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Chapter 1015: Surrounding the Mountain

Huang Lingquan squeezed the people of Yonglin Town too hard.

The people of Wafang Village were just the first batch to arrive.

In the next hour, people from two more villages rushed over, old and young.

Uncle Xu found Han Feng with his round belly.

"Mr. Han, we have nothing to repay for your great kindness. You can tell us what to do next!"

"Brother Gouzi, you make the arrangements!"

Han Feng didn't refuse and called Dagouzi directly.

"Uncle Xu, there is only one thing you have to do. Keep an eye on the section from the pond to the big locust tree. As soon as you see someone coming down from the mountain, just shout loudly!"

According to Han Feng's arrangement, Da Gouzi began to assign tasks to the people of Wafang Village.

"Mr. Han, don't worry. I will tell everyone to open their eyes wide and shout as loudly as possible when they see the thief!"

Uncle Xu quickly promised.

After saying that, he took the people from Wafang Village and left.

When the people from the two villages behind saw the people from Wafang Village leaving, they were afraid that Han Feng would think they were lazy and would not use them, so they wolfed down their meals and joined the team to seal the mountain.

Han Feng had been worried about insufficient manpower before, but now there are more than a thousand people, and the manpower suddenly becomes abundant.

The entire Yonglin Town is only more than a thousand meters from east to west, and now there is almost one person standing every meter.

With such a density of blockade, not even a rabbit can escape, let alone a fugitive.

What surprised Han Feng the most was that in addition to these three villages, people from other villages kept coming from all over the place.

I sent someone to inquire and found out that today was a rally held every ten days in Yonglin Town. Many people from the surrounding areas came to attend the market and heard that Mr. Huang was arrested and the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau was giving porridge.

Although Dagouzi did not send anyone to their village to call for help, they still came with their families, hoping to beg for some food.

Han Feng knew that Jin Feng despised the people's hunger, so he was not stingy at all.

Bag after bag of rice and wheat were moved from Mr. Huang's granary to the open space. The cooking team's cauldron has not stopped cooking since it was put on the shelf. As long as the people can eat it, the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau will take care of it.

By mid-afternoon, almost all the people from a radius of more than ten miles gathered in the town.

The bodyguards had limited manpower and no energy to maintain order. Han Feng found that Da Gouzi was pretty good at managing affairs and had high prestige in the town, so he directly appointed him as the captain of the Yongle County Fubing County and asked him to lead the town's militiamen.

The Tiger Team maintains order and organizes the people.

In addition, Han Feng also promised that his tiger-fighting team members would have priority in participating in the escort assessment.

In fact, the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau has not conquered Yongle County yet, and there is still a Fubing County Lieutenant in the county.

But Dagouzi had no doubts about Han Feng's appointment.

Not to mention anything else, the strength shown by the bodyguards alone made it easy to capture the Yongle County government.

Dagouzi believes that since Han Feng has spoken, the Yongle County Captain must be his!

Profit is always the best driving force.

The tiger fighting team members were already grateful to Han Feng, but after hearing Da Gouzi talk about the welfare benefits of Zhenyuan Escort Agency, they all became extremely positive.

Thanks to the efforts of the tiger hunting team members, instead of being disrupted, the order in the town became orderly.

The common people gathered together in units of villages, and even the children did not dare to run around, for fear of upsetting the bodyguards and not giving out porridge tomorrow.

When Han Feng saw that the situation was so good, he simply sent an airship to the monkey guarding the west and sent more than 200 people there to help him seal the ravine.

The terrain of the ravine is complex, so the two hundred people selected were young and strong from each village.

The monkey was very happy when he saw it.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the killers are hiding in the mountains, and it is almost impossible to catch them in three to five days.

Escorts are not robots, they need to rest.

With dozens of Monkey's men working together, it wouldn't be a big problem to seal off the ravine, but that's all.

Not to mention taking half of the people's rotation away, but taking away one-third of the manpower, and there will be a fatal loophole in the blockade.

Killers are all masters, it's hard to hide this vulnerability from them!

Monkey was still worrying about how to schedule his shift at night.

Now it's better, there are more than 200 people at once, so he doesn't have to worry at all.

But the monkeys didn't dare to be careless. The two hundred people were just the first line of defense.

Behind the people, the monkey divided the dozens of bodyguards into three parts.

The first part serves as a secret sentry to check for leaks and fill gaps in the civilian defense line. The second part conducts random patrols and maintains mobile reinforcements.

The third part is taking turns to rest.

Then the monkey asked the people and bodyguards to cut down all the trees and shrubs at the eastern end of the ravine, clearing a blank area more than three feet wide.

In the evening, the monkey ordered the bodyguards to light the cut branches and shrubs, and raised more than a dozen bonfires, illuminating the ravine so that the airship in the sky could see everywhere clearly.

"Boss, what should we do now?"

Killer Scar looked at the ravine as bright as day with a worried look on his face.

Although the one-eared killer did not speak, his expression was extremely ugly.

They tried it out in Yonglin Town and found that there was no chance, so they withdrew and prepared to look for another opportunity at night.

But who knew that Han Feng brought thousands of people and sealed the road down the mountain airtight.

No matter how skilled they are, the three of them cannot escape without disturbing the people.

They had no choice but to trek back to the west for a few hours to see if there were any opportunities on this side of the ravine.

But when they came here, they were even more desperate.

The people and bodyguards in the ravine are denser than those in Yonglin Town!

"Boss, how about we swim across from the Heiyu River in the south?"

Seeing that the leader ignored him, Scar Killer suggested in a low voice.

"Let's not talk about whether we can swim across it now that it's cold and the river is icy. Do you think the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau has deployed manpower on the west and north sides and will forget about the south side?"

The leader said coldly: "In the forest, we still have room for maneuver. If we swim to the middle of the river and they run out, we won't even have a place to hide. We will either be caught or drowned and frozen to death."

in the river!"

"Then we don't even have any food, so hiding in the mountains is not an option." Killer Scar looked confused: "We still have the strength to break out now, but if we delay it for two more days, I'm afraid we won't even have the strength to break out!"

When they escaped, they took nothing with them. If it was summer, they could pick some wild fruits to satisfy their hunger, but it was already early winter and there were no fruits in the mountains.

Today I caught a hare, but I didn't dare to make a fire, so I had to eat it raw.

Although Dakang is lagging behind, it has said goodbye to the primitive life of eating hair and drinking blood for countless years. Even a killer cannot get used to eating raw meat.

The three of them just dealt with it casually and threw away the remaining rabbits.

I'm all hungry now.

If they do this for a few more days, they will indeed be exhausted!

This chapter has been completed!
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