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Chapter 1056 Service Industry

The airship's journey from Weizhou City back to Jinchuan was smooth and fast. At noon the next day, Jin Feng saw the monkey's report.

The Ninth Princess sat aside and corrected the memorial. Seeing Jin Feng frowning, she put down the memorial and asked, "What's wrong?"

"The situation in Jindi is more difficult than we thought!"

Jin Feng passed the information to the Ninth Princess.

After reading it, the Ninth Princess also frowned slightly.

Just as he was about to speak, Zhuer came over to announce that Zhang Liang and Xiaoyu were here.

"Let them come in, just in time to hear what Brother Liang thinks."

Zhang Liang's military talent has long been proven through war after war.

Regarding war matters, Jin Feng would usually consult with Zhang Liang.

After watching the memorial all morning, Jin Feng felt his back ached from sitting, so he got up and jumped a few times to stretch his muscles.

The Ninth Princess also stretched lazily before Zhang Liang and Xiaoyu came in.

The Ninth Princess's appearance and figure were already excellent, but perhaps because she was pregnant, she looked a little different at this moment. Jin Feng couldn't take his eyes away for a while.

"Don't look at it, Xiaobei will be back tomorrow."

The Ninth Princess rolled her eyes at Jin Feng.

Some time ago, Jinchuan County discovered clues about the assassination team, so Kita Chihiro volunteered to lead a team of escorts to the county to capture the assassination team. He has been away for more than half a month.

Tang Xiaobei is also a restless person. Now Jinfeng's territory continues to expand, and all walks of life are waiting for development. The Jinchuan Supply and Marketing Cooperative has just been established, and because there are too many outlets, there are many problems.

Tang Xiaobei has been traveling with the expedition team for more than a month, traveling all over Sichuan and Sichuan.

Although Guan Xiaorou and the ninth princess have been staying in the village, they are both pregnant...

Jin Feng touched Princess Ninth's lips and was about to speak when footsteps came from the door.

The Ninth Princess blushed and opened Jin Feng's hand, stood up and tidied her clothes.

"Sir! Your Majesty!"

Zhang Liang and Xiaoyu bowed slightly and saluted.

In fact, Zhang Liang Xiaoyu's private meeting with Jin Feng was still relatively casual, but in this study, in front of the Ninth Princess, even the monkey and the hammer, who had always been cautious, did not dare to make any mistakes.

Jin Feng originally didn't care much about these secular etiquette, but he can't care anymore. After all, the Ninth Princess has ascended the throne, and the most basic dignity must be maintained. Otherwise, everyone will be insignificant, which will be detrimental to the Ninth Princess's prestige.

"Sit down," Jin Feng pointed to the tea seat next to him: "Wuyang, you should also take a rest."

Pearl walked to the door of the side hall and rang the bell on the wall. A girl of sixteen or seventeen years old, wearing a corset dress, walked out of the side hall.

The girl knelt down slightly and bowed to several people, then sat behind the tea seat to make and pour tea for them.

This girl was a tea master entrusted by the Mianzhou County Sheriff to be trained by the local Jiaofang Division. She was originally intended to be sent to the capital to bribe officials in the Ministry of Civil Affairs and have her transferred.

Later, Jin Feng implemented the slave liberation order in Sichuan and Shu, and the girl regained her freedom.

But she has no relatives and no other means of making a living, so she can only sign up to join the Jinchuan Song and Dance Troupe.

Fortunately, the girl was good at singing and dancing, and successfully passed the assessment.

When she came to Xihewan for training, Qingyuan asked her what other specialties she had. The girl said she was good at making tea. After Qingyuan checked her background and found no problems, he recommended her to Zhuer.

Jin Feng abolished domestic slaves, eunuchs and palace maids, but as the ninth princess is the queen, someone must take care of her daily life and serve her tea, right?

For example, in the current situation, if only Jin Feng was there, it would be the Ninth Princess making tea, but now that Zhang Liang and Xiaoyu are here, it would be inappropriate for the Ninth Princess to make tea.

She dared to drink it, but Zhang Liang and Xiaoyu didn't dare to drink it either.

So after Zhu'er asked the girl's opinion, she stayed and was specifically responsible for making tea for the guests when the Ninth Princess received the guests.

Zhu Er originally thought that Jin Feng would not agree, but Jin Feng confirmed that the girl was not recruited by Zhu Er to be a palace maid, but a service-oriented female worker who had signed a confidentiality agreement. She did not object and even jokingly asked Zhu Er to recruit more such girls.


After all, she was selected by the county guard. The girl's appearance, figure and conversation were both first-class. With such a girl taking care of the Ninth Princess, Jin Feng would feel comfortable watching her even if she didn't do anything.

He was originally joking with Zhuer, but Zhuer pretended not to understand and took the opportunity to let Qingyuan find many girls in various places in Sichuan and Sichuan.

In Dakang, there are more girls than boys, and the brothel industry is extremely developed. Each brothel carefully cultivates many girls.

These girls have been trained by brothels since they were young. Apart from being able to serve others, they know nothing else. Qingyuan easily found a large number of them.

Zhu Er directly selected dozens of people from among them. According to each girl's ability, some people were responsible for making the bed and making quilts for the Ninth Princess's daily life, some were responsible for cleaning, and some were responsible for serving tea and water.

The girl is a tea-making master who has been trained for many years. Her movements are smooth and fluid, and she looks quite beautiful.

The tea leaves are also carefully selected one by one, and the aroma is overflowing even before you drink it.


After the girl handed everyone a cup of tea, she lowered her head and stepped aside.

Jin Feng motioned to Zhu'er to take the report written by Monkey and handed it to Zhang Liang: "Brother Liang, Xiaoyu, this is the report Monkey sent back from Jin. Take a look at it."

Zhang Liang quickly put down his tea cup and picked up the report.

After more than a year of literacy class training, Zhang Liang now knows many words and has no problem reading at least.

After reading it, Zhang Liang did not express his opinion immediately, but handed the report to Xiaoyu.

After Xiaoyu finished reading, Zhang Liang frowned and asked, "Is the situation in Jin so complicated?"

As the person in charge of Jin Feng's troops, Zhang Liang knew very well that Jin Feng had always wanted to conquer Jin quickly.

The Jin region borders Dangxiang to the west and the Eastern Barbarians to the northeast. Its strategic location is very important.

This winter is colder than last year, which has basically confirmed Jin Feng’s Little Ice Age conjecture.

Although Dangxiang and Dongman have been honest recently, when the cold disaster comes, many livestock will freeze to death.

In addition, Dakang no longer pays tribute to Dongman, the herdsmen, and the life of the herdsmen will be much harder than before.

The nomadic people are inherently fierce in their folk customs. If they really can't survive, there will definitely be many small tribes coming to the Central Plains to fight the autumn wind.

The most terrible thing is that there are many places in the mountains in the northern part of Dakang where people can pass. These places were previously guarded by the people led by the King of Jin.

Now that the King of Jin has become involved with the Eastern Barbarians, if he is desperate and orders these openings to be opened to allow the Eastern Barbarians to enter Dakang on a large scale, it will be very troublesome.

Moreover, these openings are different from Yuguan City.

At least there is a city in Yuguan City where the Northern Expeditionary Army can stay, and it is close to the sea. Jinfeng now has a steamship, which makes it convenient to transport supplies.

These checkpoints are located east and west, scattered along the long border in the north. With the bodyguard's current combat power, it is not difficult to capture these checkpoints, and it is not difficult to hold them. What is difficult is how to supply them.

This chapter has been completed!
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