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Chapter 1070 Haidongqing

Weizhou City.

People carrying tools came out of the west gate in groups and rushed to the cemetery outside the city.

The prisoners had been executed, the cemetery lacked labor, and the people of Weizhou City had suffered a lot from the Jin-Barbarian coalition some time ago. Now they went out to the city to help, and the progress of the project not only did not slow down, but was even faster than before.

The cemetery was very busy, and Eagle and the others were not idle either.

Early in the morning, dozens of airships took off one after another, left Weizhou City, and lined up to fly to King Jin's territory.

They have been spreading leaflets in Shanxi for almost half a month, and the effect is very good.

After the local people learned about what King Jin had done, they were extremely angry. Many people went to Weizhou City to ask when the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau would go to the local tyrants to divide their fields.

More than half a month has passed since the first leaflet distribution. The county closest to Weizhou City has been scanned by the Eagles. Now their target is the next county - Liufang County.

To go to Liufang County, you must fly over the current county. Even if you travel at the fastest speed of the airship, it will take more than an hour.

If the wind is not favorable, it will take three hours to go back and forth.

Not only wasting time, it also consumed a lot of fuel.

Yingying has visited Tieniu several times recently, asking him to find a way to open a battlefield in Liufang County, even if he only occupied a village to serve as a transfer station for airships.

With the transfer station, the airship can fly farther and may even cover the hinterland of Jindi.

However, Tieniu only brought one battalion here, and he had to guard Qingshui Valley and Weizhou City at the same time. The manpower was already very scarce, so where could he find the manpower to open up a new battlefield?

However, Tieniu also understood the importance of going deep into the Jin region, so he wrote to Jin Feng for instructions, asking him to send more reinforcements.

Before reinforcements arrived, Eagle and the others continued their previous mission.

The same mission had been carried out for more than half a month, and King Jin did not have the ability to harm the airship, so on the way to Liufang County, the escorts on the airship were a little lazy.

Even the leader, the Eagle, is the same.

When the flying team flew to the border of Liufang County, two small black spots appeared in the sky in the distance.

But the eagles didn't pay attention because it was normal for them to encounter birds during flight.

The eagle took out his hand crossbow and fired a sounding arrow diagonally into the air.

To save fuel, they came together.

In this way, it flies like a flock of birds. The outer airships can block the wind, and the middle airship can save some fuel.

When they reached the border of Liufang County, they needed to disperse.

The noisy arrow fired by the eagle is the signal to separate.

The airships were about to disperse when they saw two black spots in the sky getting closer and closer.

"Oh, these two eagles are so big!"

"Don't you know? This is not an ordinary eagle. This is called Haidongqing. It is the most powerful species of eagles. It is said that it can even catch wolves!"

"so smart?"

"That's right. It is said that this thing is very valuable on the grassland. Many Eastern Barbarian nobles are proud to own a Haidongqing."

"If we catch these two, will we make a fortune?"

"Stop dreaming. Haidongqing can fly faster than the wind, and our airship can't catch up! And this thing is usually found on the grasslands, and is very rare in the Central Plains."

"Then how did they fly here?"

"How do I know? Maybe I flew here to play. After all, this thing can easily fly thousands of miles a day."

Until this time, the escorts on the airship still didn't pay much attention, but instead discussed it with great interest.

Only the eagle frowned slightly and raised the telescope in his hand.

But before he could see clearly through the telescope, the two sea greens suddenly rose up and flew into the clouds.

The eagle secretly breathed a sigh of relief and was about to ask the escort to change direction when he suddenly saw a sea turtle swooping down from the clouds and pounced on the airship in front of the eagle.

When it was still more than ten meters away from the airship, the eagle saw Hai Dongqing stretch out his paw.


The dark claws sliced ​​across the airship like steel knives, leaving a huge gap more than two meters long!


The light gas stored in the airship quickly leaked, and the airship balloon deflated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The reason why airships can fly in the air depends on the buoyancy generated by the light gas in the balloon.

Now that the balloon has burst, the airship quickly begins to fall.

The escorts didn't even have time to save themselves, and the hanging basket fell heavily into the mountains below, breaking into pieces!

Before the eagle could recover, another Haidongqing also swooped down from the clouds.


The balloon bag of an airship behind was also scratched!

"Enemy attack!"

The eagle roared angrily, and at the same time set up the heavy crossbow on the edge of the basket, intending to shoot Hai Dongqing.

In fact, there was no need for the eagle to remind the other escorts at this time that they also understood what had happened, and all the firemen on the airship quickly raised their heavy crossbows.

The other bodyguards also raised their hand crossbows from their waists.

However, the Haidongqing was too flexible. After grabbing the airship's ball bag, the two Haidongqing accelerated at the same time and flew into the clouds, giving the escorts no chance to counterattack.

Just when the eagle was about to send someone down to take a look, Hai Dongqing rushed down from the clouds again.

This time, Yingying and the others were prepared and adjusted the direction of their heavy crossbows.

But then they discovered that the airship balloon above their heads was too big. It would have no effect if they attacked downward. But when they wanted to attack from above, the huge balloon was too much in the way and they couldn't shoot at all.

Tear! Tear!

Two more airships crashed!

"How could this happen?" Many escorts were dumbfounded.

The eagle was the first to come to his senses and roared at the top of his lungs: "Quick! Land! Land!"

But the sound of the steam engine was so loud that the escorts on other airships could not hear his shouts.

However, when other escorts saw Eagle's airship beginning to descend, they also realized it and followed suit.

However, the speed of the airship's descent was still too slow for Hai Dongqing!

The Eagle and the others had only landed a few dozen meters, and already six more airships had their balloons pierced and crashed.

"No, it's too late!"

Eagle gritted his teeth and shouted to the other escorts in the hanging basket: "Everyone, prepare to parachute!"

In order to ensure the safety of the pilot, Jin Feng took out the parachute shortly after the hot air balloon was made.

Parachutes have now become standard equipment on all airships and hot air balloons.

Skydiving is also a required training subject for all pilots.

After the eagle shouted, he was the first to untie a package from the railing and carry it on his back. However, he did not jump first, but urged the others in the basket to jump first.

After everyone else in the hanging basket jumped down, the eagle reluctantly looked at the furnishings in the hanging basket and the buzzing steam engine. He gritted his teeth and took out a key from his waist, and opened a lock at the bottom of the hanging basket.

The fuse inside was lit.

This chapter has been completed!
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