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Chapter 12 Tiger Fighting Heroes

The tiger was shot in the leg and became even more frantic. He raised his right front paw as big as a cattail fan and slapped Zhang Mancang.

Zhang Mancang turned pale with fright, rolled on the spot, and rolled down the hillside five or six meters.

The tiger roared angrily, got up on its remaining three legs, and continued the pursuit.


Another arrow flew and hit his left hind leg.

Both legs on the left side were pierced by arrows. The tiger immediately lost its balance and fell to the ground with a thud.

Even so, the tiger remained ferocious, its two right legs flailing and digging two large holes in the ground.

The roar was deafening, and the village women's faces turned pale with fright.

Jin Feng held the crossbow twenty meters away and shot another arrow at the tiger's head.

Hit with an arrow in the head, the tiger gradually stopped struggling.

Regardless of his past life or this life, this is the first time Jin Feng has faced a fierce tiger.

He didn't realize it when he was so nervous just now. Now that the tiger was dead, Jin Feng realized that his heart was beating like a drum, and his hands holding the crossbow kept shaking.

Most of the women who had been shouting loudly just now were so frightened that their legs were weak and they sat on the ground shaking like chaff.

They were all fine, but Zhang Mancang, who had strolled outside the gate of the Palace of Hell, was even more unbearable. A large area of ​​his buttocks was wet. He collapsed on the ground and shook non-stop. His teeth chattered loudly. He was obviously frightened.

"My son!"

The Zhang family's wife ran over and dragged Zhang Mancang aside, made sure her son was okay, knelt down on the ground with a bang, and kowtowed to Jin Feng.

Even the old lady knelt down, and Lin Yunfang and her sister-in-law didn't dare to stand, so they quickly knelt down.

Jin Feng was not used to the ancient ritual of kneeling down, especially when the other party was an old man. He quickly reached out to Zhang's wife and said, "Auntie, don't be like this. If you kowtow to me at such an old age, won't you shorten my life?"

"Brother Jin, this is a life-saving favor, you can afford it!"

The old lady of the Zhang family cried and said: "When you get back, I will build a monument of immortality for you and put it together with the ancestral tablets for you to worship for the rest of your life!"

"It can't be done! It can't be done!"

Jin Feng and the village chief who came over tried to persuade the Zhang family to get up.

When the women saw that the tiger had been killed, they bravely gathered around him.

In troubled times, everyone worships the strong.

No matter how Jin Feng was in the village before, everyone looks at him differently now.

Jin Feng killed the tiger and rescued Zhang Mancang in front of them, which made these women feel like they were dreaming.

But the tiger was lying nearby to remind them that this was not a dream.

"Jin...Jin Feng, you are so powerful, you can kill such a big tiger by yourself!"

Xiaoyu stared at Jin Feng with bright eyes.

What girl is not pregnant? Jin Feng has been studying since he was a child. He has never been exposed to wind and rain, so his appearance is naturally not comparable to that of other farm boys.

Not only Xiaoyu's eyes were sparkling, but other girls of the same age or women with girls at home also looked at Jin Feng in the same way.

No girl was willing to marry before because she was afraid that she would starve to death if she married.

But now they see another side of Jin Feng.

Even if you can kill a tiger, can you still not feed your family?

If you marry a tiger fighting hero, who in the village will dare to bully you in the future?

The third aunt who had just taken the lead in attacking Jin Feng felt her face burning at this moment.

"Xiao... Xiaofeng, it was my fault just now..."

The third aunt took the initiative to apologize, but Jin Feng didn't bother to behave like an old country woman. He waved his hand and said, "It's okay, aunt, it's all over."

"Yes, it's all over, don't mention it anymore."

The village chief patted Jin Feng on the shoulder and laughed heartily and said: "Well done! Haha, we have a tiger-fighting hero in Xihewan. I don't think anyone will dare to underestimate us in the future!"

The surrounding Guanjiawan and Tianjiawan are clan villages with the same surname, while Xihewan is a place where poor people gathered together due to war and famine. They come from all over the world and are naturally not as united as those clan villages, so Xihewan is often bullied by other villages.

Even if the horse bandits charge a regular fee, every family in Xihewan will have to charge an extra two kilograms of millet.

Now, Xihewan has a tiger-fighting hero. If other villages want to bully them, they have to think carefully.

After all, every tiger-fighting hero is not a simple person. He is either a hero with superb skills or an old hunter who is good at making traps, neither of which is easy to mess with.

At the bottom of the mountain, Guan Xiaorou was worried all the time. After washing the dishes, she went out to find Jin Feng.

As soon as I left the village, I heard a tiger roaring.

When he came back to his senses, he ignored his fear and ran towards the back hill like crazy.

It was already dark, and Jin Feng was surrounded by people again. Guan Xiaorou looked around but couldn't find Jin Feng's figure. She suddenly felt that all the strength in her body had been drained, and she sat on the ground and shouted heartbreakingly: "The master!


"Here it is, here it is!"

Jin Feng heard Guan Xiaorou's shout and quickly pushed through the crowd: "Didn't I tell you to stay at home? Why are you here on the mountain?"

"Master, are you okay?"

Guan Xiaorou, who had always been shy, seemed not to notice the people around her. She got up and rushed to Jin Feng's side, hugging Jin Feng's arm.

I was afraid that he would fly away if I let go.


A warmth surged in Jin Feng's heart: "It's just a tiger, I shot it to death with two arrows."

After saying that, he pulled Guan Xiaorou and pushed through the crowd, pointing proudly at the tiger on the ground.

Guan Xiaorou recognized at a glance that the half-remaining arrow stuck in the tiger's head was indeed Jin Feng's.

It was only then that Guan Xiaorou realized that all the women around her were looking at her with ambiguous expressions.

He let go of Jin Feng's arm, his pretty face flushed with embarrassment.

"From the Jin Feng family, you are a great man. You will be blessed in the future."

The third aunt joked: "It's different when you get married. When you become a man, you can kill tigers."

"Auntie, please stop talking. Xiaorou is thin-skinned. If you make her cry later, I will have to coax her."

Jin Feng noticed that Guan Xiaorou was so embarrassed that she almost buried her head in her clothes, so he smiled and protected her behind him.

"Yo yo yo, are you going to protect me now?"

"Jin Feng family, why are you so embarrassed? Your boss killed the tiger, and we are all happy for you."

"I see you are jealous!"

"I'm just jealous. What's wrong? The tiger is worth a lot of money. If you send it to the county government, there will be a reward. Aren't you jealous?"

"The Jin Feng family's life is so good."

Many women looked at Guan Xiaorou with deep envy in their eyes.

In this era, women's status is low, and men can hit and scold them whenever they want. There are very few people like Jin Feng who protect their wives.

The most important thing is that Jin Feng killed the tiger alone. Whether it was the money from selling the tiger or the government bounty, it belongs to him alone.

This is a lot of money. If you save some money, you won't have to worry about it in the next few years or even ten years.

There is no mother-in-law to hold her head, the head of the house is a scholar, he knows how to care for people, and he suddenly got such a large sum of money...

It's strange that other women in the village don't envy Guan Xiaorou.

This chapter has been completed!
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