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Chapter 1131 The best way

After Han Feng and Fan Haizhou disembarked, the fleet continued to set off, and that afternoon they saw the naval camp from a distance.

Jin Feng stood on the deck, looking at the naval flag in the distance, frowning.

The speedboat that went to send a message to Xichuan and the Navy set out together that day. On the second day after departure, he met the speedboat that came back from Xichuan to report the message. He also met Qing Mulan, but until now, Zhenyuan No. 2 has been running away

We have arrived at the East China Sea, but we haven’t encountered the speedboat returning to deliver a message to the Navy.

There is only one waterway, the Yangtze River, to go back to Jinchuan from the Navy. There is no way it could go astray. Either the speedboat encountered an accident, or Zheng Chiyuan hasn't figured out how to reply to Jin Feng.

No matter which outcome, it would be very unfavorable for Jin Feng.

Although there are many water bandits on the Yangtze River, there are not many water bandits who dare to intercept the Zhenyuan escort agency. Moreover, the speedboats use small steam engines and are extremely fast. It is almost impossible to intercept the water bandits.

Therefore, the possibility of an accident on a speedboat is not high.

Then there is only the second scenario left - Zheng Chiyuan is unwilling to reinforce Yuguan City.

Although he was mentally prepared, Jin Feng was still a little disappointed.

Jin Feng knows better than anyone in the world how big the world is.

The territory in his mind has never been more than the current Dakang and Eastern Barbarians, Dangxiang, and Tubo.

Because these places originally belonged to China, they were just temporarily divided.

Recovering these places, Jin Feng took it for granted, and it was not considered as breaking up the territory.

Relatively speaking, Jin Feng is full of interest in the vast land on the other side of the ocean.

If you want to go to the other side of the ocean, you cannot do without the fleet, so Jin Feng attaches great importance to the Donghai Navy and Zheng Chiyuan.

If Zheng Chiyuan does not hesitate to send people to support Yuguan City this time like Qing Xinyao, after the war is over, Jin Feng will definitely support the development of the navy and build a steel fleet.

It's a pity that Zheng Chiyuan did not seize this opportunity.

There has been no reply until now.

Jin Feng was not only disappointed, but also a little worried.

Although Zhenyuan No. 2 is a converted cargo ship, its volume and load capacity are not much different from Zhenyuan No. 1. The massive rafts of the Dongman people can sink Zhenyuan No. 1 and possibly Zhenyuan No. 2.

Unless Zhenyuan No. 2 is not close to the pier of Yuguan City.

But they couldn't land without getting close to the pier, so weren't their trip in vain?

Jin Feng's original plan was to ask Zheng Chiyuan to send more navy ships over and use the catapults on the ships to cover and bombard the Dongman rafts. Now it seems that this plan is not feasible.

The fleet was getting closer and closer to the Navy Pier, and Jin Feng saw two speedboats driving out from the Navy Pier.

"Sir, it's confirmed, it's our brother who came to deliver the message, but we didn't see anyone from the navy."

Tie Shui put down the telescope and said: "When we passed by here before, Zheng Chiyuan would come over to visit Mr., but this time he didn't even show his face. He was hiding from us!"

Jin Feng did not answer, but said coldly: "When the brothers who sent the message come up, bring them to see me!"

After that, I returned to the sheltered place and continued to look at the map.

Although his eyes were fixed on the map, his mind was thinking about the navy and Yuguan City.

Ten minutes later, Iron Hammer came over with the escort who had sent the message.

"Zheng Chiyuan didn't even send a reply letter?"

Jin Feng looked at the empty-handed escort and asked with a frown.

It's okay if Zheng Chiyuan doesn't want to support Yuguan City, but at least find an excuse to deal with it, right?

But the other party didn't even reply.

This made Jin Feng a little angry.

"Sir, we haven't seen General Zheng at all."

The messenger hurriedly explained: "When we came, people from the Navy said that golden retriever pirates have been active on the sea recently. Twenty days ago, they were preparing to attack Yanyan Town in the north. Fortunately, they encountered the Navy's patrol fleet. The pirates

Scared away.

After General Zheng heard about it, he took the main force of the navy to chase the pirates."

"Is there another Golden Retriever coming?"

Jin Feng frowned slightly, but felt a little better.

At least Zheng Chiyuan wasn't avoiding him on purpose.

"Did anyone from the Navy say when Zheng Chiyuan would be back?"

"They said that if everything goes well, it might only take a day or two, so I thought of waiting until General Zheng comes back, but it turns out that General Zheng hasn't come back yet, and here comes Mr."

"Okay, go and tell the Navy people and ask them to clear the dock. We'll go there later."

"Yes!" the escort agreed, went down the rope ladder, and drove the speedboat back to the navy.

Although Zheng Chiyuan did not explicitly swear allegiance to Jin Feng, everyone in the Navy knew that Zheng Chiyuan attached great importance to the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau. When they learned that Zhenyuan No. 2 was going to enter the dock, the Navy people quickly vacated the best-located dock.

Jin Feng slowly approached the dock with his fleet.

When a naval captain saw Jin Feng getting off the boat, he ran over quickly and kept apologizing: "Mr. Jin, the escort brother didn't say you were coming over. I just had something to do and didn't go to greet you.

I’m really sorry!”

Zheng Chi is far away, so he is the current person in charge of the naval camp.

Logically speaking, one should go to greet Jin Feng together with the bodyguard who sent the message.

If Jin Feng is a person who likes to find fault, he can make trouble just by relying on this.

But the escort who sent the message didn't know that Jin Feng was coming, and the captain was even less likely to know. Jin Feng didn't want to embarrass a small captain, so he waved his hand and said, "He who doesn't know is not guilty!"

The captain realized that Jin Feng had no intention of pursuing the matter, and the stone in his heart finally fell to the ground. He asked flatteringly: "Sir, do you need supplies? I'll have someone prepare them right away."

It is not far from the Donghai Shipyard. Ships from the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau rarely dock. If supplies are needed, they usually go directly to the shipyard.

But since Jin Feng came in person with Zhenyuan No. 2, even if he needed supplies, the captain would admit it.

"No need, I'm just taking a rest here and leaving soon." Jin Feng shook his head.

Going down the river, the grain transport ship could barely keep up with the Zhenyuan No. 2, but it was about to reach the seaport, and it was a northerly wind again. When it reached the sea, it was impossible for the grain transport ship to keep up.

After discussing with Qing Mulan, Zuo Feifei, and Wei Datong, Jin Feng decided to use the method mentioned by Han Feng, gathering the Weisheng Army on a ship, and then the Zhenyuan 2 would tow the ship forward.

The grain-carrying ship was not as big as the Zhenyuan No. 2, so it took several grain-carrying ships to pull out the three thousand Weisheng troops.

The Zhenyuan No. 2 is already so crowded with two thousand female workers, and it will definitely be even more crowded if the three thousand Weisheng troops are gathered on a smaller grain transport ship.

But this is already the best solution Jin Feng and the others can think of at the moment.

The Zhenyuan No. 2 is very reluctant to tow even one grain transport ship. It really can't tow two ships, so it can only do this for now.

Although Jin Fengqing Mulan and the others were mentally prepared, they still encountered difficulties when actually implementing it.

The grain ship was so small that only about a thousand people were aboard, and the cabin was already crowded.

This chapter has been completed!
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