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Chapter 1097 One hit

The two pilots flew a hot air balloon and circled the Dongman camp for a long time, but they were still unable to confirm where the Dongman people's main tent was.

In the past, if they had many hot air balloons, they could just pour grenades down on the central area where the tents were densely packed. But now they only have one hot air balloon and there is no way to cover the attack.

Moreover, after several days of defending the city, their grenades were consumed very quickly. There were not many grenades in the city now, so they had to use them sparingly.

After circling for more than half an hour, the two of them had no choice but to take a gamble and bomb the tents in the center of the Dongman camp.

Because according to their understanding, the coach should be located in the center of the camp, and the bonfires in these camps are the brightest, so you can tell at a glance that there are people inside, and there are quite a lot of them.

In order to explode more accurately, they increased the altitude and let the hot air balloon fly north for a while, and then lowered the altitude again and let the hot air balloon fly south.

When the hot air balloon flew over Dongman Camp again, the hot air balloon had already dropped to a height of several tens of feet.

What made the two pilots breathe a sigh of relief was that they had not found any trace of Hai Dongqing until now, which meant that Hai Dongqing really would not come out at night.

This is great news for them.

Without Triton, they could move at night.

Even if you can't kill the opponent's commander tonight, you can still do it again tomorrow.

In short, they want each other to live in fear from today on.

The hot air balloon hovered silently over the Dongman camp. When it passed the large tents in the middle, the two pilots each lit two grenades and threw them down.

Boom! Boom! Boom!...

With several explosions, all the large tents below were overturned.

The entire Dongman camp was also disturbed by these explosions.

The hot air balloon would not stay forever. Before the hot air balloon was blown away by the wind, the two men threw the grenades down as if they were free.

When the hot air balloon flew away from the center, these large tents had been blown to pieces, and all the people inside were beaten into sieves by the iron sand in the grenades.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Two pilots looked at each other and laughed in a hot air balloon.

They also participated in the battle to defend the city before, and the battle was too frustrating.

At this moment, they seemed to have found the feeling of crushing the enemy in a hot air balloon again.

After laughing, the two began to get busy again.

Because the hot air balloon flew to the opponent's forage area.

The Eastern Barbarians make a living by herding. Wherever people go, horses, cattle and sheep will follow them.

In order to attack the city this time, the Shanyu of the Eastern Barbarians gathered many tribes, and their cattle and sheep were also driven over.

With so many cattle and sheep, you can imagine how much fodder they consume every day.

Next to the cattle and sheep pens, there are stacks of hay, like hills.

These hay are the pilot's second target.

Only this time they no longer threw grenades, but took out jars of kerosene, lit them and threw them down.

Dry grass is inherently flammable, and when it comes into contact with kerosene, it immediately catches fire.

Just a few minutes later, the fodder yard of Dongman camp turned into a sea of ​​flames.

The fire all over the sky lit up half of the sky red.

In the northwest corner of the camp, in an inconspicuous tent, the Eastern Barbarian Chanyu sat up wearing a wolfskin cloak.

In the past few days, not only Liu Tie and the others had not slept well, but the Shanyu of the Eastern Barbarians had not slept well either.

In recent years, the grassland has become colder and colder in winter.

Especially last winter, countless horses, cattle and sheep froze to death on the grasslands, and many people also froze to death.

So at the beginning of spring this year, the Eastern Barbarian Chanyu organized a southern expedition army, hoping to go to Dakang to plunder and replenish the grassland.

As a result, who would have known that the southern expedition army was defeated by Zhang Liang as soon as it arrived at the Yellow River.

What disgusted the Eastern Barbarian Chanyu the most was that Jin Feng also released all the prisoners, leaving the grassland in chaos for more than half a year before it regained stability.

In the process of quelling the chaos, there were heavy casualties on the grassland.

Before Shan Yu could take a breath, Zhang Liang led the Northern Expedition to attack Yuguan City.

After the group of captives were sent back to the Eastern Barbarians, they told the Eastern Barbarian Shanyu how powerful the bodyguards were many times. However, the more they said this, the Shanyu thought they were making excuses for failure, and the less willing he was to believe it.

So when he learned that Zhang Liang and the Northern Expeditionary Army were coming to Yuguan City, Shanyu's first thought was not fear, but excitement, and he vowed to let Zhang Liang and the Northern Expeditionary Army stay on the grassland forever.

As a result, there was a fight, and Shan Yu finally saw the horror of Zhenyuan Escort Agency!

Hot air balloons combined with grenade flash bombs are simply the nemesis of the cavalry!

The tens of thousands of troops gathered by Shanyu of the Eastern Barbarians were vulnerable to the Northern Expeditionary Army.

He came to Yuguan City aggressively and vowed to destroy the Northern Expeditionary Army, but in the end he was driven out of Yuguan City by Zhang Liang like a dog.

The failure of the southern expedition and the riots of the captives had already made many tribes dissatisfied with Chanyu. Later, the loss of Yuguan City also dealt a particularly heavy blow to Chanyu's prestige among the Eastern Barbarian tribes!

If this continues, the Eastern Barbarians will be completely in chaos.

So after returning from Yuguan City, Shanyu has been thinking about how to deal with hot air balloons.

There are always more solutions than difficulties. After thinking about it for more than a month, Shanyu finally came up with Haidongqing's solution.

After training, Hai Dongqing will attack airships and hot air balloons when he sees them.

In order to completely defeat Jin Feng, after preparing Haidongqing, Shanyu did not attack Yuguan City immediately, but first sent people to contact the King of Jin and Dangxiang to contact the new emperor of Dangxiang.

There was no harmony between Dangxiang and Dongman, and there were constant frictions. However, as soon as he heard that Dongman had found a way to deal with airships and hot air balloons, Dangxiang's new emperor immediately put aside his past feud and agreed to cooperate with Dangxiang.

There is no way, Dang Xiang has been beaten too hard by Jin Feng in the past two years, not only the royal city was bombed, but the old emperor Li Jishan was also kidnapped by the iron bull.

The new emperor Dangxiang was more eager to kill Jin Feng than the Shanyu of the Eastern Barbarians.

Then there was the sneak attack on Weizhou City, the attack on the flying team, and the party members Chen Bing on the border.

The Shanyu of the Eastern Barbarians attached great importance to this siege. Not only did he come to the front line in person again, but he has also been watching from the front in recent days.

I was really sleepy today, so I came back to take a rest.

As a result, who knew that I had only slept for a short time when I was woken up by the movement outside.

"what happened?"

Shanyu sat up and asked with a frown.

When the captain of the guard heard the question, he quickly got in, knelt down on one knee and replied: "In response to your Majesty's words, the meeting tent and the fodder yard were bombed by the enemy."

"What?" Shan Yu sat up directly from the bed: "Weren't all the airship hot air balloons of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau killed by Hai Dongqing? How did they blow them up?"

"I don't know where they got another hot air balloon from," the guard captain replied.

"Then what are you doing for food? Don't you know how to let Hai Dongqing go out?" Shan Yu was so angry that he said with a ferocious face: "It actually flew over our heads!"

This chapter has been completed!
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