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Chapter 1105 Reinforcements are here!

Liu Tie followed the guard captain's words and looked over, only to see a large ship on the vast sea, spitting out black smoke, slowly sailing towards Yuguan City.

On the mast of the big ship, the black flag of the Zhenyuan Escort Agency fluttered in the wind!

This ship is Jin Feng's first steamship - Zhenyuan No. 1!

As if seeing a battle on the city wall, Zhenyuan No. 1 sounded the whistle.


The continuous and loud sound of the whistle overwhelmed the noise on the battlefield and reached the ears of every escort and female soldier.

"Zhenyuan No. 1 is here!"

"Our reinforcements have arrived!"

"Brothers, kill them!"

The bodyguards and female soldiers, who were already prepared to die, suddenly became excited.

What they lack most now is grenades and kerosene, which Zhenyuan No. 1 must have.

Moreover, Zhenyuan No. 1 came over and said that they could get in touch with Jinchuan again.

Maybe Jin Feng already knew what happened here, so he sent Zhenyuan No. 1 for reinforcements!

The enemy who originally rushed to the city wall was repelled again!

The impact of being saved from a desperate situation was so strong that even Liu Tie's eyes turned red with excitement and he roared angrily: "One battalion and one company, follow me to clear the dock and let Zhenyuan No. 1 dock!"

Yuguan City was built along the remaining veins of the mountain, and the city wall spread all the way to the sea.

At the easternmost end of the city wall is a small dock.

In the past, Zhenyuan No. 1 used to deliver supplies and docked at this small pier.

But now there are enemies attacking the city on the north side of the small dock. In order for Zhenyuan No. 1 to dock safely, these enemies must be cleared out.

The First Battalion and the First Company were the sharp knife companies of the Northern Expeditionary Army. Liu Tie did not arrange for them to stick to a certain section of the city wall, but asked them to conduct mobile operations. If there was too much pressure on a section of the city wall, the First Company would support that place.

After repelling the enemy, they will immediately change the battlefield.

After receiving Liu Tie's order, the company commander immediately rushed to the small dock with a company of escorts.

The city wall near the small dock is not a key target for the enemy to attack, so there are not many enemies attacking the city, and the battle is not too fierce.

But the enemy also discovered the Zhenyuan No. 1. In order to prevent the Zhenyuan No. 1 from docking, the Eastern Barbarian Chanyu immediately mobilized a large number of troops and rushed towards the coast!

The Eastern Barbarian Chanyu even pulled over the heavy crossbow he had captured in Dakang and pointed it at the sea.

However, what they seized were all old-fashioned heavy crossbows like Dakang's. Not to mention the power and cocking speed, the range was far from comparable to Jin Feng's improved heavy crossbows.

The Eastern Barbarians had just set up their heavy crossbows at the seaside, but before they had a chance to wind them up, they were blown to pieces by the bodyguards!

Shanyu didn't have much hope for the heavy crossbow, so he wasn't too surprised after it was blown to pieces. Instead, he ordered the supervisors to drive the herdsmen and launch a fierce charge towards the city wall near the coast!

This section of the city wall instantly became the most intense fighting area on the entire battlefield!

In order to prevent enemies from the north from sneaking into the south from the beach when the tide is low, when this pier was originally built, the city wall went more than ten feet into the sea.

The Eastern Barbarians could only attack the city wall at the beach, and they were unable to do anything at the part where it entered the sea.

Zhenyuan No. 1 spewed black smoke and slowly sailed towards the dock.

According to normal circumstances, it would be safest for Zhenyuan No. 1 to be close to the south side of the pier at this time, but it did not do this and instead leaned against the north side of the pier.

A burly man with an eyepatch on his left eye stood at the front of the deck, watching the battle on the shore with a cold face.

The man's name is Jin Peng, and he is also a veteran of the Tielin Army. He retired because he was blind in one eye.

When some landlords bullied the relatives of their comrades who had sacrificed their lives, he and several other veterans helped out and were caught by the government and put up for sale in a dental shop. They happened to meet Jin Feng who was going to the dental shop to buy craftsmen.

At that time, Jin Feng discovered a mineral deposit in Heifeng Ridge, so he built a small transfer station at the foot of the mountain and asked Jin Peng to lead a few people to mine secretly under the cover of the transfer station.

Later, with the rise of Jin Feng, mining no longer had to be done secretly, and Jin Peng became the person in charge of the Black Wind Ridge Transfer Station.

Later, the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce grew and the female shopkeeper trained by Tang Xiaobei was more suitable for managing the transfer station. Zhang Liang transferred Jinpeng back to Xihewan to take charge of some escort affairs.

After the steamship was built, Jin Feng selected several people to take charge of the ship. After comprehensive comparison, he selected two captains, one of whom was Jin Peng.

In fact, Jinpeng's abilities are relatively average, and his most outstanding advantages are his loyalty and strong execution ability.

When Jin Feng asked him to mine, he did not send anyone to supervise him. But from the amount of ore dug out, Jin Feng could tell that he was not lazy at all.

Not only this matter, but also later on, Jin Peng would try his best to complete any tasks assigned by Jin Feng or Zhang Liang.

Regardless of ancient or modern times, at home and abroad, the navy is the place that best reflects military and technological strength.

Zhenyuan No. 1 is no exception.

Although its displacement is incomparable to that of Jin Feng's previous naval ships, and even the main structure is still made of wood, the power engine of Zhenyuan No. 1 is an improved steam engine, and the heavy crossbows and catapults on the deck are all Jin Feng bottom-of-the-box models.


Even in order to increase the fire resistance, Jin Feng also installed iron plates on the hull near the sea surface.

It can be said that Zhenyuan No. 1 has gathered the most advanced technologies from various factories under Jin Feng's command, and it can also be said to be one of the most advanced warships in the world.

The only thing that can be compared with Zhenyuan No. 1 is Zhenyuan No. 2, which Jin Feng made after returning to Jinchuan.

Jin Feng spent a lot of money and effort to build the Zhenyuan No. 1. It is impossible for Jin Feng to keep it parked at the Jinchuan Pier to gather ashes. In fact, after the Zhenyuan No. 1 was built, it stayed at the dock for a period of time except when improving the steam engine.

On a mission.

The captain of a warship that is often floating outside must be absolutely loyal.

This is also the reason why Jin Feng appointed Jin Peng as captain.

Jin Peng may not be the strongest among Jin Feng's men, but he is definitely one of the most loyal to Jin Feng.

Watching the battle on the shore, Jin Peng's only remaining eye was filled with rage that could hardly be suppressed.

After the catapult on the deck adjusted its attack angle, Jin Peng gave the attack order without hesitation.

"Hit me!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The three catapults on the right side of the deck attacked simultaneously!

Before Zhenyuan No. 1 arrived, Jin Feng and Zhang Liang speculated that Yuguan City would most likely be attacked, so Zhenyuan No. 1 carried a large amount of ammunition.

What the catapult throws is not stones, but explosive packets!

And it’s the latest improved explosive pack from the Explosives Laboratory!

Although there are only three, the power is far beyond that of the ordinary explosive packs before!

Three explosive packets landed among the enemy groups at different locations and exploded one after another.

I saw three mushroom clouds rising up, and the Dongman cannon fodder at the center of the explosion really turned into cannon fodder!

There are more cannon fodder and rags that are easily blown away by the shock wave of the explosion!

This chapter has been completed!
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