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Chapter 1033 Influence

"The spring rain shocks the spring and clears the valley, and the summer is full of awns and the summer heat..."

The postman pointed to the small poem on the flyer and began to explain it to the people.

Almost all the people in Dakang are illiterate. Even though the postman explained it very carefully and attentively, most of the people still didn't understand.

But it didn’t matter that they didn’t understand it yet. Jin Feng asked the postman to tell the twenty-four solar terms song again every time he came to read the newspaper in the past two months.

As time goes by and you listen more, you will naturally understand it.

In addition to the postman, those people who have understood will also take the initiative to show off after returning.

After explaining the songs of the twenty-four solar terms, the postman pointed to the calendar below and said: "This is your new calendar. Every day in the past has been crossed out. All the solar terms are marked on it. If you really can't remember it, come and take a look.

Just look at the calendar and you’ll know!”

"This is good, you don't have to worry about remembering the wrong date in the future!"

The people nodded repeatedly.

Having finished speaking the most important part, the postman began to read other sections of the newspaper.

In fact, the first issue of Jinchuan Daily was only as big as an A3 paper and did not contain a lot of content. However, people could not stand it and always complained that they did not understand it clearly and asked the postman to read it again.

Especially the military section, the postman read it seven or eight times in total.

By the time I finished reading the newspaper, it was already noon.

The people found that the postman's voice was a little hoarse, so they let him go and went home without feeling satisfied.

And as they left, the news about Jinchuan Daily also spread completely in Fengshui Town.

Dakang lacks entertainment options, and communication and transportation are also scarce. Many people have spent their whole life living around the village. Going to the town to catch a fair means traveling far away, and they know almost nothing about the outside world.

But this does not mean that they are not curious about the outside world, it is just that they did not have the channels to understand it before.

The emergence of newspapers greatly satisfied people's curiosity about the outside world.

The market in Fengshui Town is held every three days. The postman originally planned to read the newspaper every three days, but who knew that at dawn the next day, the mayor found him and said that the people had gathered under the stage again, waiting for him to read.

Where's the newspaper?

"Isn't there no rally today? Why are there still people coming to the market?" the postman asked curiously.

"These guys are either here to go to the market, or they are here to read the newspaper to you!" The mayor raised his hand and said, "Would you like to go and take a look?"

"Okay, I'll be there right away!"

The postman picked up the small backpack containing the newspaper and followed the mayor onto the stage.

What surprised him was that most of the people who came today were the ones he had met yesterday.

"The new newspaper hasn't been delivered yet. If I read it again, it's from yesterday. What are you doing here again?"

The postman asked, dumbfounded.

"We forgot yesterday again, and we want to listen to it again today."

The people who came yesterday answered with a smile.

The postman shook his head and took out the newspaper from his small backpack.

He originally thought that the people were just curious for two days and would be fine in a few days, but he found that he was wrong.

On the third day, more people came to listen to the newspaper.

According to the mayor, many people came before dawn in the morning just to get a closer seat so they could hear clearly.

This kind of situation not only happens in Fengshui Town, but also happens all over Sichuan and Sichuan.

Jinchuan Daily became the only window for people to understand the outside world. After its launch, it quickly became popular in Sichuan and Shu, and in a very short period of time, it formed a very large influence!

In the past, what the common people talked about most after dinner was the family feud. But now it is different. They have begun to care about scientific farming, the war ahead, and the work of Zhongming's team in dividing the land in Qin.

Of course, there are also many women who are attracted by the stories in the fourth section. If they don't listen for a day, they have to ask everywhere where the story is going.

Jin Feng published Jinchuan Daily just to guide the people.

Facts have proved that his goal was achieved and the results were better than expected.

With the secret guidance of Jinchuan Daily, the people have become more and more impressed by Xin Dakang and have a growing sense of belonging.

In recent times, people in many places have taken the initiative to form militia groups to maintain local security on their own initiative.

When the Ninth Princess heard the news, she was silent for a long time.

When Chen Ji was in power, it was necessary to force people to join the army, and some places even sent government soldiers to capture young men.

After Jin Feng supported the Ninth Princess to establish New Dakang, he always relied on the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau and the Zhenyuan Army to fight. There was never any compulsory conscription, and all relied on the people's voluntariness.

But the territory conquered by the bodyguard always needs someone to manage it, right?

Especially in terms of public security, there has always been a big gap.

But now, with the emergence of militias in various places, the pressure on public security has been greatly alleviated.

The most important thing is that the militia and security teams are formed voluntarily by the people. They do not need Jin Feng to distribute weapons to them or pay wages, which greatly relieves the financial pressure on the court.

Jin Feng has also been paying attention to newspapers recently, and goes to the newspaper office every day when he is free.

After receiving feedback from various places, Jin Feng finally felt relieved.

But Chen Wenyuan was extremely upset.

Because Jin Feng found him today and wanted to advertise in the newspaper!

In Chen Wenyuan's view, newspapers are very sacred, but Jin Feng actually wants to use newspapers to do business!

What a blasphemy against newspapers!

If it was not Jin Feng who made this suggestion, Chen Wenyuan would have cursed him long ago.

Even with Jin Feng, Chen Wenyuan was unwilling to compromise. After much hesitation, he took Zhao Yue and ran to find Jin Feng, hoping to put pressure on him.

"Sir, newspapers are such a sacred thing, isn't it a good idea to use them for business?"

"What's so bad?" Jin Feng said without raising his head: "The workers who print newspapers and the postmen need to be paid, and paper and ink also cost money. If we don't put in some advertising, where will the money come from?"

Jin Feng had thought about advertising before he founded the newspaper.

Jinchuan Daily currently has a monopoly on the newspaper industry. If it is not used for advertising, it would be a waste, right?

Even if you don’t put others’ products, you can just put your own products to promote them.

Just as Chen Wenyuan was about to continue persuading, Xiaoyu hurried into the study.

After these two years of training, Xiaoyu is no longer the fickle little girl she was back then, and has become much calmer. Most of the time when she comes to Jin Feng, she will ask Iron Hammer or Kita Chihiro to inform her first.

There was no notification this time, which meant that she must have something important to do.

Chen Wenyuan and Zhao Yue looked at each other, shut up and sat aside.

"Xiaoyu, what happened?" Jin Feng also put down his pen and raised his head.

Xiaoyu did not answer Jin Feng's question immediately. Instead, she turned to look at Zhao Yue, then took out an envelope from her arms and put it in front of Jin Feng.

Zhao Yue's heart thumped for no reason and he stood up.

"Did something happen in Weizhou City?"

"Mr. Zhao, don't worry, let me take a look."

Jin Feng comforted Zhao Yue while opening the envelope.

There were two pages of manuscript paper in the envelope. Before he finished reading the first page, Jin Feng's face became extremely ugly.

This chapter has been completed!
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