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Chapter 1012 You can think about it

The sound of the sounding arrow is very penetrating, and after the explosion, it will leave a cloud of black smoke in the air.

The people of Yonglin Town saw this for the first time and turned their heads to look at it.

The trial meeting had to be temporarily suspended.

"Mr. Han, an enemy was discovered in Area 2!"

A female escort ran over and reported: "The platoon leader asked me to ask you if you want to call for reinforcements."

There are several types of sounding arrows used by escorts. The one that just launched was a warning sounding arrow, indicating that the enemy was discovered but did not request reinforcements.

"How many enemies are there?" Han Feng asked.

"Only one has been found so far!"

"Are any brothers injured?"

"No, according to sir's request, everyone should be in groups of at least three, with grenades in their hands at all times. The other person will run away as soon as he shows his head!" The female escort said: "But he is too skilled, and his speed is the same as Mrs. Qianxun's.

Quick, before our arrow array and catapult were ready, he retreated into the woods and ran away. The third squad leader was worried about an accident. Moreover, they fled to the mountains with three people, but now only one was found. The third squad leader was also worried that they wanted to

He lured the tiger away from the mountain and didn’t send anyone to chase it!”

"You're right. In the jungle, our brothers are indeed no match for such people. If three or five of them go in, they will either be hunted or die!"

Han Feng first affirmed the approach of the third squad leader, then thought for a while and said: "Don't worry about them for now, let the airship increase the frequency and intensity of patrols, and block them here first. When reinforcements arrive, they will be unable to escape!"

Upon discovering that the enemy had fled into the mountains, Han Feng knew that it was impossible to capture them with his limited manpower, so at dawn he sent a letter to the village asking for reinforcements.

"Yes!" The female escort nodded and ran back to deliver the message.

After she left, Han Feng frowned.

The reason he spoke so confidently just now was to comfort the female escort and stabilize his mind.

But he knew the situation in the village very well. Nowadays, the bodyguard bureau is developing too fast and there is a shortage of manpower everywhere. Almost half of the information Xiaoyu receives every day is about asking people from the village.

If the nature of what this group of thieves had done hadn't been so bad and Jin Feng had planned to let the airborne company train troops, they might not have been able to assemble so many men.

But it was too difficult for him to ask for reinforcements.

"Mr. Han, what's going on over there?" an old woman asked.

After more than an hour of getting along, the common people and Han Feng gradually became familiar with each other.

Although they didn't know what the sound of the arrow meant, they knew that something was definitely going on.

"Nothing, I just found the fugitive to be arrested!" Han Feng explained.

"What kind of fugitive? Are they also escaped landowners and bandits?"

"They are not landlords and bandits, but a few murderers."

Han Feng explained: "Some time ago, our people were dividing the area in Jingzhao Mansion. They killed the clerk of our division and the bodyguard who was responsible for protecting the clerk."

"What, dare to kill the people who divide your land?"

When the people heard this, they became angry.

They were waiting day and night for the Zhenyuan Escort Agency to come and allocate the land.

When I hear that someone dares to kill the people who divide the territory, I will naturally be angry.

"Big dog, what are you doing so stupidly? Call the Tiger Fighting Team over here and help Mr. Han catch the man!"

An old woman hit her grandson with a cane.

His grandson once served in the army and was a well-known strongman. Mr. Huang tried to recruit him as a thug several times, but Big Gouzi refused.

So Mr. Huang had a grudge and assigned him to the Tiger Fighting Team.

Participating in a tiger hunting team is a very dangerous thing. Almost every time a tiger comes down from the mountain, the tiger hunting team will suffer casualties.

Big Gouzi is very powerful and righteous. After joining the Tiger Fighting Team, he quickly established himself and became the leader of the Tiger Fighting Team.

"Everyone from the Tiger Squad, come forward!"

As Big Gouzi yelled, forty or fifty people stood up from the crowd, ranging in age from thirteen or fourteen to thirty or forty years old. They could be called the young and strong of Yonglin Town.

Unfortunately, most of them have disheveled faces and are so thin that they are almost skin and bones.

Even the big dog in the lead is the same.

Big Gouzi checked the head, and then said to Han Feng: "Mr. Han, almost all the brothers from the Tiger Fighting Team who live in the town are here. You can make arrangements!"

Han Feng showed a look of emotion, but after thinking for a moment, he waved his hand: "Brother, thank you for your kindness, but these fugitives are all highly skilled, ferocious and cruel people, they are too dangerous!"

"Mr. Han, let me ask you, what are you going to do with Mr. Huang and Liang Chong?" Dagouzi suddenly asked in a confused manner.

"After the trial conference is over, we will send people to investigate again. After confirming that the situation is true, we will make the final penalty!"

Han Feng said: "If what you just complained about is true, Mr. Huang, Liang Chong, and the principal criminals who assisted them in committing evil, there is only one penalty result - death penalty! Execute immediately!"

"Everything we say is true!"

"We did not wrong Mr. Huang!"

"Huang Lingquan is a man worse than a pig or a dog. Who in Yonglin Town doesn't know that?"

When the people heard this, they became excited again.

"I know I know!"

Han Feng knocked on the gong, and after the people calmed down, he said: "Of course I believe what everyone said is true, but the Master of the State once said that if the country is unable to do so, there will be chaos, and if the family is unable to do so, it will decline, so we are asked to

The Zhenyuan Escort Agency cannot let a bad person go, nor can it wrongly accuse any good person!

We went to investigate, not because we don’t believe you fellow villagers, but because the Master of the State asked us to do this, and it is also a necessary process for the final trial!

Huang Ling Quan Liang has done something evil to them, and he will be punished accordingly!

I will arrange for the investigation team to enter the town later. If it is quick, the final trial can be held tomorrow!

Before that, Huang Ling, Quan Liang Chong and the others will be kept here, and all of you can supervise them!"

After hearing what Han Feng said, the people finally felt relieved.

"Huh, let them live one more day!"

Big Gouzi raised his head and glanced at Han Feng: "Mr. Han, there is an old saying in our Yonglin Town: No matter how poisonous Mr. Huang is, no matter how cruel he is, no one can be more ruthless than Demon Liang! We all want to kill them, but it is a pity that the bandits under Demon Liang are

There are too many and we are no match.

Now that you have helped us catch them, isn't it just right that we help you catch the thieves?"

"Yes, Mr. Han, you helped us, we should help you too!"

"Mr. Han, do you want to arrest someone and leave without giving us the land?"

Other tiger fighting team members also spoke out one after another.

Han Feng hesitated for a moment and asked again: "I'll say it again, these thieves are really dangerous, you have to think about it!"

"Think about it!" Dagouzi said: "Even if you don't let us go, we will go ourselves!"

Han Feng pondered for a moment, then hugged his fists at Dagouzi and the others: "Thank you very much, brothers! Second squad leader, find where Huang Lingquan's grain depot is, open the warehouse to put grain, and let the Tiger Fighting Team

Brothers and fellow villagers, let’s have a full meal first!”

This chapter has been completed!
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