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Chapter 113 Scientific Training Method

"One two one! One two one!"

In the early morning, the villagers had just gotten up, and Zhong Wu had already led his guards and veterans into the back mountain running.

Everyone carries a large package weighing more than thirty kilograms on their backs.

The same goes for Zhong Wu, who is at the front of the team.

This is the rule set by Jin Feng for the escort team.

Every morning they had to carry heavy loads for a five-kilometer cross-country trip. Those who couldn't finish the run had their wages deducted for the first time and kicked out of the escort team for the second time.

This is not only to exercise the physical fitness of veterans, but also to exercise their willpower and cohesion.

The distance of five kilometers was not something Jin Feng said casually, but data confirmed by the military in previous generations through comprehensive research and demonstration.

If it exceeds five kilometers, the soldiers will be physically exhausted and have nothing to do for ten or eight days. Over time, it is easy to cause irreversible damage.

If it is less than five kilometers, it will not achieve the purpose of tactical training.

Therefore, five kilometers of cross-country travel with a heavy load is basically the optimal plasticity threshold.

Veterans have basically had a hard time these years, and their physical fitness is not comparable to that of soldiers in previous lives. If you want to run a five-kilometer mountain road, you must rely on a firm will to persevere.

In fact, Jin Feng originally planned to take it step by step, running three kilometers first, and then gradually extend the distance after a month.

However, after much thought, I decided to go five kilometers.

He didn't just want a bodyguard, but wanted to build an elite one.

This can also be regarded as his first assessment of the veterans.

If someone can't even pass the first level, there is no point in staying.

The slogan "One, Two, One" is to train veterans to get used to working together, thereby increasing cohesion.

Say one step with your left foot, shout two with your right foot.

At first, some veterans were not used to it, and their footsteps seemed chaotic. However, after running for one kilometer, the pace and rhythm of the veterans gradually became orderly.

What pleased Jin Feng was that the veterans were all people who had endured hardships and persisted through all five kilometers on the first day.

Jin Feng had participated in military projects more than once in his previous life and was quite familiar with soldiers. He drew on the training methods of the military in his previous life and formulated a scientific training plan.

After breakfast, Zhang Liang took the veterans to the back mountain to conduct the next training according to the plan.

Zhong Wu and his bodyguard did not go, but stayed in the small courtyard waiting for Jin Feng. Each of them had a black knife hanging on his waist.

"Sir, everyone is here. It's time for me to go back and resume my duties with the Marquis."

Zhong Wu asked: "Do you have any other instructions, sir?"

"No more," Jin Feng patted Zhong Wu on the shoulder: "Swords and swords have no eyes on the battlefield. Go back and tell Lord Marquis that there will be no need to worry about having green hills and no firewood. In everything, your own safety is the first priority."

In Weizhou and his party, Jin Feng was extremely disappointed with Dakang's army.

Under the corruption of the dandy generals, most Dakang soldiers have long lost the fighting spirit that a soldier should have.

Once the situation goes bad, everyone from the generals to the soldiers will run faster than the other, for fear that they will be overtaken and killed by the cavalry if they run slower.

In Jin Feng's view, this is the fundamental reason for Dakang's successive defeats over the years.

The general environment is such that it is difficult for Qinghuai's Tielin Army and General Fan's Fan Family Army to support the entire northwest war situation, but it is easy for them to be isolated by the dandies.

This is also the reason why Jin Feng left the Tielin Army.

After more than two months of getting along, Jin Feng and Qing Huai had formed a friendship. It was very clear that Qing Huai was devoted to the Tielin Army and would never leave.

Everyone has their own ambitions, Qinghuai was willing to let Jin Feng go, and Jin Feng respected his choice.

"Don't worry, sir, I will definitely protect Mr. Hou."

Zhong Wu hammered his chest and left with his guards.

Jin Feng did not send them far away, but stood at the door and watched their backs until they disappeared at the foot of the mountain, then turned around and rushed to the newly built workshop.

The new workshop covers an area of ​​more than five acres and is divided into three parts by two high walls.

More than two acres in the south are textile workshops and warehouses, and more than one acre in the north is an iron smelting workshop.

The iron smelting workshop required the use of high-temperature charcoal fires, and textiles were flammable and explosive materials, so Jin Feng built a courtyard with three entrances and three exits between the two.

It can not only prevent the charcoal fire in the iron smelting workshop from igniting the textile workshop, but also is close to both sides, making it convenient for Jin Feng to go back and forth.

The backyard is reserved for the female family members, and the middle courtyard is Jin Feng's study and guest room where he can entertain guests.

The front yard is where the concierge and guards live, and there is also a large study room, which serves as Jin Feng's office.

This layout is considered the standard courtyard layout, which was very common in later generations. Many landlords and gentry houses were like this.

But in Dakang, Scorpion Baba is the only one. Not to mention Guan Xiaorou, even Tang Dongdong, who was born in a wealthy family, has never seen her.

This made Guan Xiaorou so happy that she wanted to move in the same day it was built, but Jin Feng persuaded her to stop her.

It's not to dispel the smell or anything. In fact, Jin Feng didn't even have the time to tinker with lime, let alone other decorations.

The main reason is that the newly built brick house has too much moisture, so Jin Feng plans to let the moisture out before moving in.

However, there are many people in the textile workshop, so there is no need to worry about this problem.

After Mancang finished beating Zhong Wu and his friends, he has been working overtime to assemble the spinning wheel.

Once he completes the assembly, the textile workshop can be moved out of Jin Feng's home.

There were Tang Dongdong and Mancang greeting him over there, so Jin Feng didn't have to worry too much.

After seeing off Zhong Wu, we first went to the iron smelting workshop.

Jin Feng knew that long-range attacks were the future of war, so crossbows were a must-training subject for veterans.

It's just that there are only a few crossbows in hand at present, and the veterans can only take turns to practice.

If you want to mass-produce high-power heavy crossbows, high-quality steel is essential.

Therefore, Jin Feng's current focus is on the construction of this new iron smelting furnace.

I also have high hopes for this furnace.

In fact, Jin Feng originally planned to build a blast furnace, but unfortunately, the resources he can find currently are not enough to support him in building a blast furnace.

We could only settle for the next best thing and build this new furnace by combining the characteristics of blast furnaces, porcelain kilns and traditional furnaces.

The person responsible for building the stove was a mason Zhang Liang specially found from nearby market towns and counties, and their skills were very good.

Jin Feng has never been stingy with talents. Not only did he give them high wages, but he also provided them with plenty of food and drink.

No matter how skilled he is, he is still a mason. He usually works for others. How can he get such good treatment?

So several people worked extra carefully. Jin Feng looked around and found nothing. Just as he was about to leave, he encountered a full warehouse.

"If I had known that sir was here, I wouldn't have come here."

Mancang saw Jin Feng and said hello with a smile.

"I've been working hard on you lately. There's nothing going on inside, so you don't have to look at it. Sit down and have a rest."

When Jin Feng saw Mancang's head covered in sweat, he knew he had come running. He picked up the water bowl from the side and handed him a bowl of herbal tea.

Mancang is busier than Jin Feng recently. Not only does he have to finish the black knife fight for Zhong Wu and others, but he also has to supervise the construction of the furnace and assemble the spinning wheel.

I haven’t been home for almost half a month, and I’ve been staying at the blacksmith shop for food and accommodation.

This chapter has been completed!
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