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Chapter 1122 Practice something else

Zuo Feifei originally planned to leave only one platoon of people on guard after boarding the ship, and the rest of the female workers would have a good rest in the cabin. When they arrived at Yuguan City, they could wait for work and attack the Eastern Barbarians.

But when we boarded the ship, we discovered that the conditions on the ship were like this.

It is indeed too easy to get sick sleeping on the deck in such a cold weather. It is better to divide into two shifts as Jin Feng said and take turns to rest and practice.

When they arrive at Yuguan City, they will definitely have to divide into two teams to fight. It's better to get used to this rhythm of life now.

Zuo Feifei jumped down from the upper bunk, opened the cabin door, and rearranged the classes.

After Zuo Feifei left, only Jin Feng and Run Niang were left in the small cabin, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.

Fortunately, Runniang could hide her embarrassment by packing her things, but Jin Feng had nothing in his hands and there wasn't even a stool in the small cabin. He couldn't just stand all the time, right?

"Run Niang, you clean up first, I'll go out and see what's going on outside."

Jin Feng made an excuse and left the small cabin as if running away.

When we arrived outside, the female workers assigned to the night shift were lining up to walk to the deck.

The aisle between cabins is less than one meter wide, barely enough for three people to walk abreast.

There were two female workers in a row, and Jin Feng was standing at the edge of the aisle.

More than half of the female workers in Tiegongshan have marriage certificates with Jin Feng. In the past, Jin Feng would inevitably be teased when he went to Tiegongshan.

In the past, if Jin Feng dared to get so close to a female worker, he would definitely be taken advantage of, but not this time.

Because we are not in the mountains this time, we can have fun after work.

This time they are here to fight and must be serious.

None of the female workers passing by had anything to do with Jin Feng. At most, they would wink or wink at Jin Feng when they looked at him.

From beginning to end, Jin Feng never noticed that the door of the opposite cabin was open even a crack.

Tie Hammer, like a group of guards, lay beside the door and looked out through the crack in the door.

The guards were a little disappointed when they found that the female workers did not make any move with Jin Feng.

"Oh, aren't these girls usually very bold? Why are they so well-behaved today? The gentleman is standing aside, you can reach out and touch him, but no one touches him."

"We are going to fight, so of course we have to behave ourselves."

"Hey, sir, he is so blessed that he doesn't know how to be blessed. There are so many girls waiting for him, so he can really sit still! If it were me, I would definitely stay in Tin Can Mountain every day and live in a dormitory for a few days. How beautiful!"

"You want to die!" Tie Zhui kicked the guard who spoke: "There are so many girls outside, you can just worry about it. The girls in Iron Can Mountain all have marriage certificates with their husbands. If you dare to hit them,

Idea, I will kill you!"

"Oh Captain, I already told you that I would only do that if I were a gentleman, but I am not a gentleman!"

The guard rubbed the place where he was kicked aggrievedly: "Give me ten more courages, and I won't dare to miss the girl from Tin Can Mountain!"

"Captain, you are overthinking this. I don't know how many girls are looking forward to marrying our escorts now. If you miss a girl, go to a random village in another county. We can choose the girls in the whole village. We won't worry about Tin Can Mountain.


The other guards also explained.

Jin Feng's work-for-relief program has only started for a year, and it cannot solve the poverty problem in Dakang. It can only try to ensure that the people have food to eat and will not starve to death.

The current social situation of a prosperous society with more women than men is a serious and persistent disease that has accumulated over decades and cannot be solved in a year or two.

Although Jin Feng took a series of measures after taking control of Sichuan and Shu, such as abolishing the domestic slave system and the bride-grooming team, girls over the age of sixteen were not allowed to marry, and taxes would not be increased.

But these measures cannot solve the girls' problem of a way out.

The wages, bonuses and social status of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau are high, so many girls regard the escort as their dream lover.

What the guards said just now is not an exaggeration. As long as they are willing to go to any county outside Jinchuan and find a village, they can almost choose any girl in the whole village.

The guards were hiding behind the door, just watching the excitement and wanting to see Jin Feng being teased. They had no idea about the female workers.

It's a pity that the female workers let them down. Each one of them became more honest. At most, they would wink at Jin Feng and show off, but they wouldn't take any action at all.

Even so, Jin Feng's scalp was numbed by the flirtatious looks of the female workers.

He took a look inside and found that the team of female workers stretched all the way to the deepest point. I was afraid that they would not be able to finish in a short time. Jin Feng subconsciously wanted to return to the cabin.

But just now he told Run Niang that he wanted to come out and take a look, and it would definitely be more embarrassing to go back now.

With no other choice, Jin Feng had no choice but to join the female workers and follow the team to the deck.

Iron Hammer and the others no longer cared about watching the excitement, and hurriedly ran out of the cabin and squeezed into the team.

The space below the cabin is semi-enclosed, and with so many people living there, the air quality is very poor.

Walking to the deck, Jin Feng took two breaths of the cold wind and felt that his mind was much clearer.

Jin Feng walked to the railing and looked at the dock getting further and further away.

It was already dark at this time, and the Zhenyuan No. 2 was not traveling very fast. The steam engine was idling most of the time, drifting downward on the water flow.

Three speedboats were exploring the way ahead. Every time a stick of incense was burned, the speedboats on the left and right would shoot a firework into the air to mark the location of the river bank.

After all the female workers on the night shift boarded the deck, they began to practice by the light of the bonfire.

However, the space on the deck is also limited. Thousands of female workers are crowded together, and there is not much open space. Events such as running and target practice cannot be carried out at all. All we can do is practice stringing and firing the crossbow over and over again.

Jin Feng watched for a while, then walked around the square where the female workers were practicing, and found Zuo Feifei at the other end of the deck.

"Sir, why are you here too?" Zuo Feifei asked with a smile: "It's already dark, why don't you rest now?"

She was busy when Jin Feng came up just now, so she didn't see him. When she finished her work, the middle was full of female workers again. Zuo Feifei never noticed that Jin Feng came up too.

"What time is it now? It's too early to go to bed. Come up and take a look."

Jin Feng knew that Zuo Feifei was joking about him and Run Niang, so he pretended not to understand and pointed at the phalanx of female workers to change the topic: "I think everyone is quite skilled, so there is no point in practicing like this, right?"

"This is a compulsory subject for us to learn every day. Of course we are proficient in it."

Zuo Feifei said helplessly: "But the deck is so big. If we don't let them practice this, what else can they practice? It's better to move than to stand all the time, right?"

Jin Feng nodded after hearing this.

Although repeated practice of winding does not have much practical significance, it can keep the female workers in a state of motion, which is much better than lying on the deck and sleeping in the cold wind.

"How about we let them practice something else?" Jin Feng said suddenly.

"What to practice?" Zuo Feifei asked curiously.

"New weapons!"

This chapter has been completed!
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