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Chapter 997: Messenger of the Stars

This is a high-dimensional space.

She fell into it without a trace, the door disappeared behind her, the key disappeared, it was a one-way door, and Falosa fell into the final battle.

Falosa only felt an unreasonable weight surrounding her body, almost crushing her.

The space itself was as dark as night, with no light source, and everything she could see was hazy. She couldn't trust her vision now. How much could one pixel see?

From time to time, streaks of colorful light flashed around her. They passed away in a flash, but left burning marks on her light-sensing organs. She knew that she was right, and no one else could bear it.

This space is less like a real place and more like a huge sea of ​​consciousness. There is a consciousness that is too old and powerful. It is boundless and low-dimensional physical laws no longer seem to apply here.

Falosa could be called a god on the original planet, but to the messengers from the stars on the other side, she was just like an insect.

She moved gropingly, unable to keep her body in shape, and finally melted here.

The words are broken.

This is really a "shadowless and formless world". You can name it whatever you want, just call it "empty".

Farossa thought to herself.


After the Star Messenger was born, there was no place in the universe to accommodate it, so it created a "void" of its own. The Yus people unintentionally drew it over, allowing the Star Messenger to launch attacks on thousands of worlds and multiple universes unscrupulously.

, it is inherently a high-dimensional existence, and others cannot go to the "empty" where it is.

There was only Bubble. When she thought of this, Farosha felt how great Bubble was. She was so amazing that she actually used a door to bring her here.

Did the Star Messenger really not discover Falosa's invasion? Or does it know exactly what it is facing now? Or the Star Messenger has read all the time and knows that it is destined to have such a disaster. It should have no mercy, but it

Know that time flows linearly and never look back.

You can return, but there is no point in returning.

Entering the "empty", Falosa tried to adapt. Common sense did not apply here, so she had to treat herself as a incomplete high-dimensional creature.

She searched for the connection point between "emptiness" and the normal low-dimensional universe. When the Yus people completed the articulation, they wanted to recruit the Star Messengers as their assistants against the Witch Civilization. Unexpectedly, she was also easily destroyed by the Star Messengers.

This place is full of secrets. Falosa's consciousness can capture countless secrets. It changes so fast, and the multiple dimensions of time and space interweave multiple aspects. She sees a lot of lost knowledge, and she feels unprecedented satisfaction.

Just like Falosa now, once she enters "empty space", she also exists in multiple dimensions that have not been imagined and observed before.

Whispering incessantly, Farosha lost her sense of direction and the gravity that she relied on before on the planet. There was everything here, but it was lifeless.

This is not a contradiction. Just like the crawling bean dots on a piece of white paper, unable to see the bizarre scenery in the surrounding room, Falosa's cognitive ability is too limited. In her opinion, everything in this "empty" world

Everything is meaningless.

The low humming is endless. Falosa needs to find the hinge point, position it, and seal this space, just like flicking a ball away and never letting it come out to harass the world. The Star Messenger must get out, if it lowers the projection again

If there is an attack, or what people are used to calling "heavenly catastrophe", then everything will be destroyed and the world will fall apart.

Black and red blocks of color flashed before her eyes, soaked in nightmare-like images, covering the birth and death of the universe. Is that the future? Or has it already happened? Farosha can't tell what is meaningful here.

.The past and present may all be true.

You need to concentrate and don't be fooled by these images.

Falosha tried hard to recall, and she had to rely on the books she had read and recorded over time to find the location of the hinge point. Unfortunately, "empty" was ancient and unfamiliar, and difficult to understand. Falosha tried hard to keep her mind clear, but rationality seemed to be here.

It is also completely ineffective. Everything is dissolving and reconstructing.

Her instinct and consciousness told her that something was approaching, but no matter which direction she looked, she saw nothingness.

Something is waiting for Farosha, wanting to devour her and everything.

She had to hurry up, quickly find the hinge point, and close the door. The "empty" world of the Star Messengers was originally illusory. It was because it was close to many universes in the lower dimensions that allowed the Star Messengers to launch an attack. Once the door was closed, the Star Messengers would be attacked.

Trapped yourself.

It should be here.

Falosa thought she had found the hinge point, and although she couldn't see it, she knew it was nearby.

She began to spin in circles, touching invisible walls, trying to find a flaw. Everything was melting and reshaping, including the hinge points themselves.

If two-dimensional creatures move in a circle around the diameter of a sphere, they will think they are walking on flat ground.

Use your brain, Falosa said. She suddenly thought of the true nature of higher-dimensional creatures.

First of all, three-dimensional creatures cannot actually see two-dimensional creatures.

In the eyes of three-dimensional creatures, all creatures have length, width and height.

They can't see objects without "height", just like drawing a line on paper. The reason why they can see it is because there are tiny graphite particles on the paper. Each particle itself has an atom height of 0.001 microns.

It also has its own size, which can be measured and seen.

However, two-dimensional creatures have no height and cannot be seen. Therefore, three-dimensional creatures cannot see two dimensions.

The vision of four-dimensional creatures is the same. Their fourth dimension is "time" itself.

Therefore, the Star Messenger itself actually lies in the past, modern and future. It is a very "huge" thing that exists in the entire timeline at the same time.

At the beginning of creation, people could only see the head of the Messenger of the Stars. It would take about 50 billion years before people could see its body. Then when the world is destroyed and the universe ends, that will be the tail or feet of the Messenger of the Stars.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The Star Messenger cannot see "Farosa".

Because Falosa, a poor three-dimensional creature, does not occupy even a single point in the dimension of "time".

Time itself has continuity, but Falosha has no continuity.

Every second, every second, every second.

Falosa can never "stop" in time, cannot stop time, can only keep drifting and being pushed along with the advancement of time.

She has no volume on the time scale.

The Starbringer cannot see anything that has no width in the "time" dimension.

Even if Falosa desperately tried to attract the attention of the Star Messenger, it could not find her.

For example, when a person feels a sting, he lowers his head to see where he was bitten.

If the Star Messenger realizes that he has been invaded at a certain point in time, he will have to go through his long life.

Its "field of vision" has to sweep back and forth in the vast time, and it is difficult to lock on to the dozens of seconds when Falosa invades.

The lifespan of the universe is 140 billion years, and now it is the 13.8 billionth year of the universe. The messengers of the stars have to keep searching and searching in the long timeline to find this specific second.

Just like human eyes constantly scanning around the body, it is as difficult to see a single particle of bacteria.

I'm too young...

So this also confirms a fact.

That means Falosa has not killed the Star Messenger now.

Because in that case, it only needs to focus on the time before its death.

Since the Messenger of the Stars cannot find him, it means that the Messenger of the Stars has lived for tens of billions of years after he finished his destructive work.

However, that has nothing to do with their human civilization. The next thing Falosa has to do is to cut off the hinge point between "empty" and the human world.

After thinking about it, Falosa felt that she was still very smart.

She began to outline the structure of this space in her mind, recalling the descriptions of high-dimensional space in those scriptures.

Yan Duo, star gods like Chrysos, Pan Yuan, ancient mystics like Princess Yaotang, witch seekers like the Fifth Empress, the information Xu Yang disassembled from the God Ascension Machine, and his existence in the void

Messages Jing heard from ancient spirits...

Countless knowledge gathered in Falosa's heart, enough to form a large network to help her understand this high-dimensional space.

The so-called hinge is a special connection point that is connected to the human world - she strives to touch the distorted time and space around her and analyze the information contained in it - every abnormal sound and every fluctuation may lead her to find the node.

Falosa held her breath and concentrated, allowing her perception to blend into the environment and become part of this space.

A secret intuition gradually awakened in her body. This feeling came from a distant bloodline, even beyond human beings and history.

The legacy of the Galaxy Witch. Falosa knows that they are one.

You are always there.

Who are you? Do you spy on our lives? You split into a trillion different witches, so many that they could wipe out an entire intelligent race. Do you control us? Or are we torn into pieces?


Galaxy Witch: All of them.

Farosha: Are you still alive?

Galaxy Witch: It doesn't matter anymore.

A kind of primitive instinct built an invisible and precise structure in Falosa's perception. She knew that the node was there, that was the hinge she had been looking for for a long time.

Unpredictable sounds, the smell of nothingness, and some strange gravity are all guiding her in the direction——

Falosa stretched out her hand and groped in the darkness until her fingertips touched an unspeakable crack.

She stared at the crack in front of her and felt a chill spreading throughout her body.

Saw it.

This portal connects a large number of different low-dimensional universes. The Star Messenger is just a monster, but he relies on his superior one-dimensional power to launch attacks below.

The portal is like a huge wound, cutting through the edge of time and space, connecting the weak and incompetent low-dimensional universe gate with the messengers of the stars.

This wound, Falosa tentatively calls it, the wound of the world, has existed for a long time. According to the Yus people, it has been at least 5 billion years. Other intelligent civilizations in the low-dimensional universe must have fought against it and paid a heavy price.

But the Messenger of the Stars is invincible, and its invasion must have started through this wound. It will enter the world through here, bring down catastrophes, and plunge the world into chaos and fear.

Close it.

Falosa stretched out her hand and guided the energy beams of the gap-making device. They were released in the negative direction and used to create the exact opposite force - not to create a gap, but to close the gap.

Farosha moves with difficulty in high-dimensional space, like a paper framer. She must seal the portal to isolate the Star Messenger from the low-dimensional universe. It can kill countless low-dimensional creatures, just like a rubber-wielding

People who erase can erase all the lines in the two-dimensional world and enjoy themselves.

She harnesses all her magic.

Falosa knew that the wound in the world before her eyes would not be easily closed—the consciousness behind it would definitely try its best to stop it.

What have you done?

Farosha heard the roar of the ancient beast. Regardless, Farosha continued to guide the power of the gap-making device. In the process, the ascension machine was ignited, releasing endless energy to power the gap-making device.

She made the wounds of the world smaller, and every movement caused the space to vibrate violently, and an angry hissing sounded from the void, as if something was struggling crazily.

What have you done?!

Blood-red light surged out from inside, almost swallowing Farosha - she felt her life force was draining rapidly, and her body collapsed due to the tremendous pressure.



Being scratched by the eraser, Falosa thought absurdly that she was just dust shaking on the page. It couldn't see itself, but it could erase itself.

The neon cloak protected her life, but her divine power was diminished. She did not stop, the Messenger of the Stars had arrived, and she knew that stopping would mean failure and the end, and it would follow Falosa's path.


There's a little left.

Falosa herself jumped into the Wound of the World, slipped her body through it, and crawled back to the other side of the cosmic structure.

Looking back at the portal that was almost closed by herself, Falosa realized that both her magic and divine power were exhausted, and her body was also failing.

But the rift has not yet been completely closed, and the resentment of the Star Messengers is still expanding further, like a huge black hole, ready to swallow everything.

The power of the gap-making device has reached its limit, the machine for ascending to the gods has been damaged, his own power has been exhausted, the oil has dried up, and there is still an unsealed crack left in the portal.

I have to find something to plug the last crack in the door.

Falosa looked at the god-killing weapon in her hand.

It made a clanging sound.

"Eat up." Farosha slit her own throat and held the god-killing weapon tightly. It greedily fed on the death energy from Farosha's body and became more powerful.

Blood dripping.

"Once again - make the gods mourn!" Falosa used her last bit of strength to stab the god-killing weapon with full power!

Use this artifact to block the last gap in the portal!

The god-killing weapon penetrated the portal and left the most powerful seal on the entrance——

The next moment, a destructive force surged out from the door, but was quickly suppressed by the god-killing weapon. It penetrated the door like a poisonous thorn, serving as the final seal!


The Star Messengers are isolated!

Farosha felt that all the bones in her body were being shattered, and the blood of God was completely boiling. She could not stand, and her face was as pale as paper.

The crack began to shrink violently, making a deafening sound, like a sharp blade cutting metal, and the god-killing weapon was stuck in the middle, roaring endlessly.

You will be cut, if you dare to touch. Falosa thought evilly, one end of the God-killing weapon was facing the world of "empty", and its edge released endless evil energy. The Messenger of the Stars missed the opportunity,

You can only stand with your back to the sharp blade.

You can only look, but not enter.

The entrance has been closed, just like the Jedi Sky Pass.

From then on, low-dimensional people cannot enter high-dimensional space, and high-dimensional people cannot interfere with the low-dimensional world. This sword makes a covenant.

Falosa defeated the Star Messenger, but her body did not return to Bubble's palace, but withered due to serious injuries.

The Star Messenger's attack did hit her, and it wiped out her body with just one blow.

She is dead.

Falosa's consciousness drifted, surrounded by boundless darkness, with occasional stars twinkling, and she was in the void, floating in the vast universe.

When death comes, the power in the body has long been exhausted, and the body has been destroyed by the projection attacks of the star messengers. I am afraid that this time I will not be able to escape the shadow of death.

She is accustomed to fighting, but she is also tired of it - if death can bring a moment of rest, then she is not afraid of it.

She intended to die, but death could not touch her.

Because Falosa always has deep love and longing in her heart, this power maintains her spirit in the world.

Just then, she saw a familiar face.

That face was so huge that it could only be measured by the scale of the universe. Farosha saw the shadow of everyone on her beautiful face. She was like Pan Ruiyi, Yoshioka Mizuro, 101, 102, Qianmeng... She was like Fa Luosha.

Rosa herself.

Falosa: I finally see you. As expected, the witch of death will return to you.

Galaxy Witch: You did it.

Falosha: I don't know, am I doing a good job?

Galaxy Witch: This is the result we long for most. You deserve to rest in peace. Come, come to me, here, you can see the witches in the entire universe, their life and death, their journey, their growth,

Their repeated pursuit and consideration of self-meaning, as well as their dreams.

Farossa: No, let me go back.

Galaxy Witch: Go back?

Farossa: Yes.

Galaxy Witch: Because someone is waiting for you?

Falosa: Yes, because someone is waiting for me.

Galaxy Witch: Then go back.

Falosa: But my body is gone. I was killed by the messengers of the stars. This is the price I paid for closing the wound of the world.

Galaxy Witch: Don’t you know the Law of Reply?

Falosa: I am already dead, how can I use the Law of Recovery on myself?

Galaxy Witch: Let me help you, you still have traces in this world, I won't miss it.

The afterimage of the Galaxy Witch used the law of recovery on Falosa, and the entire universe seemed to be soaked in blood, returning to its nascent state, waiting for the birth of new life.

After a moment, everything returned to normal.

If there are still people worth missing, then go back.

Falosa woke up and found Xu Yang holding her.

"I thought you disappeared." Xu Yang said.

I originally made up my mind to go somewhere far away, but when I thought of you waiting for me, I came back.

Farosha wanted to say this because Xu Yang also said the same thing twenty years ago.

Oh my god, why are you talking so much?

Falosa hugged Xu Yang tightly.

"I love you."

This chapter has been completed!
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