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Chapter 1050 Fan Haizhou

"Second brother, the Imperial Master has sent the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau to Weizhou City to avenge the eldest brother!"

The younger brother quickly grabbed the second brother: "Mr. Han from the escort agency said that the gangsters who attacked Weizhou City would either die in the battle or be caught and hanged!"

"Where is Prince Jin? Have you caught him?" asked the second brother.

"Mr. Han said that King Jin has been hiding for a long time, and the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau can't find him!"

The younger brother said: "But Mr. Han also said that next winter at the most, the Imperial Master will definitely be able to capture Jin. By then, King Qin will have nowhere to escape!"

"Yes, we must not bypass this traitor!" The second brother spat towards the door.

On this day, almost all of Pingjiang County was filled with anger and unwillingness.

Early the next morning, the main force of the escort agency left the county town with the local personnel of Zhong Ming's team and rushed to various county offices in Pingjiang County.

There are six counties in Pingjiang County. At this time, all the powerful officials and ordinary landowners in the six counties have fled. Most of the soldiers who have oppressed the people are also afraid of being liquidated by the bodyguards, so they have escaped.

Many people had already heard about the land allocation from relatives or businessmen, and they were all looking forward to the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau coming to allocate land to them.

After waiting day after day, the escorts finally arrived!

The escorts entered the city smoothly without encountering any obstacles, even without drawing their black knives.

As soon as he entered the city, he was welcomed by the people.

There is no need to even perform the stage play, and it goes directly to the location allocation process.

After receiving the reports from various counties, Tang Fei couldn't help but be filled with emotion.

For this task, he consulted many people and worked hard on several plans. He didn't expect it to be completed so easily.

None of the plans he prepared were used.

"Sir, he has always said that the world belongs to those who win the hearts of the people. This is what he means by the hearts of the people, right?" Han Feng also sighed.

"Old Han, things here are over, when are you going to go back?" Tang Fei asked.

Han Feng is responsible for many things now. He is one of the busiest people under Jin Feng and often runs around.

It is very rare to be able to stay with him in Pingjiang for so long this time.

Now that the mission was completed, Tang Fei knew that it was time for Han Feng to leave.

But who knew that Han Feng shook his head: "Your mission is completed, my mission has just begun."

"You also have a mission?" Tang Fei was stunned: "What mission?"

"Reorganize the Fan family army!" Han Feng turned around and said.

"Isn't the Fan family army completely destroyed? How to reorganize it?" Tang Fei asked.

According to convention, if an army is completely wiped out, its designation will be cancelled.

When the Jin-Barbarian coalition attacked Weizhou City, they did so with this in mind.

Not only did they massacre the main force of the Fan Jiajun guarding Weizhou City and Qingshui Valley, they even spared the Fan Jiajun squad patrolling outside the city.

When Tieniu captured Weizhou City, not a single survivor of the Fan family army was found.

Tang Fei knew about this and was very angry about it.

Because King Jin did a great job!

"Seven days ago, Tieniu discovered the survivors of the Fan family army in the mountains outside Weizhou City, and they were General Fan's cousin Fan Haizhou!"

Han Feng said: "When the Eastern Barbarians attacked Weizhou City, he was leading a patrol outside. He was injured and fled to the mountains. Recently, they barely recovered from their injuries and were preparing to attack Weizhou City, only to find that Weizhou City had been captured by us.


"It's God's blessing that I left an incense stick for Fan Jiajun and General Fan!" Tang Fei sighed with emotion.

"After hearing about this, Mr. After careful consideration, he believed that the Fan Jiajun's designation could not be cancelled. He sent me a letter the day before yesterday, asking me to stay and rebuild the Fan Jiajun in Pingjiang!" Han Feng said.

"We have always been short of manpower. There are many good men in Pingjiang. It is perfect to rebuild the Fan family army!" Tang Fei asked: "Then when will we start issuing notices to recruit people?"

"hold on!"

"What are you waiting for?"

"Wait for Fan Haizhou to come back!"

Pingjiang is located in the hinterland of Jiangnan and has always been the territory of King Wu.

Every time when it came time to collect taxes, the King of Wu would blame the country and complain about poverty, saying that the land of Wu was poor and poor, with few people and could not afford too many taxes.

For this reason, the King of Wu also concealed a lot of the population of Wu.

As time went by, Chen Ji began to think that Wudi was really poor, so he would be lenient to Wudi when collecting taxes.

However, the King of Wu still levied taxes normally, and he took advantage of the excess taxes.

But in this way, those people who were concealed by King Wu would not need to participate in the conscription.

This resulted in a higher youth ratio in Wu than in the Central Plains.

After Han Feng discovered this situation in Wu Di, he immediately reported it to Jin Feng.

There are too few young men in Sichuan and Shu, resulting in a high proportion of female escorts and female soldiers in the Zhenyuan Escort Agency and the Zhenyuan Army.

Jin Feng has been advocating equality between men and women, but what he is talking about here is equality of social status, not biology.

The physiological structure of men and women determines that most women are not as strong as men.

Although both female escorts and female soldiers practice archery hard, which can make up for this gap to a certain extent, when it comes to long-distance attacks, the physical strength of female soldiers is obviously not as good as that of male soldiers.

If possible, Jin Feng would still like to have more male soldiers.

This is not a prejudice, but a problem of guest officials.

Women can play a better role than men in other aspects without joining the military.

So after receiving Han Feng's report, Jin Feng had the idea of ​​recruiting troops in Jiangnan.

Before he could figure out the specific recruitment process, Tieniu sent back news that he had found Fan Haizhou in Weizhou City.

General Fan's prestige in Pingjiang County was so high that when Jin Feng learned that his cousin was still alive, he immediately decided to rebuild the Fan family army!

But before rebuilding, Jin Feng decided to meet Fan Haizhou first.

If this person is reliable, let him take the lead. If he is not, let Fan Haizhou be a puppet and he will send someone else to take the lead.

While Han Feng and Tang Fei were talking, Fan Haizhou had already taken a hot air balloon and landed at Xihewan Airport.

In order to show respect, Zhang Liang personally took people to the airport to greet him.

When Jin Feng saw Fan Haizhou in the study, he was shocked.

Fan Haizhou's head was covered with thick gauze, covering the entire left side of his face.

The exposed right side of his face was also bruised and bruised, and his eyes were so swollen that they narrowed into slits.

The left arm was also in a sling, and there was a pair of crutches in the right armpit. He looked extremely miserable.

Tieniu said in his letter that Fan Haizhou was injured in the pursuit of the Eastern Barbarians, but he did not expect the injury to be so serious.

Not only Fan Haizhou was like this, but the two soldiers following him were also similar to him.

Jin Feng was sizing up Fan Haizhou, and Fan Haizhou was also sizing up Jin Feng.

Before Jin Feng could speak, Fan Haizhou threw away his crutch and knelt down.

The gauze on the leg was torn with a squeak, maybe the wound was also torn, and a bright red color quickly oozed from the gauze.

But Fan Haizhou's expression didn't change at all, and he kowtowed to Jin Feng seriously.

"Thank you sir for avenging Fan Jiajun!"

This chapter has been completed!
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