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Chapter 1178 Recognition of Status

According to the rules of Sichuan and Sichuan, when a man who is fighting abroad comes back, his wife must go out early and greet him with high standards.

Jin Feng came back in such a hurry that the Ninth Princess only had time to greet him at the door.

"Get up quickly, you have such a big belly, you can't squat casually now."

Jin Feng quickly walked a few steps and helped the Ninth Princess up: "It's already this hour, why aren't you sleeping yet?"

"I was just getting ready to go to bed when I heard that my husband was back, so I came over to greet him."

The Ninth Princess touched Jin Feng's face: "The wind from the north is like cutting people, and their faces are all chapped."

"I've only been there a few days, but you haven't seen Brother Tiezi and the others. Their faces and hands are so cold that they have cuts."

"The soldiers of the Northern Expedition have indeed worked hard. When Brother Tiezi returns with the Northern Expedition in triumph, I will definitely give them the highest reward!"

The Ninth Princess said loudly.

After hearing this, the escorts and female workers who escorted Jin Feng back suddenly felt warm in their hearts.

As soldiers, they dare to fight and are willing to risk their lives, but they are afraid that even if they risk their lives, their superiors will not know at all, or they will not care if they know.

This is also the reason why the bodyguards and female workers are willing to fight with Jin Feng.

Jin Feng never deducts food and military pay like the dandy generals, and rewards and punishments are clear. As long as they dare to work hard and achieve meritorious service, Jin Feng will never treat them badly.

In the earliest escort camp in Houshan, there is an archive room dedicated to recording military merits and casualty pensions.

Every soldier who died, regardless of official position, was recorded in the register, and their families also received the pension and resettlement promised by Jin Feng.

Behind the archives room, there is a stone tablet dedicated to commemorating the souls of the bodyguards who died in the war.

On every first and fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year, as long as Jin Feng and Zhang Liang were in the village, they would burn incense and pay a salute.

During major festivals such as the Mid-Autumn Festival, Jin Feng would also bring his senior officials over.

Although the whole ceremony was not complicated, the people could feel Jin Feng's sincerity, and they could also feel that he was not just going through the motions, but really paying homage to the heroic spirit.

The people are not fools. They know who treats them well and who treats them badly.

Everything Jin Feng does in daily life is seen by the people, so the people are willing to support Jin Feng and the new Dakang.

Jin Feng could see the Ninth Princess's little idea of ​​winning people's hearts at a glance, but he did not say anything or reject it.

Sometimes you have to say what you have done, otherwise people will not understand and misunderstandings will occur.

This is why Jin Feng founded Jinchuan Daily and actively asked Chen Wenyuan to report news objectively.

Good things have to be said, and bad things have to be said. It is better to guard against the people than against the river. Covering up is never the solution to the problem.

Hiding it from the people does not mean that the problem does not exist. It must be solved if it needs to be solved.

Jin Feng established Jinchuan Daily and asked Chen Wenyuan to train reporters, so that they could monitor public opinion so that it would not be like when Chen Ji was in power. Everything was so bad down there and the people could hardly live anymore. Chen Ji didn't know it yet.

What he heard and saw was what the officials in the court wanted him to see and hear. He thought that the people were living a good life and that Dakang was still in peace and prosperity.

"Everyone has been working hard recently. Hurry up and go back to reunite with your family," Jin Feng said to Iron Hammer and the others: "I will arrange for someone to notify you if there is any problem."

Since following him to Yuguan City, the guards did not dare to relax for a moment, and everyone was always in a state of tension.

Now that they have returned to their base camp, Jin Feng can temporarily leave the security work to others, and Tie Hammer and the others can finally take a rest.

Tie Zhui had followed Jin Feng for so long, and he knew Jin Feng's character well, and he was not polite. He gave a military salute to the Ninth Princess and left with his bodyguards.

The guards drove away, and Bei Qianxun hurried over with Guan Xiaorou supported.

"Why are you two here too?" Jin Feng asked with a wry smile.

Guan Xiaorou first walked around Jin Feng to confirm that he was not injured, and then said: "Master, if you are coming back, why don't you send someone back in advance to let him know? If the patrolling escort brother hadn't gone to tell Alian, I would have

I didn't know you were back."

"I was in a hurry all the way, thinking that you would fall asleep again, so I didn't want to wake you up." Jin Feng touched Guan Xiaorou's belly, his eyes full of tenderness.

"The head of the family has returned from the battlefield. It would be unruly for us not to go to the village entrance to greet him. If we don't come over and have a look, tomorrow my mother will know about it and she will scold me for not knowing the rules."

Guan Xiaorou rolled her eyes at Jin Feng, and then saw Runniang following behind.

Seeing Runniang's hair style changing and being so close to Jin Feng, Guan Xiaorou's eyes suddenly became bright.

He walked up to Runniang, reached out and took out a hairpin from her head, and inserted it into Runniang's bun.

Runniang was a little shy to begin with, and now she was so embarrassed that she couldn't even raise her head.

But she did not reject the hairpin, but softly called "sister".


Guan Xiaorou agreed, her eyes narrowed with laughter.

According to Dakang rules, when a housewife inserts a hairpin into a concubine's hair, it means recognizing her position as a concubine.

Runniang calls her sister, which is equivalent to acknowledging Guan Xiaorou's status as a lady.

The Ninth Princess was very attentive. Although most of her attention was on Jin Feng and the sergeant, she also noticed the change in Run Niang's hair style.

But strictly speaking, the Ninth Princess was also one of Jin Feng's concubines, and Guan Xiaorou was the original wife. Therefore, the Ninth Princess could not insert the hairpin for Guan Xiaorou, so she pretended not to see it.

Now that Guan Xiaorou was taking the lead, the Ninth Princess also smiled and took a hairpin from her head and inserted it into Runniang's head.

Runniang usually calls her Majesty Ninth Princess, but this time she also changed her name and called her "sister" in a low voice.

The Ninth Princess also smiled and agreed with grace.

Then everyone turned to look at Kita Chihiro who looked embarrassed.

"Look what's going on," Kita Qianxun felt a little embarrassed as she touched the wooden hairpin on her head.

She was a martial arts practitioner and had been a bandit before, so she didn't pay much attention to dressing up. She felt that the style of gold hairpins was complicated and it would be a pity to lose it. She usually used a casually cut wooden hairpin. She never thought about Jin Feng and Run.

This is how my mother came.

"Run Niang, how about I replenish it for you tomorrow?"

Kita Qianxun, who had always been carefree and would carry Jin Feng into the house at the slightest disagreement, turned red at this moment.

It's not that she doesn't have a gold hairpin, she just doesn't have one.

"How can such a thing happen overnight?"

Guan Xiaorou smiled and rolled her eyes at Bei Qianxun, then took a golden hairpin from her head and inserted it into Bei Qianxun's head.

Bei Qianxun smiled at Guan Xiaorou, quickly took off the hairpin and inserted it into Run Niang's head.

"Thank you, sister." Runniang thanked her in a low voice.

"No thank you, no thank you!" Kita Chihiro smiled so hard that her eyes narrowed.

She was the last to come in, and now someone finally called her sister.

This chapter has been completed!
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