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Chapter 1081 No country, no home

Qingshan County is the closest county to Jinchuan and the first county to receive newspapers besides Jinchuan.

Because the distance from Xihewan is about the same as Jinchuan County, and it is between Guangyuan and Xihewan, many merchants would take a rest when passing through Qingshan County.

The poor are prosperous, and merchants spend money much more generously than ordinary people. More merchants pass by, and the economy of Qingshan County is also boosted.

Local people either opened tea stalls or helped merchants carry goods. In short, life was much better than before.

This makes Qingshan County even more lively than Jinchuan County.

Although Jinchuan Daily has been published for some time and has passed its initial freshness period, a large number of people still gather under the newspaper reading platform every day, waiting to hear the newspaper, including many people who come from outside the city before dawn.

There were too many people, and even if it wasn't safe, the people behind could not hear what was being said on the stage.

For safety reasons, Chen Wenyuan set up a newspaper reading station inside and outside Qingshan County.

Even so, when it's time to read newspapers every day, the three newspaper reading stations are still overcrowded.

It was the same day. The people of Qingshan had been waiting under the platform for reading the newspaper early.

Just after midnight, the postman came as promised carrying a small green bag.

The people in the audience quickly gave way.

After the postman boarded the newspaper reading platform, he first looked at the people in the audience, and then took out the day's newspaper from his bag.

This newspaper is a special edition and is published exclusively in Qingshan County. Other counties publish another version.

"Today's first article was personally approved by Mr. Jin and His Majesty, and written by Mr. Chen Wenyuan, the editor-in-chief of Jinchuan Daily. It is called "No Country, No Home!"

The postman picked up the tin trumpet from the table and began to read today's content.

Chen Wenyuan did not talk about the conscription, but recalled the days when he was oppressed by the powerful and powerful families.

Which of the people under the stage has never been oppressed before? So Chen Wenyuan's words immediately resonated with them.

Next, Chen Wenyuan began to talk about the importance of airships and the emergence of Haidongqing.

I heard that our biggest support had been breached, and that the powerful and powerful might come back at any time, and the people in the audience suddenly went crazy.

"It's only been a few good days, why is the landlord back again?"

"This is how to do ah!"

Many people were so frightened that their faces turned pale, and some even cried on the spot.

It’s okay if you haven’t always experienced good times. After all, our ancestors have been oppressed by landlords for generations.

But who could bear to live a peaceful life under Jin Feng and let them live in the harsh days before?

The postman waited for a while and felt that the time was almost up, so he picked up the wooden stick and struck the gong next to him.

Then the people slowly became quiet.

The postman raised his tin trumpet and asked loudly: "Do you think life is better now or in the past?"

“Times are good now!”

The people answered in unison.

"Then do you want the landlord to come back?" the postman asked again.

"No!" the people replied.

"Mr. Jin once said that if there is no skin left, how can the hair be attached? Without a country, there is no home!"

The postman suddenly shouted at the top of his lungs: "If you want to protect our good life, it's not enough for you sir alone, you have to rely on all of us!

The landlords want to come back and continue to exploit us, and the wealthy families want to come back and continue to oppress us! Are you willing?"

"I don't want to!" the people roared.

"Then join the Zhenyuan Army, pick up weapons, and defend our homeland together!"

The postman raised his fist and shouted: "No country, no home!"

"Without a country, there is no home!"

The people also raised their fists and shouted.

Similar scenes also occurred at two other newspaper reading stations in Qingshan County, as well as in various towns within the territory.

Although the postmen were not speakers and did not know how to incite people, they just read out the manuscript written by Chen Wenyuan and still made the whole Qingshan County excited.

Because the people themselves know what life was like in the past and cherish their current life.

This is more useful than any speech.

In addition, Jin Feng publicly guaranteed that he would be paid monthly for joining the army and would receive a pension if he died in battle, which gave the common people reassurance.

So that morning, many people rushed to the registration point to register.

When Jin Feng heard the news, the stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

If the people of Qingshan County are willing to respond, people in other places in Sichuan and Sichuan will most likely follow suit.

If there is no need for forced conquest, Jin Feng doesn't want to use it.

"Tell Chen Wenyuan to gradually open up the special issue distribution area, county by county. You organize the Zhongming team to cooperate with the recruitment statistics and placement work, and let Brother Liang arrange the training of the recruits as soon as possible."

Jin Feng arranged for Xiaoyu who came to deliver the message.

There is currently too little manpower. If we recruit troops in all areas at once, just statistics, placement and recruit training will be a big project.

In order to ensure the safety of the period, Jin Feng and the Ninth Princess discussed and decided to recruit troops county by county.

"I understand!" Xiaoyu nodded and took out a small notebook to write down.

"By the way, did Dang Xiang get a reply?" Jin Feng asked.

After learning that Dangxiang had detained the bodyguard and chamber of commerce clerk, Jin Feng immediately sent a message to the border guard Dangxiang, asking them to release them.

At the same time, they immediately gathered troops at the border of Xizhou and made preparations to attack Dangxiang at any time.

Although there is no airship, the reputation of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau still makes Dangxiang's border troops very afraid.

The person in charge of the Dangxiang border army who is currently confronting the bodyguards opposite Xizhou is named Li Sanqun. He is the distant nephew of the former Dangxiang Emperor Li Jishan and the distant cousin of the current emperor.

After Li Sanqun learned of Jin Feng's request, he immediately sent a reply, saying that he had reported Jin Feng's request to Dangxiang Chaotang and asked Jin Feng to wait for a reply.

Although Jin Feng was angry, he couldn't spare any manpower to actually attack Dangxiang for a while. He could only send people to continue to gather manpower while arranging people to urge Dangxiang.

In order to prevent the Dangxiang people from killing the captured bodyguards and chamber of commerce men, Jin Feng also sent people to the front line to send Li Jishan, the former Emperor of the Dangxiang people, and asked him to walk around the high platform twice a day to intimidate the Dangxiang people.

Logically speaking, Dang Xiang should have responded long ago, but there has been no news.

Jin Feng became a little impatient with waiting, and also worried about the safety of the captured bodyguards and chamber of commerce men.

"A message came from Xizhou today, saying that they went to ask Li Sanqun. Li Sanqun said that Emperor Dangxiang sent an envoy to negotiate, and he should be able to come over in the next two days." Xiaoyu replied.

"A special envoy was sent here?"

Jin Feng couldn't help but frowned when he heard this: "It seems that Emperor Dangxiang has a big appetite this time and wants to make a fortune from me!"

"Then what should we do?" Xiaoyu asked worriedly.

Now that Dangxiang has many bodyguards and chamber of commerce guys, he will definitely open his mouth.

Jin Feng did not answer, but asked: "Where did you send the things I asked you to send to Da Zhuang?"

This chapter has been completed!
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