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Chapter 118 Qing Mulan

After leaving the main room, I saw a group of girls standing in the yard.

Everyone's equipment is exactly the same as that of the Iron Forest Army guards. Not only do they wear armor, they also carry swords on their waists.

Except for the girl standing at the front who was looking around curiously, the remaining dozen girls were divided into three teams, with their waists straight and their eyes fixed.

If it weren't for their bulging chests and slightly fair faces, Jin Feng would have thought that Zhong Wu had brought Qing Huai's personal guards here again.

When the girl at the head saw Jin Feng coming out, she stepped forward and asked, "Are you Jin Feng?"

"The young student is Jin Feng. I don't know who you are, girl?"

Jin Feng's mind quickly turned over the host's memories.

After a moment, it was determined that the host did not recognize this girl either.

"I am Qinghuai's sister, and my name is Qing Mulan!"

The girl raised her head and said.

"Qinghuai's sister?"

Jin Feng frowned and said, "I never heard him say that."

But then Jin Feng saw the girl's saber.

It was one of the two black knives I made for Qing Huai.

Looking at the girl's equipment again, Jin Feng was a little convinced.

"This is my brother's handwritten letter, please read it."

The girl took out a letter from her sleeve and handed it over.

Jin Feng took the envelope and took a look at the seal on the lacquer. It was indeed Qinghuai's.

When I opened the envelope, I found that the handwriting was indeed Qinghuai's.

After reading the letter, Jin Feng couldn't help but reveal a wry smile on his face.

Qinghuai said in the letter that Qing Mulan was his cousin, and his father was Qing Liancheng, the brother of Duke Qing.

Qing Liancheng is a staunch leader and a fierce general. Qing Guo Gong's status today and Qing Huai's achievements have a lot to do with Qing Liancheng.

It is a pity that Qing Liancheng was seriously injured in a battle with Dangxiang cavalry five years ago and had to leave the battlefield. The emperor arranged for him to serve as Xichuan Shepherd on Xichuan Road.

Xichuan Road is not a road, but is equivalent to a provincial administrative unit in later generations. Jinchuan County is under the jurisdiction of Xichuan Road.

The reason why Qinghuai's fiefdom is in Jinchuan is largely because his uncle is the highest official of Xichuan Road.

However, Qing Liancheng was seriously injured on the battlefield and died of illness within two years of his return.

The shepherds of a state are all feudal officials who hold real power. After Qing Liancheng's death, Qing Guogong used various methods to send Qing Liancheng's eldest son, Qing Mulan's brother Qing Xinyao, to the position of Xichuan Mu.

Under the influence of her father since childhood, Qing Mulan has been extremely obsessed with military affairs and war. She doesn't like red clothes and loves armed weapons. That's what she said.

Dakang had too many restrictions on women. When Qing Liancheng was alive, Qing Mulan still had some scruples and didn't dare to play too big.

Since Qing Liancheng passed away, and her brother was too busy with government affairs to take care of her, Qing Mulan was completely liberated and quickly recruited more than a dozen girls with some skills to form a women's army.

He also wrote to Qinghuai many times, asking to join the Tielin Army and guard the border.

Dakang has never had a women's army, so how dare Qinghuai agree to it?

All I can do is try to persuade him with good words and coax him slowly.

Qing Mulan is not a troublesome person. He knows Qinghuai's difficulties and doesn't force him very much. At most, he asks for some armors and weapons.

But this time, after the Tielin Army won a comprehensive victory in Weizhou City and word spread to Xichuan, Qing Mulan could no longer sit still. She wrote to Qinghuai saying that if Qinghuai still didn't let her join the Tielin Army, she would take her with her.

He led the women's army to the frontier to find party members.

Qinghuai knew very well that this cousin's character was that she could do what she said, so she had no choice but to write a letter telling Qin Mulan that the victory in Qingshui Valley was all due to Jin Feng, and asked her to come to Jin Feng to study for a period of time before going to Tiel.

Lin Jun.

After Qing Mulan received the letter, she immediately became very interested in Jin Feng. She was afraid that Qing Huai would lie to her, so she sent someone to the capital to confirm the news.

When she learned that the victory at Qingshui Valley was indeed carried out under the command of Jin Feng, Qin Mulan immediately led her women's army and fought all the way to Xihewan.

"My brother said that you are the most powerful general in the world and asked me to come and learn from you."

Qing Mulan said: "From today on, I will study with you. After I finish my studies, I will go to the border to kill the enemy and serve the country!"

"Do you really want to stay?"

Jin Feng rubbed his brows helplessly.

Qinghuai sent an aunt here for him.

Qinghuai also knew that he was in the wrong and apologized to Jin Feng repeatedly in his letters, asking Jin Feng to help him.

This was the first time that Jin Feng saw Qing Huai talking to others in such a humble tone. With the friendship between the two of them, no matter how difficult it was, Jin Feng had to do this.

"Why are you rubbing your head? Do you have a problem with me?"

Qing Mulan stared at Jin Feng coldly with her big eyes.

"Girl, I don't have a problem with you, I'm just worried that you, a girl, won't be able to endure hardships!"

Jin Feng glanced at Qing Mulan with a scrutinizing gaze and shook his head slightly.

Everyone was already here, and Jin Feng didn't dare to let Qing Mulan leave easily.

If she really sneaks to the border, how will she explain to Qinghuai?

For people like Qing Mulan, the method of stimulating generals is indeed the best.

Hearing what Jin Feng said, Qing Mulan ran away: "I thought Mr. Jin was really a master, but it turns out he is also a common man who looks down on women!"

"It's not that I look down on women. On the contrary, I think women can hold up half the sky. Women can do many things better than men, such as spinning. I'm afraid two men are not as good as one woman."

Jin Feng said: "You may not know when you first came here, but I set up a textile factory in the village, and it was all female workers..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Qing Mulan: "I didn't come to you to learn spinning, I want to fight!"

"Just listen to what I have to say."

Jin Feng said: "I don't discriminate against women, but I think there are physical differences between men and women, and some are really not suitable for women. For example, in the military profession, women are naturally not as physically strong as men..."

"Who says we are inferior to men!"

Qing Mulan pulled out the sword and said, "How about we make some gestures?"

"Put it away, put it away, I am a scholar, why should I argue with you?"

Jin Feng took two steps back and said helplessly: "For Qinghuai's sake, it's not impossible for you to stay if you are determined to stay, but we must put the ugly words up front. If you can't live up to my expectations,

If you ask me, just go back and learn from Nühong, and stop running around."

"Tell me, what is your request?"

"I happened to be training a group of veterans recently, all of whom retired from the Tielin Army. It doesn't matter if you just came today, but starting from tomorrow morning, you will have to train with the veterans. If you can't keep up with the training rhythm of the veterans,

, don’t blame me for not giving Qinghuai face."

Jin Feng smiled and asked, "Isn't this too much of a request?"

“It’s not excessive, it’s fair.”

Qing Mulan nodded confidently: "I will prove to you that we are no worse than men!"

"It better be so!"

The corners of Jin Feng's mouth raised slightly, revealing a smile.

This chapter has been completed!
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