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Chapter 1150 Chen Fengzhi wants to change jobs

In fact, if there was a fight, the Zhenyuan 2, which has stronger maneuverability and longer attack range, would most likely destroy the entire naval fleet.

But facing the densely packed rafts, the naval fleet had an even greater advantage.

There are dozens of ships of all sizes in the entire fleet, as well as dozens of catapults and heavy crossbows. A single salvo can sink at least dozens of rafts, which is much faster than speedboats harassing the outside.


The Eastern Barbarian soldiers on the raft were completely confused. After several rounds of attacks by the fleet, no one knew who took the lead in hanging up the sails and starting to flee south.

Once someone starts taking the lead, the collapse begins.

Zheng Chiyuan ordered the fleet to be divided into two teams, and he led one team to pursue the raft, while the other team stopped on the sea to protect the Zhenyuan 2.

However, the Zhenyuan No. 1 was still sinking in the trench outside the dock, and the Zhenyuan No. 2 had no way to dock. The only option was to call the speedboat back and use the speedboat to transfer the ammunition.

Jin Feng discovered on the city wall that supplies were about to be delivered, and immediately gave up the idea of ​​asking the Musketeers to save ammunition. Instead, he sent an order and asked the Musketeers to fight hard!

"Damn it!"

The Shanyu of the Eastern Barbarians saw the rafts fleeing and gritted his teeth with hatred: "Hao Lian's troops fled in fear of battle. It is a shame to our Khitan clan. Send the order and Hao Lian's troops will all be hanged!"

Until now, the Eastern Barbarians had suffered heavy casualties, and many of them had the intention of retreating. However, the tribal children were controlled by the Chan Yu and they resisted the temptation to retreat.

The raft group led by Hao Lianxiong was the first tribe to escape. The Chanyu must kill the chickens to scare the monkeys, otherwise other tribes will definitely follow suit.

Once a great rout occurs, there is nothing the Chanyu can do and may even be counterattacked.

The guard captain knew that if this order were passed down, it would cause a bloody storm in the Haolian tribe, but he did not dare to hesitate. He glanced at Shan Yu secretly and quickly arranged for someone to pass on the order.

The raft group had been driven away by the East China Sea Fleet, and the transfer was very smooth. Each of the six speedboats made three transfers, and they were busy until it was almost dark.

The Eastern Barbarian Chanyu's plan to use up the ammunition of the musketeers completely failed.

When the sun went down, snowflakes suddenly started falling in the sky.

Shanyu looked up at the sky with extremely complicated emotions.

The Eastern Barbarians have lived in the north for generations and have long been accustomed to cold weather.

However, the Northern Expeditionary Army all came from Sichuan and Sichuan. Once it snows, they may not be able to hold on.

What worries Shan Yu is that most of the cannon fodder's clothing is very thin and cannot last long.

Now the competition is about who can hold on longer!

Would Jin Feng not be able to think of problems that Shan Yu could think of?

As soon as the heavy snow started, the logistics battalion carried boxes of raincoats to the city wall.

The raincoat is the latest product developed by the textile factory under the guidance of Jin Feng. It can not only prevent rain and snow, but also block the wind.

With the protection of raincoats, the female workers were hardly affected in any way, and the offensive was still sharp.

On the other hand, among the Eastern Barbarians, although the herdsmen are frost-resistant, their clothing is too thin.

Many cannon fodders knew that this time was very dangerous, so before coming, they left the clothes at home with their children.

During the siege, there were huge crowds of people. It wouldn't be a big problem if everyone squeezed in. The companions on the outside would block the cold wind.

But now that it's snowing, many cannon fodder can't stand it anymore.

The snowflakes fell on the body and melted into water. The cannon fodder, who was already hungry and cold, soon couldn't bear it any longer. Some people gradually began to fall behind, and it was useless no matter how hard the supervisors behind them drove them away.

It's not that the cannon fodder doesn't want to leave, it's that their legs are frozen and they can't walk at all.

One of Shan Yu's aides noticed that the cannon fodder's attitude was getting more and more negative, so he secretly called Shan Yu aside and suggested that he suspend the attack and let the cannon fodder go back to avoid the snow until the snow stopped.

Shan Yu naturally discovered what the staff could discover.

Although I was extremely unwilling, I still reluctantly ordered the retreat.

With the ammunition in hand, they were confident. The Dongman army retreated, and Jin Feng arranged for the Weisheng army to go down and clean up the corpses.

At this time, the mountain of corpses was higher than the city wall, and the musketeers had to raise their heads to shoot.

The Shanyu of the Eastern Barbarians quickly sent people to attack, and the ones they sent were the elites of their own tribe.

Jin Feng follows the elite route. No matter how elite the men sent by Chanyu are, can they still compare to the Northern Expeditionary Army equipped with muskets?

Facing the so-called Eastern Barbarian elite with only a few hundred people, Jin Feng directly gave up the advantage of the city wall, sent Tiehuying to guard a company of musketeers, and took the initiative to kill the city wall.

With the cooperation of catapults and heavy crossbows, the so-called Eastern Barbarian elites were completely annihilated without even holding on to a stick of incense!

After the fight, the musketeers from Tiehu Camp and this company did not return to the city wall. Instead, they built a simple defense line with corpses in an open space dozens of meters away from the city wall and stationed themselves on the spot.

Shan Yu was so angry that he gritted his teeth, but he had no choice but to watch helplessly as Wei Shengjun cleaned up the corpses.

Thousands of people from the Weisheng Army came and cleaned up the corpses much faster than the hundreds of escorts at the beginning. The corpses under the city wall were cleaned up before midnight.

There were so many corpses this time that they could not be stacked on the north wall, so they had to be thrown into the city.

Fortunately, it is winter now and the corpses will not rot. Otherwise, the poisonous gas caused by so many rotting corpses would turn Yuguan City into a dead city.

The corpses blocked under the city wall were cleared, and the tasks of the Iron Tiger Battalion and the Musketeers were completed. They covered each other and retreated to the North City Gate.

With a creaking sound, the north city gate slowly opened.

This is also the first time since the siege began.

As soon as Tiehu Camp and the Musketeers entered the door, they saw Jin Feng, Zuo Feifei, Liu Tie, Qing Mulan and others standing in the doorway waiting for them.

Behind them, there is a large row of steaming iron pots.

"Thank you for your hard work. Let's drink some mutton soup to warm up!"

Iron Hammer organized the Iron Tiger Camp and the Musketeers to have soup, while Chen Fengzhi happily ran to Jin Feng's side.

"Haha, it's still fun to fight with your husband!"

"Otherwise, don't go back to Xichuan and stay in Jinchuan with your husband!" Meng Tianhai glanced at Chen Fengzhi angrily.

"General, if you and Mr. Qing let them go, I will follow Mr. Jin immediately!"

Chen Fengzhi said without hesitation: "Xichuan is so boring now. It's better to be a brother of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau. There are endless battles!"

He had actually wanted to follow Jin Feng for a long time, but the Chen family had been with the Qing family for several generations, and Qing Xinyao also trusted him very much, leaving the most elite Iron Tiger Camp under his command to him. Chen Fengzhi was embarrassed to say goodbye.

That's all.

Now that we have finished talking, we just want to test Meng Tianhai's tone, express his attitude in front of Jin Feng, and take a look at Jin Feng's reaction.

Qing Mulan was very upset that his brother's men wanted to change jobs in front of him. He glanced sideways at Chen Fengzhi and then changed the subject: "Sir, do you think the Eastern Barbarians will still dare to attack the city tomorrow?"

"I can't say," Jin Feng shook his head: "But if they don't come, we'll just fight them!"

"Call over?"

Qing Mulan was startled, and Meng Tianhai, Zuo Feifei and others also turned their heads to look over.

This chapter has been completed!
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