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Chapter 991 Complete the four years in one go

Chapter 991 Complete four years in one go

Author: Xiao Xisui

Chapter 991 Complete four years in one go

It's time to go home.

Leaving behind enough supervision equipment and robots, and placing observation stations in orbit that would help increase the progress of sociology, Xu Yang used Proxima Centauri-b as a petri dish to continue to supervise and observe the development of those super green skins. etc.

When the next group of explorers comes, they should be able to harvest the food.

Xu Yang then lit up the stargate and took the Pioneer spacecraft to jump back.

For the crew of the ship, the expedition to Proxima Centauri was like a long-distance expedition with an uncertain future. What shocked them most was the difference in time and space: despite shortening the voyage through the star gate, it still took them 4 years to complete a round trip.


The human lifespan is too short. After just a few space voyages, great changes will occur in the world. The astronauts are still in their prime, but their friends on the ground are already old. Every time they think of this fact, the crew members feel that space is empty.

The responsibility of exploration is extremely heavy.

After this exploration, it is clear that the current colonial boundaries of human civilization are the blocks connected by the star gates. Once they are all digested, the development level of human civilization will reach another level and officially become an interstellar civilization.


Xu Yang drove the Pioneer exploration ship back to the launch base of the Nisto Interstellar Development Group. When the ship descended from the atmosphere, he had already received a welcome message from Lila.

"Welcome home, Master." Lila's voice was trembling.

"I'm back." Xu Yang stood in the captain's room and responded gently.

The entire huge spacecraft slowly approached the ground, and its engines rumbled, like drums playing a triumphant song. All of this was magnificent - humans had surveyed Proxima Centauri-b, used it as a colony, and embarked on a truly meaningful journey into space.

Explore the first step.

"Is everyone on board okay?" Lila said. These years of responsibility have taught her to broaden her horizons.

"They are all playing crazy. The mission is over and the voyage is returning. They are all drinking on the ship. Don't worry. I gave the order. They play to their heart's content, in the dark, celebrate and enjoy. As the pioneers of mankind, this is what they deserve.

.Four years have passed with a snap of the fingers on the ground. I wonder if anyone has missed important events, whether they have missed weddings, funerals, good news, sad news... Before they return to their hometown, let them indulge as much as they want."

Xu Yang said.

"What about the master himself? Do you ever suspect that you missed something important?" Lila asked.

"I'm not worried about anything. I just miss you so much. I want to make up for everything I missed. The spaceship will land in 7 minutes. I want you, Lila." Xu Yang said.

"Everything is fine." Lila was so moved that she almost cried, "Again: welcome back, Master."

The radio waves were interrupted, and the spacecraft decelerated to the ground with a roar. It consumed the same amount of fuel in the deceleration stage as it did in the acceleration stage. It roared to the ground just like the Titan Star God, but it was completely a creation of human beings themselves.

Xu Yang checked various parameters. People in the old era might not be so careful, but he paid great attention to details, including the usage of all resources of the spacecraft and the expenditure of various materials. He personally took care of it.

On the one hand, thanks to the high-level informatization project that he insists on implementing, everything is clear and clear, and is checked and calculated by composite artificial intelligence, eliminating waste and misallocation of resources; on the other hand, it is also the spirit of collective effort that plays a role.

He knew very well that all resources were raised. It was all people, communities and communities who were willing to support human spaceflight, who donated and pieced together the resources needed for the Pioneer to fly into the universe.

This is the true human spirit. Every package of solid fuel has the name of its origin and donor. Every part of the reactor has the name of the laborer, technician and designer.

Although there are only 5,000 crew members flying into the sky, the entire spacecraft is made from the hard work of 4 billion humans.

The Pioneer dropped downwards, returning to the platform from which it started.

Xu Yang completed his mission, announced that the crew were free to leave, that he was no longer their captain, and thanked them for their efforts.

Arriving at the bow of the ship, Xu Yang saw that media personnel from all over the world had gathered in the square outside. When the crew of the Pioneer disembarked, they were immediately bombarded with photos.


"The space heroes are back!"

"Pioneer of mankind!"


"Wow! Look! Look!" Reporters, automatic video robots and drones kept taking pictures.

Xu Yang felt funny. In the future, these photos will leave a mark in history, and many photos will win awards! People will write titles below, such as "a giant step for mankind" and "commemorating the first extraterrestrial planet".

"Exploration was successful", "Pioneer spacecraft mission was a complete success".

These excited crew members waving off the ship will leave traces in history. Generations of children will regard them as role models, creating a grand vision that touches the sky from the bottom of their hearts, inspiring the next generation of human beings to brave the stars.

In these photos, if the angle is wide enough, you can capture Xu Yang standing in the bow of the ship at this moment. He looks like only a shadow through the space alloy glass. This is also in line with his temperament and identity. The history behind

A shadow, an afterimage of freedom. If people love him, that's fine. If people don't like him, Xu Yang doesn't care.

The media practitioners are all interested in the boarding area. The crew members involved in this voyage are all blessed. They will have to face endless interviews in the next few weeks and months, asking them to explain their mission work.

Talk about every detail and anecdotes.

There are also tens of thousands of girls who are looking forward to it. They are excited and dream of "borrowing some seeds from the stars" with these great pilots who have been in space. They have enough containers and collection tools to collect these crew members.

All their seeds were borrowed. They were just like those women in history who personally rewarded heroes. At this time, they had a noble spirit of dedication in their hearts.

The front was beaming with joy and bustle, and the base could not calm down for a while. Xu Cheng, Laila, Paopao and Qianshu also became the subjects of interviews. Each of them had endless things to say and were interviewed in front of the whole world.

It is also a rare honor for them.

Xu Yang heard the footsteps and turned around to see Lila arriving with tears in her eyes. She bypassed all the noise and walked alone to find her master.

"Master!" Lila rushed over with tears in her eyes, "I miss you so much..."

"Why am I not?" Xu Yang picked up Lila and looked at her affectionately, "I can't make it without you. When I was wandering in the sea of ​​stars, I always thought about bringing you with me. But no,

This planet still needs you."

Lila clung to Xu Yang's chest, relying on him closely. For him, it was dozens of days, but for her, it was four years of loneliness, just like having her head cut off and placed on the silent counter.

It had been empty for four years. Lila's heart was full of fear, her words seemed to have no echo, and all her thoughts had no place.

"Don't... don't go to space again, Lila can't bear it..." She clutched Xu Yang's sleeves with both hands.

"I won't go, I won't go again." Xu Yang carried her to the table and kissed her.

"But how can you not go?" Lila sighed, "You still have so many responsibilities."

"I'm not going," Xu Yang said, throwing away his coat, "I'm not going - because I'm retired."

"Retirement?" Lila repeated, as if she didn't understand the meaning of the word.

"I have officially retired. I will not be involved in worldly affairs. I have brought my four children, good children, with me to see how they behave. Xu Cheng is good, Pao Pao cares about others, Qianshu is smart, and Laila

Brave and responsible. It’s fitting that the future world will be left to these good children. I don’t need to work anymore and we can be together all the time.” Xu Yang looked at Lila.

"Oh...Master..." Lila's eyes were blurred.

In the changing seas, the elites of the era who originally restricted them have become the dust of history. Lila has taken revenge. Nelu, who once cut her with an air knife, was thrown from the top of Khalifa's spire by Pan Rui; Qian, who brutally transformed her,

Lake Electronics Company has also been dismantled and auctioned, and its assets have been sent to all parts of the world, just like when the company dismantled Lila Nisto. The Nisto company named after her is now the number one in the world, and its position is unshakable.

And what about Xu Yang? He personally announced that "Tiangong" AI would be eliminated because it did not meet the standards of the times. In the past, AI optimized him, but now he has developed more advanced algorithms and optimized AI. He has personally blocked "Tiangong" and thrown it away.

It was like it was in the garbage dump of history, and he didn't even bother to look at it. Gaoge Jiuzhou became an ordinary company, and many subsidiaries were merged and acquired by Lu Jing and Tianshu Manufacturing, which were supported by Xu Yang. The company that once enslaved him now lives in

Under the shadow of Xu Yang. Xu Yang also reformed all company schools. Children in his hometown can study without the diversion strategy, and no one has to be a cow horse anymore.

Looking at each other, they all felt that all this was precious. Even Proxima Centauri-b, 4.5 light-years away, was like a glass bead put into a pocket, demonstrating the impeccable technological strength of human civilization.

Regardless of retirement, it represents the ebb of an era, and the future should be handed over to younger and more creative people.

Xu Yang kissed Lila on the forehead.

"Farosa is in retreat," Lila said hurriedly.

"Okay." Xu Yang closed the curtains.

Four hundred times, all four years will be paid off.

(End of chapter)

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