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Chapter 993 Star Hunting Attack Plan

The secret room opens.

Xu Yang walked into it, and the door was closed behind him, cutting off the outside sound. The interior was dark and empty, with only the slightest flicker of red light, which danced rhythmically, like a beam of rays backed by the universe.

Falosa emerged from it. She stretched her limbs, and her long hair was spread behind her. There was no trace around her body. Powerful magic power commensurate with the universe itself floated in her hands, like holding a beating heart. She clenched her hand and squeezed the magic power.

Broken, eyes focused and calm, the neon cloak then appeared.

Seeing the calm look on her face, Xu Yang nodded. She must have made new progress. She is smart and diligent, always maintains her original intention, and moves unswervingly towards her goal. With such a spirit, how could she not succeed?

Xu Yang taught her patience, and from then on Falosa became calm and dedicated to the Tao.

"How strong are you now?" Xu Yang asked.

"It's enough. If you want to rule the universe or defeat the messengers of the stars, your current power is enough." Falosa said lightly.

She raised her hand, as if to show her magic power, and a star map appeared in her palm. Xu Yang stared at it and found that the positions of the stars in Falosa's hand were exactly the same as those captured by the astronomical telescope.

Falosa pointed with one hand at one of the asteroids located in the planetary system and deflected it. Soon, Xu Yang received the corresponding astronomical data report, proving that the corresponding star displacement did occur in the universe, and the amplitude and distance were exactly the same.

She extended her finger to a farther galaxy and flicked a planet 10 light-years away. Huge pits immediately appeared on its surface. The whole planet shook violently and unprecedented crustal movements began to erupt.

If it shifts its orbit, it will completely escape the gravitational range of the star and fly into deep space in a few years.

The dazzling star map is in his hands.

"...You should be confident to face any challenge now." Xu Yang nodded.

He approached Falosa and touched her face with his fingers. She narrowed her eyes, covered Xu Yang's hand, and touched his forehead.

"I'm ready, send me on my way." She said softly.

Falosa's tone was calm, and Xu Yang felt that she was not talking about the majestic messengers of the stars, but an ordinary journey.

Xu Yang gradually felt the different power emanating from her body, and the great road was about to be completed.

"It lives in a high-dimensional space, which not only means that it is difficult to reach, but also means that it can freely control more energy and matter, even orders of magnitude far beyond the control of our civilization." Xu Yang said.

"So we have to make sacrifices. I can be the sword bearer. The attack power of the god-killing weapon is enough, just like the monomolecular knife made by two-dimensional creatures. You only need to kill it from one dimension, and more importantly,

Close the door, the God Ascension Machine has already told me the answer, now I just need to use it as a sacrifice." Falosa murmured.

"Sacrifice the god machine?" Xu Yang asked.

"Yes, its energy is large enough. It is a precious heritage of the Yousi people, enough for us to use. More importantly, the gap-making machine you found in the colorful highlands, we can guide it in the opposite direction, but in order to avoid waste, please

Try to copy the key technologies on the God-Entry Machine as much as possible, which can benefit human civilization in the next million years." Falosa said carefully.

"...Understood." Xu Yang kissed Falosa. She had been in seclusion for too long and was missed.

Xu Yang and Falosa were kissing wantonly in the secret room. Lila coughed and looked businesslike.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, but the threat of the Star Messenger cannot be delayed any longer. We should start discussing how to deploy the plan. Don't forget that when we are preparing to kill it, it is also preparing to attack us." Lila said.

Xu Yang nodded. The human-witch civilization has reached this day and must not encounter the next disaster similar to the natural disaster. Therefore, they must completely destroy the source of the disaster, exile or even trap the messengers of the stars.

"Then let's study hard and see how much we can do." Falosa flashed her hand, and the furnishings of the secret room changed, turning into an antique conference hall with bright and gorgeous metal and silk decorations.

She summoned the god-ascending machine, which was flashing with fluid symbols, constantly separating and reorganizing, with a white light shining in the center. She took out the god-killing weapon and put it aside. These two, plus the coordinates and gaps provided by Xu Yang

Machine, four in one, used to defeat the Starbringer once and for all.

Xu Yang stared at them, the way to salvation lies within them.

"Show me where that guy is. With the bow and arrow, the next step is the prey's nest." Falosa turned her head.

Xu Yang nodded, and he asked the drone team to assemble like a swarm, and together they formed a large projection array. Then, Xu Yang displayed numerous advanced mathematical formulas and physical data on the screen, showing where the breakthrough point was.

Farossa leaned against the table, crossed her arms, and glanced at the screen. Her neon cloak reflected a dazzling colorful brilliance under the white light of the drone.

"Here." Xu Yang finally calculated the coordinates of the Star Messenger, in a dimension where ordinary people cannot survive.

A huge four-dimensional projection appeared in mid-air, and an unknown spatial coordinate system lay in front of them, completely beyond their imagination. According to the algorithm provided by the Star God, they finally found this place.

Falosa observed that even though she was mentally prepared, she was still a little surprised when she saw the results. It was so funny, they were like a nest of ants living at the equator, raising their heads, whispering and studying the red sun in the sky.

How to land on the sun.

"It turns out that it is such a deformed structure. In the space where it lives, there are two axes of time. No wonder the Yus can't simply throw it back. In fact, it is an expert in playing with the timeline." Falosa said.

"Our only chance now is to catch it off guard. If we can't stop it on the timeline, we must intercept and trap it on the spatial scale." Xu Yang said.

Falosa nodded thoughtfully, her long brown hair falling gracefully, and her lips pursed tightly.

"We still have some time to make plans now." Xu Yang said firmly, "We will succeed, we will definitely succeed."

He put his hands on her shoulders, feeling her body temperature and the touch of her colorful cloak.

Her eyes were gentle and decisive. She took a deep breath, relaxed her body, and held Xu Yang's face with her hands: "Of course."

They warmed up to Lila's jealous gaze for a while. Xu Yang turned around and began to deploy the plan. The screen projected precise data and high-dimensional scene models, and supercomputers deployed around the world reached signal connections and provided support. Xu Yang,

Falosa and Lila began to seriously discuss how to defeat the Starbringer.

So focused, as if they were born for this.

The three of them sat in a secret room and laid out the detailed plan for the expedition. The walls were like ancient rocks, reflecting a bit of vicissitudes of life and seriousness. They exchanged information very quickly and could process more than 100t of files per second.

Falosa's eyes remained motionless, and the data poured out like a waterfall. Her figure seemed to be dyed with a half-dark golden shadow in the candlelight. Lila was wearing a black skirt, the sleeves of her white shirt rolled up to her elbows, and her bionic fingers were on

The transparent panels danced with impeccable precision. With them by their side, Xu Yang felt like he could do anything.

I don’t know how long it took, maybe 1,000 hours or a few years, when Farosha suddenly broke the silence: “Okay.”

"...Yes." Xu Yang nodded. The plan has been completed. According to their arrangement, as long as Farosha can find the messenger of the stars, the winning rate will be considerable, and it is worth betting everything.

"There are only two doubts. How do we reach that coordinate? It is at least tens of thousands of light years away from us." Lila said.

"I have a way." Falosa nodded.

"Another doubtful point, if you close all the doors in that area, how will you come back?" Lila asked.

"I have a way." Falosa repeated, "We have been studying for so long, discussing all possibilities, and deducing all endings. All I can say is that a great victory is imminent. With the accurate coordinates, I can destroy the Star Messengers

, and be able to escape unscathed."

After such long calculations, the three of them were a little tired, but their eyes were still clear and sharp.

Xu Yang knew that she must have carefully deduced all the details in her mind, but she still couldn't help but make sure again and again.

"Are you sure you can escape unscathed? You said you are really powerful enough to defeat the Star Messenger?" Xu Yang asked.

Falosa turned to look at Xu Yang, with a smile on her lips and her eyes as calm as before.

"I promise. Even if something unexpected happens, I will evacuate immediately." Falosa said.

"You wouldn't do that kind of sacrifice, would you?"

"I've never been the only one to sacrifice others," Farosha said.

Xu Yang held her hand tightly and felt the temperature of her skin, fearing that this would be the last time.

Lila handed a data disk to Farosha: "This is all our project plans and secret files. It has every detail of the plan. You can keep track of it at all times and face the messengers of the stars."

Falosa nodded in thanks, looked at the information in her hand, and then let out a deep, satisfied breath.

"It's just about destroying another god. I'm completely ready." She said.

Xu Yang knew that she was ready, and they were also ready for sacrifices and losses. After everything was ready, he continued to decipher and record the Yousi technology on the God Ascension Machine. These successfully deciphered future technologies could rapidly increase the strength of the entire civilization.


Falosa packed her things and left the room. She was going to the Etienne Valley.

This chapter has been completed!
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