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Chapter 1170

"Second Squadron, Third Platoon, Second Battalion Reconnaissance Company, Second Battalion of the Northern Expeditionary Army, visit your Majesty at Guanhuaishu!"

The escort who reported the news gave a military salute to the Ninth Princess, and then turned to Guan Xiaorou: "Mrs. Xiaorou!"

According to Jin Feng's request, Xin Dakang has canceled the kneeling ceremony. Even if he sees the Ninth Princess, he only needs to perform a military salute.

When this decision was first implemented, many old scholars opposed it, but Jin Feng insisted, and everyone gradually got used to it.

Nowadays, except for old masters like Tie Shixin, most of the bodyguards salute Ninth Princess and Jin Feng when they see them.

Normally, Guan Xiaorou would not take the initiative to talk to her when the Ninth Princess was present, but this time it was related to Jin Feng. Guan Xiaorou asked anxiously before the Ninth Princess could speak: "Brother Huaishu, how is the boss? Did you win the battle?"


"Sister, my husband should have just arrived at Yuguan City. How could he be so fast?"

The Ninth Princess was afraid that the next news would disappoint Guan Xiaorou, so she was vaccinated in advance.

But who knew that Guan Huaishu said: "Your Majesty, we have won! Both the Jin-Barbarian coalition and the Eastern Barbarians were defeated by Sir!"

The Ninth Princess tilted her head involuntarily, suspecting that she had heard wrongly: "Sir, did you really defeat the Jin-Barbarian coalition and the Eastern Barbarians?"

"Yes, this is a battle report!"

Guan Huaishu took out a booklet from the package and held it to Zhuer with both hands: "Not only were they repelled, the Detachment of Women also killed Feng Shicai, the commander-in-chief of the Jin-Barbarian coalition in battle, and then, with the cooperation of Tiehu Camp, captured Dong Dong alive.

Very Shanyu!"

Although the Ninth Princess was surprised just now, she could still maintain the most basic composure.

But when Guan Huaishu said that Jin Feng had captured Dongman Chanyu, the Ninth Princess could no longer calm down. Instead of looking at the battle report handed over by Zhuer, she stared at Guan Huaishu and asked: "What do you mean, Mr.

Captured the Eastern Barbarian Chanyu?"

"Yes!" Guan Huaishu nodded and said, "I also participated in the ambush and saw Ye Luxiong being captured with my own eyes. My husband and General Liu Tie also confirmed each other's identity!"

"Haha, great! Great!"

The Ninth Princess, who always pays attention to her manners, couldn't help laughing heartily at this time.

After laughing, I picked up the battle report and read it quickly.

Tie Shixin was working in a nearby yard and heard the sound of horse hooves and the announcement of the security guards.

Knowing that the red feather messenger was back, he quickly ran to this side of the yard.

When we arrived at the courtyard, we happened to hear the Ninth Princess laughing.

When he found that the Ninth Princess was reading the battle report, he did not interrupt him and turned to look at Guan Xiaorou: "Madam, sir, did you receive a victory report?"

"Yes," Guan Xiaorou nodded and said proudly: "The leader repelled the Jin-Barbarian coalition and the Eastern Barbarians in Yuguan City, and even captured the Eastern Barbarian Chanyu alive!"

"What, captured Chanyu alive?"

Tie Shixin's eyes suddenly widened.

Defeating the enemy and capturing the opponent's leader alive have two completely different meanings.

Tie Shixin subconsciously wanted to go over and read the battle report, but he was a courtier, the ninth princess or the empress, so doing so was too polite, so he could only endure the scratching in his heart and stare at the battle report eagerly.

Fortunately, the Ninth Princess did not keep him waiting for too long. She quickly read the battle report and handed it to Tie Shixin.

Tie Shixin quickly took it with both hands and read it quickly.

Tie Shixin couldn't help but marvel when he saw Jin Feng abandoning ship and landing in advance, attacking from behind and defeating the Jin-Barbarian coalition in one fell swoop.

When he saw Jin Feng asking his escort to fetch water and make ice to use as ammunition for the catapult, Tie Shixin was stunned.

When the bodyguard came back for the first time, he mentioned the problem of the lack of catapults. At that time, Tie Shixin also felt that this was an unsolvable problem. After all, according to the bodyguard who reported the news, almost all the houses that could be demolished in the city had been demolished.

, we can’t tear down the city wall and smash it out, right?

Who knew that Jin Feng would solve this big problem as soon as he went there?

And the method of using it is so simple.

This made Tie Shixin feel like he was patting his thigh and saying, "Why didn't I think of that?"

When he saw the musketeers repelling the enemy and clearing the mountain of corpses under the city, Tie Shixin breathed a long sigh of relief.

When he saw Jin Feng sending a thousand men to ambush the Chanyu of the Eastern Barbarians, Tie Shixin's heart was still twitching even though he knew he had captured the Chanyu.

The Eastern Barbarians had an army of hundreds of thousands, and he really couldn't imagine how Jin Feng had done it.

Then he saw the detailed process of the ambush, and his expression became very exciting.

After reading it, Tie Shixin was even more excited than the Ninth Princess, slapping his thighs like crazy: "That's great, sir, you are so awesome!"

The Ninth Princess did not blame Tie Shixin for being rude because she was also very excited now.

When Jin Feng left, the Dangxiang people had already arrived in the north of Xizhou County. They have been increasing their troops recently. Their intention to attack Xizhou is obvious, and many escorts and Zhenyuan soldiers are a little nervous.

Jin Feng's battle in Yuguan City will directly affect the morale of the entire army.

The Ninth Princess has been worried that Jin Feng will lose or be entangled in Yuguan City by the Eastern Barbarians and unable to escape.

It's fine now, and all the previous worries have disappeared.

The Ninth Princess secretly took a deep breath, forced herself to calm down, looked down at Tie Shixin at the foot of the steps, and said coldly: "Notify Chen Wenyuan and ask him to add a new page to the military column tomorrow, and the entire army will inform Yuguan City

Great victory! In addition, we will notify prisons in various places to grant amnesty to the world and suspend the execution of prisoners on death row!"

"Yes!" Tie Shixin also suppressed his excitement, bowed and agreed, then thought for a moment and asked for instructions: "Do you want to report news about the Musketeers?"

When a new weapon appears for the first time, it can often have an unexpected effect. For example, this time, without the female workers' musketeers, Jin Feng would not have won so quickly.

In fact, the muskets were prepared by Jin Feng for the party members. Jin Feng sent most of the muskets to Da Zhuang before he arrived in Xizhou. At this time, Da Zhuang was leading three thousand bodyguards in the mountains somewhere in Xizhou.

There is a secret training camp, and they are preparing to teach the party members a lesson after the fight begins, letting them know that even without the airship, the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau can still crush them.

However, the crisis in Yuguan City broke out too suddenly, and it was impossible to gather too many people to reinforce in a short period of time. Jin Feng could only use muskets before Xizhou City.

Once the party members learn the news, they will probably be on guard.

The Ninth Princess thought for a moment, shook her head and said: "We won't announce it for now, just announce the results!"

Yuguan City is located in a remote area, so Dangxiang may not know about the Musketeers.

The relationship between Dongman and Dangxiang has not been very good. This time they reluctantly joined forces to deal with Jin Feng. Now that they have suffered from the musket, they will definitely not take the initiative to tell Dangxiang.

Dangxiang does not have a speedboat, and the weather in the north is very cold. The snow in many places on the grassland is as deep as the thighs, and the war horses cannot run. Even if Dangxiang has an informant in the Eastern Barbarians and wants to send the news back from the Eastern Barbarians, it will take a long time.

short time.

How long can a musket be concealed?

Tie Shixin's idea coincided with that of the Ninth Princess, and he nodded in agreement. He didn't have time to go back and put on his cotton-padded clothes, so he trotted out of the yard, mounted the war horse that the bodyguard had placed at the door, and ran to the Jinchuan Newspaper Office.

This chapter has been completed!
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