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Chapter 1095 The Hope of the Northern Expedition

This night was the most difficult night for the Northern Expeditionary Army since they arrived at Yuguan City.

From nightfall until midnight, the enemy's attacks never stopped for a moment, and the most frantic attacks were launched from the north and the south at the same time.

It was dark at night, and it was difficult for the bodyguard to see clearly what was happening below on the tower. In order to prevent the enemies from rushing up in a swarm, the bodyguard could only use catapults to attack without stopping.

The bricks that were originally thought to be enough for one night were thrown away by catapults in just over two hours.

With no other choice, Liu Tie had no choice but to wake up half of the day shift escorts and go demolish the house as quickly as possible.

The most terrible thing is that when we first cooperated with King Jin, Jin Feng provided King Jin with a batch of heavy crossbows and catapults.

Later, the two broke up, and the King of Jin naturally would not return these weapons to Jin Feng.

Jin Feng didn't care at that time, because the heavy crossbows and catapults provided to King Jin were the first generation products, and their shooting speed and power were incomparable to what the bodyguards were currently equipped with.

Moreover, Jin Feng also left a backdoor in this batch of weapons.

Several key components of this batch of weapons are forged from pig iron and will break if used continuously for a period of time. You must find Jin Feng to purchase new parts before you can continue to use them.

These measures are indeed very effective.

After Tieniu captured Weizhou City, he had two small-scale frictions with Jin Wang's people.

At that time, King Jin's men also pulled out heavy crossbows and catapults, but they were suppressed by the latest models of the escort.

In addition, the airship was still usable at that time, and King Jin's men were beaten so hard that they ran away without any resistance.

But now, these weapons were pulled over by the Jin-Barbarian coalition, causing heavy casualties to the escorts on the south city wall.

Because neither Zhang Liang nor Liu Tie expected that someone would attack from the south, only a few heavy catapults were installed on the south city wall. Nowadays, all portable catapults are used.

Although the portable catapult is easy to assemble and flexible in attack, the attack range is much closer.

The men of the Jin-Barbarian coalition took advantage of the darkness to load up their heavy crossbows and catapults, and launched a fierce counterattack.

At that time, the escort was caught off guard and suffered heavy casualties.

The southern city wall was much lower than the northern city wall, and was almost broken by the Jin-Barbarian coalition at that time.

Fortunately, Qin Fei reacted quickly and knew the catapult very well. After roughly deducing the location of the enemy's catapult, he arranged for a heavy catapult to throw a basket of grenades and flash bombs over it, temporarily suppressing the enemy.

But it is only a temporary suppression. After the effect of the flash bomb wears off, the enemy will definitely continue to counterattack.

And maybe it will kill your own heavy trebuchet immediately.

Although the enemy was temporarily repelled, the atmosphere on the city wall was very solemn.

"It would be great if our airship is still here, we can blow up their nest!" one of the escorts lamented.

"They have Haidongqing, and the airship can't fly." said the companion next to him.

"Don't you know this? Most hawks, like doves, cannot be seen at night!"

The speaker has no intention, the listener has intention.

When a soldier in the logistics battalion who was carrying bricks heard the news, he immediately ran to find his battalion commander.

After listening to the soldier's report, the logistics battalion commander quickly took him to find Qin Fei.

The war was urgent, so Liu Tie and Mr. Tian didn't sleep either. At this time, they were holding a meeting with several generals in Wengcheng.

Seeing the logistics battalion commander coming in with a soldier, they all turned their heads to look over.

"Old Yan, is something wrong?" Liu Tie asked.

"Xiao Anzi, tell me!" the logistics battalion commander pushed the soldiers forward.

Facing his immediate superior at close range for the first time, the soldier was a little nervous, but he quickly said: "General, we can blow up the enemy's lair with a hot air balloon!"

When Qin Fei heard this, he couldn't help but frown and looked at the logistics battalion commander.

Everyone knows that using airships is the fastest way to defeat the enemy, but on the day when the enemy came to attack, Liu Tie saw that the grasslands were densely packed with enemies, so he released all the airships and hot air balloons in the city and did

Ready for battle.

As a result, Hai Dongqing took over the whole pot.

By saying this now, aren't you just accusing Liu Tie of doing something wrong in the first place?

Qin Fei was about to rebuke the escort, but was stopped by Mr. Tian's eyes.

He knew that no matter how courageous Xiao Anzi was, he would not accuse Liu Tie at this time.

Even if he wanted to, the logistics battalion commander would not lead him to talk about such boring things.

So the two of them must have other ways.

"Young man, keep talking!" Mr. Tian nodded towards the escort.

"General, when we first came to Yuguan City, there was a leak in the hot air balloon. We sent it to the warehouse for repair. After it was repaired, it was kept in the warehouse as a spare. Then we had an airship, and we didn't need it anymore, so it was

I received it at the very back of the warehouse."

Xiao Anzi said quickly: "Hai Dongqing cannot be seen at night, we can use this hot air balloon to blow up the enemy's lair..."

Before the escort had finished speaking, Liu Tie, Mr. Tian and Qin Fei's breathing became rapid.

"Young man, are you sure there is a hot air balloon in the warehouse?"

Qin Fei's lips trembled with excitement.

"Confirmed, it was me and the squad leader who carried it in together. I saw it yesterday when I went to pull the catapult!"

Xiao Anzi nodded repeatedly.

"Quick, take us to see it!"

Liu Tie grabbed Xiao Anzi and walked outside.

When he reached the door, he stopped again and turned around to arrange: "Old Qin, go find two pilots and go to the warehouse!"

If you want to execute the plan just now, in addition to the hot air balloon, you must also have a pilot.

Hai Dongqing attacked the airship too fast, and both the pilots on the airship and the hot air balloon fell to their deaths.

Fortunately, the pilots also had backups, and Qin Fei quickly found two of them.

When they led them to the entrance of the warehouse, Xiao Anzi and his companions had already lifted out the hot air balloon that was hiding in the corner and gathering dust.

"Go and check if it still works!"

Qin Fei urged the pilot anxiously.

The two pilots worked together and began to check carefully.

Liu Tie and the others stood nearby and watched.

After a while, one of the pilots reported: "Report to General Qin, no problem!"

"Mr. Tian, ​​has Hai Dongqing confirmed it? Is it really invisible at night?"

Liu Tie turned to look at Mr. Tian again.

This hot air balloon can be said to be Yuguan City's biggest hope at the moment, and Liu Tie doesn't dare to make any mistakes again.

Just now Qin Fei went to find the pilot, while Mr. Tian went to the hunter who knew eagles to ask if Hai Dongqing could fly at night.

When he first came to the Northern Expedition, Zhang Liang did a lot of homework in advance, including finding two guides.

These two people had worked as spies in the Eastern Barbarians and were very familiar with various situations in the Eastern Barbarians.

After their confirmation, Haidongqing almost never moves at night.

Although the guide did not dare to say anything, the current battle situation no longer allowed Liu Tie to hesitate any longer.

After burning a stick of incense, the hot air balloon slowly took off with the hope of the Northern Expedition!

This chapter has been completed!
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