never experience the suffering of the previous generation. The war of the previous generation is over, and she came to this world to enjoy all the blessings of the golden age.

." Ye Zi announced.

"What do you want her to do when she grows up?"

"A professional asset manager, an actuary, a scientific officer, or at worst a doctor. In short, he cannot be a good-for-nothing writer or painter," Ye Zi said.

"I have many children." Xu Yang felt like he had countless children.

"I want to give you 1,001 children." Ye Zi said greedily.

"Where is Qianshu?" Xu Yang scanned the company directory and found that his eldest daughter Xu Qianshu was not there.

"She——" Ye Zi's originally smiling expression suddenly froze.

"Where has she gone?" Xu Yang became alert.

"Qianshu...is not here, she is in the suburbs." Ye Zi said hesitantly.

"Why did she go to the suburbs? How long has it been since she came back?"

"For a few months, I couldn't control her. I tracked her and she was fine, but she liked being in the suburbs. Isn't she a witch of plants? She wants to track the changes in plants. She vetoed all the lessons I gave her

." said Ye Zi.

"I feel like you don't care much about Qianshu." Xu Yang said.

"No, I just, I can't help it." Ye Zi sighed.

"How come you can't help it?" Xu Yang was confused.

"You know? Just like me, my mother has never been able to catch me, and I can't catch Qianshu." Ye Zi said.

(End of chapter)

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