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Chapter 1040 Petition

As the newspaper spread, more and more people learned about Weizhou City, and the whole of Sichuan and Shu became excited.

Countless people gathered at the gate of Zhenyuan Escort Bureau to sign up for the escort assessment.

The Zhenyuan Escort Bureau can be said to be the foundation of Jin Feng's career. Nowadays, the assessment has become very strict. The vast majority of people who signed up cannot even meet the most basic screening standards.

But this does not affect the enthusiasm of the people.

Seeing that they could not meet the standards of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau, they signed up to join the Zhenyuan Army, joined the government soldiers in various places, and even volunteered to join the Lifu team that transported grain and grass to the Zhenyuan Army.

The Lifu team used to be a corvée force, and the common people helped the army transport food, grass and baggage. Not only did they not get paid, the army didn't even care about food, so the common people had to carry the dry food themselves.

When the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau and the Zhenyuan Army marched quickly, they usually rode three horses at a time and carried their own provisions and baggage. In this way, they could reach the fastest speed and catch their opponents by surprise.

But the shortcomings of blitzkrieg are also obvious.

First of all, this tactic consumes a lot of resources, and the number of people cannot be too large.

This means that this team needs to go deep alone.

If it was just like Tieniu's attack on Dangxiang King City, just to destroy and retaliate, and then run away after the attack, then there wouldn't be a big problem.

But if you are fighting for territory, you cannot use this tactic.

For example, in the current battle with the King of Qin, even though the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau had absolute military superiority and could quickly crush all the troops under the King of Qin, Jin Feng did not ask Zhang Liang to expand blindly, but asked for a steady and steady attack.

After the escort bureau occupied a place, the bell team followed closely to appease the people.

After Zhong Ming's group finished attacking local tyrants to allocate their fields and established the most basic public security in the local area, the escorts would attack the next place.

In this process, a large number of people are needed to transport materials.

Naturally, Jin Feng would not force the people to carry rations to work for free like previous imperial courts, but instead formulated detailed standards for payment of wages.

However, during the feudal period, the people's rural sentiments were relatively strong. Today, the work-for-relief projects are still continuing in various parts of Sichuan and Sichuan. People can earn wages near their hometowns, and few people are willing to leave their hometowns to join the grain transport team.

Therefore, the military's grain and grass transportation work has always been a big headache for Jin Feng and Zhang Liang.

Now this problem is solved.

This is why the Ninth Princess asked Chen Wenyuan to change the news overnight.

The news in Weizhou City united the people of Sichuan and Shu as never before. Through Chen Wenyuan's guidance, the people also realized more deeply that they can live a good life now because Jin Feng and the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau are standing in the front and working for them.

Shelter from wind and rain.

If Jin Feng and Zhenyuan Escort Bureau cannot hold on, their good days will come to an end.

The influence of the Zhenyuan Escort Agency and Jin Feng himself in Sichuan and Shu has once again reached a new level because of this incident.

After all, Dakang's transportation is too backward, and the distribution of newspapers takes time.

As newspapers spread wider and wider, the Weizhou City incident continues to ferment.

The song "Serve the Country with Loyalty" sung by Jin Feng on the observatory quickly spread throughout Sichuan and Sichuan along with newspapers.

Not only did it spread among the soldiers, it quickly became a new favorite among scholars and became popular in various poetry societies.

"The wolf smoke is rising, the mountains and rivers are looking north, the dragon flag is rolling, the horse is neighing, the sword is like frost! And the horses hooves behind are going south, people are looking north, people are looking north, the grass is green and yellow, and the dust is flying!

These sentences are so well written that once you hear them, you feel like you can see the magnificence and desolation in the northern desert!"

"Yes, I seemed to see the smoke billowing in the northern sky, our Dakang dragon flag fluttering in the wind, the war horses neighing, the soldiers wearing armor and riding on the horse, the long swords in their hands have been unsheathed, just like the armor on their bodies

, condensing the wind and frost on the grassland!"

"I think the next sentence, 'My heart is like the vast water of the Yellow River,' is the best one."

"Why does Brother Wang have such a view? Don't you think this sentence is a bit depressing?"

"Don't forget, Mr. Jin composed this song for General Fan. Think about it from General Fan's point of view. He led the Fan family army to defend Weizhou City, while the vassal kings in the Central Plains were fighting for their own interests.

, his family is still being persecuted, how uncomfortable he must be, his heart is like the vast water of the Yellow River, which illustrates General Fan's mood at that time!"

"Yes, especially the sentence about how many loyal brothers and sisters are buried in a foreign country, it really hurts my heart. Although I have never been in the army, when I think of so many brothers and sisters dying in the northern desert forever, without even seeing their loved ones for the last time.

, I can’t even bury the bones, and I feel so uncomfortable that I’m going to die!”

"But even so, General Fan still sticks to Weizhou City for the sake of Dakang's stability, so it is even more admirable!"

"There is a saying in Jinchuan Daily that is very good. There is no quiet time in the world, as long as someone carries the burden for you! It is because of pioneers like General Fan and Mr. Jin that we can live a peaceful life!"

"Yes, I also think this is a very good statement!"

"It's too far, too far, let's say serve the country with loyalty. I think in twenty years, who can compete with this most domineering sentence!"

"To say that I want to say the most domineering, I think it is the last sentence: I am willing to defend the land and restore the border, and let all the four parties come to congratulate me on China! When I heard the postman singing this sentence, I got goosebumps all over my body!"

"Me too, me too! At that time, my blood was boiling and my scalp was numb. I wished I could go to Northern Xinjiang and fight on the battlefield with General Fan!"

"For your small body, forget it. If you go over there, you'll just cause trouble for others!"

"I'm not in good health, but I can make suggestions like Mr. Jin!"

"You can pull him down. Mr. Jin is a true tiger-fighting hero. He once shot a tiger with his own hands!"

At first, the scholars just discussed it at the poetry meeting, but later a few passionate people directly started to organize people to petition at the gate of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau, asking Jin Feng to avenge General Fan.

As Jin Feng's base camp, Guangyuan was among the first places to receive newspapers, and had the largest number of petitions.

In the past two days, the gate of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau has been blocked by people, which has seriously affected the normal work of the escorts.

There was no other way, so the escort battalion commander guarding Guangyuan City had no choice but to come forward to appease him.

"Mr. Jin has been paying close attention to the Weizhou City incident and has made corresponding arrangements. Please rest assured that Mr. Jin will definitely avenge General Fan!"

"What arrangements did Mr. Jin make?"

A scholar asked loudly.

"I don't know the specifics. Even if I know, I can't say anything. What if there is someone in the crowd?"

The battalion commander looked carefully at the scholar who asked the question: "Don't worry, everyone. Mr. Jin once said that the blood of heroes cannot be allowed to be shed in vain, and traitors cannot be allowed to go unpunished!"

At the same time, thousands of miles away in Dangxiang territory, Tieniu and his armored battalion had already reached the outside of Qingshui Valley!

This chapter has been completed!
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