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Chapter 1115 Mr. and us

Hong An originally planned to talk to Xiaoyu alone later, but when Jin Feng asked, he replied: "Sir, I brought my brothers' letters back from Yuguan City, and I would like to ask Mr. Xiaoyu to help distribute them."

Hearing Hong An say this, the atmosphere in the conference room became solemn again.

Nowadays, writing suicide notes before the war has become a tradition for the Zhenyuan Escort Agency and the Zhenyuan Army, so they all know the meaning of the letters home that Hong An brought back.

This may be the last time the bodyguards and female soldiers stationed in Yuguan City write home.

"Where is the letter from home?" Jin Feng asked in a deep voice.

"In the bag at the door." Hong An replied.

"Xiaoyu, please arrange for someone to sort out the family letters and send them to the brothers' relatives as soon as possible."

"Yes!" Xiaoyu nodded and left with Hong An.

At dawn, four speedboats left Jinchuan Pier in the dark and sped south quickly.

At the intersection of the Jialing River and the Yangtze River, the four speedboats divided into two teams.

Two ships headed upstream to Xichuan City to deliver a message to Qing Xinyao, while the other two ships headed downstream to find Zheng Chiyuan.

At the same time, Xiaoyu found a team of people to sort out the family letters of the bodyguards and female soldiers.

The Northern Expeditionary Army consists of one thousand escort divisions and three thousand Zhenyuan troops. The escort divisions are all veterans of the escort bureau. Most of them come from Jinchuan and surrounding counties. Their family letters have been sent to Jinchuan Newspaper Office.

When the newspaper office distributes newspapers to the surrounding areas, the postman will take the letters from home and deliver them to the family members of the bodyguards and female soldiers.

This is also part of the postman's job.

The Zhenyuan Army who participated in the Northern Expedition were the earliest Zhenyuan Army, and they all came from the Damangpo Refugee Camp.

Their family letters are roughly divided into two parts. The first part needs to be sent to their hometown in Xichuan, and the second part can be sent to Tiequan Mountain.

At the beginning, the girls in the refugee camp had a hard time making a living in their hometowns. Some of them joined the Zhenyuan Army, while others followed Jin Feng's arrangements and went to Tiegunshan to work as soap factory workers.

Because of the fighting between the kings, the soap could no longer be sold to other places at high prices, and the business had been depressed for a while.

However, soap is a sanitary product and cannot be sold outside the country. Jin Feng sold it to the people of Sichuan and Sichuan through supply and marketing cooperatives at low prices. At the same time, he also popularized the benefits of using soap and the correct method of use in newspapers.

In the feudal era, parents were very particular about body hair and skin. Both men and women basically did not have haircuts, so it was very normal for people to have lice on their heads.

However, since soap was put on the shelves of supply and marketing cooperatives, many people in Sichuan and Sichuan have developed the habit of using soap to bathe and wash their hair. If there are lice on the head, they will be laughed at by others for being unhygienic.

So now there are fewer and fewer people in Sichuan and Sichuan who have lice on their heads.

After a short period of decline, the business of Tin Can Mountain Soap Factory has become busier than before.

Fortunately, the female workers are becoming more and more skilled, and production can support sales, and some people can be spared for training every day.

When Xiaoyu sent the letter from home to Iron Can Mountain, she happened to catch up with the female workers training.

Zuo Feifei stood on the edge of the school ground talking to the deputy director. When she saw Xiaoyu leading people from the mountain road, she hurriedly greeted her: "Xiaoyu, why are you free to come to Iron Can Mountain today?"

Han Feng recently went to Jiangnan, and Xiaoyu became the actual person in charge of the Zhongming Group. It can be said that she is Jin Feng's right-hand man, and she is usually very busy.

Let alone Tican Mountain, even when Zuo Feifei went to Xihewan, we rarely saw her.

"Brothers from Zhenyuan No. 1 came back from Yuguan City and brought home letters from the Northern Expeditionary Army."

Xiaoyu replied: "I'm here to send them letters home."

When Zuo Feifei and the female worker behind her heard what Xiaoyu said, their expressions changed.

Although they are not soldiers, many sisters among the female workers are in the Northern Expeditionary Army, and they all know what Xiaoyu's letter home means at this time.

"What happened to Yuguan City?" Zuo Feifei asked with a frown.

"The Eastern Barbarians are attacking Yuguan City..."

Letters from the Northern Expeditionary Army were sent home, and Xiaoyu did not hide anything. She told Zuo Feifei the situation described by Hong An.

"The corpses are piled as high as the city wall?"

Zuo Feifei couldn't imagine what that was like.

Then he pulled Xiaoyu and asked: "What should we do now? What is your plan, sir?"

Xiaoyu looked around but didn't answer.

Jin Feng's plan is definitely a military secret. Zuo Feifei has won the trust of Jin Feng and Guan Xiaorou, and the director of the soap factory can barely be called a high-level executive in Xihewan. It's okay for Xiaoyu to tell her about Jin Feng's plan, but those ordinary female workers

But he does not have this qualification.

Even though Xiaoyu knew that the female workers in Tiegongshan were very loyal to Jin Feng, every time the village was in danger, Tiegongshan would do its best to support them and never stood idly by.

But rules are rules, and even if Xiaoyu trusts the female worker, she still can't spread Jin Feng's plan to the entire Iron Can Mountain.

Zuo Feifei guessed Xiaoyu's concerns as soon as she saw her expression, so she called the deputy factory director and said, "Please send the letter home from Xiaoyu."


Anyone who can be a deputy factory director is definitely not a fool. Knowing that Xiaoyu and Zuo Feifei had something to say, they drove away all the female workers who were watching the excitement when they left.

"Now that there is no one else, tell me, sir, what are you going to do?" Zuo Feifei asked anxiously.

"What else can we do? Let's find a way to send people to support." Xiaoyu said helplessly.

"Who to send?" Zuo Feifei asked with a frown.

Although she spends most of her time in Tin Can Mountain, it doesn't mean she doesn't care about the outside world.

What's more, she reads Jinchuan Daily every day, and is very aware of the current situation in Sichuan and Shu, and also knows that Jin Feng is short of people.

"Sir and His Majesty discussed for a long time and decided to ask the navy from the East China Sea to help first, and then ask Mr. Qing from Xichuan to dispatch part of the Weisheng Army for reinforcements." Xiaoyu sighed and said.

"Is the Donghai Navy willing to help?" Zuo Feifei asked: "How many Weisheng troops can Mr. Qing mobilize?"

"I don't know," Xiaoyu shook her head: "Sir, the time for your rise is too short. The Escort Agency and the Zhenyuan Army have not yet developed. If you give me another two years, you won't be in such a difficult situation."

In Xiaoyu's mind, Donghai Navy and Qing Xinyao's Weisheng Army are outsiders, and only Zhenyuan Escort Bureau and Zhenyuan Army are Jin Feng's direct subordinates.

"No, sir, it's not just the escort agency and the Zhenyuan Army!"

Zuo Feifei said coldly: "Sir, there are still us!"

In the original battle at Yangquan Ridge, the female soldiers from Tiegunshan suffered heavy casualties in order to stop the bandits.

After returning from Yangjungling, Zuo Feifei learned from the painful experience and began to train female workers.

For this reason, Zuo Feifei specially hired several female escorts to serve as coaches. The training model and standards were completely based on the Zhenyuan Escort Agency.

Later, Jin Feng was trapped in the East China Sea, and the female workers from Iron Can Mountain promptly reinforced Xihe Bay and fought with the enemy inextricably. They could be considered a team of veterans who had experienced real war.

This chapter has been completed!
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